It's tough being a "Social Justice Warrior"...

It must be tough, it has to take a serious effort to be that deliberately ignorant, to remain a fugitive of natural selection that long. I just wonder who gets paid to keep some of these parasites from walking into traffic.

What happened to
White liberal pajama boys.
Those pussy's are everywhere! (Mostly in NYC and L.A.).
I love that vid
They're all fleeing back to thier parents basements in the midwest and Australia

I wonder what happened to we're all in this tooogheatheerrrrrrr ?
I always tell white lefties ...if ya ever find yourself being stabbed to death by an illegal or a negro be sure to remind them that your. " movement" and the thier "movement" are allies in The struggle ....also let em know how stunning and brave they are as they gouge your eye out

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