Jay Cutler and the Denver Broncos

Bears way over paid.
Bears fan here. When you consider how abysmal the qb position has been since WW2, this is the best thing they could have done. At least the cheap skate McCaskeys finnally spent some some $$ and are showing the fans they are trying to win. It isn't enough to land them in the SB of course and they have to play better on defense to get there, but this was a move that will inspire the whole team. Look out Viqueens. This will be an interesting and exciting season.
Whatever Ghook, get all pissy because someone spoke badly of your team :rolleyes:

How about you give us a good reason to expect anything positive from Cutler? He's a so-so QB that couldn't cut it on an offensive minded team, how do you expect him to thrive in Chicago where it's defense first? You mortgaged some of your future away on a long shot, and we're not supposed to criticize that?

wipe your fucking tears you pussy.
The QB is hands down the most important position on the field. I know there are the exceptions like Baltimore, but for the most part a pro-bowl QB is needed to do anything in the NFL!

The Manning brothers, Marino, Boomer, Montana, Cunningham, Brady, Rothlesburger, Palmer, Jim Kelly, Farve (after he was traded and considered a franchise QB), Steve Young (ditto), Aikman Moon etc. What do all these guys have in common? Once they became franchise/pro-bowl QBs, they stayed with their teams through out their prime! Franchise QB are hard to find! Even can't miss prospect like the Manning brothers, there are 20 can't miss who actually miss, like Leaf, McNown, Lenart, V Young, Russel, Ware, TRex, Stewart etc. The point is very few times does a 25 yr pro-bowl QB with a ROCKET arm and wheels become available. When they do you have to take a chance!

2008 he had 8 300 yd games (including a 447 yd game), in which he made the pro-bowl! He had 4500 total yds and 25 TDs! In 2007 he had 3400 total yds and 20 TDs.

Franchise QBs don't grow from trees. You were probably the same type of person that thought the Celtics trade for Garnett was a bad trade, because they gave up so much for a top 10 talent in the league!

On a team with above average receivers he threw way too many interceptions. He's got no one in Chicago to throw to, so I foresee him trying to make too much happen and getting burnt. There's teams he may have done well with, but not Chicago.
Well he is going to a team that has a better running game then Denver and wont have to throw it every down so the opposing D will not be able to key on Cutler every down. It wont be the same old Bears-run left ,right, up the middle and punt. I always felt the Bears needed a QB that can scramble and make plays on the run, and finally they have one.
when i first saw this thread i was wondering why are people talking about jay cutler,I just heard on the news the other night that he was traded and now i understand why.Man this has got to be the most idiotic trade the broncos have ever made.dont want to read through all this but WHY was he traded? like you said,he is a quarterback half if not most the league would love to have.
Whatever Ghook, get all pissy because someone spoke badly of your team :rolleyes:

How about you give us a good reason to expect anything positive from Cutler? He's a so-so QB that couldn't cut it on an offensive minded team, how do you expect him to thrive in Chicago where it's defense first? You mortgaged some of your future away on a long shot, and we're not supposed to criticize that?

wipe your fucking tears you pussy.
The QB is hands down the most important position on the field. I know there are the exceptions like Baltimore, but for the most part a pro-bowl QB is needed to do anything in the NFL!

The Manning brothers, Marino, Boomer, Montana, Cunningham, Brady, Rothlesburger, Palmer, Jim Kelly, Farve (after he was traded and considered a franchise QB), Steve Young (ditto), Aikman Moon etc. What do all these guys have in common? Once they became franchise/pro-bowl QBs, they stayed with their teams through out their prime! Franchise QB are hard to find! Even can't miss prospect like the Manning brothers, there are 20 can't miss who actually miss, like Leaf, McNown, Lenart, V Young, Russel, Ware, TRex, Stewart etc. The point is very few times does a 25 yr pro-bowl QB with a ROCKET arm and wheels become available. When they do you have to take a chance!

2008 he had 8 300 yd games (including a 447 yd game), in which he made the pro-bowl! He had 4500 total yds and 25 TDs! In 2007 he had 3400 total yds and 20 TDs.

Franchise QBs don't grow from trees. You were probably the same type of person that thought the Celtics trade for Garnett was a bad trade, because they gave up so much for a top 10 talent in the league!

On a team with above average receivers he threw way too many interceptions. He's got no one in Chicago to throw to, so I foresee him trying to make too much happen and getting burnt. There's teams he may have done well with, but not Chicago.

