Will MSNBC, CNN and streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon drop the far left propaganda?

Once upon a time networks didn't see News as a profit center. Faux turn it into the info-tainment industry and it has become the successful propaganda arm of the extremely partisan New MAGA wing of the Once Grand Old Party.
The Murdochs are smart cookies; smart enough to know Liberalism doesn’t sell.
Once upon a time networks didn't see News as a profit center. Faux turn it into the info-tainment industry and it has become the successful propaganda arm of the extremely partisan New MAGA wing of the Once Grand Old Party.
I used to listen to Rush during the day while I was working and that night when I got home whatever he talked about that day was the topics on the conservative forums I hung out on. Of course they woudl always deny being a ditto head. Fox propaganda replaced Rush.
Doubtful it’s who they are they are content with poor ratings and low revenue for the sake of the woke agenda.
Liberal news never had the ratings to sustain their continuous operation without funneling money from another entity.
If you don’t understand this the discussion is as worthless as any discussion with you.

The MSM has multiple platforms, all of which subscript to standard journalistic practices of facts and verification prior to publication/broadcast. Liberal media outlets are not seeking to keep their viewers in a constant state of anger and outrage at conservatives. They simply seek to provide their viewers with the information needed to make their own decisions.

FOX News seeks to create a conservative army of outraged voters to keep Republicans in office and those tax cuts rolling in. Hence the emphasis on illegal immigrants and "open borders". Republicans have been refusing for decades to deal with immigration and that's BECAUSE they can use it every election to go after Democrats. If they solve the problem, or work with Democrats, they'll lose this huge hot button issue to garner votes.

The FOX News model seeks to keep voters angry and blaming Democrats while Republican tax and labour policies diminish the working and middle classes and transfer more and more of the nation's wealth to the top. The only people who benefit from these programs are the billionaire owners of right wing media.
The MSM has multiple platforms, all of which subscript to standard journalistic practices of facts and verification prior to publication/broadcast. Liberal media outlets are not seeking to keep their viewers in a constant state of anger and outrage at conservatives. They simply seek to provide their viewers with the information needed to make their own decisions.

FOX News seeks to create a conservative army of outraged voters to keep Republicans in office and those tax cuts rolling in. Hence the emphasis on illegal immigrants and "open borders". Republicans have been refusing for decades to deal with immigration and that's BECAUSE they can use it every election to go after Democrats. If they solve the problem, or work with Democrats, they'll lose this huge hot button issue to garner votes.

The FOX News model seeks to keep voters angry and blaming Democrats while Republican tax and labour policies diminish the working and middle classes and transfer more and more of the nation's wealth to the top. The only people who benefit from these programs are the billionaire owners of right wing media.
Yep, the MSM is all about facts and verification prior to publication, especially MSNBC and CNN. Now how about buying some of that beachfront property in Arizona...dumbass.
The MSM has multiple platforms, all of which subscript to standard journalistic practices of facts and verification prior to publication/broadcast. Liberal media outlets are not seeking to keep their viewers in a constant state of anger and outrage at conservatives. They simply seek to provide their viewers with the information needed to make their own decisions.

FOX News seeks to create a conservative army of outraged voters to keep Republicans in office and those tax cuts rolling in. Hence the emphasis on illegal immigrants and "open borders". Republicans have been refusing for decades to deal with immigration and that's BECAUSE they can use it every election to go after Democrats. If they solve the problem, or work with Democrats, they'll lose this huge hot button issue to garner votes.

