It’s Science: Conservatives and Liberals Really Are Pretty different: Here's how


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Well well. a graph and the rest at the site

By Lawrence Bonk (7 days ago) | Nation, Politics


With a presidential election on the horizon, maybe we should try to figure out what makes each side of the political aisle tick. Knowing what someone else cares about, instead of just lobbing insults on message boards, can sometimes help you land on something close to understanding.

A social psychologist named Jonathan Haidt has spent the bulk of his career trying to figure out what motivates both conservatives and liberals. He’s uncovered some interesting points, which have been published in a book called “The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion.”

According to Haidt’s research, there are five things people care about:

  1. avoidance of harm
  2. fairness
  3. loyalty
  4. authority
  5. sanctity
Conservatives care about all five in equal measure and liberals care about only the first two. Here is a quote from the book, as transcribed by The American Conservative:

“It’s as though conservatives can hear five octaves of music, but liberals respond to just two, within which they have become particularly discerning.”

all of it here:
It s Science Conservatives and Liberals Really Are Pretty Different. Here s How

comments on this at the site
Jonathan Haidt: The moral roots of liberals and conservatives


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