How old were the 2.5 mile thick glaciers covering Chicago in the past 20k-5 million years?

What about wood that's buried?

Stumps decompose too, roots and all, in 100 years. Sorry, FRAUD used in "study" to promote McBullshit - what a shock - NOT

What changed 20,000 years ago to finally thaw Chicago?

This is you once again asking the same questions over and over and given the same answers over and over. Right above your post is an old "estimate" of what North America looked like before North American Ice Age. Obviously it had rivers and lakes etc., but Ellesmere was not an Island then. It is now. North American Ice Age did that, just as Antarctic Ice Age has done this...


For the 8th time on USMB, the ice on Canada down to Chicago was cut off from Ellesmere when the ice that dug out Ellesmere as an Island changed to water. Precisely when that happened is speculative, but my answer is the same 1-5 million years ago that is was the other 7 times we have discussed this issue. What melted that ice? Same answer

We've observed these volcanoes for 50 years. Clearly, if we observed them for a million years, we'd likely observe a larger magma release than we have seen in the limited 50 year window.

Once Ellesmere's ice failed to cross water, the ice on Chicago was no longer being replenished. So it melted, as it had been melting all along there in the summer, the difference being in the winter with continuous ice and no water between Chicago and Ellesmere, it got its "reinforcement" and stayed intact, in fact growing.

And that's another funny part of McBullshit, the idea that 2.5 mile thick ice covering North America down to Chicago melted in under 20,000 years = BULLSHIT

That ice took at least a million years to melt, likely closer to 5 million.

Toddster's response = WHERE is the taxpayer funded "study" documenting that???


Parrot is as Parrot does...

McBullshit is bullshit, because Co2 is bullshit, and Global Warming is bullshit.

Glaciers today are the same they were 50 million years ago, and there is no way 75k years was long enough to grow ice anywhere near moving it 1000 miles and it being 2.5 miles thick 1000 miles away.

75k years into North American Ice Age, the ice was still nowhere near even getting to Chicago, because that's the speed of the Greenland Ice Age, and no bullshit "study" is going to change that truth...
Stumps decompose too, roots and all, in 100 years. Sorry, FRAUD used in "study" to promote McBullshit - what a shock - NOT

This is you once again asking the same questions over and over and given the same answers over and over. Right above your post is an old "estimate" of what North America looked like before North American Ice Age. Obviously it had rivers and lakes etc., but Ellesmere was not an Island then. It is now. North American Ice Age did that, just as Antarctic Ice Age has done this...


For the 8th time on USMB, the ice on Canada down to Chicago was cut off from Ellesmere when the ice that dug out Ellesmere as an Island changed to water. Precisely when that happened is speculative, but my answer is the same 1-5 million years ago that is was the other 7 times we have discussed this issue. What melted that ice? Same answer

We've observed these volcanoes for 50 years. Clearly, if we observed them for a million years, we'd likely observe a larger magma release than we have seen in the limited 50 year window.

Once Ellesmere's ice failed to cross water, the ice on Chicago was no longer being replenished. So it melted, as it had been melting all along there in the summer, the difference being in the winter with continuous ice and no water between Chicago and Ellesmere, it got its "reinforcement" and stayed intact, in fact growing.

And that's another funny part of McBullshit, the idea that 2.5 mile thick ice covering North America down to Chicago melted in under 20,000 years = BULLSHIT

That ice took at least a million years to melt, likely closer to 5 million.

Toddster's response = WHERE is the taxpayer funded "study" documenting that???


Parrot is as Parrot does...

McBullshit is bullshit, because Co2 is bullshit, and Global Warming is bullshit.

Glaciers today are the same they were 50 million years ago, and there is no way 75k years was long enough to grow ice anywhere near moving it 1000 miles and it being 2.5 miles thick 1000 miles away.

75k years into North American Ice Age, the ice was still nowhere near even getting to Chicago, because that's the speed of the Greenland Ice Age, and no bullshit "study" is going to change that truth...

Stumps decompose too, roots and all, in 100 years.

Not all of them.

This is you once again asking the same questions over and over and given the same answers over and over.

I ask you for evidence, over and over.
You never, ever, ever provide it. Never.

For the 8th time on USMB, the ice on Canada down to Chicago was cut off from Ellesmere when the ice that dug out Ellesmere as an Island changed to water.

With all that water locked in the glaciers, the sea level was much lower you fucking retard.

That ice took at least a million years to melt, likely closer to 5 million.


Toddster's response = WHERE is the taxpayer funded "study" documenting that???

You have a privately funded study? Private evidence? Any evidence? Besides your delusions?
The OP is clearly packed with evidence DATA and analysis.


Show the data that said 30-50 million years.

It is absolutely amazing this obvious lie gets past anyone with an IQ over 10...

You just missed the cutoff.
I predict it will get real cold this winter.....just iike it has for the last thousand or so years
It is a claim backed up by evidence, much evidence, all posted above....

