Jamie Raskin (D) Maryland opposes Jan 6 transparency


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin told MSNBC's Joy Reid on Monday evening that Speaker Kevin McCarthy giving "pro-Putin, pro-Orban, pro-autocrat propagandist" Tucker Carlson access to the January 6 riot tapes is "a serious security risk."

Raskin went on the racist TV host Joy Reid's show to make more crazy Democrat insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
Only crazy racist Wokey Dopey Democrats watch MSNBC.
Why are these unhinged far left crackpot Democrats like Raskin so afraid of any scrutiny of their psycho insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
What are the Klanocrats so worried about?
Are they afraid that their Jan 6 hype and propaganda will be exposed?
That is one ugly fucking woman.

Do the country a solid, lymphoma....

raskin tranny.jpg
Speaker Kevin McCarthy giving "pro-Putin, pro-Orban, pro-autocrat propagandist" Tucker Carlson access to the January 6 riot tapes is "a serious security risk."
Did that asshole really call Tucker that? Wow.

Why are these unhinged far left crackpot Democrats like Raskin so afraid of any scrutiny of their psycho insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
THAT is the question. If J6 is so damning and obvious, why are they trying to hide the proof?

Tucker will be the man to find out.

THEN we will begin to see the TRUTH about J6, not the fiction made up by Raskin, Cheney, Schiff and Kinzinger.
Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin told MSNBC's Joy Reid on Monday evening that Speaker Kevin McCarthy giving "pro-Putin, pro-Orban, pro-autocrat propagandist" Tucker Carlson access to the January 6 riot tapes is "a serious security risk."

Raskin went on the racist TV host Joy Reid's show to make more crazy Democrat insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
Only crazy racist Wokey Dopey Democrats watch MSNBC.
Why are these unhinged far left crackpot Democrats like Raskin so afraid of any scrutiny of their psycho insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
What are the Klanocrats so worried about?
Are they afraid that their Jan 6 hype and propaganda will be exposed?

Raskin is an insane conspiracy theorist. He's right to be worried about this, it's going to expose him and the rest of the conspirators.
I'm a native Marylander and I left in 1957. I wouldn't live there because of commies like Raskin. I hope his incurable cancer takes him soon to save the taxpayers his medical bills. I love my hometown and county but Democrats have turned it into a drug infested welfare haven.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who sat on the January 6th committee, appears to be extremely upset that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has handed over more than 40,000 hours worth of footage from the protest to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, calling him a “right-wing propagandist.”

Democrats are understandably upset over the development since there are likely to be revelations in the footage that indicate they are themselves the propagandists here at work, not the Fox News host. According to Axios, the footage includes multiple camera angles from all over the Capitol grounds.

Except that it is about transparency and the American people have every right to see that footage. If everything is on the up and up with Democrats, there should be no fuel for conspiracy theories contained in the footage. If not, then there will be plenty to hold them accountable on.

Lies, Damned Lies and Adam Schiff's Moving Lips

WebHe might be more akin to Monsieur Parolles of “All’s Well That Ends Well,” the arrogant know-it-all whose own words come back to haunt him: “He will lie, sir, with such volubility, …

Schiff and Raskin have something in common.
They are both sociopathic liars who exploit the gullibility and hate of the Dumb Democrat Cult Voters.
Evil democommie demofucks thrive on secrecy.

They can only get away with their lies by hiding the truth.

Fuck Raskin and Schiff and the whole lot of those goddamn leftard liars.

Anyone with a smidgeon of intelligence is running away from the demtard party as fast as they can.
Jan 6 has been the democrat party's favorite topic for over two years. How can more information constitute a "security risk"? It's possible that some criminals who work as informants for the FBI will be identified but that's a good thing isn't it?
Biden won. Trump lost. January 6 was an attempted coup.

That is how the history books will record the reality, no matter how hard Putin's bitch boi Tucker Carlson tries to spin it.

In public, Tucker knows his rube viewers are too weak-minded to handle the truth that Biden won fair and square, so he lies to them to keep them angry.

In private, Tucker Carlson considers Trump a "demonic force", along with everyone else at Fox News from top to bottom.

But the tards keep lining up to be lied to again. What's a propagandist like Tucker to do if he wants to keep making money?

He has to keep lying. The rubes DEMAND to be lied to, or they will leave!

Fox News puts their bottom line ahead of the country. It's that simple, folks.

They are not a "news" outlet. They are full-on propagandists.
Biden won. Trump lost. January 6 was an attempted coup.

That is how the history books will record the reality, no matter how hard Putin's bitch boi Tucker Carlson tries to spin it.

In public, Tucker knows his rube viewers are too weak-minded to handle the truth that Biden won fair and square, so he lies to them to keep them angry.

That's if you consider fair and square when the government has social media silence stories of their guy and changes the entire election. The rest of us see it as a violation of our Constitution and election rigging.
I've only seen 1 snippet so far -
It shows agents pushing older people through the doors, forcing them inside.
Biden won. Trump lost. January 6 was an attempted coup.

That is how the history books will record the reality, no matter how hard Putin's bitch boi Tucker Carlson tries to spin it.

In public, Tucker knows his rube viewers are too weak-minded to handle the truth that Biden won fair and square, so he lies to them to keep them angry.

In private, Tucker Carlson considers Trump a "demonic force", along with everyone else at Fox News from top to bottom.

But the tards keep lining up to be lied to again. What's a propagandist like Tucker to do if he wants to keep making money?

He has to keep lying. The rubes DEMAND to be lied to, or they will leave!

Fox News puts their bottom line ahead of the country. It's that simple, folks.

They are not a "news" outlet. They are full-on propagandists.

Your fear is palpable. Your narrative is falling apart, just like it did with Covid.
Many of the Progs are radicals like during the 1950's and the 1960's. When they get violent there is little pushback unless it is real nasty.
Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin told MSNBC's Joy Reid on Monday evening that Speaker Kevin McCarthy giving "pro-Putin, pro-Orban, pro-autocrat propagandist" Tucker Carlson access to the January 6 riot tapes is "a serious security risk."

Raskin went on the racist TV host Joy Reid's show to make more crazy Democrat insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
Only crazy racist Wokey Dopey Democrats watch MSNBC.
Why are these unhinged far left crackpot Democrats like Raskin so afraid of any scrutiny of their psycho insurrection conspiracy theory claims.
What are the Klanocrats so worried about?
Are they afraid that their Jan 6 hype and propaganda will be exposed?

Yep, they're afraid their lies will be exposed.

Dems can't have video proof exposing their intentional SPUN Jan 6 propaganda.

All the texts and transcripts Adam Schiff falsified, all the testimonies the J6 committee blocked, all the witnesses they refused to call because they wouldn't toe the line, it will all come out eventually. Just like all their Covid lies are coming out.

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