How old were the 2.5 mile thick glaciers covering Chicago in the past 20k-5 million years?

where did I say you were arguing global warming???

we still havent confirmed the accuracy of the base denominator to even get that far,,,

I am showing the flaws in any claim made by the global warming cults claim,,,

Is W a conservative?

When will Jesus float down from the clouds?

The Global Warming side is Toddster's side of this debate, imbecile. When you figure that out, let us know...

For the record, W scuttled the FBI investigation into the Co2 fraud in 2007 by appointing LEFT WING CHARLES SCHUMER pal Mike Mukasey as AG who deep sixed it...
why are you bringing jesus into it???

Jesus documents what a HYPOCRITE you are.

You want a measurement of glaciers that melted 10k years ago.

You do not want a VIDEO of Jesus at the brothel spending all the money he bilked from 5000 idiots who bought into his bullshit "I can see" scam.... you "believe in Jesus" with NO EVIDENCE except a fucking book by the one demographic that actually did observe Jesus and was told by ancestors HE WAS A COMPLETE FRAUD and a HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING who GOT WHAT HE DESERVED...

Jesus documents what a HYPOCRITE you are.

You want a measurement of glaciers that melted 10k years ago.

You do not want a VIDEO of Jesus at the brothel spending all the money he bilked from 5000 idiots who bought into his bullshit "I can see" scam.... you "believe in Jesus" with NO EVIDENCE except a fucking book by the one demographic that actually did observe Jesus and was told by ancestors HE WAS A COMPLETE FRAUD and a HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING who GOT WHAT HE DESERVED...

are you one of those religious nuts???

your OP states the thickness of the glaciers,, all I want to know is who measured them or is it just a guess based on assumptions,,

if its the later you cant trust anything using that guess,,,
are you one of those religious nuts?

No, you are.

your OP states the thickness of the glaciers,, all I want to know is who measured them or is it just a guess based on assumptions

Already explained. The North American Ice Age was fully melted thousands of years ago, except for Ellesmere Island (Canada). The estimates, done way before Global Warming and hence are not political science, are based on force estimates on bedrock.

if its the later you cant trust anything using that guess

but you do believe in a "being" you never met....
No, you are.

Already explained. The North American Ice Age was fully melted thousands of years ago, except for Ellesmere Island (Canada). The estimates, done way before Global Warming and hence are not political science, are based on force estimates on bedrock.

but you do believe in a "being" you never met....
you sure sound like a religious nutjob,,,

was the bedrock solidified or still soft when it happened??

to many question to have a productive discussion,,,

better to say A LONG TIME AGO SHIT HAPPENED,, we werent there so everything is a guess,,
Meanwhile, this topic is about the AGE of North American Ice Age

Did it take North American Ice Age 75k years or at least 30 million years to put 2.5 mile thick glacier 1,000 miles from where the ice age originated...

The OP documents the McBullshit side is 20 fold off of every data point on glaciers today.

Toddster parroted a "study" that clearly claims unfrozen wood in nature did not decompose in 20,000 years....

Lights Out, McBullshit.

The Co2 fraud has tried to re-write climate history since homO went "silent" for 2 years in 2010 on the Global Warming issue, with McBullshit replacing North American Ice Age, all about trying to obscure the most obvious Earth climate question of our time...

How did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?

It didn't do either. Tectonic plate movement did...

Toddster insists, wood does not decompose even after 20,000 years.

You may think you have observed dead wood decompose in your life. Toddster knows better. Toddster parrots McBullshit, so Toddster "knows" it doesn't.



Breaking down wood decomposition by fungi

According to Toddster, the above photos are fraud, and the Co2 fraud is honest....
Toddster insists, wood does not decompose even after 20,000 years.

You may think you have observed dead wood decompose in your life. Toddster knows better. Toddster parrots McBullshit, so Toddster "knows" it doesn't.



Breaking down wood decomposition by fungi

According to Toddster, the above photos are fraud, and the Co2 fraud is honest....

Still no evidence of 50,000,000 years of ice on Chicago?
I feel sorry for Chicago ... every time we talk about the worst weather possible, it's always Chicago we name ... never Milwaukee ... or Duluth ... even Point Burrow gets a pass ... weather's always the worst in Chicago ... Buffalo gets lake-effect snow, but Chicago is worse ... Florida gets typhoons, but Chicago is worse ... Los Angeles gets liberals, but Chicago is worse ...

The truth is Chicago gets great weather this time of year ... none better except on The West Coast ...
Still no evidence of 50,000,000 years of ice on Chicago?


The one "study" you parroted that claims it wasn't claims wood does not decompose. Trying to dodge that FRAUD CLAIM is as laughable as the claim that an ice age took just 75k years to put 2.5 mile thick ice 1000 miles away from where it began.

Greenland's ice age took at least 400k years just to get from the middle of Greenland to the Southern Tip, and the Southern Tip glaciers are under a mile thick...

The one "study" you parroted that claims it wasn't claims wood does not decompose. Trying to dodge that FRAUD CLAIM is as laughable as the claim that an ice age took just 75k years to put 2.5 mile thick ice 1000 miles away from where it began.

Greenland's ice age took at least 400k years just to get from the middle of Greenland to the Southern Tip, and the Southern Tip glaciers are under a mile thick...

The one "study" you parroted that claims it wasn't claims wood does not decompose.

Where did it say that?

Where is your study that shows 50 million years? Still looking?
Where is your study


Only PARROTING matters....

Where did it say that?


It C14 dated wood back beyond 20k years.....