The evidence

1. 600 miles to a pole = ice age
2. the actual tectonic plate movement
3. the clear truth that North America was in ice age until very recently, while Greenland was not in ice age until very recently but now is

You do not like that EVIDENCE, but that is EVIDENCE and endlessly lying about it doesn't change THAT TRUTH

4. how old is a 2.5 mile high glacier

Then present some evidence. There is plenty of evidence for continental glaciation. In fact there were three main pulses over the last 250,000 years.

Why is there no evidence of prior life? There is, but you have to dig for it. Continental glaciers scour the land like a gigantic bulldozer. There goes your surface evidence. But underground there is plenty.
Not all of them.


You never, ever, ever provide it. Never

Once again you lie. You do not like the evidence, that is your problem...

With all that water locked in the glaciers, the sea level was much lower you fucking retard.

Um, no it wasn't because there was no ice on Greenland and less ice on Antarctica. As North America thawed, Greenland's ice age started, and Antarctic ice age continued to grow, and is still growing.

You have a privately funded study? Private evidence? Any evidence? Besides your delusions?

Only parroting matters to those of inferior intellect.
Then present some evidence.

Read the FUCKING OP, sub human MORON.

In fact there were three main pulses over the last 250,000 years.

If you can parrot it, then it must be true. Oceans must be warming, never mind no cane increases. Oceans must be rising, except there is no actual evidence of this.

Science is not about parroting. Science requires an IQ over 5, which is why you will never be any good at it. You still think 600F burning jet fuel caused a river of 2200F molten steel to pour out of the south tower.

Why is there no evidence of prior life? There is, but you have to dig for it. Continental glaciers scour the land like a gigantic bulldozer. There goes your surface evidence. But underground there is plenty.

And that is what Toddster's parroted study claims, that wood did not decompose after 20k years, a level of science invalidity that your beaked BIRDBRAIN will parrot and never question...
Read the FUCKING OP, sub human MORON.

If you can parrot it, then it must be true. Oceans must be warming, never mind no cane increases. Oceans must be rising, except there is no actual evidence of this.

Science is not about parroting. Science requires an IQ over 5, which is why you will never be any good at it. You still think 600F burning jet fuel caused a river of 2200F molten steel to pour out of the south tower.

And that is what Toddster's parroted study claims, that wood did not decompose after 20k years, a level of science invalidity that your beaked BIRDBRAIN will parrot and never question...

Oh, sub human am I? How nazi like of you to hurl those epithets around.

I DID read the OP, silly boi. It is opinion. It contains no facts. Clearly you are too stupid to understand the difference. There are many cases where things don't decompose in a timely manner. Those cases require outside influence but they even happen today, so we can see the processes at work.

Ice ages do come on rather quickly. How quickly no one knows but, figure under 500 years. I personally think it is under 100 years. I don’t have enough evidence to support that claim yet, but it is a well thought out hunch.

Jet fuel burns at 1100 degrees you imbecile. There was no river of molten metal. Post a video of your molten river.

It is the most videotaped event in decades. No molten river video seems to exist.
It is opinion. It contains no facts.

This poster should be banned for this type of crap...

What is posted in the OP is evidence and DATA galore....

Any evidence of LIFE on Greenland.... YES

The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest that was home to alder, spruce and pine trees, as well as insects such as butterflies and beetle

So it is fair to say that the ice covering Greenland started up north in the past 2 million years, got to the middle of Greenland 400-800k years ago, and flushed out the Vikings in the 1400s on the southern tip, since when the Vikings found the Southern Tip of Greenland, they called it GREENland because it was green and were able to farm there for centuries before the Greenland ice age pushed them off...

Any evidence of life on Antarctica?

antarctic dinosaurs 70 million years ago - Google Search
This Cretaceous period dinosaur lived about 70 million years ago, towards the end of the Mesozoic Era. A bipedal, long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur (a sauropod) was discovered in the Antarctic interior by William R. Hammer and his team in late 2003.

For the record, prior to 2010 nobody disputed that Antarctic ice was at least 40 million years old. McBullshit disputes that completely...

2. Speed of ice age glacier

Indeed, the data from Greenland above is the best data we have, since it is recent and conclusive. It took Greenland's ice age somewhere between 500k years and 2 million years from its beginning at the northern part of Greenland to get to where it is now.

That is WAY SLOWER than McBullshit suggests.

3. size of the glacier

Greenland's ice is not yet 2 miles thick anywhere. Below the Arctic Circle, Greenland's ice is under 1 mile thick.

Hence the claim of 2.5 mile thick glacier on Chicago being 75k years old is, well, NOT SUPPORTED BY DATA POINT GREENLAND at all.

Antarctica has 2.5 mile thick glacier. There is a dispute over the age of those too. McBullshit claims it is not that old and that while sitting on the South Pole Antarctica has frozen and thawed over and over like Dennis Quaid claimed in the movie "Day After Tomorrow"

4. ice cores

antarctic ice cores years - Google Search
The oldest continuous ice core records to date extend 123,000 years in Greenland and 800,000 years in Antarctica. Ice cores contain information about past temperature, and about many other aspects of the environment

And hence it is fair to say that the 2.5 mile thick glacier on Antarctica is WAY OLDER than 75k years... to put it mildly.