Olson is emerging as a top TE, but you are right the Bears need a top flight WR. There is one available on the market. Plaxico Burress. Burress is easily a top 5 WR and he would come cheap. Even without Burress there is Ocho Cinco, Boldin and Edwards that are top flight WR that may be available! Holt and Harrison are still available. Get a top flight WR, then you have Hester as a deep threat and that is very dangerous. With Burress, Hester (and Olson at TE) then I am fine with Bennett and Davis as the 3rd and 4th WR!
when i first saw this thread i was wondering why are people talking about jay cutler,I just heard on the news the other night that he was traded
And the first thing you thought was that it was a conspiracy by Bush and his Jewish cronies to screw Obama for being a Bears fan!
lol ...

I didn't even see that.

Who the fuck is Jay Cutler to get compared to Kevin Garnett? And who exactly does he have around him?

Garnett was an ESTABLISHED superstar many times over. He also had two other big name star players and solid role players around him in Boston. When we traded for him I was doing back flips!
Is it true that you barely missed a tri-sport championsihp year in Boston? or do I have the years mixed up?

We won the Super Bowl and the World Series in 2004.

We kind of came close last year. The Celtics had their storied run to a title. But Eli fucking Manning ruined the perfect season and the Sox were a game away from going to the World Series.


The QB is hands down the most important position on the field. I know there are the exceptions like Baltimore, but for the most part a pro-bowl QB is needed to do anything in the NFL!

The Manning brothers, Marino, Boomer, Montana, Cunningham, Brady, Rothlesburger, Palmer, Jim Kelly, Farve (after he was traded and considered a franchise QB), Steve Young (ditto), Aikman Moon etc. What do all these guys have in common? Once they became franchise/pro-bowl QBs, they stayed with their teams through out their prime! Franchise QB are hard to find! Even can't miss prospect like the Manning brothers, there are 20 can't miss who actually miss, like Leaf, McNown, Lenart, V Young, Russel, Ware, TRex, Stewart etc. The point is very few times does a 25 yr pro-bowl QB with a ROCKET arm and wheels become available. When they do you have to take a chance!

2008 he had 8 300 yd games (including a 447 yd game), in which he made the pro-bowl! He had 4500 total yds and 25 TDs! In 2007 he had 3400 total yds and 20 TDs.

Franchise QBs don't grow from trees. You were probably the same type of person that thought the Celtics trade for Garnett was a bad trade, because they gave up so much for a top 10 talent in the league!

On a team with above average receivers he threw way too many interceptions. He's got no one in Chicago to throw to, so I foresee him trying to make too much happen and getting burnt. There's teams he may have done well with, but not Chicago.

Olson is emerging as a top TE, but you are right the Bears need a top flight WR. There is one available on the market. Plaxico Burress. Burress is easily a top 5 WR and he would come cheap. Even without Burress there is Ocho Cinco, Boldin and Edwards that are top flight WR that may be available! Holt and Harrison are still available. Get a top flight WR, then you have Hester as a deep threat and that is very dangerous. With Burress, Hester (and Olson at TE) then I am fine with Bennett and Davis as the 3rd and 4th WR!

See, now you're at least recognizing the potential problem here. I'd take Plax in a heartbeat. I wouldn't touch Chad Johnson though, he's a trouble maker who will kill your team chemistry like TO does. He's damaged goods. Plax will have something to prove and will most likely be humble coming off his little incident. I would trust him.

You get a good #1 WR, and I'll be willing to give Cutler more credit in Chicago. But we need a good WR in philly too, so don't be cutting our throats.
Ghook93 probably shouldn't show his face in this thread :lol:

:( So true! 5 INT, 17 overall more INT than TDs!

Man that was a tough game! You should have seen the bar last night! It was sick! :(

Who would have thought Culter would look like Rex and Orton would look like Elway!
Ghook93 probably shouldn't show his face in this thread :lol:

:( So true! 5 INT, 17 overall more INT than TDs!

Man that was a tough game! You should have seen the bar last night! It was sick! :(

Who would have thought Culter would look like Rex and Orton would look like Elway!

Well there was a bunch of us in this thread telling you that Chicago had an anemic offense and Cutler was leaving the best young receiving corps in the league ...
I know they say you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but damn it if Cutler doesn't just look stupid. I mean really really fuck'n stupid.



The QB swap was ONE thing...

But mortgaging your future on Jay Cutler was the biggest problem I had with the trade.

But hey, 1st round picks aren't always guaranteed winners. I know, I'm an Eagles fan.
Orton, 6-2, 3 interceptions.
Cutler, 4-5, 17 interception.

Good trade Bears! lol

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