It's Over

It's interesting that the young vote talk a big line but don't show up to vote. It's hard to get those controllers out of their hands. Maybe Bernie should dress as a Super Hero.
It's interesting that the young vote talk a big line but don't show up to vote. It's hard to get those controllers out of their hands. Maybe Bernie should dress as a Super Hero.
Some do, but hopefully these young Bernie voters will stay home knowing how the Democrats screwed them over
Its a real possibility that many of Bernie's supporters won't vote for Biden. As ridiculous as that's a real possibility. Its a shame.
It's interesting that the young vote talk a big line but don't show up to vote. It's hard to get those controllers out of their hands. Maybe Bernie should dress as a Super Hero.


Seriously, I don't know that Biden has the stamina to do the campaigning he needs to do until November. Physically and mentally, he just doesn't look that strong to me.
Seriously, I don't know that Biden has the stamina to do the campaigning he needs to do until November. Physically and mentally, he just doesn't look that strong to me.
So, how will he handle the job of POTUS if he can't handle campaigning?
apparently bin biden has at least one broken hip like Hillary, maybe thats why he requested to sit on a chair or toilet for the debate
Bernie supporters are like children taking their toys and leaving if they don't get their way.
Just cements my opinions of the majority of them. A cancer on the political process

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