Janet Reno Dies

One of the things you can learn by researching the facts in this horrible example of federal brutality is the local Sheriff at Waco, Jack Harwell, was called upon to investigate the child molestation and abuse complaints, which were made by the jealous husband of one of Davidian women who had taken up with Koresh -- and which the FBI was only too happy to exaggerate and propagate. Their effort has been eminently successful in your example.

Michelle Jones was 12 years old when Koresh started fucking her. He fathered a total of three children on her.

Secrets of the Cult: The Messiah of Waco

Seriously, go fuck yourself.

ahhh he struck a nerve I see.the truth hurts obviously the fact you are going into meltdown mode knowing you are cornered.:D

to your warped logic,the government could have arrested the davidians anytime they wanted to when they left the compound to go get grocerys,they had NUMEROUS chances to do so but did not.

oh and stop telling lies that the davidians started the fire,the video evidence proves you are a fucking lying troll.

slick willie Bill "I NEVER HAD SEX WITH THIS WOMAN" Clinton was caught lying twice to the american people same as you.

He went live to the american people that night saying- lie# 1 you lied about same as him saying-we did not start the fire,the davidians did.they knocked over gasoline cans and started the fire." pure BS in the fact the video evidence CLEARLY shows a tank with a flame thrower mounted on top bulldozing the compound and shooting flames of fire onto the compound starting the fire.

Lie #2 Slick Willie lied about as well. He also went on to say- We never fired onto the compound.they fired at us,we never fired back at them. another fucking bullshit lie by the mass murderer in the fact that the video evidence also shows a helicopter hovering over the compound with a machine gunner on the side firing onto the compound firing onto innocent civilians.

oh and lastly loser,the few survivors there were said some of them came out and said dont shoot-but the ATF and FBI opened up fire on them anyways.they are such sick fucks same as clinton and reno that they went and celebrated the whole thing.

Lets see,who should people around here believe,someone like you who i have exposed as a lying troll who seems to be in love with the clintons because they lie same as you and the government despite their long history of lies,or the surviving witnesses?

forgive me for using logic and common sense but I will go with the surviving witnesses.:up_yours:
Michelle Jones was 12 years old when Koresh started fucking her. He fathered a total of three children on her.

Secrets of the Cult: The Messiah of Waco

Seriously, go fuck yourself.
Did you take the time to read this notice at the bottom of your referenced article, the details of which were necessarily spoon-fed to the media by the feds -- who effectively barred access to the stand-off and any of the Davidian survivors?

Legal Notice: The administration of this website was taken over about September, 2004 by Med Trans 1, Inc.. The content on this site was the work of the late Jan Groenveld, and as such, Med Trans 1, Inc. is not knowledgeable about the specific content presented on this website, nor is responsible for any inaccuracies that may be discovered.

Again, if you wish to learn the truth about what happened at Waco, read the book I recommended to you. Read some of the other books available on the subject. Pay attention to the sources of the information and keep in mind that the cover-up of the truth was a major federal effort. They simply couldn't afford to let the public know the kind of evil brutality their government is capable of.

And remember that regardless of any consideration or circumstance, regardless of who was "right" and who was "wrong," nothing can justify the cruel death of those 21, innocent, helpless children. Their safety should have been the first concern of the federal police -- whether they deliberately and brutally caused their immolation, or if they simply and consciously provoked it.

The bottom line is the Waco Massacre was a declaration by the federal power structure, which is, Submit to us or we will kill you and your kids!

Which is exactly what they did.
Again, if you wish to learn the truth about what happened at Waco, read the book I recommended to you. Read some of the other books available on the subject. Pay attention to the sources of the information and keep in mind that the cover-up of the truth was a major federal effort. They simply couldn't afford to let the public know the kind of evil brutality their government is capable of.

Like I got done saying to you,he wont read it same as he wont read that book i referenced him to take a look at since it takes him to school that 9/11 was an inside job.hee hee

I just took him to school previously that he lied saying the davidians started the fire so cant seriously believe he will read the book?:biggrin: he will just keep coming back doing the usual-this:blahblah: in defeat.:biggrin:
Like I got done saying to you,he wont read it same as he wont read that book i referenced him to take a look at since it takes him to school that 9/11 was an inside job.hee hee

What do you mean by, inside job?

read my first post here on this page.

