Jakelin Caal Maquin had a name.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The massive migrant caravans from Central America are part of a strategy to poison public opinion against a President of the United States that was not supposed to win the election. The people in the Caravans are innocent pawns of rich and powerful movers and shakers in the US that join forces with Soros funded organizations bent on borderless societies to foster a one world government.

Jakelin Caal Maquin, the seven-year-old sacrificial victim from a poor village in Guatemala is a sad casualty of the political and cultural battle over a border wall between Mexico and the US. To coin a phrase from Nancy Pelosi, her “spark of divinity” was not wasted; it expired for the greater good of smearing an obstacle to the globalist plan of the elites to undo the Constitution of the United States and marshal it into a planetary concentration camp of globalization.

Democrats see the caravan as a rainbow with a pot at this end containing millions of future democratic votes. Republicans, who are fellow travelers of the US Chamber of Commerce, want to import migrants as cheap labor for meat packing plants. They both count on a gullible US population infused with propagandized hatred of the president. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”, so to speak.

Apparently innocent children dragged into a death march are seen as good advertising to demonstrate the evil of a man who paid off some women before his election. The rich and powerful elites in the US that comprise the threatened status quo appear to have few qualms about the suffering of children to regain their power and secure their wealth. A few dead kids are just the broken eggs needed to make the omelet of putting things right.

The president did not encourage people in Central America to force children into a life-risking pilgrimage across thousands of miles of foreign territory. Democrats and administration-disparaging republicans in the US did this to prevent the building of a wall that would effectively seal off their gold mine of cultural dissimilation.

Yes, the president paid off some gold diggers to silence them before the election but unlike his detractors, he didn’t kill any kids. The haters of the president may want to judge themselves on this one. The elites they love so much are probably safe but the smile of little Jakelin Maquin will never grace the world again.
I guess if you don't feed a 7 year old kid or give them water for a week, and take them on a 1,000 mile hike they might die.

Maybe this needs to be posted at Mexican's Southern Border.

The Father needs to be brought up on Criminal Charges.
Jakelin Maquin will also not pop out a dozen babies to milk the welfare system either. She will never cry before a judge that her son was a good boy who would never kill anyone or sell drugs to 9 year olds.

She should have parents who cared enough about her to keep her at home.
Excellent post. Democrats and particularly Barry DACA Obama had a hand in Jakelin's death as well as the thousands of nameless immigrant kids who died horrible deaths in the desert or in the backs of trucks. And let's not forget the many thousands more that have been trafficked into the sex trade.
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