It’s the Russians and know?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
If only the Empire could vanquish them!

Caitlin Johnstone nails it again. Do you believe?

The Russians and the Chinese are your enemy.
Not the oligarchic class in your own country that has been exploiting, propagandizing, deceiving, oppressing and robbing you every moment of your life since you were born.
The Russians and the Chinese.

The Russians and the Chinese are your enemy.
Not the people who have been engineering and advancing endless bloodbaths around the world at no benefit to you using your money and your resources and your political energy.
The Russians and the Chinese.

The Russians and the Chinese are your enemy.
Not the political/media class and their plutocratic puppeteers who’ve been manipulating your mind to accept omnicide, ecocide, austerity and increasingly Orwellian dystopia as normal and not to be opposed.
The Russians and the Chinese.

The Russians and the Chinese are your enemy.
Not the sociopathic manipulators who give you two thieving, warmongering, power-worshipping sock puppets to choose from in fake election after fake election to give you the illusion of control.
The Russians and the Chinese.

The Russians And The Chinese Are Your Enemy
This one is perfect...

The Russians and the Chinese are your enemy.
Not the media-owning class who uses their unrivaled narrative control to sow division among your brothers and sisters at home and around the world so you don’t realize who’s really been fucking you over. The Russians and the Chinese.
Government is the enemy. Period.
Absolutely, always, and since the beginning of time and until the end of time.
I don’t disagree, but government isn’t the sole culprit. The wealthy elite are also culpable. We can only hope these two corrupt and incompetent entities don’t get us all killed.
I’m no Libertarian-Anarchist. Less a dreamer than a disillusioned social-democratic realist. So why do I like this OP? Maybe because my bottom line is to “hold the line” against blind American ”patriotic” barbarians. They are everywhere evident among Trump fanatics, but also found in corporate boardrooms, among ordinary liberals and “security state” imperialists. Caitlin Johnstone has the right spirit. She’s like an ever-optimistic warrior of the soul, struggling to liberate us from psychological shackles. Her politics are not bad either! :D
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