I've wasted so much time in this Forum. Antarctic glacier melt is Volcanic.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Science is ALMOST settled boys and girls ain't it? Nobody knew this for sure 10 years ago. Only 5 yrs ago when the underlaying volcanic rifts began to be studied. What have I been telling you? That GWarming is NOT the answer to every scientific gap in knowledge.

Wasn't the AIR temperatures in Antarctica. It's the only GW free continent. And it wasn't even the Southern Ocean temperatures.

Volcanic activity is melting this Antarctic glacier from below

ike many Antarctic glaciers, the Pine Island Glacier is melting. But Pine Island is melting faster than any other glacier in the world. Surprisingly, it’s not climate change alone that is causing the thaw. New research by the National Science Foundation has found evidence that volcanic activity beneath the glacier is a likely culprit.

An international team of scientists from NSF and the U.K.’s Natural Environmental Research Council discovered an underwater heat source by tracing the chemical signature of helium underwater, according to a press release. That heat source is almost certainly in the form of underwater volcanic activity.


Pine Island Glacier is slowly melting, as seen from above.NASA

It’s unclear exactly how badly the heat source could be damaging the glacier, and how much it will speed up the glacier’s demise, but scientists are sure that the glacier is being melted from below. This thawing could raise the global sea level considerably, and not only because the ice itself is melting into the ocean. The Pine Island Glacier is important for “plugging” other ice from flowing into the sea too quickly, and without it, we may see an even faster sea level rise.
Buried Volcanic Vent Heats Up Antarctica's Fastest-Melting Glacier

What lurks beneath western Antarctica's frozen surface? Volcanic heat, according to a new study. And that extra warmth might be speeding up the disappearance of the Pine Island Glacier, the continent's fastest-melting glacier.

Chilly Antarctica hides much under thick layers of ice, which extend for miles over its bedrock. Scientists previously found a volcanic rift systemstretching under West Antarctica and into the Ross Sea, with as many as 138 volcanoes identified. However, those volcanoes have been dormant for 2,200 years, and evidence that turned up near the Pine Island Glacier pointed to recent magma activity deep underground, the researchers reported.

Like I've said before a bunch of times -- gonna be REAL IRONIC if the world faces a sudden 10 or 20 year catastrophic ocean rise from this and IT WAS NOT CO2 that caused the catastrophe.
Science is ALMOST settled boys and girls ain't it? Nobody knew this for sure 10 years ago. Only 5 yrs ago when the underlaying volcanic rifts began to be studied. What have I been telling you? That GWarming is NOT the answer to every scientific gap in knowledge.

Wasn't the AIR temperatures in Antarctica. It's the only GW free continent. And it wasn't even the Southern Ocean temperatures.

Volcanic activity is melting this Antarctic glacier from below

ike many Antarctic glaciers, the Pine Island Glacier is melting. But Pine Island is melting faster than any other glacier in the world. Surprisingly, it’s not climate change alone that is causing the thaw. New research by the National Science Foundation has found evidence that volcanic activity beneath the glacier is a likely culprit.

An international team of scientists from NSF and the U.K.’s Natural Environmental Research Council discovered an underwater heat source by tracing the chemical signature of helium underwater, according to a press release. That heat source is almost certainly in the form of underwater volcanic activity.


Pine Island Glacier is slowly melting, as seen from above.NASA

It’s unclear exactly how badly the heat source could be damaging the glacier, and how much it will speed up the glacier’s demise, but scientists are sure that the glacier is being melted from below. This thawing could raise the global sea level considerably, and not only because the ice itself is melting into the ocean. The Pine Island Glacier is important for “plugging” other ice from flowing into the sea too quickly, and without it, we may see an even faster sea level rise.

How is any continent free from global warming? It's not continental warming. :p

The article doesn't claim the glacier is melting because of volcanic activity, but rather that it is melting faster because of volcanic activity. It is also only this glacier melting faster due to volcanic activity according to the article, which is the explanation given for why it is melting faster than other glaciers.

I'm not sure how this article or the research have any impact on global warming theories.
Science is ALMOST settled boys and girls ain't it? Nobody knew this for sure 10 years ago. Only 5 yrs ago when the underlaying volcanic rifts began to be studied. What have I been telling you? That GWarming is NOT the answer to every scientific gap in knowledge.

Wasn't the AIR temperatures in Antarctica. It's the only GW free continent. And it wasn't even the Southern Ocean temperatures.

Volcanic activity is melting this Antarctic glacier from below

ike many Antarctic glaciers, the Pine Island Glacier is melting. But Pine Island is melting faster than any other glacier in the world. Surprisingly, it’s not climate change alone that is causing the thaw. New research by the National Science Foundation has found evidence that volcanic activity beneath the glacier is a likely culprit.

An international team of scientists from NSF and the U.K.’s Natural Environmental Research Council discovered an underwater heat source by tracing the chemical signature of helium underwater, according to a press release. That heat source is almost certainly in the form of underwater volcanic activity.


