Jailed Russian call girl ready to dump on Trump

Fact check: Trump’s power to pardon
Eugene Kiely and Sydney Schaedel, FactCheck.org Published 6:43 p.m. ET July 24, 2017 | Updated 7:05 p.m. ET July 24, 2017

President Trump tweeted that “all agree the U.S. President has the complete power to pardon.” It’s true that the president has the constitutional power to issue pardons, but there are some limits to that power.
Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution says a president cannot pardon “in cases of impeachment.” It also limits the power to “offenses against the United States,” which would exclude violations of state laws.


Wrong, asshole. In the Constitution, "the United States" refers to all the states. "States" is used to mean the plural of "state," as in the treason clause.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Note the use of "them." That means "the United States" refers to the plural of state, not the country as a whole.

uh-huh. that's why there's FEDERAL PRISON & then there's STATE prison. lol....
Whether we have federal and state prisons is irrelevant to the maning of the pardon clause, nitwit. Trump can pardon your parking ticket if he wants to.

keep dreamin'. oh hey- here's a thought.... why are even arguing if no crimes were committed.

worried, alfred?
I'm simply correcting the idiocies you post, snowflake.

every seat in the house is up for grabs in 2018.

lol.... impeachment starts in the house.
CNN is not claiming she's viable.
I am claiming she is more "viable" than CNN. Look, all you've got is MSM, Mueller from a corrupted deep state leadership and a Russian whore. Sounds like the beginning of a joke, eh?

uh-huh. how splattered will your brains be when your head explodes after mueller starts indicting trump's kids & then trump himself?

Kushner and Junior are toast. They will each need a presidential pardon to stay out of jail. They better hope he us president long enough to issue one...
If I were Mueller and was going to seek indictments on all three of them, I would do so all at the same time, just to make it near impossible for any of them to get pardoned.

Theory #1231 about why Mewler hasn't indicted anyone for collusion yet. The pile of worthless discarded theories keeps getting higher.
As far as Trump is concerned, there’s been no indication he’s even being investigated for colluding with Russians. Seems if he’s looking into anything regarding Trump himself, it’s obstruction of justice.
uh-huh. how splattered will your brains be when your head explodes after mueller starts indicting trump's kids & then trump himself?

Kushner and Junior are toast. They will each need a presidential pardon to stay out of jail. They better hope he us president long enough to issue one...

even if trump pardons them- then NY state has their turn with charges of their own that if crimes happened b4 nov. 8, 2017 - then a pardon cannot happen. & they may even go after the tribblehead himself.

tee freakin' hee. :113:

Trump can pardon anyone at anytime for any reason. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Not in cases of impeachment. And if Trump were to be impeached over this, he loses his pardon power over anyone involved.

Only if he is convicted in the Senate. The whole thing is unlikely. He isn't going to be impeached.

He will only be impeached if something VERY serious comes to light. The republicans probably won't impeach him for something like obstructing justice, even though they probably should if they had any sort of moral backbone.

I actually don't really care if he gets charged with anything or not. Actually, I'd rather he just finish his first term and either bow out or lose in 2020.

It just doesn't seem to be as clear-cut a situation as you're making it out to be.

if he is found to be guilty of anything having to do with russian interferance, would you care enough to think that was a treasonous act against the united states & be charged ?

Anything? Anything can mean any one or more of many things. Could you be more specific?

committed a conspiracy himself, or obstruction of justice to the investigation into finding who has conspired.

I think it's pretty damn clear he tried to get in the way of the investigation. Whether that warrants an actual criminal indictment (well, wouldn't he have to be impeached first?) is another matter. I think that it will still be pretty hard to prove in court beyond a reasonable doubt.

