Ivanka, Melanie, Hillary, And Eleanor


Sep 23, 2010
I do not get this one:

'Buy Ivanka's stuff,' Trump aide Kellyanne Conway says on TV, sparking ethical and legal concerns
By Noah Bierman
February 9, 2017, 3:15 PM

'Buy Ivanka's stuff,' Trump aide Kellyanne Conway says on TV, sparking ethical and legal concerns

Are they kidding? Members of Congress have so many ethical problems Mafiosa qualify for sainthood.

My advice to Ivanka: Hold yard sales two or three times a year:


And how about giving Melanie a break:

IT IS a testament to the profound abnormality of Donald Trump’s operation that, even as one outrageous headline follows another, it retains its power to shock. An example of this was contained in the lawsuit Melania Trump filed on February 6th against Mail Media, which operates the Daily Mail’s website.

The lawsuit, filed in a court in Manhattan, argues that some lurid and inaccurate allegations about the first lady, which were reported by the Daily Mail last August and later retracted, had cost her $150m in lost money-making opportunities.​

Melania Trump’s “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity to profit
Feb 9th 2017
by M.S.R.

Melania Trump’s “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity to profit

Melania never saw a dime, while Eleanor raked it in with both hands:

The tall, regal first lady was a magnet for marketers — and she happily signed on. During her years in the White House, she became a paid pitchwoman for hot dog buns, mattresses and air travel.

Many Americans were aghast at the sight of the president’s wife lending her name and face to hawk products in commercial advertising; Congress launched an investigation. But the controversy died down when Eleanor Roosevelt disclosed that she had donated most of her earnings to charity.

The Melania controversy is nothing new: Eleanor Roosevelt pitched hot dog buns.
By Krissah Thompson and Emily Heil
February 8 at 5:57 PM

The Melania controversy is nothing new: Eleanor Roosevelt pitched hot dog buns.

NOTE: Donating to charity was a scam 70 years before former First Lady Hillary Clinton got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

p.s. Eleanor and Hillary used to have little chats; so I have to wonder if Eleanor told Hillary to steal the furniture when she moved out of the White House.
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Well , Yes , but the multi culturalists had a boner for Ellie. Maybe she had one for them? Whatever the case , the beauttiful and dignified Melania is just too much class for the primate demographic.
A rousing cheer to my gal Judi for this one:

There’s more than one messy little detail that the New York Post doesn’t mention about the loud Ivanka Trump complaints from NIMBY neighbour Marietta Robinson and elitist Fox News talking head Chris Wallace.

NIMBYs, including Chris Wallace , Want Obama But not Ivanka in ‘Hood
By Judi McLeod
March 26, 2017

NIMBYs, including Chris Wallace, Want Obama But not Ivanka in ‘Hood

As for the complaints coming from neighbor Marietta Robinson:
My advice to Ivanka: Hold yard sales two or three times a year:
Well , Yes , but the multi culturalists had a boner for Ellie. Maybe she had one for them? Whatever the case , the beauttiful and dignified Melania is just too much class for the primate demographic.

The First Slut is anything but dignified. She's a whore. Period.


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