Jared Is Draining That Swamp!!

Feb 28, 2018
You gotta hand it to the true believers. Kushner has had his security clearance yanked, his business ties are under scrutiny, and both his father in law and the Chief of Staff want him out. But by word, unbeknownst to any of us, he's gettin the job done! Draining that swamp....in Russia....and it seems to be pooling in Washington DC and bringing all of the Trump cronies with it.

Personally, if someone handed me this story for print, I wouldn't have been able to contain my laughter. :)

Jared Kushner is quietly tackling Washington's swamp (opinion) - CNN
Kushner is circling the drain and probably be out of the White House or in jail by this time next year.
CNN "opinion" is about as useful as teats on a boar hog
Doesn’t follow real news and proud of it. We know you’re a propaganda monger.

I wonder if either of you read the article. In fact, I wonder if the OP even read the article, or if the poster just watched the CNN videos that were slamming on Kushner. The write up actually was telling the folks in America what Kushner has been up too.

Frankly, I hadn't a clue what he as been up to, b/c the media really doesn't give a shit about covering, well, news anymore these days, does it?

So NEWS is relegated to the opinion pages, and opinion is in the headline section, isn't that odd?

Only in the MSM in 2018. :14:

From the editorial;

"But you would be hard-pressed to find much positive media coverage of these or Kushner's other achievements. A barrage of contrived smear stories about Kushner's interactions with CEOs or security clearance dominate -- attacks clearly fueled by those who resent Kushner's plans to change Washington."


"Kushner noted on Tuesday, "I could not understand why medical records from the Department of Defense could not be seamlessly transferred to the Veteran's Administration... Our military is the most advanced on Earth, yet we cannot get the medical records from DoD to VA." The new system will help ensure that our nation's heroes do not fall through the cracks.

Kushner's work to help the VA innovate its technology is part of a more systemic and ongoing effort to bring government technology into the 21st century. In December, the American Technology Council, which Kushner's office oversees, released 50 recommendations to address the so-called "plumbing" issues in government -- the slow and defunct way that government agencies operate, often hindering the ability to serve the American people. According to Federal News Radio, 71% of the government's budget is spent on old, "legacy" technology. Kushner and the teams he oversees are already working to change that.

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is in particular need. As a part of the technological innovation plan developed by the American Technology Council under the direction of Kushner's Office of American Innovation, the USDA would reduce the number of chief information officers from 22 to just one. In line with this, the USDA would also reduce its data centers from 39 to one. The streamlining and consolidation of the USDA has a focused goal: "improv[ing] the USDA customer experience" and making its programs "easy-to-use" for the American people through online customer portals.

In explaining the repercussions of these efforts, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Stephen Censky said back in December, "[R]ather than each agency within a mission area having their own human resources people, their own procurement, their own property, their own IT officers, we are rolling that up to the business centers, which we think it's a much [more] effective way to be organized."
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CNN "opinion" is about as useful as teats on a boar hog
Doesn’t follow real news and proud of it. We know you’re a propaganda monger.

I wonder if either of you read the article. In fact, I wonder if the OP even read the article, of if the poster just watched the CNN video that were slamming on Kushener. The write up actually was telling the folks in America what Kushner has been up too.

Frankly, I hadn't a clue what he as been up to, b/c the media really doesn't give a shit about covering, well, news anymore these days, does it?

So NEWS is relegated to the opinion pages, and opinion is in the headline section, isn't that odd?

Only in the MSM in 2018. :14:

From the editorial;

"But you would be hard-pressed to find much positive media coverage of these or Kushner's other achievements. A barrage of contrived smear stories about Kushner's interactions with CEOs or security clearance dominate -- attacks clearly fueled by those who resent Kushner's plans to change Washington."


"Kushner noted on Tuesday, "I could not understand why medical records from the Department of Defense could not be seamlessly transferred to the Veteran's Administration... Our military is the most advanced on Earth, yet we cannot get the medical records from DoD to VA." The new system will help ensure that our nation's heroes do not fall through the cracks.

Kushner's work to help the VA innovate its technology is part of a more systemic and ongoing effort to bring government technology into the 21st century. In December, the American Technology Council, which Kushner's office oversees, released 50 recommendations to address the so-called "plumbing" issues in government -- the slow and defunct way that government agencies operate, often hindering the ability to serve the American people. According to Federal News Radio, 71% of the government's budget is spent on old, "legacy" technology. Kushner and the teams he oversees are already working to change that.

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is in particular need. As a part of the technological innovation plan developed by the American Technology Council under the direction of Kushner's Office of American Innovation, the USDA would reduce the number of chief information officers from 22 to just one. In line with this, the USDA would also reduce its data centers from 39 to one. The streamlining and consolidation of the USDA has a focused goal: "improv[ing] the USDA customer experience" and making its programs "easy-to-use" for the American people through online customer portals.

In explaining the repercussions of these efforts, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Stephen Censky said back in December, "[R]ather than each agency within a mission area having their own human resources people, their own procurement, their own property, their own IT officers, we are rolling that up to the business centers, which we think it's a much [more] effective way to be organized."

I did read the article. It was posted by Kayleigh McEnany. I will call her a conservative commentator because that is the direction she leans in.
She used to appear on CNN somewhat regularly. I posted the article the because I wanted to highlight the absolute fawning over Kushner
accomplishing nothing and also as a side to point out that Trump supporters are looking for any ray of light in the absolute shit storm that
has engulfed the White House. If you believe that Kushner, who has no experience in government and has pretty much never had to work an
honest day in his life is doing "great things" and solving Washington DC's issues, then you're naive. His security clearance application has been
shown to have enough holes and omissions to drive a semi through. Kelly wants him out. Trump wants him out. Foreign governments have tried
to manipulate him.

Running a business and running a government are two very different animals.
Kushner needs to go back to his safe space.

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