If there is some hard evidence that Trump was coordinating with the Russian government/Putin toadies? I find that kind of hard to believe (he's much too dumb to keep that evidence away from someone like Mueller), but even if it's true, Mueller would have to prove that Trump knowingly accepted some sort of campaign contribution from the Russian government. Whether that be money or data. Either he takes the hit on that, or some kind of conspiracy to commit treason charge. Which would probably set the bar much higher. Then again, I'm not a lawyer. I know a bit about employment law, but hardly more than the average Joe when it comes to criminal law.
Clinton accepted all kinds of foreign illegal campaign donations. The Steele dossier being the most egregious example. There's also plenty of evidence that Obama recieved millions in donations from foriegners. I don't recall any of you douchebag snowflakes whining about any of that.
Kushner and Junior are toast. They will each need a presidential pardon to stay out of jail. They better hope he us president long enough to issue one...

even if trump pardons them- then NY state has their turn with charges of their own that if crimes happened b4 nov. 8, 2017 - then a pardon cannot happen. & they may even go after the tribblehead himself.

tee freakin' hee. :113:

Trump can pardon anyone at anytime for any reason. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Not in cases of impeachment. And if Trump were to be impeached over this, he loses his pardon power over anyone involved.

Only if he is convicted in the Senate. The whole thing is unlikely. He isn't going to be impeached.

He will only be impeached if something VERY serious comes to light. The republicans probably won't impeach him for something like obstructing justice, even though they probably should if they had any sort of moral backbone.

They wouldn't even charge Slick Willy with obstruction of justice, even though there was irrefutable proof that he was guilty of it.
uh-huh. how splattered will your brains be when your head explodes after mueller starts indicting trump's kids & then trump himself?

Kushner and Junior are toast. They will each need a presidential pardon to stay out of jail. They better hope he us president long enough to issue one...

even if trump pardons them- then NY state has their turn with charges of their own that if crimes happened b4 nov. 8, 2017 - then a pardon cannot happen. & they may even go after the tribblehead himself.

tee freakin' hee. :113:

Trump can pardon anyone at anytime for any reason. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

crimes committed BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN DO NOT APPLY. & IF he pardoned anybody, NY STATE can go after them for STATE CRIMES.

good god you are poorly educated & trump just loves you to pieces.

"Do not apply?" If you believe he can't pardon somone for crimes committed before he was sworn in, you are wrong. There is no limit on his pardon powers. NY cannot go after anyone for a crime that Trump just pardoned them for. That's double jeapordy, which is unconstitutional.

Why don't you give up while you're behind? You obviously don't know jack about the law.
That’s not double jeopardy, ya fucking moron. Shit, you can’t even spell double jeopardy, no less, know what it means.

It means one jurisdiction can’t charge someone twice for the same crime. State and federal are separate jurisdictions and can both charge an individual with the same crime.

Is there anything you ever get right??
I actually don't really care if he gets charged with anything or not. Actually, I'd rather he just finish his first term and either bow out or lose in 2020.

It just doesn't seem to be as clear-cut a situation as you're making it out to be.

if he is found to be guilty of anything having to do with russian interferance, would you care enough to think that was a treasonous act against the united states & be charged ?

Anything? Anything can mean any one or more of many things. Could you be more specific?

committed a conspiracy himself, or obstruction of justice to the investigation into finding who has conspired.

I think it's pretty damn clear he tried to get in the way of the investigation. Whether that warrants an actual criminal indictment (well, wouldn't he have to be impeached first?) is another matter. I think that it will still be pretty hard to prove in court beyond a reasonable doubt.

If there is some hard evidence that Trump was coordinating with the Russian government/Putin toadies? I find that kind of hard to believe (he's much too dumb to keep that evidence away from someone like Mueller), but even if it's true, Mueller would have to prove that Trump knowingly accepted some sort of campaign contribution from the Russian government. Whether that be money or data. Either he takes the hit on that, or some kind of conspiracy to commit treason charge. Which would probably set the bar much higher. Then again, I'm not a lawyer. I know a bit about employment law, but hardly more than the average Joe when it comes to criminal law.
Clinton accepted all kinds of foreign illegal campaign donations. The Steele dossier being the most egregious example. There's also plenty of evidence that Obama recieved millions in donations from foriegners. I don't recall any of you douchebag snowflakes whining about any of that.

