The Case for Cancel Culture: How This Democratic Tool Works to Liberate Us All


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
The first major case for cancel culture as a fundamental means of democratic expression throughout history, and timely necessity aimed at combating systems of oppression. “___ is canceled.” Chances are, you’ve heard this a lot lately. What might’ve once been a niche digital term has been legitimized in the discourse of presidents, politicians, and lawmakers. But what really is cancel culture? Blacklisting celebrities? Censorship? Until now, this has been the general consensus in the media. But it’s time to raise the bar on our definition— to think of cancel culture less as scandal or suppression, and more as an essential means of democratic expression and accountability.

Shocking nobody has challenged this bull.

Then again, the SUB is very much a censorship coward.

Cancel culture is censorship. The desire to censor stems from extreme cowardice and knowing your "narrative" is complete BULLSHIT and hence can only be "sold" to the public by censoring the truth.

Pat Buchanan was the first victim of cancel culture for saying


on CNN right before the vote to invade Iraq.

The best example today of CENSORSHIP via "cancel culture" is the horrific waste, fraud, and negligence of the Co2 fraud. No major media outlet will even allow the question

How did Co2 melt North America while freezing Greenland at the same time?

Because that question concluded that Co2 is NOT THE CAUSE of Earth climate change, and $20 trillion of 100% pure worthless FRAUD that YOU CHEER is allowed to stand as "truth" via said CENSORSHIP.

Censorship and Cancel Culture both BEGIN with COWARDICE
The first major case for cancel culture as a fundamental means of democratic expression throughout history, and timely necessity aimed at combating systems of oppression. “___ is canceled.” Chances are, you’ve heard this a lot lately. What might’ve once been a niche digital term has been legitimized in the discourse of presidents, politicians, and lawmakers. But what really is cancel culture? Blacklisting celebrities? Censorship? Until now, this has been the general consensus in the media. But it’s time to raise the bar on our definition— to think of cancel culture less as scandal or suppression, and more as an essential means of democratic expression and accountability.

I'm going to jump on this bandwagon and “cancel” basquebromance.

I watch a lot of Matt Walsh. He has a regular segment where he cancels all sorts of lefty loonies, and always for very good reason. I'm all for cancelling the “woke” “culture” and its mentally challenged, shuffling lobodomites.

I'm going to jump on this bandwagon and “cancel” basquebromance.

I watch a lot of Matt Walsh. He has a regular segment where he cancels all sorts of lefty loonies, and always for very good reason.
Except the left is cancelling American war heroes like Robert E. Lee.
Except the left is cancelling American war heroes like Robert E. Lee.
Try as they might … millions of us have history books on the great man, and they can never fully cancel such an historical figure.

That said … I do believe we should go on a spending spree and buy as many good, solid books as possible before they're removed from the shelves. I just bought the complete works of Rudyard Kipling and Mark Twain (two authors under Marxist attack).

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