I've decided to buy an electric car to do my part

Yeah, cities don't do that at all
So because the cities have destroyed square miles of land, hundreds, thousands, your solution is to destroy more land. As if that makes renewables okay.

Moral equivalency.
Not really
Who wants a limited range rolling fire hazard ..I mean really

There’s nothing new here, but it acts as a good reminder of just bad lithium mining is for the environment:

Electric vehicles are promoted as the solution for combating “climate change.” Governments are currently incentivizing the production of electric vehicles, while punishing the fossil fuel industry. However, lithium mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment, and is about as far from “green” as one could imagine. Not to mention, most of the lithium-ion batteries produced today come from China and require water-intensive mining operations that ravage natural environments throughout Australia, Argentina and Chile. The process depletes ground water, and leaves behind toxic wastewater that contaminates fields and harms wildlife. The mining process is not carbon dioxide free, either. The mining process releases 15,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions for every ton of lithium that is extracted.

The Saudis have ordered 150,000 electric cars for delivery in early 2026.
The Saudis have ordered 150,000 electric cars for delivery in early 2026.
The world's greatest scientific minds live in Saudi Arabia, working at the the greatest universities the world has ever seen, all in Saudi Arabia.
The world's greatest scientific minds live in Saudi Arabia, working at the the greatest universities the world has ever seen, all in Saudi Arabia.

Why not? They partner with top universities in the US.
Anyone who is against lithium mining throw out your laptop, smart phones, watches, tablets and anything that uses a lithium battery. Do it now, before it's too late!

Australia provides the world with half it's lithium, and their biggest pollutant are car emissions. Lithium mining creates huge canyons in the middle of the desert and uses a ton of water. How on earth does this even compare with the amount of co2 it takes to extract oil, refine it, transport it, and then have 70% of it come out of our tailpipes? And none of this even covers the constant oil spills which destroy our oceans and wild life. Meanwhile newer and more friendlier ways of extracting lithium are being developed. Can the same be said for oil? You ppl need to move onto the next fake right wing outrage, because this is just pitiful.
Not really
Who wants a limited range rolling fire hazard ..I mean really

There’s nothing new here, but it acts as a good reminder of just bad lithium mining is for the environment:

Electric vehicles are promoted as the solution for combating “climate change.” Governments are currently incentivizing the production of electric vehicles, while punishing the fossil fuel industry. However, lithium mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment, and is about as far from “green” as one could imagine. Not to mention, most of the lithium-ion batteries produced today come from China and require water-intensive mining operations that ravage natural environments throughout Australia, Argentina and Chile. The process depletes ground water, and leaves behind toxic wastewater that contaminates fields and harms wildlife. The mining process is not carbon dioxide free, either. The mining process releases 15,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions for every ton of lithium that is extracted.

Air and water pollution is a local problem that can be controlled. Global warming is a threat to our way of life today and a threat to our existence in the future.
Air and water pollution is a local problem that can be controlled. Global warming is a threat to our way of life today and a threat to our existence in the future.
The doomsday claim for global warming is a hoax
Not really
Who wants a limited range rolling fire hazard ..I mean really

There’s nothing new here, but it acts as a good reminder of just bad lithium mining is for the environment:

Electric vehicles are promoted as the solution for combating “climate change.” Governments are currently incentivizing the production of electric vehicles, while punishing the fossil fuel industry. However, lithium mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment, and is about as far from “green” as one could imagine. Not to mention, most of the lithium-ion batteries produced today come from China and require water-intensive mining operations that ravage natural environments throughout Australia, Argentina and Chile. The process depletes ground water, and leaves behind toxic wastewater that contaminates fields and harms wildlife. The mining process is not carbon dioxide free, either. The mining process releases 15,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions for every ton of lithium that is extracted.

There are many reasons other than global warming to buy an electric vehicle and a few reasons not to:
Reasons to Buy
  • First, they are as safe if not safer according two studies by the IIHS, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
  • They tend to be more reliable than traditionally powered vehicles because they have few moving parts.
  • Fuel cost is less than half of gasoline powered vehicles and fuel it as near as a household outlet.
  • Maintenance cost is much lower because there have so few moving parts and there are no oil changes, no oil filters, no air filters, no fuel filters, no fuel pumps, no water pumps, no oil pumps, no spark plugs, no ignitions system, no mufflers, no catalytic converter, no radiator, etc....
  • Since you can charge them at home, there no time wasted at gas stations.
  • Low center of gravity makes them corner well and are they are very responsive.
  • Most people find that EVs are quiet, responsive and fun to drive.
  • There is a $7,500 tax credit in 2023
  • Range of all EVs have increased. Most vehicles get about 250 miles on a full charge. However a few more expense vehicles get over 300 miles.
  • Lastly they produce no greenhouse gases or air pollutants.
Reason Not to Buy
  • One the most important reasons not to buy that some people ignore is not being able to charge your vehicle at home or your work. If you live in an apartment complex, it is very likely that there will be no charging stations available. This is particular true of older complexes. If you own your home then it is likely you can just plug it in when you get home from work each day.
  • The charging time for electrical vehicles can be a real problem for many people. A 110volt household outlet will charge an EV at a rate of 4 miles/hr. If you charge with a 220 volt outlet, it's about 8 times faster so you can get a full charge over night. However that would require a special charger which will cost you about $800 installed. People who average over 50 miles a day would probably need this charger.
  • Pulling even small trailers would be difficult with EVs
  • If you like to take long trips that is anything over a 100 miles, the problem with finding a charging stations and time to charge would likely be a problem.
An alternative:
A good alternatives to an EV is a Hybrid. I have had two of them and found them very reliable, economical and easy to drive. I have a Hyundai hybrid currently. It runs on gas and electric. It has a range of about 600 miles and gets 44 miles to a gallon on the highway and about 32 mpg in town. If can run on electric only but the range is only about 30 miles. I can fully charge the battery at home but it will charge when you it drive. In most respects it drives just like any other car. It switches from gas to electric automatically and you don't really notice it The only disadvantage is that the large EV battery cuts down on trunk space.

