It's Time to Talk About Polygamy, the Woman's Vote & Political Strategy

Will Inevitable Polygamy Matter to Women Voters?

  • Uh, duh. Yes. It's a deal-killer.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Maybe, depending on how open-minded they are.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • No! Women won't care at all.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Gay Marriage doesn't mean polygamists may marry.

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters
Ok, let's pretend that this is actually a thing that might happen. Polygamists will jump out of the closet and demand to be married to their partners.

And?? What possible bearing does that have on you? How does the fact that 3 people or 4 people get married have to do with you?

The question of this thread is what bearing does it have on the middle bloc of women voters, not me. If you want to start a thread about what bearing it has on me, feel free. But before you get a warning, I suggest addressing the topic of the thread.

And please do stop dancing around offering up what percentage you're guessing of middle bloc women voters will shy away from a platform that will include polygamy? It's a number between 0-100%. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:

A warning? I have answered the question several times already. My answer is that there is no way to tell what percentage of middle bloc women voters will be effected. So any number offered up would simply be a guess pulled out of the blue, and so would be worthless.

And my comments do have a point. You opened the "slippery slope" area of the conversation. But unless polygamy has an effect on you (or the general population) the idea of a "slippery slope" has no relevance.
Ok, let's pretend that this is actually a thing that might happen. Polygamists will jump out of the closet and demand to be married to their partners.

And?? What possible bearing does that have on you? How does the fact that 3 people or 4 people get married have to do with you?

The question of this thread is what bearing does it have on the middle bloc of women voters, not me. If you want to start a thread about what bearing it has on me, feel free. But before you get a warning, I suggest addressing the topic of the thread.

And please do stop dancing around offering up what percentage you're guessing of middle bloc women voters will shy away from a platform that will include polygamy? It's a number between 0-100%. I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:

A warning? I have answered the question several times already. My answer is that there is no way to tell what percentage of middle bloc women voters will be effected. So any number offered up would simply be a guess pulled out of the blue, and so would be worthless.

And my comments do have a point. You opened the "slippery slope" area of the conversation. But unless polygamy has an effect on you (or the general population) the idea of a "slippery slope" has no relevance.

Equating same gender unions with polygamy isn't a slippery slope, its a jump off a cliff.
Equating same gender unions with polygamy isn't a slippery slope, its a jump off a cliff.

That's not what high-powered lawyers are saying. They're saying that once the precedent for "anyone in love" is set, the arbitrary exclusion of more than two people in love will be seen by the lady with the scales and the blindfold on as just that, "arbitrary" *sound of a gavel slamming down* If society has the constitutional right [see US vs Windsor Opinion] of setting the bond of marriage as between a man and a woman removed, what would exclude polygamists? A mere number? "Because they're icky"?

You are being intellectually dishonest and you know it. Just admit it and save a shred of your credibility. But then again you probably won't because you're willing to sacrafice your credibility, being able to be reborn as another sock puppet. And anyway, anything goes to advance the cause, right? The new dogma...
Silouette thinks spewing regurgitated Mundane memes all over the forum is "making points".
I see we're off topic again. Ash tar a do you have a thought about what percentage of women not like yourself in the middle bloc would reject any political platform with polygamy looming on its immediate horizon?
I see we're off topic again. Ash tar a do you have a thought about what percentage of women not like yourself in the middle bloc would reject any political platform with polygamy looming on its immediate horizon?

Silhouette, on what would you base an estimate of a percentage of women in the middle bloc that would reject any political platform with polygamy looming on it's immediate horizon?

I mean, how would you arrive at a figure that is not pulled out of thin air?
I see we're off topic again. Ash tar a do you have a thought about what percentage of women not like yourself in the middle bloc would reject any political platform with polygamy looming on its immediate horizon?

