It's Time to Talk About Polygamy, the Woman's Vote & Political Strategy

Will Inevitable Polygamy Matter to Women Voters?

  • Uh, duh. Yes. It's a deal-killer.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Maybe, depending on how open-minded they are.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • No! Women won't care at all.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Gay Marriage doesn't mean polygamists may marry.

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters
Caught in a bald-faced lie.

Horse shit. (1) Most women as you well know support marriage equality. (2) No reason exists for women to be upset by what consenting adults do.

Step along.

Well, this is an example of a lie snowballing. Oh what a tangled web you weave when first you practice to deceive Jakey. :eusa_naughty:

You are trying to convince the world right now that average everyday middle bloc women voters, the Janes, Sallys and Veronicas you see shopping at the market with 2 1/2 kids hanging off them, pudgy, stretch marks, haggard, tired, struggling to still look pretty are somehow going to line up and vote FOR a situation that would make it legal for their husband to take a younger, prettier wife eh?

...:lol: :lmao:

Caught in a bald-faced lie.

Horse shit. (1) Most women as you well know support marriage equality. (2) No reason exists for women to be upset by what consenting adults do.

Step along.

Well, this is an example of a lie snowballing.

Yeah, you are lying, because you are saying your opinion is fact and mine is not.

No reason exists for anyone, men and women, to get upset about what consenting adults do.

You try to tie it to marriage equality while refusing to admitted the facts: women support marriage equality. Thus, they won't be too concerned about polygamy.

Hint for mean-spirited shites like you: don't marry into something you don't want.
Yeah, you are lying, because you are saying your opinion is fact and mine is not.

No reason exists for anyone, men and women, to get upset about what consenting adults do.

You try to tie it to marriage equality while refusing to admitted the facts: women support marriage equality. Thus, they won't be too concerned about polygamy.

Hint for mean-spirited shites like you: don't marry into something you don't want.

Reason or lack of it is irrelevant and you KNOW it. :lmao: The question is if IN THE REAL WORLD if those Sallys, Janes or Veronicas will ACTUALLY vote for something they feel is connected with legalizing polygamy in just a little short while.

Your lie is snowballing and picking up speed. Care to take a little break before you crash?
Yeah, you are lying, because you are saying your opinion is fact and mine is not.

No reason exists for anyone, men and women, to get upset about what consenting adults do.

You try to tie it to marriage equality while refusing to admitted the facts: women support marriage equality. Thus, they won't be too concerned about polygamy.

Hint for mean-spirited shites like you: don't marry into something you don't want.

The question is if IN THE REAL WORLD if those Sallys, Janes or Veronicas will ACTUALLY vote for something they feel is connected with legalizing polygamy in just a little short while.

That is your opinion, only, silly one.

Keep lying; it is snowballing.
This is not a GOP or a Donkey issue, Sil.

It is a human issue.

Women support marriage equality, and, I suspect, will generally say polygamy is up to adults, and if a Warren Jeff's situation occurs: cut off his balls.

Ha! Caught in a bald-faced lie. I'd argue that Ashtara would be delusional enough to believe that they'd do that. But you know better. You know the answer is that women who are married, average, hardworking blue-collar workers or wives of blue collar workers or both would NEVER nudge polygamy to legal status by who they support at the polls.


So you weren't actually looking for anyone's opinion, but looking for an opportunity for a 'gotcha' moment?

I didn't think you were discussing facts but asking for opinions. Jake's is that women will accept polygamy in their voting. You may disagree, but that doesn't mean he's lying. Do you have some evidence his opinion on the subject is otherwise, or are you just deciding for him what his beliefs on the subject are?
This is not a GOP or a Donkey issue, Sil.

It is a human issue.

Women support marriage equality, and, I suspect, will generally say polygamy is up to adults, and if a Warren Jeff's situation occurs: cut off his balls.

Ha! Caught in a bald-faced lie. I'd argue that Ashtara would be delusional enough to believe that they'd do that. But you know better. You know the answer is that women who are married, average, hardworking blue-collar workers or wives of blue collar workers or both would NEVER nudge polygamy to legal status by who they support at the polls.


So you weren't actually looking for anyone's opinion, but looking for an opportunity for a 'gotcha' moment?

I didn't think you were discussing facts but asking for opinions. Jake's is that women will accept polygamy in their voting. You may disagree, but that doesn't mean he's lying. Do you have some evidence his opinion on the subject is otherwise, or are you just deciding for him what his beliefs on the subject are?

Montrovant, you nuance too much: I don't know if women will accept polygamy in voting, I think most of them just don't care.

Sil is unhappy because folks don't take her opinions as fiat, that's all.
Montrovant, you nuance too much: I don't know if women will accept polygamy in voting, I think most of them just don't care.

Sil is unhappy because folks don't take her opinions as fiat, that's all.

So....instead of doing the prudent thing and laying low, you're deciding on making that snowball of intellectual dishonesty grow and grow and grow...


So that presents two possibilities about you Jake.

