Ivanka attended key meeting that led to Supreme Court draft overturning Roe v. Wade: report

in dramatic turn of events, Ann Coulter is now Ivanka's #1 fan!

My response is a very succinct and heartfelt, "So fucking what?"
in dramatic turn of events, Ann Coulter is now Ivanka's #1 fan!

Yet another hit piece with zero named sources.

Funny how the left is running around with their hair on fire about a SCOTUS draft on Roe, but they are completely silent about the illegal leak. I smell a rat and it smells like a Demorat.
Cite a law that says the leak is illegal, mouth breather.
Funny how the left is running around with their hair on fire about a SCOTUS draft on Roe, but they are completely silent about the illegal leak. I smell a rat and it smells like a Demorat.
Love how the right are more worried about some law clerk leaking this than the fact the a number of Supreme Court Justices lied bare face to Senators during interviews... They reversed settled law on privacy, this means they have opened the door for loads of other issues... This will be about expansion of government into peoples lives...
Love how the right are more worried about some law clerk leaking this than the fact the a number of Supreme Court Justices lied bare face to Senators during interviews... They reversed settled law on privacy, this means they have opened the door for loads of other issues... This will be about expansion of government into peoples lives...
None of them lied, they never said Roe was irreversible.
So? Some of these Progressive USMB Members claim they go to MENSA meetings also...
Judging by their irrationally emo angry posts, I think those are actually menstrual meetings. Liberal men can get pregnant, so logic dictates that they have periods.
Love how the right are more worried about some law clerk leaking this than the fact the a number of Supreme Court Justices lied bare face to Senators during interviews... They reversed settled law on privacy, this means they have opened the door for loads of other issues... This will be about expansion of government into peoples lives...
Oh bullshit, they didn't lie, and yes we should be concerned with a criminal act having to do with SCOTUS. An act that has never occurred before. The fact that Democrats are unconcerned that a criminal act happened tells volumes about who the leaker was.

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