1. I hated Clinton and criticized her all the time for her bullshit.

2. The Steele dossier was not provided by a foreign government, but, rather, by a foreign national, which is not only not illegal at all, but quite common when it comes to opposition research. You already know this, so I'm not sure why you're trying to lie about it.

3. Clinton was widely criticized for the many foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation, including by Yours Truly. It may not have been illegal, but it was shady and unethical for sure.
Kushner and Junior are toast. They will each need a presidential pardon to stay out of jail. They better hope he us president long enough to issue one...

even if trump pardons them- then NY state has their turn with charges of their own that if crimes happened b4 nov. 8, 2017 - then a pardon cannot happen. & they may even go after the tribblehead himself.

tee freakin' hee. :113:

Trump can pardon anyone at anytime for any reason. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

crimes committed BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN DO NOT APPLY. & IF he pardoned anybody, NY STATE can go after them for STATE CRIMES.

good god you are poorly educated & trump just loves you to pieces.

"Do not apply?" If you believe he can't pardon somone for crimes committed before he was sworn in, you are wrong. There is no limit on his pardon powers. NY cannot go after anyone for a crime that Trump just pardoned them for. That's double jeapordy, which is unconstitutional.

Why don't you give up while you're behind? You obviously don't know jack about the law.
That’s not double jeopardy, ya fucking moron. Shit, you can’t even spell double jeopardy, no less, know what it means.

It means one jurisdiction can’t charge someone twice for the same crime. State and federal are separate jurisdictions and can both charge an individual with the same crime.

Is there anything you ever get right??
I know that's the the current theory, which allows the federal government to persecute the unpopular, but it's still double jeapardy. It's being tried twice for the same crime. The feds weasel around it by charging the person with "violating the civil rights" of the so-called victim. It's just one of the many parts of the Bill of Rights the government tramples all over.

BTW, harping on spelling errors is proof that you're an asshole. How many people know how to spell jeapardy without looking it up?
even if trump pardons them- then NY state has their turn with charges of their own that if crimes happened b4 nov. 8, 2017 - then a pardon cannot happen. & they may even go after the tribblehead himself.

tee freakin' hee. :113:

Trump can pardon anyone at anytime for any reason. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

crimes committed BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN DO NOT APPLY. & IF he pardoned anybody, NY STATE can go after them for STATE CRIMES.

good god you are poorly educated & trump just loves you to pieces.

"Do not apply?" If you believe he can't pardon somonefor crimes committed before he was sworn in, you are wrong. There is no limit on his pardon powers. NY cannot go after anyone for a crime that Trump just pardoned them for. That's double jeapordy, which is unconstitutional.

Why don't you give up while you're behind? You obviously don't know jack about the law.

He CANNOT pardon state crimes....IDIOT...

Mueller knows we are dealing with a moral lacking sociopath. He us working with state AGs to back up the federal charges.

If Comrade Trump pardons his family....Mueller will use that in his obstruction of justice case...which is already solid.
Yes he can. Clinton pardoned numerous people for state crimes, like bank fraud. The constitution does not place any limit on the president's pardon powers.

"he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."
holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You just read the answer yourself and you still don’t get it...

against the United States

Get it now, ya fucking moron? Oh, and just so readers here know this, bripat was the one who first started calling himself a “fucking moron.” I’m merely agreeing with him since that’s about the only thing he’s ever gotten right.
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.

naw.... mueller the guy we are banking on. & it seems that trump is unraveling at the seams.