Janet Reno Dies

You been so wrapped up in your conversation with the troll you missed post#40 here of mine.:biggrin:

same as the lies of waco were exposed and that our corrupt government murdered those women and children and others,unless you just been listening to the CIA controlled news in the living room or the CIA controlled newspapers have been saying all these years,its well known that the CIA along with the mossad pulled off 9/11. :biggrin: there have been NUMEROUS threads in the conspiracy section that have exposed that it was a joint CIA/mossad operation.:biggrin:

this troll wont go in that section and look at the evidence because he wont face facts that our government murders their own people everyday with events like waco and 9/11.:rolleyes:

He wont read that book on waco you mentioned because he is closed minded and in denial. He wont read this book below either that proves beyond a doubt 9/11 was an inside job and there is no evidence that 19 muslims or bin laden were behind the attacks because he worships everything the government tells him as the absolute truth.:rolleyes:

Nobody here has ever been able to debunk the evidence in this book that bin laden was innocent and it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD OPERATION .Not the government,not any of the paid shills on this forum like rightwinger,NOBODY.:D hense the term INSIDE JOB by our government who pulled it off.;) unless you been living on a deserted island the last 15 years,everyone knows that,all over the country and world.:D


He refuses to read this book since it shreads to pieces the lies of the government that bin laden and 19 muslims were behind the attacks and has solid concrete evidence it was a joint CIA/mossad operation.:biggrin:

so since he wont read that book,he sure wont ever read any of the books on waco you try to get him to.:biggrin:
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She had Altzheimers and looked like a man. How long was she I'll when she died? How old was she when she died?
With the vigorous provocation and assistance of the BATF and FBI/HRT.

Maybe. But you know what, they had 51 days to think about it. And they chose mass suicide, anyway. Then again these were people who were letting Koresh have sex with their kids.

I suggest you watch the Academy Award nominated documentary "Waco:The Rules of Engagement." It lays out chapter and verse the attack, and how the Davidians did NOT commit suicide. You won't watch because you're a brainless 'tard. But for those who wish to actually know what happened it is an essential viewing.

Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997) - IMDb
the troll obviously wants to stay brainwashed and is too afraid to pick up the book and read it,doesnt want to see facts that dont go along with the governments version of events so he wont read it and just wants to dismiss it as propaganda. Good thing he isnt your lawyer,he would lose every case for you refusing to try and counter the evidence his opponent lawyer would present in court

Guy, we had four investigations into Waco, all of which determined the Davidians killed themselves because they knew what they did to pedophiles in the Big House.

One of them was run by John Danforth, a Republican Senator noted for his integrity and fairness.
I suggest you watch the Academy Award nominated documentary "Waco:The Rules of Engagement." It lays out chapter and verse the attack, and how the Davidians did NOT commit suicide. You won't watch because you're a brainless 'tard. But for those who wish to actually know what happened it is an essential viewing.

Guy, when I used to be Right Wing, I read all that stuff.

But, um, no... this website takes apart most of the crazy Gun Nut propaganda that is waco

Waco FLIR Debunked

But, hey, if child-molesting, meth-dealing, gun running cultists can't shoot federal agents just doing their jobs, are any of us truly free?
ahhh he struck a nerve I see.the truth hurts obviously the fact you are going into meltdown mode knowing you are cornered

I want to point out that you go into a page long screed and never address the indisputable fact that Michelle Jones was 12 years old when Koresh started having sex with her. You go off into a discource about Clinton having sex with Monica.

slick willie Bill "I NEVER HAD SEX WITH THIS WOMAN" Clinton was caught lying twice to the american people same as you.

He went live to the american people that night saying- lie# 1 you lied about same as him saying-we did not start the fire,the davidians did.they knocked over gasoline cans and started the fire." pure BS in the fact the video evidence CLEARLY shows a tank with a flame thrower mounted on top bulldozing the compound and shooting flames of fire onto the compound starting the fire.

Except three investigations found that wasn't the case. And, no, that APC was shooting in liquid CS. Now, I think you can make an argument that using CS at that concentration on civilians was a bad idea. Especially since there were children present. But if you are going to go into crazy conspiracy theories... I'm not sure there's much point talking to you.

Did you take the time to read this notice at the bottom of your referenced article, the details of which were necessarily spoon-fed to the media by the feds -- who effectively barred access to the stand-off and any of the Davidian survivors?

Here's another one. Avoiding the subject. How old was Michelle Jones when David Koresh starting having sex with her?

We know she gave birth to a set of twins when she was 14, and Koresh was indisputably the father.
I suggest you watch the Academy Award nominated documentary "Waco:The Rules of Engagement." It lays out chapter and verse the attack, and how the Davidians did NOT commit suicide. You won't watch because you're a brainless 'tard. But for those who wish to actually know what happened it is an essential viewing.

