Trump stripping the security clearances of numerous antagonists — including NY AG Letitia James, DA Alvin Bragg

The Trump admistration must be BRUTAL in cleaning up the Leftist corruption.
They are so deeply corrupt and are protecting their corruption as we all know.

Take off the gloves. It's necessary.
If not, they will simply regain power soon and expedite the demise of our nation.
Biden and the Dems/ socialists were the worst offenders at going after their political enemies, little lady.

These imbeciles have the audacity to claim it's the conservative Right. Absolute insanity that must not be allowed to flourish.
It HAS to stop here and now.
Brennan is a communist. In his words A proud communist. He should never have had any kind of security clearance at all.

He also probably has a ton of dark money, dirt on many,many individuals, ( start with Epstein connect ions )with a following of ex black op thugs willing or obligated to work for him ....or maybe he's in Wyoming hunting on the Cheney ranch.
That made up nonsense? People with brains don't believe it.

Yes! Because everybody knows the federal government is very responsible with our tax dollars. Politicians never piss it away on pet projects to buy votes.
Yes! Because everybody knows the federal government is very responsible with our tax dollars. Politicians never piss it away on pet projects to buy votes.
Now, you find where I posted that and show the class.
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