Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio: Florida's 'Scarlet Letter' Adoption Bill


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Sen. Marco Rubio (R) was among the Florida state legislators who voted for the so-called "Scarlet Letter" law in 2001 that required single mothers to publish their sexual histories in the newspaper in order to place their babies up for adoption.

Five U.S. congressmen -- Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (R), Lois Frankel (D), Jeff Miller (R), Gus Bilirakis (R) and Dennis Ross (R) -- were state legislators at the time and voted for the controversial bill. Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D), Frederica Wilson (D), Daniel Webster (R) and Bill Posey (R), who were also state legislators back then, voted against it.

The law, which passed with overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate, required unwed moms who wished to put their babies up for adoptions to post details about their recent sexual encounters in the newspaper in an attempt to contact the father, even if the woman was a victim of rape or incest. The purpose of the bill was to inform estranged biological fathers that their children were being adopted and give them the chance to intervene.

The "Scarlet Letter" law gained media attention this week after The Huffington Post reported that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) had advocated for the public shaming of unwed parents in his 1995 book. Bush allowed the controversial law to go into effect in 2001, but signed a repeal of it two years later after it was successfully challenged in court.

The fact that Rubio, a 2016 presidential candidate, supported the bill could inoculate Bush from criticism that he allowed it to go into effect if Bush decides to throw his hat in the ring.

More: Marco Rubio And Five Members Of Congress Voted For Florida's Scarlet Letter Adoption Bill

How do Bush and Rubio explain this bizarre legislation?
Marco Rubio and Terri Schiavo

Thomas interprets the release as evidence that Rubio “seems to favor government intervention in this case.” According to a Nexis search, Rubio hasn’t explicitly commented on the Schiavo incident, in which conservatives brought a personal tragedy to national attention in 2005 toenergize their pro-life base. The GOP tried to write legislation forcing doctors to reinsert Schiavo’s feeding tube and taking the “extraordinary step” of subpoenaing the critically brain-damaged woman to testify to Congress. Rubio did vote for the law giving then-Gov. Jeb Bush the authority “to issue a one-time stay to prevent the withholding of nutrition and hydration from” Schiavo.

More: Rubio raises Terri Schiavo case in an attack on Crist. ThinkProgress

I'd also like to hear Rubio's explanation for his vote on Terri Schiavo.
Don't abort your baby! Put it up for adoption...after you publicly shame yourself.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R) was among the Florida state legislators who voted for the so-called "Scarlet Letter" law in 2001 that required single mothers to publish their sexual histories in the newspaper in order to place their babies up for adoption.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R) was among the Florida state legislators who voted for the so-called "Scarlet Letter" law in 2001 that required single mothers to publish their sexual histories in the newspaper in order to place their babies up for adoption.


Would you like to have your sexual history published in the newspaper?
It doesn't matter since it would all be a lie anyway. More than half the time these women have no idea who the fathers are.

The first name on every list would be Elvis Presley.
More than half the time these women have no idea who the fathers are.

The first name on every list would be Elvis Presley.

You have evidence to support that, of course, correct? Or is this another one of your made up "facts" you like to trot out.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R) was among the Florida state legislators who voted for the so-called "Scarlet Letter" law in 2001 that required single mothers to publish their sexual histories in the newspaper in order to place their babies up for adoption.


Would you like to have your sexual history published in the newspaper?
It doesn't matter since it would all be a lie anyway. More than half the time these women have no idea who the fathers are.

The first name on every list would be Elvis Presley.
One too many anti depressants today?

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