Even the Greenland ice is way older than that too, and it has yet to get to 2 miles thick

5. tectonic plate movement

Reiny recently claimed Greenland is part of North America. Not on my map. But it is on the SAME TECTONIC PLATE moving on the same vector because of the angle of the fault in the North Atlantic

That fault has pushed Greenland NW and Europe SE for tens of millions of years, and hence explains why all of Europe's glaciers are melting while Greenland went into ice age. It was also pushing North America NW until NA got to its closest point to the pole, and then NA started moving SW on the SAME VECTOR on a SPHERE...

Accepting the 600 miles to the pole = your land entered an ice age

this is becoming too common here.

People are entitled to dispute evidence and argue for or against.

They should not be free to just lie and claim what was posted is not "evidence" when it clearly is.
This poster should be banned for this type of crap...

What is posted in the OP is evidence and DATA galore....

this is becoming too common here.

People are entitled to dispute evidence and argue for or against.

They should not be free to just lie and claim what was posted is not "evidence" when it clearly is.

There are no links to their study moron. They are repeating stuff that is WELL KNOWN! They aren't writing about anything new.

Try reading a historical geology textbook from 40 years ago. They write about the exact same stuff, based on geologic, and paleo data.

There are no links to their study moron


You cannot make this up...

“We have shown for the first time that southern Greenland … was once very different to the Greenland we see today,” said study leader Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen.

At some point, serial liars here should be BANNED

You cannot make this up...

“We have shown for the first time that southern Greenland … was once very different to the Greenland we see today,” said study leader Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen.

At some point, serial liars here should be BANNED

Where is the link to their study? And, like I said, they are regurgitating things that have been written about for decades.

You are showing the world just how profoundly ignorant you truly are.
they are regurgitating things that have

The link is clearly about a study that was done by the person cited above, quoted and documented and linked with evidence...

Before that, people thought Greenland was FROZEN for the past 13 million years.

So, yeah, as usual, you are wrong about everything and continuing to lie.
The link is clearly about a study that was done by the person cited above, quoted and documented and linked with evidence...

Before that, people thought Greenland was FROZEN for the past 13 million years.

So, yeah, as usual, you are wrong about everything and continuing to lie.

"ABOUT" a study that there is NO link to.

Thus, you have posted OPINION YOU STUPID JACKASS!

Not, evidence!
"ABOUT" a study that there is NO link to.

Thus, you have posted OPINION YOU STUPID JACKASS!

Not, evidence!

Go to the fucking school and ask for the white paper.

Science Today was satisfied.

The link is not an opinion, it is a summary of a STUDY that CARBON DATED pine cones etc. under Greenland's thickest ice, complete with data and quotes from the leader of the study.

Religious people are horrible at science because religion teaches MORONS to PARROT and NEVER QUESTION
Go to the fucking school and ask for the white paper.

Science Today was satisfied.

The link is not an opinion, it is a summary of a STUDY that CARBON DATED pine cones etc. under Greenland's thickest ice, complete with data and quotes from the leader of the study.

Religious people are horrible at science because religion teaches MORONS to PARROT and NEVER QUESTION

So you finally admit you posted no evidence.
So you finally admit you posted no evidence.

Offer some evidence to disprove the work of those behind the study.

You just admitted you lied over and over. And because your IQ is under 5, you have no ability to debate science or data.

When will Jesus float down from the clouds?
Offer some evidence to disprove the work of those behind the study.

You just admitted you lied over and over. And because your IQ is under 5, you have no ability to debate science or data.

When will Jesus float down from the clouds?

I don't have to. I didn't make a claim.

I did point out that they are merely regurgitating that which has been KNOWN for decades.
I did point out that they are merely regurgitating that which has been KNOWN for decades.

Back that claim up, hypocritical left wing parrot of lies...

suggest that the Greenland Ice Sheet has continuously existed since 18 million years ago.


And that STUDY busted that LIE COLD!!

Pine cones under the thickest part of Greenland's ice are under 1 million years old...

Stick to the BiBULL, it is full of BULLSHIT and SO ARE YOU
Back that claim up, hypocritical left wing parrot of lies...

suggest that the Greenland Ice Sheet has continuously existed since 18 million years ago.


And that STUDY busted that LIE COLD!!

Pine cones under the thickest part of Greenland's ice are under 1 million years old...

Stick to the BiBULL, it is full of BULLSHIT and SO ARE YOU

I am quoting from historical geology textbooks you boob.

Not the bible.
I am quoting from historical geology textbooks

written after homO went silent for two years...

Because the Co2 fraud could not explain how Co2 melted North America and froze Greenland AT THE SAME TIME....

The FBI told homO it was ready to prosecute the climate "scientists" for fraud. homO hid that in the closet. THAT is why Donald Trump was CERTAIN Co2 was fraud. Then Trump picked Zionist Fascist Jeff Sessions as AG, and got a special prosecutor over the Russia fraud.... YOUR HEROES AT WORK

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