Yeah, you idiots have been saying that for what, 15 months now? Dumbass.

listen little dippity do-duh, watergate took 2 years to investigate & this is so fucked up on a grander scale that mueller is actually going at a rapid pace given what's been coming out in the last couple weeks. but he's not done, yet & you just hang onto your tail feathers....:fu:

Bull shit that only an idiot would believe. Mueller is only keeping this going for the elections. That’s all. If this wasn’t an election year, he’d have been done with it by now.
Umm, Mueller is a Republican. Why would he want to hurt his own party?
if he is found to be guilty of anything having to do with russian interferance, would you care enough to think that was a treasonous act against the united states & be charged ?

Anything? Anything can mean any one or more of many things. Could you be more specific?

committed a conspiracy himself, or obstruction of justice to the investigation into finding who has conspired.

I think it's pretty damn clear he tried to get in the way of the investigation. Whether that warrants an actual criminal indictment (well, wouldn't he have to be impeached first?) is another matter. I think that it will still be pretty hard to prove in court beyond a reasonable doubt.

If there is some hard evidence that Trump was coordinating with the Russian government/Putin toadies? I find that kind of hard to believe (he's much too dumb to keep that evidence away from someone like Mueller), but even if it's true, Mueller would have to prove that Trump knowingly accepted some sort of campaign contribution from the Russian government. Whether that be money or data. Either he takes the hit on that, or some kind of conspiracy to commit treason charge. Which would probably set the bar much higher. Then again, I'm not a lawyer. I know a bit about employment law, but hardly more than the average Joe when it comes to criminal law.
Clinton accepted all kinds of foreign illegal campaign donations. The Steele dossier being the most egregious example. There's also plenty of evidence that Obama recieved millions in donations from foriegners. I don't recall any of you douchebag snowflakes whining about any of that.

1. I hated Clinton and criticized her all the time for her bullshit.

Sure you did. That's what they all say.

2. The Steele dossier was not provided by a foreign government, but, rather, by a foreign national, which is not only not illegal at all, but quite common when it comes to opposition research. You already know this, so I'm not sure why you're trying to lie about it.

Campaign donations from foreign nationals are illegal. Paying a foreign national to work for a campaign is even more illegal, and that's exactly what Hillary did.

3. Clinton was widely criticized for the many foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation, including by Yours Truly. It may not have been illegal, but it was shady and unethical for sure.

Accepting bribes from foreign governments is most certainly illegal.
Trump can pardon anyone at anytime for any reason. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

crimes committed BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN DO NOT APPLY. & IF he pardoned anybody, NY STATE can go after them for STATE CRIMES.

good god you are poorly educated & trump just loves you to pieces.

"Do not apply?" If you believe he can't pardon somonefor crimes committed before he was sworn in, you are wrong. There is no limit on his pardon powers. NY cannot go after anyone for a crime that Trump just pardoned them for. That's double jeapordy, which is unconstitutional.

Why don't you give up while you're behind? You obviously don't know jack about the law.

He CANNOT pardon state crimes....IDIOT...

Mueller knows we are dealing with a moral lacking sociopath. He us working with state AGs to back up the federal charges.

If Comrade Trump pardons his family....Mueller will use that in his obstruction of justice case...which is already solid.
Yes he can. Clinton pardoned numerous people for state crimes, like bank fraud. The constitution does not place any limit on the president's pardon powers.

"he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."
holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You just read the answer yourself and you still don’t get it...

against the United States

Get it now, ya fucking moron? Oh, and just so readers here know this, bripat was the one who first started calling himself a “fucking moron.” I’m merely agreeing with him since that’s about the only thing he’s ever gotten right.

I already explained to you how that doesn't refer to the federal government, but you were too stupid for it to penetrate.
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.

Who do you trust? Hannity, Limbaugh, Breitbart, Jones, etc. You posts are the posts of a fool, a biddable (i.e. easily led) and intellectually challenged Charley McCarthy, with nothing to post but echoes of propaganda, lies, half-truths, rumors and innuendos fed you by your handlers.
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.

naw.... mueller the guy we are banking on. & it seems that trump is unraveling at the seams.