Also, isn't a discussion of poly relationships a part of the discussion of the dangers it may present to future political platforms?
I don't see where gay marriage will lead to polygamous marriage any more than interracial marriage led to gay marriage

If polygamists gain some political power, unite, get some court decisions behind them...they may someday be recognized

It has nothing to do with gay marriage
I don't see where gay marriage will lead to polygamous marriage any more than interracial marriage led to gay marriage

If polygamists gain some political power, unite, get some court decisions behind them...they may someday be recognized

It has nothing to do with gay marriage

You don't see it. But constitutional attorneys already have drafts ready to file in appeals court for polygamy the instant if gay marriage gets the 14th. The very instant.

Meanwhile, it isn't important what you refuse to see in reality. What's important is what you do see in reality. And to that point, if middle bloc women get it in their heads that gay marriage = polygamy marriage how many of them will defect from voting democrat in the next two elections? Looking for a percentage number between 0-100.
I don't see where gay marriage will lead to polygamous marriage any more than interracial marriage led to gay marriage

If polygamists gain some political power, unite, get some court decisions behind them...they may someday be recognized

It has nothing to do with gay marriage

You don't see it. But constitutional attorneys already have drafts ready to file in appeals court for polygamy the instant if gay marriage gets the 14th. The very instant.

Meanwhile, it isn't important what you refuse to see in reality. What's important is what you do see in reality. And to that point, if middle bloc women get it in their heads that gay marriage = polygamy marriage how many of them will defect from voting democrat in the next two elections? Looking for a percentage number between 0-100.

I will go with 0
I don't see where gay marriage will lead to polygamous marriage any more than interracial marriage led to gay marriage

If polygamists gain some political power, unite, get some court decisions behind them...they may someday be recognized

It has nothing to do with gay marriage

You don't see it. But constitutional attorneys already have drafts ready to file in appeals court for polygamy the instant if gay marriage gets the 14th. The very instant.

Meanwhile, it isn't important what you refuse to see in reality. What's important is what you do see in reality. And to that point, if middle bloc women get it in their heads that gay marriage = polygamy marriage how many of them will defect from voting democrat in the next two elections? Looking for a percentage number between 0-100.

I am still curious about what basis you think anyone has for inventing such a number.

And also, do you think more women would object to it? I don't see what that would be the case. After all, it would certainly be easier for a woman to get two men to go along with it than it would be for a man to get two women to go along with it. At least it would if religious dogma was left out of the equation.
I see we're off topic again. Ash tar a do you have a thought about what percentage of women not like yourself in the middle bloc would reject any political platform with polygamy looming on its immediate horizon?

Behold! Considering that the humans you refer to are primarily Mundane, lifeless, indoctrinated sheeple like yourself- followers of belief systems imposed upon them by greater, more powerful humans whom they allow to program their very souls- I'm inclined to say 66.6 percent would be "against" polygamy because most humans in the U.S. do refuse to think for themselves and would rather deep throat commonly accepted memes out of fear or submission to authority or religion, or fail to apply the willpower necessary to forge their own path and decisions about crucial matters in life regarding sexuality, morality, and numerous other things that fall along a continuum of behaviors, decisions, and choices for us to explore as part of our inherant human nature!

As one third of Heaven's Angels were said to "fall", so it may be that 33.3 percent of these women might actually seek to liberate themselves from the norm, the "society" that they have come to know and love, or may just not show concern anymore about what others think and how that should not dominate their own life. They may instead opt to discover what lies beneath this illusion of "normal", this delusion that makes you sheep so disgustingly sick in the head that you would bow to those who seek to restrict your humanity, impose limits upon your choices and freedoms, and deprive you of the liberty that you fail to pursue for yourselves! One third may yet fall from this false Heaven and unlock an option to discover a paradise awaiting that you mentally enslaved sheep will never experience, an Eden of their own creation, a world free of your codes and laws and attempts to prevent us from tasting one of the many fruits that have long been considered forbidden and taboo!