So if it did that, DUH, the wood must have still existed and hence did not decompose after 20k+ years of being unfrozen in nature....

Just as laughable as all the rest....

In the practice of actual science, we use data to arrive at theories and conclusions.

The data from Earth glaciers today, as documented in the OP, shows McBullshit (aka the 2.5 mile thick glacier on Chicago was from an "75k year old ice age" that originated 1000 miles away) is "inconsistent" by a factor of 20 on all major issues - size, speed, and ice cores.

Even more laughable is that study that DOES CLAIM WOOD DID NOT DECOMPOSE over 20k years because THEY DATED IT.....

So that is the state of the debate here. There is the actual data of glaciers today, and McBullshit is laughably 20 fold off on all major claims...

and then there is your PARROTED "study" which LIED about that wood and

IF YOU HAVE TO LIE TO "PROVE" something, then that something IS NOT TRUE..

Only PARROTING matters....


It C14 dated wood back beyond 20k years.....

So if it did that, DUH, the wood must have still existed and hence did not decompose after 20k+ years of being unfrozen in nature....

Just as laughable as all the rest....

In the practice of actual science, we use data to arrive at theories and conclusions.

The data from Earth glaciers today, as documented in the OP, shows McBullshit (aka the 2.5 mile thick glacier on Chicago was from an "75k year old ice age" that originated 1000 miles away) is "inconsistent" by a factor of 20 on all major issues - size, speed, and ice cores.

Even more laughable is that study that DOES CLAIM WOOD DID NOT DECOMPOSE over 20k years because THEY DATED IT.....

So that is the state of the debate here. There is the actual data of glaciers today, and McBullshit is laughably 20 fold off on all major claims...

and then there is your PARROTED "study" which LIED about that wood and

IF YOU HAVE TO LIE TO "PROVE" something, then that something IS NOT TRUE..

It C14 dated wood back beyond 20k years.....

So if it did that, DUH, the wood must have still existed and hence did not decompose after 20k+ years of being unfrozen in nature....

There is no wood in the world over 20,000 years old? Are you sure?

Still no study that shows 50 million years? Still looking?
There is no wood in the world over 20,000 years old?


Petrified wood

Processed wood kept inside.

No wood outside in a forest lasts more than 100 years...

Earth climate has laws. One law is that everything within 600 miles of an Earth Pole is IN ICE AGE.

So to prove a 30-50 million year old ice age on North America would simply require tectonic plate movement that placed that land there....

No need for a "study"

Einstein did not have a "study" for his work. He relied on data and laws of science.

If land on Earth is within 600 miles of a pole, that land is IN ICE AGE.

North America is actually still there in the form of Ellesmere Island - LOL!!

Tectonic direction SW...

Greenland is on the same plate moving on the same vector on a sphere, and it is 50 million years behind North America, and it just started AN ICE AGE because it just moved within 600 miles...

There is no need for a study.
Earth climate has laws. One law is that everything within 600 miles of an Earth Pole is IN ICE AGE.

Then what's that cold white stuff on top of Mt Kilimanjaro? ... 3ºS latitude ... [giggle] ...

The whole planet is in an Ice Age ...
Then what's that cold white stuff on top of Mt Kilimanjaro? ... 3ºS latitude ... [giggle] ...

The whole planet is in an Ice Age ...

What percent of Earth ice is it?

Mountains retain ice because atmosphere is thinner at higher altitudes = duh...

An ICE AGE is continent specific event that starts when land gets within 600 miles of a pole. There, the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt during the summer, and hence starts to stack. It grows, it starts pushing itself in all directions, which of course would be in the water on one side. For Greenland, its ice age started within the past 2 million years, and we, humans, via the Vikings, observed its final advance on the Southern Tip. The Greenland Ice Age got to the middle of Greenland 400k - 800k years ago. So the "speed" of an ice age expanding on land (obviously initially away from the pole it just got to within 600 miles of) is about a mile every thousand years, a glacial pace.

By that speed, the North American Ice Age would have expanded about 75 miles from what is now Ellesmere Island in 75k years, not even getting close to Chicago.

Of course, Ellesmere was not an Island then, it was part of a continent that got dug out like Greenland and Antarctica already are...


This is one attempt to re-draw it. Obviously done before the data proved that Greenland was NOT attached....

Petrified wood

Processed wood kept inside.

No wood outside in a forest lasts more than 100 years...

Earth climate has laws. One law is that everything within 600 miles of an Earth Pole is IN ICE AGE.

So to prove a 30-50 million year old ice age on North America would simply require tectonic plate movement that placed that land there....

No need for a "study"

Einstein did not have a "study" for his work. He relied on data and laws of science.

If land on Earth is within 600 miles of a pole, that land is IN ICE AGE.

North America is actually still there in the form of Ellesmere Island - LOL!!

Tectonic direction SW...

Greenland is on the same plate moving on the same vector on a sphere, and it is 50 million years behind North America, and it just started AN ICE AGE because it just moved within 600 miles...

There is no need for a study.

No wood outside in a forest lasts more than 100 years...

What about wood that's buried?

Earth climate has laws. One law is that everything within 600 miles of an Earth Pole is IN ICE AGE.

Is that your evidence that Chicago was under ice for 50 million years?

If land on Earth is within 600 miles of a pole, that land is IN ICE AGE.

Was Chicago 600 miles from the pole 50 million years ago?

North America is actually still there in the form of Ellesmere Island - LOL!!

What changed 20,000 years ago to finally thaw Chicago?

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