Yeah, you idiots have been saying that for what, 15 months now? Dumbass.

listen little dippity do-duh, watergate took 2 years to investigate & this is so fucked up on a grander scale that mueller is actually going at a rapid pace given what's been coming out in the last couple weeks. but he's not done, yet & you just hang onto your tail feathers....:fu:

Bull shit that only an idiot would believe. Mueller is only keeping this going for the elections. That’s all. If this wasn’t an election year, he’d have been done with it by now.
Umm, Mueller is a Republican. Why would he want to hurt his own party?
Mewler is doing everything possible to hurt the Republican party. Obviously, his party affiliation doesn't mean jack shit to him.
uh-huh. how splattered will your brains be when your head explodes after mueller starts indicting trump's kids & then trump himself?

Kushner and Junior are toast. They will each need a presidential pardon to stay out of jail. They better hope he us president long enough to issue one...

even if trump pardons them- then NY state has their turn with charges of their own that if crimes happened b4 nov. 8, 2017 - then a pardon cannot happen. & they may even go after the tribblehead himself.

tee freakin' hee. :113:

Trump can pardon anyone at anytime for any reason. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Not in cases of impeachment. And if Trump were to be impeached over this, he loses his pardon power over anyone involved.

Only if he is convicted in the Senate. The whole thing is unlikely. He isn't going to be impeached.
Wrong again. If he’s convicted by the Senate, then he’s thrown out of office and can’t be pardoned by the new president. Your ability to comprehend English is sorely lacking.

he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

See that ... ^^^

“Cases of impeachment.” It says nothing about the trial in the Senate and impeachment begins in the House.
Anything? Anything can mean any one or more of many things. Could you be more specific?

committed a conspiracy himself, or obstruction of justice to the investigation into finding who has conspired.

I think it's pretty damn clear he tried to get in the way of the investigation. Whether that warrants an actual criminal indictment (well, wouldn't he have to be impeached first?) is another matter. I think that it will still be pretty hard to prove in court beyond a reasonable doubt.

If there is some hard evidence that Trump was coordinating with the Russian government/Putin toadies? I find that kind of hard to believe (he's much too dumb to keep that evidence away from someone like Mueller), but even if it's true, Mueller would have to prove that Trump knowingly accepted some sort of campaign contribution from the Russian government. Whether that be money or data. Either he takes the hit on that, or some kind of conspiracy to commit treason charge. Which would probably set the bar much higher. Then again, I'm not a lawyer. I know a bit about employment law, but hardly more than the average Joe when it comes to criminal law.
Clinton accepted all kinds of foreign illegal campaign donations. The Steele dossier being the most egregious example. There's also plenty of evidence that Obama recieved millions in donations from foriegners. I don't recall any of you douchebag snowflakes whining about any of that.

1. I hated Clinton and criticized her all the time for her bullshit.

Sure you did. That's what they all say.

2. The Steele dossier was not provided by a foreign government, but, rather, by a foreign national, which is not only not illegal at all, but quite common when it comes to opposition research. You already know this, so I'm not sure why you're trying to lie about it.

Campaign donations from foreign nationals are illegal. Paying a foreign national to work for a campaign is even more illegal, and that's exactly what Hillary did.

3. Clinton was widely criticized for the many foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation, including by Yours Truly. It may not have been illegal, but it was shady and unethical for sure.

There's nothing illegal about paying Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research. They can hire a foreigner if they want to. Otherwise the GOP would be swarming all over her.
Kushner and Junior are toast. They will each need a presidential pardon to stay out of jail. They better hope he us president long enough to issue one...

even if trump pardons them- then NY state has their turn with charges of their own that if crimes happened b4 nov. 8, 2017 - then a pardon cannot happen. & they may even go after the tribblehead himself.

tee freakin' hee. :113:

Trump can pardon anyone at anytime for any reason. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Not in cases of impeachment. And if Trump were to be impeached over this, he loses his pardon power over anyone involved.

