It's occured to me


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I'm an advocate of Liberty- all men are created equal and have certain unalienable Rights- and I'll go to my grave with that in my head and my heart.

But, several years ago I came up with an analogy; when havoc is created, chaos ensues and catastrophe is inevitable- I expounded on that to say, Historians will assign the time line.

What's occurred to me, is; maybe the timeline begins in 1776- the founders believed, from their study of History, that a republican form of governance would help protect Liberty- We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

They also believed that only virtuous men should be elected to serve- (notice that word, serve)- I think it goes without saying that there have been no virtuous men elected for over 100 years, and, I say that because I believe Davy Crockett was the last (maybe even the only) man of virtue to be elected.

So, the founders believed citizens had the right to self- governance- and here we are. We do elect representatives- re present a tives- not leaders, not masters, but followers, servants- yet we clamor for better/different leadership. Our guy is better than your guy- how is my question. Each is a culmination of the previous. No? I want to see evidence, not opinion based on rhetoric or personality- we have become citizens of a cult of personality- dumber than a box of rocks- acolytes of the religion of government edict- the rule of law no longer exists, if it ever did. Neither Lincoln or Washington acted like it did. One or two have on occasion, far between occasions.

So, though I'll die with sowing the seeds of Liberty as my dying breath, it seems people prefer to be ruled over- that's what has occurred to me-

I believe it's because our education is sorely lacking- it's been given way too much weight and pomp with circumstance and avoids the Truth like the plague- education is merely a passing on of knowledge. Sadly, even opinion is knowledge, but, when provided by an authoritarian it becomes gospel- it produces acolytes and pseudo intellectuals- both of whom need to be controlled, since they exhibit no self control- their "trickle down" ignorance is on full display everywhere you turn. So, would we not be better off being ruled over, officially, as opposed to covertly through lying, cheating and scheming by the not so virtuous elected re present a tives?
The Colonial descendants have from among their own recreated the royal class their ancestors rejected.

Modern media runs on celebrity. 2+2.

When the silent majority have finally had enough of the BS things will change.......

Of course I could be wrong.



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