Guy, when I used to be Right Wing, I read all that stuff.

But, um, no... this website takes apart most of the crazy Gun Nut propaganda that is waco

Waco FLIR Debunked

But, hey, if child-molesting, meth-dealing, gun running cultists can't shoot federal agents just doing their jobs, are any of us truly free?

Tell that to the 20+ children who were burned to death you fucking prick. Koresh was an asshole. He could have been arrested simply by knocking on the fucking door as had been done before. The ATF wanted to make a big splash so they enacted a raid that didn't need to happen, that resulted in the needless deaths of 4 agents, and the eventual murder of 20+ children, because THOSE kids never had a choice. Fuck you you miserable piece of shit.
Tell that to the 20+ children who were burned to death you fucking prick. Koresh was an asshole. He could have been arrested simply by knocking on the fucking door as had been done before.

The did knock at the door. And the Meth-dealing cultists shot at them. Four ATF Agents died.

The ATF wanted to make a big splash so they enacted a raid that didn't need to happen, that resulted in the needless deaths of 4 agents, and the eventual murder of 20+ children, because THOSE kids never had a choice. Fuck you you miserable piece of shit.

Okay, yeah, the ATF could have done it smarter. However, that still didn't give the Cultists the right to shoot at them. Especially since - they knew they were law enforcement.

You know, it's hilarious that you guys will defend every trigger happy cop who blows away a 12 year old playing with a toy, but want to villify these ATF and FBI agents who were handling a bunch of freaks with kid gloves.
ahhh he struck a nerve I see.the truth hurts obviously the fact you are going into meltdown mode knowing you are cornered

I want to point out that you go into a page long screed and never address the indisputable fact that Michelle Jones was 12 years old when Koresh started having sex with her. You go off into a discource about Clinton having sex with Monica.

slick willie Bill "I NEVER HAD SEX WITH THIS WOMAN" Clinton was caught lying twice to the american people same as you.

He went live to the american people that night saying- lie# 1 you lied about same as him saying-we did not start the fire,the davidians did.they knocked over gasoline cans and started the fire." pure BS in the fact the video evidence CLEARLY shows a tank with a flame thrower mounted on top bulldozing the compound and shooting flames of fire onto the compound starting the fire.

Except three investigations found that wasn't the case. And, no, that APC was shooting in liquid CS. Now, I think you can make an argument that using CS at that concentration on civilians was a bad idea. Especially since there were children present. But if you are going to go into crazy conspiracy theories... I'm not sure there's much point talking to you.

Did you take the time to read this notice at the bottom of your referenced article, the details of which were necessarily spoon-fed to the media by the feds -- who effectively barred access to the stand-off and any of the Davidian survivors?

Here's another one. Avoiding the subject. How old was Michelle Jones when David Koresh starting having sex with her?

We know she gave birth to a set of twins when she was 14, and Koresh was indisputably the father.

I dont bother with a retarded prick who refuses to look at the facts that 9/11 was an inside job and there is not a shread of evidence that 19 muslims were behind it all.:Dcountless threads have been posted in the conspiracy section and have spelled it out dummies style for people like you proving beyond a doubt it was a home grown plot carried out by the CIA.:rolleyes:

Not my fault you refuse to read those threads and look at the facts. when you decide to do that and and stop being an arrogant prick and admit you have been wrong all these years,I may one day pay attention to all your incoherant ramblings you stupid fuck.:rolleyes:

You ALSO have proven multiple times in your ramblings you are a fucking liar on the davidians starting the fire as I just proved earlier in my earlier post that the government set fire to the compound and could have easily have avoided conflict with them by arresting them when they went out to buy grocerys.you are obviously a paid shill who has penetrated this forum. a fucking troll that westwall should be allowed to ban by the administrater here..
I suggest you watch the Academy Award nominated documentary "Waco:The Rules of Engagement." It lays out chapter and verse the attack, and how the Davidians did NOT commit suicide. You won't watch because you're a brainless 'tard. But for those who wish to actually know what happened it is an essential viewing.

Guy, when I used to be Right Wing, I read all that stuff.

But, um, no... this website takes apart most of the crazy Gun Nut propaganda that is waco

Waco FLIR Debunked

But, hey, if child-molesting, meth-dealing, gun running cultists can't shoot federal agents just doing their jobs, are any of us truly free?