The FOX News model seeks to keep voters angry and blaming Democrats while Republican tax and labour policies diminish the working and middle classes and transfer more and more of the nation's wealth to the top. The only people who benefit from these programs are the billionaire owners of right wing media.
I watch LibTard news and it’s geared towards hating and mocking anyone who disagrees with the LibTard talking points.
I watch LibTard news and it’s geared towards hating and mocking anyone who disagrees with the LibTard talking points.
Besides Joy Reid, I never see it, and she is no where near Tucker (they will not replace us) Carlson. There is no where in TV that generates the outrage Fox does on a daily basis.
I used to listen to Rush during the day while I was working and that night when I got home whatever he talked about that day was the topics on the conservative forums I hung out on. Of course they woudl always deny being a ditto head. Fox propaganda replaced Rush.
The vulgarian Rush's rhetoric and attitude has become mainstream in the New GOP. He was on the Astro sports channel and I would catch his opening schit when I took lunch. He was hilarious. He fooled millions and made millions.
Besides Joy Reid, I never see it, and she is no where near Tucker (they will not replace us) Carlson. There is no where in TV that generates the outrage Fox does on a daily basis.
I watch CNN and MSNBC news with my son and I have to keep myself from falling off my chair from laughter.
That doesn’t mean I love every Fox anchor.
Gutfield, for example, was an ardent neo-Con until Trump won.
The Woke media belong to profitable MNCs that can afford to lose a few hundred million here and there.
Well that’s the issue at hand brother I do not believe that wokeness is profitable in the long term. I think that the ratings are showing that look at what’s going on with CNN …. the ratings are low. People are not watching the woke series on Showtime and HBO as well.

The question is which companies will change their direction. Because I predict we’re going to see some of these big film companies and news producers go broke soon if they continue to go with their far left direction. Yes these people have a bunch of money but they can only spend so much.

how can it ever be that a poor white man or poor black man in America wants to hear anything about social justice issues in America when they want a better job. And when we have some of the best liberal laws in the world. Our goal as Americans should be to help out our country and then also help out all the other areas of the world where there are injustices racially or religiously speaking. But we don’t have religious or racial injustice in America.

The American people don’t want to be blasted with television shows that depict American history in a negative manner. Because that’s pretty much all we’re getting…long gone are the days of good informative TV shows and films it seems like. suppose there’s a good one every now and then but it’s few and far between in my opinion
I am a capitalist by nature, but there are a very few areas that do not work well on the free market like medical care. But, if the RW anti woke gang really believe in the free market, wont the market handle the woke businesses? If the right really believe their conservative doctrine, they would do what they think the right thing is and let the market sort it out. Like comedians for example. If the RWers are right and comedians should be allowed to be as offensive as they want to be, RWs should open a comedy shop, and make all the money why the woke comedians go broke.
In some kind of a way that is what’s happening with the ratings increase of Gutfeld…who took over Stephen Colberts popularity… When we let the market sort itself out and when we saw a conservative comedian get a chance at late night television that’s what happened the market sorted itself out and the American people spoke their mind… and it’s clear the American people don’t want to hear what people like Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel have to say when they insult Donald Trump …when they think that most Americans are cool with Donald Trump or Trump supporters being mocked or derided on late night TV.

It’s also not popular to have a comedian go on about how bad America like we we have somebody who is hosting the Emmys or Grammys go on about how bad America is for minorities. There’s no taste for that in this country among black or white people. What there is a taste for is a better middle class, and a stronger country and a country we can be proud of. That’s why the left-wing comedy shows and the left-wing late night shows are not popular. People don’t want to hear that

Also to your point part of the problem is it’s not conservatives who believe in silencing free-speech or engaging in cancel culture. They allow far left wingers to speak on their platforms whereas we had a major issue for example with Twitter with free-speech being blocked by left-wing political domination on Twitter. That was ended by Elon musk …. but anti freedom of speech and left-wing propaganda still dominates YouTube and Instagram for example.

That’s why I never understand when people on the left wing say … “hey I don’t get why conservatives are against social media silencing certain people, shouldn’t it be a companies choice” ….but We’re not talking about some small business when we talk about companies like YouTube or Instagram or these huge news platforms. These are companies that use their ability to shut down conservatives and change the narrative of politics in America. So that’s an issue that Congress said they’re going to look at and they damn well better. I was not happy with the Republicans not taking control of the Senate in the last midterms ..and now they said they’re going to look into the social media issue so let’s see if they do it.

