J.D Vance wants children to vote.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
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Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

he couldnt find a better person campaigning for him that you,,
Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

now that youve told us of why we should vote for the other guy how about you tell us what your guy has to offer,,

whats that??
you dont have a guy??
Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

Since it would require a Constitutional amendment to make that happen who cares?
Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

A decidedly milquetoast choice. :)
Flops more than Trump himself does. :auiqs.jpg:
Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

You are a knee jerk Democrat, give us a break RW.
Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

I disagree with allowing children to vote .
Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

Babies are good? Wow, you might be the first person I have come across that are opposed to that idea
Babies are good? Wow, you might be the first person I have come across that are opposed to that idea
If you really thought babies were good and wanted to encourage women to have them, you'd drop your overt opposition to abortion and birth control.
Then, you'd have women willingly wanting to have children...instead of forcing them to with a gun to their head (abortion) or avoiding wanting to reproduce alogether (birth control).

You righties just can't see the forest for the trees, can you?....because...God wills it! :auiqs.jpg:
If you really thought babies were good and wanted to encourage women to have them, you'd drop your overt opposition to abortion and birth control.
Then, you'd have women willingly wanting to have children...instead of forcing them to with a gun to their head (abortion) or avoiding wanting to reproduce alogether (birth control).

You righties just can't see the forest for the trees, can you?....because...God wills it! :auiqs.jpg:
What opposition? But Um abortion and birth control do the opposite of making babies…wow
Vance hasn't changed his mind in 30 days. Something else is going on.
I think Jr fucked up by pushing Vance on daddy. A milquetoast, flip-flopping white boy from Ohio who is a novice when it comes to political experience and has had all of his employment and advancement come as a result of the efforts of a billionaire. :auiqs.jpg:

The essence of (white) affirmative action...the best money can buy. :)
What opposition? But Um abortion and birth control do the opposite of making babies…wow
Dumbass. They take away choice. And if you could just see past your own religious fever dream, you'd see that keeping both as choices for women..will have the effect of encouraging women to have their babies...willingly.

But..that's just not in God's plan..is it? :)
Vance hasn't changed his mind in 30 days. Something else is going on.
Look further back at his never Trumper days. And even further back when he actually espoused progressive ideals that the Republican party should embrace. :)

Then, the billionaire starting writing his meal tickets.
Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

I don't see anything you said in that MSN article or the video at the 20 minute mark.
Lots of the things J.D. Vance has spoken in favor of have been considered to be extreme by some people. How extreme he might actually be can be discussed, but it's important to know what he has really said. J.D. Vance is advocating giving the vote to all children. He didn't mention a specific cut-off age, so it's reasonable to assume he means what he says and wants all children from birth onward to be able to vote. . In addition to this new right for infants and children to vote, he wants to give the parents the right to control their children's vote. That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.

Start at about marker 20:00

^^^ Left winger who supports a Party that advocates letting 4 year olds make decisions about whether they want to be sexually mutilated and fed hormone blockers babbling about Republicans being extreme n stuff.
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