The hybrid is good choice for those who want to do something about reducing greenhouse gases but an EV does work for them.
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And what does extracting oil do to the environment?
No form of energy is without a downside. That said, these idiots who are pushing EVs never even try to acknowledge where those batteries get the energy they use. The cleanest, most efficient energy source on the planet as of 2022 is nuclear. Nothing else comes close at all. The greenies refuse to allow it because of a few accidents. By far and away, nuclear power has the best long term safety record. The bottom line is the AGW is a scam used by globalists to bilk wealthy countries while ignoring the damage done by India and China.

The U.S. already has the cleanest environment of the major nations because we've been taking the issue seriously for decades. None of that matters, though. The children who are panicking about climate change may eventually get what they're begging for and by the time they twig to the scam, the damage to their lives will be irreparable.
Who appointed Chris Wray?

Trump appointed Chris Wray and Jeff sessions to "drain the swamp."

Desantis couldn't possibly be that stooooooopid....
Trump was a victim of being the outsider. The PTB in DC worked on every level to stop him and get rid of him. It's not like ANY politician who wins that office is brilliant enough to handle all of those staffing decisions without professional input from those who "know the rules". If Trump runs, the media and DC mafia will start launching attacks as soon as he announces. If DeSantis is the nominee, they'll do exactly the same thing by painting him as Trump.

If anyone who is serious about disrupting DC's little party is elected, all hell will break loose. They simply will NOT allow anyone to stand against them like Trump did, again. They'll set the country on fire first.
Not really
Who wants a limited range rolling fire hazard ..I mean really

There’s nothing new here, but it acts as a good reminder of just bad lithium mining is for the environment:

Electric vehicles are promoted as the solution for combating “climate change.” Governments are currently incentivizing the production of electric vehicles, while punishing the fossil fuel industry. However, lithium mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment, and is about as far from “green” as one could imagine. Not to mention, most of the lithium-ion batteries produced today come from China and require water-intensive mining operations that ravage natural environments throughout Australia, Argentina and Chile. The process depletes ground water, and leaves behind toxic wastewater that contaminates fields and harms wildlife. The mining process is not carbon dioxide free, either. The mining process releases 15,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions for every ton of lithium that is extracted.

Yep. This is a typical lithium mine. About 3% of the cars on the road now are electric. Imagine if most of them were electric. How many more mines like this would we need?

And a cobalt mine:

And a Nickel Mine

And a manganese mine:

And the other metals used in the electric car batteries aren't any more environmentally friendly.

Compared to the environmental impact of your average oil pipeline:

Yep. This is a typical lithium mine. About 3% of the cars on the road now are electric. Imagine if most of them were electric. How many more mines like this would we need?
View attachment 720197

And a cobalt mine:
View attachment 720198

And a Nickel Mine
View attachment 720199

And a manganese mine:
View attachment 720200

And the other metals used in the electric car batteries aren't any more environmentally friendly.

Compared to the environmental impact of your average oil pipeline:
View attachment 720201
View attachment 720202View attachment 720203
All resource extraction is damaging to the environment but some extractions are far more damaging than others and Lithium mining is far less damaging than production of oil.

Direct lithium extraction, a new method, uses almost no water. Another method employs naturally occurring underground steam instead of outside supplies of water. And as we know from other open pit mines, they can be restored.

With oil we have polutions of ground water, air pollution, spills, and of course greenhouse gas that are fueling climate change. If oil production was centralize like lithium mining we could reduce most the serious damage to the environment but it's not. The problem is global and it lies in the million of producing wells, an estimated 29 million abandoned well most of which are not properly plugged, over 2,000 operating pipelines, over a thousand refiners, 3500 oil tankers operating at sea, and millions of underground storage tanks. In a report by the EPA, it estimated that abandon wells alone in the US are leaking 281 kilotons of methane into air and 10 million barrels of oil into topsoil and ground water every year.

IF we converted every single car in the world to EV's, damage to the environment by lithium would be a small fraction of damage being done now by oil.
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Anyone who is against lithium mining throw out your laptop, smart phones, watches, tablets and anything that uses a lithium battery. Do it now, before it's too late!

Australia provides the world with half it's lithium, and their biggest pollutant are car emissions. Lithium mining creates huge canyons in the middle of the desert and uses a ton of water. How on earth does this even compare with the amount of co2 it takes to extract oil, refine it, transport it, and then have 70% of it come out of our tailpipes? And none of this even covers the constant oil spills which destroy our oceans and wild life. Meanwhile newer and more friendlier ways of extracting lithium are being developed. Can the same be said for oil? You ppl need to move onto the next fake right wing outrage, because this is just pitiful.
Besides, all you need to charge the battery is to plug the cable to the outlet in your car hole. It comes out of thin air, right? I mean electricity.

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