James Woods drops a twitter MOAB on Dem senator who told men to shut up and step up


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(National Sentinel) Identity Politics: Democrats, and especially Leftist feminist Democratic women, hate men, and especially white men, whom they blame for all problems not just in the United States but the world over.

James Woods drops a Twitter MOAB on Dem senator who told men to ‘shut up and step up’

That stupid bitch who thinks men should step up, how about you stupid fks step up and stop lying and cheating your asses off to win votes. Your all slums look at your cities and neighborhoods loser.
Don't vote this man hating twat in again if you are a male your gonna pay that price in more ways thean you even know. So will your sons, so will your grandsons.

When you aen't stupid enough to fall for the " I'm a male guilt trip" then you understand where Woods is coming from and multple others who aren't indoctrianted morons. SJW who have created the very retreads we see are gaining idiot power by using the " Hate men attitude" , or you are white.... ............
Woods is absolutely right. These dumb feminist c**ts all want the CEO jobs, but we never hear them lobby for the dangerous and dirty jobs. Where is their demand to draft enough women to make up 50% of the military? 90%+ of workplace fatalities are incurred by men, where is their demand to have that fairly distributed to women? Nope, they don’t want any of that. They just want to be the boss of the men dying doing their duty as men, serving female overseers.
Feminist bulldogs are ghey
And fugly.
(National Sentinel) Identity Politics: Democrats, and especially Leftist feminist Democratic women, hate men, and especially white men, whom they blame for all problems not just in the United States but the world over.

James Woods drops a Twitter MOAB on Dem senator who told men to ‘shut up and step up’

That stupid bitch who thinks men should step up, how about you stupid fks step up and stop lying and cheating your asses off to win votes. Your all slums look at your cities and neighborhoods loser.
Don't vote this man hating twat in again if you are a male your gonna pay that price in more ways thean you even know. So will your sons, so will your grandsons.

When you aen't stupid enough to fall for the " I'm a male guilt trip" then you understand where Woods is coming from and multple others who aren't indoctrianted morons. SJW who have created the very retreads we see are gaining idiot power by using the " Hate men attitude" , or you are white.... ............
What an impotent little bitch that piece of trash is
(National Sentinel) Identity Politics: Democrats, and especially Leftist feminist Democratic women, hate men, and especially white men, whom they blame for all problems not just in the United States but the world over.

James Woods drops a Twitter MOAB on Dem senator who told men to ‘shut up and step up’

That stupid bitch who thinks men should step up, how about you stupid fks step up and stop lying and cheating your asses off to win votes. Your all slums look at your cities and neighborhoods loser.
Don't vote this man hating twat in again if you are a male your gonna pay that price in more ways thean you even know. So will your sons, so will your grandsons.

When you aen't stupid enough to fall for the " I'm a male guilt trip" then you understand where Woods is coming from and multple others who aren't indoctrianted morons. SJW who have created the very retreads we see are gaining idiot power by using the " Hate men attitude" , or you are white.... ............
What an impotent little bitch that piece of trash is

Says the impotent racist on an obscure forum
Woods is awesome. It's good to see Hollywood people who aren't all eaten up with leftism and rotting from the inside outward.
What happens if men decide they don't want women playing in politics anymore?

Just curious.
(National Sentinel) Identity Politics: Democrats, and especially Leftist feminist Democratic women, hate men, and especially white men, whom they blame for all problems not just in the United States but the world over.

James Woods drops a Twitter MOAB on Dem senator who told men to ‘shut up and step up’

That stupid bitch who thinks men should step up, how about you stupid fks step up and stop lying and cheating your asses off to win votes. Your all slums look at your cities and neighborhoods loser.
Don't vote this man hating twat in again if you are a male your gonna pay that price in more ways thean you even know. So will your sons, so will your grandsons.

When you aen't stupid enough to fall for the " I'm a male guilt trip" then you understand where Woods is coming from and multple others who aren't indoctrianted morons. SJW who have created the very retreads we see are gaining idiot power by using the " Hate men attitude" , or you are white.... ............

James Wood is a Neanderthal white guy.
"There are hallowed American cemeteries around the globe filled with men who did the right thing, you sexist witch. Go fuck yourself."

Love it ! :clap2:
I thought you conservitards hated it when the Hollywood folks get involved in politics?
James Woods played himself in Casino, the ultimate sleaze ball drug addict that takes advantage of vulnerable women...

White men and their compatriots (at least those who are not drugged out or neutered) stand at the pinnacle of human achievement. That is why others resent them.
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