The far left are the ones who suppress freedom of speech. Most Democrats as I mean traditional ones … are also for free speech…. this is not about letting the market set sort itself out it’s about having a just market as opposed An unjust marketplace which is what we have right now. I certainly agree with you that we should let the markets sort itself out but it’s not being allowed to right now because of the far left and they’re anti-American propaganda which is humiliating to our country it is an embarrassment that we have anti-American shows on HBO and Showtime. It is an embarrassment that the major networks are revamping old shows and giving them a “ woke” look. We don’t need that it doesn’t help anybody.

There’s nothing wrong with self reflection and looking at the history of America to see our successes and drawbacks. But with the far left they take things to a whole new direction with cancel culture and wellness. And we can see the American people have rejected the far left the only question remains which left wing companies are going to change their direction before they go broke.
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DirectTV is going to drop Newsmax from its lineup. I guess they prefer more liberal news organizations.
In some kind of a way that is what’s happening with the ratings increase of Gutfeld…who took over Stephen Colberts popularity… When we let the market sort itself out and when we saw a conservative comedian get a chance at late night television that’s what happened the market sorted itself out and the American people spoke their mind… and it’s clear the American people don’t want to hear what people like Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel have to say when they insult Donald Trump …when they think that most Americans are cool with Donald Trump or Trump supporters being mocked or derided on late night TV.

It’s also not popular to have a comedian go on about how bad America like we we have somebody who is hosting the Emmys or Grammys go on about how bad America is for minorities. There’s no taste for that in this country among black or white people. What there is a taste for is a better middle class, and a stronger country and a country we can be proud of. That’s why the left-wing comedy shows and the left-wing late night shows are not popular. People don’t want to hear that

Also to your point part of the problem is it’s not conservatives who believe in silencing free-speech or engaging in cancel culture. They allow far left wingers to speak on their platforms whereas we had a major issue for example with Twitter with free-speech being blocked by left-wing political domination on Twitter. That was ended by Elon musk …. but anti freedom of speech and left-wing propaganda still dominates YouTube and Instagram for example.

That’s why I never understand when people on the left wing say … “hey I don’t get why conservatives are against social media silencing certain people, shouldn’t it be a companies choice” ….but We’re not talking about some small business when we talk about companies like YouTube or Instagram or these huge news platforms. These are companies that use their ability to shut down conservatives and change the narrative of politics in America. So that’s an issue that Congress said they’re going to look at and they damn well better. I was not happy with the Republicans not taking control of the Senate in the last midterms ..and now they said they’re going to look into the social media issue so let’s see if they do it.

The far left are the ones who suppress freedom of speech. Most Democrats as I mean traditional ones … are also for free speech…. this is not about letting the market set sort itself out it’s about having a just market as opposed An unjust marketplace which is what we have right now. I certainly agree with you that we should let the markets sort itself out but it’s not being allowed to right now because of the far left and they’re anti-American propaganda which is humiliating to our country it is an embarrassment that we have anti-American shows on HBO and Showtime. It is an embarrassment that the major networks are revamping old shows and giving them a “ woke” look. We don’t need that it doesn’t help anybody.

There’s nothing wrong with self reflection and looking at the history of America to see our successes and drawbacks. But with the far left they take things to a whole new direction with cancel culture and wellness. And we can see the American people have rejected the far left the only question remains which left wing companies are going to change their direction before they go broke.
It is pretty great getting a well thought out response. And you did not even call me any names.
The hope is that there is positive change coming to Democrats and coming to CNN MSNBC and streaming platforms like Netflix.
Hope is a good thing but I think we have to realize that the programming isn't done out of ignorance or even as a result of honest people being too zealous. I'm convinced that it is being created and disseminated intentionally. It is designed to divide us and to cause chaos and frustration to the point of us disconnecting and turning off from all news sources due to lack of trust. We are seeing the rise of media-induced tribalism and they are being very effective in their plans.
Or maybe NEWSMAX sucks and don't make them enough money.
As opposed to powerhouses like CNN and MSNBC? Seriously? Those networks, all networks make their money with ads, ads pay for eyeballs seeing them. Those two are the least watched by far.
As opposed to powerhouses like CNN and MSNBC? Seriously? Those networks, all networks make their money with ads, ads pay for eyeballs seeing them. Those two are the least watched by far.
OK cool. The market will sort it out.

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