Pine Island Glacier is slowly melting, as seen from above.NASA

It’s unclear exactly how badly the heat source could be damaging the glacier, and how much it will speed up the glacier’s demise, but scientists are sure that the glacier is being melted from below. This thawing could raise the global sea level considerably, and not only because the ice itself is melting into the ocean. The Pine Island Glacier is important for “plugging” other ice from flowing into the sea too quickly, and without it, we may see an even faster sea level rise.

How is any continent free from global warming? It's not continental warming. :p

The article doesn't claim the glacier is melting because of volcanic activity, but rather that it is melting faster because of volcanic activity. It is also only this glacier melting faster due to volcanic activity according to the article, which is the explanation given for why it is melting faster than other glaciers.

I'm not sure how this article or the research have any impact on global warming theories.

There is no appreciable GW on the continent of Antarctica. That's a true story. Various regions have considerably different "climate sensitivities". This concept of reducing the complexity of the entire planets thermodynamics to ONE SILLY NUMBER -- like a GMAST (Global Mean Anomaly Surface Temperature) is an affront to the actual science of studying forcing functtions and heat distribution on the planet.

So there's no SURFACE effect on the ice in Antarctica. And GW is a boundary atmos/surface effect. In addition, the Southern Ocean and its vital "air conditioning" water currents have been very stable thru this entire circus train of tortured science.

30 years of Southern Ocean Surface temperature I plotted from UAH satellite data.


Didya read the part about the 138 volcanoes underneath the West Ant Ice Sheet? They're NOT all dormant. You gonna IGNORE that inconvenient truth???
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Good to give folks something real and hot to worry about. There's PLENTY of enviro issues that have been CRUSHED by the GW crazy train. Time to worry about DIFFERENT stuff kids.
Science is ALMOST settled boys and girls ain't it? Nobody knew this for sure 10 years ago. Only 5 yrs ago when the underlaying volcanic rifts began to be studied. What have I been telling you? That GWarming is NOT the answer to every scientific gap in knowledge.

Wasn't the AIR temperatures in Antarctica. It's the only GW free continent. And it wasn't even the Southern Ocean temperatures.

Volcanic activity is melting this Antarctic glacier from below

ike many Antarctic glaciers, the Pine Island Glacier is melting. But Pine Island is melting faster than any other glacier in the world. Surprisingly, it’s not climate change alone that is causing the thaw. New research by the National Science Foundation has found evidence that volcanic activity beneath the glacier is a likely culprit.

An international team of scientists from NSF and the U.K.’s Natural Environmental Research Council discovered an underwater heat source by tracing the chemical signature of helium underwater, according to a press release. That heat source is almost certainly in the form of underwater volcanic activity.


Pine Island Glacier is slowly melting, as seen from above.NASA

It’s unclear exactly how badly the heat source could be damaging the glacier, and how much it will speed up the glacier’s demise, but scientists are sure that the glacier is being melted from below. This thawing could raise the global sea level considerably, and not only because the ice itself is melting into the ocean. The Pine Island Glacier is important for “plugging” other ice from flowing into the sea too quickly, and without it, we may see an even faster sea level rise.

How is any continent free from global warming? It's not continental warming. :p

The article doesn't claim the glacier is melting because of volcanic activity, but rather that it is melting faster because of volcanic activity. It is also only this glacier melting faster due to volcanic activity according to the article, which is the explanation given for why it is melting faster than other glaciers.

I'm not sure how this article or the research have any impact on global warming theories.

There is no appreciable GW on the continent of Antarctica. That's a true story. Various regions have considerably different "climate sensitivities". This concept of reducing the complexity of the entire planets thermodynamics to ONE SILLY NUMBER -- like a GMAST (Global Mean Anomaly Surface Temperature) is an affront to the actual science of studying forcing functtions and heat distribution on the planet.

So there's no SURFACE effect on the ice in Antarctica. And GW is a boundary atmos/surface effect. In addition, the Southern Ocean and its vital "air conditioning" water currents have been very stable thru this entire circus train of tortured science.

30 years of Southern Ocean Surface temperature I plotted from UAH satellite data.


Didya read the part about the 138 volcanoes underneath the West Ant Ice Sheet? They're NOT all dormant. You gonna IGNORE that inconvenient truth???

You're misusing terms IMO. There may be no appreciable warming on Antarctica. Using global warming as an area specific term just seems silly. :)

I hadn't read about the 138 volcanoes because you posted that article while I had the reply window already open. Having now seen the article, I wonder why you assume they are not dormant? The article claims they have been dormant for 2200 years.
You're misusing terms IMO. There may be no appreciable warming on Antarctica. Using global warming as an area specific term just seems silly. :)

It only seems silly to you because you blew off my explanation. What's REALLY stupid and silly is to represent the Climate Change issue with ONE FUCKING NUMBER. Which is a bastardized average surface temperature for the entire planet. This is emphasized because the public is deemed too stupid to understand the poorly understood and highly complex way that the planet absorbs, transfers, distributes and stores "heat". Almost as absurd as pointing to the shapes of the CO2 vs Temperature graphs and claiming the "science is settled". Any thermodynamic system as complicated as the Earth almost CERTAINLY does not have a temperature curve that correlates with ONE and any ONE of the myriad of variables that can perturb the system. Not with complex feedbacks, and storage and dependencies that we can only just barely estimate.