Alas! Even among those who fall from this mirage of grace, many if not the majority will remain pathetic, Mundane sheep who, though liberated in this one aspect of human sexuality in a single rare instance of potential human brilliance- will continue to behave as their "rulers" command them to, as their religious leaders demand them to, as their peers and fellow Americans of the land all do!
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I don't see where gay marriage will lead to polygamous marriage any more than interracial marriage led to gay marriage

If polygamists gain some political power, unite, get some court decisions behind them...they may someday be recognized

It has nothing to do with gay marriage

You don't see it. But constitutional attorneys already have drafts ready to file in appeals court for polygamy the instant if gay marriage gets the 14th. The very instant.

Meanwhile, it isn't important what you refuse to see in reality. What's important is what you do see in reality. And to that point, if middle bloc women get it in their heads that gay marriage = polygamy marriage how many of them will defect from voting democrat in the next two elections? Looking for a percentage number between 0-100.

I will go with 0

There you have it. According to one member of the LGBT cult, not one single woman in the middle bloc of voters will be swayed to vote against a political party they see tied imminently to polygamy-marriage.

I think that's a realistic estimate, don't you? :eusa_shifty:
I see we're off topic again. Ash tar a do you have a thought about what percentage of women not like yourself in the middle bloc would reject any political platform with polygamy looming on its immediate horizon?

Behold! Considering that the humans you refer to are primarily Mundane, lifeless, indoctrinated sheeple like yourself- followers of belief systems imposed upon them by greater, more powerful humans whom they allow to program their very souls- I'm inclined to say 66.6 percent would be "against" polygamy because most humans in the U.S. do refuse to think for themselves and would rather deep throat commonly accepted memes out of fear or submission to authority or religion, or fail to apply the willpower necessary to forge their own path and decisions about crucial matters in life regarding sexuality, morality, and numerous other things that fall along a continuum of behaviors, decisions, and choices for us to explore as part of our inherant human nature!

As one third of Heaven's Angels were said to "fall", so it may be that 33.3 percent of these women might actually seek to liberate themselves from the norm, the "society" that they have come to know and love, or may just not show concern anymore about what others think and how that should not dominate their own life. They may instead opt to discover what lies beneath this illusion of "normal", this delusion that makes you sheep so disgustingly sick in the head that you would bow to those who seek to restrict your humanity, impose limits upon your choices and freedoms, and deprive you of the liberty that you fail to pursue for yourselves! One third may yet fall from this false Heaven and unlock an option to discover a paradise awaiting that you mentally enslaved sheep will never experience, an Eden of their own creation, a world free of your codes and laws and attempts to prevent us from tasting one of the many fruits that have long been considered forbidden and taboo!

Alas! Even among those who fall from this mirage of grace, many if not the majority will remain pathetic, Mundane sheep who, though liberated in this one aspect of human sexuality in a single rare instance of potential human brilliance- will continue to behave as their "rulers" command them to, as their religious leaders demand them to, as their peers and fellow Americans of the land all do!
Thank you also for finally directly answering my question. The rest of what you said was rather revealing about the LGBT cult. Would any adoption agents out there be willing to adopt an orphan out to Ash tar A?
You don't see it. But constitutional attorneys already have drafts ready to file in appeals court for polygamy the instant if gay marriage gets the 14th. The very instant.

Meanwhile, it isn't important what you refuse to see in reality. What's important is what you do see in reality. And to that point, if middle bloc women get it in their heads that gay marriage = polygamy marriage how many of them will defect from voting democrat in the next two elections? Looking for a percentage number between 0-100.

I will go with 0

There you have it. According to one member of the LGBT cult, not one single woman in the middle bloc of voters will be swayed to vote against a political party they see tied imminently to polygamy-marriage.

I think that's a realistic estimate, don't you? :eusa_shifty:

I still go with 0%

It is not a hot button issue with Democratic women. I see bible thumping conservative women as being concerned with polygamy. Not many Democrats in that group
I still go with 0%

It is not a hot button issue with Democratic women. I see bible thumping conservative women as being concerned with polygamy. Not many Democrats in that group

So there you have it. From the LGBT perspective [the one they're selling to democratic hopefuls in 2014 & 2016] out of millions of pudgy 30 & 40-something housewives in the middle bloc, none of them, that's "zero" will be worried about or reflect that in their vote, the idea that they might have to share as a result of that vote, their husband with a younger, prettier woman.