Tell that to the 20+ children who were burned to death you fucking prick. Koresh was an asshole. He could have been arrested simply by knocking on the fucking door as had been done before. The ATF wanted to make a big splash so they enacted a raid that didn't need to happen, that resulted in the needless deaths of 4 agents, and the eventual murder of 20+ children, because THOSE kids never had a choice. Fuck you you miserable piece of shit.

yeah thats what I was saying earlier,they had numerous chances to avoid a conflict with them that THEY started,they could have knocked on the door and they could have just arrested some of them when they were out getting grocerys as they did when they walked down to the grocery store everyday.:rolleyes:
With the vigorous provocation and assistance of the BATF and FBI/HRT.

Maybe. But you know what, they had 51 days to think about it. And they chose mass suicide, anyway. Then again these were people who were letting Koresh have sex with their kids.

I suggest you watch the Academy Award nominated documentary "Waco:The Rules of Engagement." It lays out chapter and verse the attack, and how the Davidians did NOT commit suicide. You won't watch because you're a brainless 'tard. But for those who wish to actually know what happened it is an essential viewing.

Waco: The Rules of Engagement (1997) - IMDb

He wont,thats an excellent documentary indeed but this stupid fuck wont watch it.He has been given many references by many posters here of books with hard core evidence that he cowardly wont read it since he is a troll. He is a troll that has penetrated this forum here to defend every action of our corrupt government obviously.
Tell that to the 20+ children who were burned to death you fucking prick. Koresh was an asshole. He could have been arrested simply by knocking on the fucking door as had been done before.

The did knock at the door. And the Meth-dealing cultists shot at them. Four ATF Agents died.

The ATF wanted to make a big splash so they enacted a raid that didn't need to happen, that resulted in the needless deaths of 4 agents, and the eventual murder of 20+ children, because THOSE kids never had a choice. Fuck you you miserable piece of shit.

Okay, yeah, the ATF could have done it smarter. However, that still didn't give the Cultists the right to shoot at them. Especially since - they knew they were law enforcement.

You know, it's hilarious that you guys will defend every trigger happy cop who blows away a 12 year old playing with a toy, but want to villify these ATF and FBI agents who were handling a bunch of freaks with kid gloves.

Give it up idiot. Forever after on this forum you are going to be known as the asshole who says it's OK to incinerate children who have no power. Fuck you and your bullshit nazi philosophy. You disgust me.

And four investigations determined the Davidians committed mass suicide.
Even if this were true, which there is plenty of evidence that says it is not, knowing there were 21 innocent children in that building, some as young as two, little tots, the feds went about deliberately provoking the Davidians, defying a known psychos threat to commit mass suicide. Then they broke through a wall, filled the building with flammable tear gas, which they followed with gas canisters which burn off at 3000f.

Do you disagree that the first concern of Clinton, Reno, and every federal agent involved in that disgraceful operation should have been the safety of those children -- who effectively were hostages of an irrational cult?

Whether the Davidians or the feds brought about the horrible deaths of those children, is there any way to justify it?

for sure,the clintons and Reno if they had any humanity they would have been concerned of the safety of the women and children in there but they are mass murderers same as their pals the Bushs so they did not give a shit about murdering all those children as has been proved throughout this entire thread by you,myself and a few others.
Tell that to the 20+ children who were burned to death you fucking prick. Koresh was an asshole. He could have been arrested simply by knocking on the fucking door as had been done before.

The did knock at the door. And the Meth-dealing cultists shot at them. Four ATF Agents died.

The ATF wanted to make a big splash so they enacted a raid that didn't need to happen, that resulted in the needless deaths of 4 agents, and the eventual murder of 20+ children, because THOSE kids never had a choice. Fuck you you miserable piece of shit.

Okay, yeah, the ATF could have done it smarter. However, that still didn't give the Cultists the right to shoot at them. Especially since - they knew they were law enforcement.

You know, it's hilarious that you guys will defend every trigger happy cop who blows away a 12 year old playing with a toy, but want to villify these ATF and FBI agents who were handling a bunch of freaks with kid gloves.

None of us should bother with this motherfucker shill anymore,he just wants reactions out of us.

Give it up idiot. Forever after on this forum you are going to be known as the asshole who says it's OK to incinerate children who have no power. Fuck you and your bullshit nazi philosophy. You disgust me.

None of us should bother with this motherfucker shill anymore,he just wants reactions out of us.I used to enjoy his posts because to his credit he did expose the myth of Reagan,that he was not the great president our corrupt government and media have painted him to be but now after this,he has lost all his credibility.That was the only good deed he ever did in the past was posting the truth about Reagan how he betrayed the middle and lower class famiilys contrary to the myth of our government. I am not going to bother with this shill anymore myself.

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