It’s looking like Trump could take back Wisconsin, Georgia, PA, Nevada, Michigan and Arizona.

And if you guys lose again, you’re just going to whine fraud again.
If you cheat again, of course we will. Who you gonna hire this time? Iran, North Korea. Or are you going to go back to The Chinese or Russians?

How about hiring that guy Al Gore Rhythm?
I'm thinking The Russians and Chinese are no longer gonna want to help The DemNazi Party rig another
Well, that's your first issue - thinking.

With all the information that has come forward it is stupefying that there are still people that don't realize that President Trump had more legal votes than Biden.

It's crazy.
Where are those votes?

And up you ass is not an answer.
2024 is right around the corner. So is the 2022 mid terms. I'm thinking The Russians and Chinese are no longer gonna want to help The DemNazi Party rig another

He would have won them in 2020 if not for the fraudulent votes that they counted.
The ONLY platform you (R) have is FRAUD.
Trump ran with Fraud, his plan from day 1 was to claim fraud, then he WON.

But, the fraud claim continued during his presidency, so he could use it again when he lost.
Which he did. Trump lost.
But the fraud claims continue.

You fuckers are destroying our Nation with FAKE NEWS.
You decry FAKE NEWS, but trump is the FAKE NEWS.
No evidence ever presented that found that their was voter fraud that would have changed the outcome.

You are aware that there was no venue made available to present them?
Why would you think that might be, if it was so certain that it didn't exist?
Well, that's your first issue - thinking.

Nice propaganda pieces. Did Xi and Putin help you post those?

When does 'we got him now' happen?

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