I'd say that's a fair estimate rightwinger. Good for you.. :eusa_clap: :eusa_shifty:
Behold! Considering that the humans you refer to are primarily Mundane, lifeless, indoctrinated sheeple like yourself- followers of belief systems imposed upon them by greater, more powerful humans whom they allow to program their very souls- I'm inclined to say 66.6 percent would be "against" polygamy because most humans in the U.S. do refuse to think for themselves and would rather deep throat commonly accepted memes out of fear or submission to authority or religion, or fail to apply the willpower necessary to forge their own path and decisions about crucial matters in life regarding sexuality, morality, and numerous other things that fall along a continuum of behaviors, decisions, and choices for us to explore as part of our inherant human nature!

As one third of Heaven's Angels were said to "fall", so it may be that 33.3 percent of these women might actually seek to liberate themselves from the norm, the "society" that they have come to know and love, or may just not show concern anymore about what others think and how that should not dominate their own life. They may instead opt to discover what lies beneath this illusion of "normal", this delusion that makes you sheep so disgustingly sick in the head that you would bow to those who seek to restrict your humanity, impose limits upon your choices and freedoms, and deprive you of the liberty that you fail to pursue for yourselves! One third may yet fall from this false Heaven and unlock an option to discover a paradise awaiting that you mentally enslaved sheep will never experience, an Eden of their own creation, a world free of your codes and laws and attempts to prevent us from tasting one of the many fruits that have long been considered forbidden and taboo!

Alas! Even among those who fall from this mirage of grace, many if not the majority will remain pathetic, Mundane sheep who, though liberated in this one aspect of human sexuality in a single rare instance of potential human brilliance- will continue to behave as their "rulers" command them to, as their religious leaders demand them to, as their peers and fellow Americans of the land all do!

Hey Ashtara, what if in the pursuit of someone's individual freedoms and pleasure-seeking you were abducted, raped, tied up and left for dead? I think then you would be all about at least one or two laws and maybe even a taboo thrown in for good measure?

Really? Anarchy in this day and age? Sure, 7 billion idiot ape-men can all be trusted to not step outside the lines of "personal freedoms" and into the territory of subjegation and abuse of others.

Let me didn't take history in school? Didn't do well in it?
You don't see it. But constitutional attorneys already have drafts ready to file in appeals court for polygamy the instant if gay marriage gets the 14th. The very instant.

Meanwhile, it isn't important what you refuse to see in reality. What's important is what you do see in reality. And to that point, if middle bloc women get it in their heads that gay marriage = polygamy marriage how many of them will defect from voting democrat in the next two elections? Looking for a percentage number between 0-100.

I will go with 0

There you have it. According to one member of the LGBT cult, not one single woman in the middle bloc of voters will be swayed to vote against a political party they see tied imminently to polygamy-marriage.

I think that's a realistic estimate, don't you? :eusa_shifty:

I think your claim that Rightwinger is part of the "LGBT cult" shows far more than his estimation of 0.

Exactly what defines a person as a member of the "LGBT cult"? Is it anyone who does not actively demean homosexuality?
I still go with 0%

It is not a hot button issue with Democratic women. I see bible thumping conservative women as being concerned with polygamy. Not many Democrats in that group

So there you have it. From the LGBT perspective [the one they're selling to democratic hopefuls in 2014 & 2016] out of millions of pudgy 30 & 40-something housewives in the middle bloc, none of them, that's "zero" will be worried about or reflect that in their vote, the idea that they might have to share as a result of that vote, their husband with a younger, prettier woman.

I'd say that's a fair estimate rightwinger. Good for you.. :eusa_clap: :eusa_shifty:

0% seems about right

I have yet to see a female Democratic voter get her panties in a wad over a nonexistant threat of polygamy sweeping the nation

You have to look at TeaTard women to do that

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