I hadn't read about the 138 volcanoes because you posted that article while I had the reply window already open. Having now seen the article, I wonder why you assume they are not dormant? The article claims they have been dormant for 2200 years.

The entire point of recent articles (just this past year) like this one is to CONFIRM that they are detecting chemical tracers and byproducts of volcanic combustion. So by DEFINITION a couple are active. In fact a recent paper found TWO (including the one adjacent to the Pine Island Glacier) that ARE active. I posted a map last month. I'll try to find it.
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Montrovant There is another Antarctic Ice thread on the 1st page of the Enviro forum listings. I placed many articles into that thread. This one from Nat Geo was the EARLIEST report of anything deemed active. Below that --- I pasted a more up to date accounting of the MASSIVE VOLCANIC system that is being discovered under that continent.

Active Volcano Found Under Antarctic Ice: Eruption Could Raise Sea Levels

By Ker Than, for National Geographic

A newly discovered volcano found buried beneath a thick layer of ice in Antarctica could speed up ice loss and raise global sea levels when it erupts, scientists say.

The finding, detailed in the current issue of Nature Geoscience, marks the first time that an active volcano has been discovered under the ice of the frozen continent. (Also see "Giant Undersea Volcanoes Found Off Antarctica.")

When it erupts—which no one can predict—the volcano "will create millions of gallons of water beneath the ice—many lakes full," study leader Doug Wiens, professor of earth and planetary science at Washington University in St. Louis, said in a statement.

This water will rush beneath the ice toward the sea and feed into one of the major ice streams that drain ice from Antarctica into the Ross Ice Shelf, Wiens explained.

This OP makes good scientific sense in that it look for other answers to environmental issues that just GW.

kinda have to a call a halt on all the science is settled nonsense, because hardly anyone KNEW there were massive volcanic rifts in Antarctica til about 2011. Didn't know that any were active until 2013. The Fear Industry needs to take a break and figure out WHAT we should be constantly panicked about.
Science is ALMOST settled boys and girls ain't it? Nobody knew this for sure 10 years ago. Only 5 yrs ago when the underlaying volcanic rifts began to be studied. What have I been telling you? That GWarming is NOT the answer to every scientific gap in knowledge.

Wasn't the AIR temperatures in Antarctica. It's the only GW free continent. And it wasn't even the Southern Ocean temperatures.

Volcanic activity is melting this Antarctic glacier from below

ike many Antarctic glaciers, the Pine Island Glacier is melting. But Pine Island is melting faster than any other glacier in the world. Surprisingly, it’s not climate change alone that is causing the thaw. New research by the National Science Foundation has found evidence that volcanic activity beneath the glacier is a likely culprit.

An international team of scientists from NSF and the U.K.’s Natural Environmental Research Council discovered an underwater heat source by tracing the chemical signature of helium underwater, according to a press release. That heat source is almost certainly in the form of underwater volcanic activity.


Pine Island Glacier is slowly melting, as seen from above.NASA

It’s unclear exactly how badly the heat source could be damaging the glacier, and how much it will speed up the glacier’s demise, but scientists are sure that the glacier is being melted from below. This thawing could raise the global sea level considerably, and not only because the ice itself is melting into the ocean. The Pine Island Glacier is important for “plugging” other ice from flowing into the sea too quickly, and without it, we may see an even faster sea level rise.

Has anybody blamed trump or malenia's clothes yet?
Science is ALMOST settled boys and girls ain't it? Nobody knew this for sure 10 years ago. Only 5 yrs ago when the underlaying volcanic rifts began to be studied. What have I been telling you? That GWarming is NOT the answer to every scientific gap in knowledge.

Wasn't the AIR temperatures in Antarctica. It's the only GW free continent. And it wasn't even the Southern Ocean temperatures.

Volcanic activity is melting this Antarctic glacier from below

ike many Antarctic glaciers, the Pine Island Glacier is melting. But Pine Island is melting faster than any other glacier in the world. Surprisingly, it’s not climate change alone that is causing the thaw. New research by the National Science Foundation has found evidence that volcanic activity beneath the glacier is a likely culprit.

An international team of scientists from NSF and the U.K.’s Natural Environmental Research Council discovered an underwater heat source by tracing the chemical signature of helium underwater, according to a press release. That heat source is almost certainly in the form of underwater volcanic activity.


Pine Island Glacier is slowly melting, as seen from above.NASA

It’s unclear exactly how badly the heat source could be damaging the glacier, and how much it will speed up the glacier’s demise, but scientists are sure that the glacier is being melted from below. This thawing could raise the global sea level considerably, and not only because the ice itself is melting into the ocean. The Pine Island Glacier is important for “plugging” other ice from flowing into the sea too quickly, and without it, we may see an even faster sea level rise.

Has anybody blamed trump or malenia's clothes yet?

We have people still blaiming Bush for things...

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