Only if he is convicted in the Senate. The whole thing is unlikely. He isn't going to be impeached.

He will only be impeached if something VERY serious comes to light. The republicans probably won't impeach him for something like obstructing justice, even though they probably should if they had any sort of moral backbone.
If that were to occur before the election, you could very well see the biggest swing of power in the House in U.S. history.
I actually don't really care if he gets charged with anything or not. Actually, I'd rather he just finish his first term and either bow out or lose in 2020.

It just doesn't seem to be as clear-cut a situation as you're making it out to be.

if he is found to be guilty of anything having to do with russian interferance, would you care enough to think that was a treasonous act against the united states & be charged ?

Anything? Anything can mean any one or more of many things. Could you be more specific?

committed a conspiracy himself, or obstruction of justice to the investigation into finding who has conspired.

I think it's pretty damn clear he tried to get in the way of the investigation. Whether that warrants an actual criminal indictment (well, wouldn't he have to be impeached first?) is another matter. I think that it will still be pretty hard to prove in court beyond a reasonable doubt.

If there is some hard evidence that Trump was coordinating with the Russian government/Putin toadies? I find that kind of hard to believe (he's much too dumb to keep that evidence away from someone like Mueller), but even if it's true, Mueller would have to prove that Trump knowingly accepted some sort of campaign contribution from the Russian government. Whether that be money or data. Either he takes the hit on that, or some kind of conspiracy to commit treason charge. Which would probably set the bar much higher. Then again, I'm not a lawyer. I know a bit about employment law, but hardly more than the average Joe when it comes to criminal law.
Clinton accepted all kinds of foreign illegal campaign donations. The Steele dossier being the most egregious example. There's also plenty of evidence that Obama recieved millions in donations from foriegners. I don't recall any of you douchebag snowflakes whining about any of that.
Oh? What did Hillary use against Trump from the dossier?
even if trump pardons them- then NY state has their turn with charges of their own that if crimes happened b4 nov. 8, 2017 - then a pardon cannot happen. & they may even go after the tribblehead himself.

tee freakin' hee. :113:

Trump can pardon anyone at anytime for any reason. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

crimes committed BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN DO NOT APPLY. & IF he pardoned anybody, NY STATE can go after them for STATE CRIMES.

good god you are poorly educated & trump just loves you to pieces.

"Do not apply?" If you believe he can't pardon somone for crimes committed before he was sworn in, you are wrong. There is no limit on his pardon powers. NY cannot go after anyone for a crime that Trump just pardoned them for. That's double jeapordy, which is unconstitutional.

Why don't you give up while you're behind? You obviously don't know jack about the law.
That’s not double jeopardy, ya fucking moron. Shit, you can’t even spell double jeopardy, no less, know what it means.

It means one jurisdiction can’t charge someone twice for the same crime. State and federal are separate jurisdictions and can both charge an individual with the same crime.

Is there anything you ever get right??
I know that's the the current theory, which allows the federal government to persecute the unpopular, but it's still double jeapardy. It's being tried twice for the same crime. The feds weasel around it by charging the person with "violating the civil rights" of the so-called victim. It's just one of the many parts of the Bill of Rights the government tramples all over.

BTW, harping on spelling errors is proof that you're an asshole. How many people know how to spell jeapardy without looking it up?
Holy fuck, are you rightarded. :eusa_doh:

I just showed you how to spell double jeopardy and you STILL can’t spell it right. :eusa_doh: You’re truly ineducable.

And fucking moron... it’s not “jeapordy” or “jeapardy,” it’s “jeopardy.” It’s not so bad that you don’t know how to spell a word that most 3rd graders can spell, but you show the forum you’re a complete imbecile when you still can’t spell it even after being shown how it’s spelled.

And no, being charged by the federal government and state for the same crime is not double jeopardy. They’re two separate jurisdictions which can each charge an individual for the same crime.

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