1. You're a collosal, habitual liar.

2. You are so out of touch with planet earth that you need a spacesuit.

See, my problem with you pretending to not know how women in the middle bloc will vote on polygamy/gay marriage platforms/politicians is that you're normally intelligent. So I'm putting my vote down with "liar".

Go to any grocery store, market, beauty parlor or school where normal married frumpy women congregate. Look around. Ask yourself HONESTLY how many of those women will support a platform that includes polygamy/having to share their husband with a younger/prettier wife.
Montrovant, you nuance too much: I don't know if women will accept polygamy in voting, I think most of them just don't care.

Sil is unhappy because folks don't take her opinions as fiat, that's all.

So....instead of doing the prudent thing and laying low, you're deciding on making that snowball of intellectual dishonesty grow and grow and grow...


So that presents two possibilities about you Jake.

1. You're a collosal, habitual liar.

2. You are so out of touch with planet earth that you need a spacesuit.

See, my problem with you pretending to not know how women in the middle bloc will vote on polygamy/gay marriage platforms/politicians is that you're normally intelligent. So I'm putting my vote down with "liar".

Go to any grocery store, market, beauty parlor or school where normal married frumpy women congregate. Look around. Ask yourself HONESTLY how many of those women will support a platform that includes polygamy/having to share their husband with a younger/prettier wife.

The acceptance of polygamy does not mean husbands are going to all of a sudden start taking extra wives, lmao. No, many men are weak and pathetic and hardly capable of handling/ satisfying one woman.

And what is to prevent one dominant woman from having multiple husbands?
The acceptance of polygamy does not mean husbands are going to all of a sudden start taking extra wives, lmao. No, many men are weak and pathetic and hardly capable of handling/ satisfying one woman.

And what is to prevent one dominant woman from having multiple husbands?

There isn't going to be an "acceptance of polygamy". That's my point oh enlightened

And thanks for your last point. We can expect that not only will a significant chunk of votes from women in the middle bloc will reject the democrats but also a significant chunk of the men as well. Cloistered in your orgy den far removed from the general public, you would make a terrible political strategist.
It's interesting to see that 3 people actually believe from the poll that polygamy won't follow the legal precedent of the cult of LGBT getting its toe in the door of the 14th. Any of you want to discuss how that "won't happen"?
Jake thinks all women support gay marriage, that's not so. Married & with children women tend to be conservative & do not support gay anything because they're thinking about the message that will send to their children. Young, Single women are pro-gay marriage & also want everyone besides themselves to pay for their birth control.

It's responsible maturity vs. youthful ignorance & idealism, some point, youth will fade & these idiot females will grow out of their youthful stupidity. That's why the gays are pushing the agenda at hyperspeeds now, while they're still brainwashed.
Jake thinks all women support gay marriage, that's not so. Married & with children women tend to be conservative & do not support gay anything because they're thinking about the message that will send to their children. Young, Single women are pro-gay marriage & also want everyone besides themselves to pay for their birth control.

It's responsible maturity vs. youthful ignorance & idealism, some point, youth will fade & these idiot females will grow out of their youthful stupidity. That's why the gays are pushing the agenda at hyperspeeds now, while they're still brainwashed.

Actually Lockejaw, one of your achilles heels is getting caught up in the passions of an argument and so doing, they will sway you away from making your good points.

You're now angry at Jake. But you shouldn't be because your anger will make you forget your good and noble intentions.

Jake isn't dumb. And so he doesn't believe women in the middle bloc will support polygamy they feel is connected to gay marriage [the democrats]. He knows for a fact that if women in the middle bloc catch wind that gay marriage = polygamy via legal precedent, that his queer-cult is doomed. XXXXXXX
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Why would you care, Ashtara? You're a Satan worshipper & Hitlerite... You also claim "EVERYBODY" should embrace being a bisexual. Judging by your own statements, that would include underage children. Which doesn't surprise me since you already idolize the lowest of lows.

You're right, I do go off on people and let myself get all riled up..actually I just get tired of the rank stupidity a lot of these folks I end up mocking them instead of just making my points.

I appreciate the honest criticism, and I plan on working on it at some point.
Lol! Sil isn't manipulating me. I just respect what she has to say & can tell she is just trying to give some advice. You'll never get me on board with the gay normalization mission. I am not completely incapable of compromise, but the more the radical gay movement pushes it, the more I am not willing to bend.
OK, yes...where were we? Polygamy and its using the legal precedent set by LGBTs.
I've already heard the fundementalist Mormons are hoping gay "marriage" will pass so they can get on with their polygamy case. I don't think many women will go for it, but I am sure Muslims & fundementalist Mormons will be on it like a hornet.
Sil apparently considers polygamy encompasses a man taking on a new, younger wife without the first wife's consent. Most states have this divorce ground called "adultery."
If gay marriage succeeds in setting the new precedent for interpretation of the 14th Amendment to incude minor groupings of behaviors objectionable to the majority as having "special protection" [and the complete eventual destruction of American democratic rule]......

"American democratic rule" never had any legitimate authority over individual rights to begin with. The destruction of that fallacy is long overdue
The only "rule" over civil and personal liberties is the Constitution.

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