Jeb Bush laments Republican partisanship

Or he' someone who sensibly recognizes that the inmates have taken over the asylum.

Yep and they be the Democrats in Government. We saw them run amok with the Bush administration

The Democrats aren't the ones going around calling women sluts and embracing fruits like Donald Trump...

No, Democrats are calling women worse, Cxxts and embracing slugs like, Van Jones, Michael Moore, the OWS, Maxie Waters who want to help send the Tea Party to hell
Quote: Originally Posted by C_Clayton_Jones
Jeb! better take care lest he be branded a heretic and burned at the stake as a ‘RINO.’

The sad thing is the radical right and conservative extremists who have taken over the GOP won’t even listen to one of their own.

lol, one of their OWN?

And this is just how fulking crazy the rabid right wingers have become. When a Repub family that has produced two Presidents, is dismissed out of hand because they are not crazy enough, well the crazy right wingers are running the Repub show. For now.
Jeb! better take care lest he be branded a heretic and burned at the stake as a ‘RINO.’

The sad thing is the radical right and conservative extremists who have taken over the GOP won’t even listen to one of their own.

Like I said, I think that he's being brilliant.

WHEN Romney loses, there's going to be a lot of recrimination going around the GOP and a lot of finger pointing. Jeb is staking out a position, and pointing out that the GOP hasn't won an election without a Bush on the ticket in the last 32 years.
Quote: Originally Posted by C_Clayton_Jones
Jeb! better take care lest he be branded a heretic and burned at the stake as a ‘RINO.’

The sad thing is the radical right and conservative extremists who have taken over the GOP won’t even listen to one of their own.

lol, one of their OWN?

And this is just how fulking crazy the rabid right wingers have become. When a Repub family that has produced two Presidents, is dismissed out of hand because they are not crazy enough, well the crazy right wingers are running the Repub show. For now.

I'm waiting for sanity to come back to my party.
Jeb Bush laments Republican partisanship -

Former Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush would have had difficulty being nominated by today’s more conservative GOP, according to Jeb Bush, the latter’s son.
Republican politicians seeking office at any level, from the presidency to local school boards, are being forced to the right by the Tea Party movement, which takes a no-holds-barred approach to conservatism and bipartisanship.

Makes sense.

the gop moved so far left they were the old dnc.

No where could you find anyone that was concerned about the level of debt or thought twice of adding billions too it.

We are LLLLOOOONNNNGGGGGG over due for some fiscal conservatives.

you're welcome
Quote: Originally Posted by C_Clayton_Jones
Jeb! better take care lest he be branded a heretic and burned at the stake as a &#8216;RINO.&#8217;

The sad thing is the radical right and conservative extremists who have taken over the GOP won&#8217;t even listen to one of their own.

lol, one of their OWN?

And this is just how fulking crazy the rabid right wingers have become. When a Repub family that has produced two Presidents, is dismissed out of hand because they are not crazy enough, well the crazy right wingers are running the Repub show. For now.

Some of us don't just all down bow down and WORSHIP the words of all politicians like you on the left does.
But it is hilarious as hell seeing you all take a Republican and especially a Bush at his words
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Quote: Originally Posted by C_Clayton_Jones
Jeb! better take care lest he be branded a heretic and burned at the stake as a ‘RINO.’

The sad thing is the radical right and conservative extremists who have taken over the GOP won’t even listen to one of their own.

lol, one of their OWN?

And this is just how fulking crazy the rabid right wingers have become. When a Repub family that has produced two Presidents, is dismissed out of hand because they are not crazy enough, well the crazy right wingers are running the Repub show. For now.

I'm waiting for sanity to come back to my party.

The dems will never be sane, they will just keep moving left until they have to admit socialism is great.
Makes sense.

the gop moved so far left they were the old dnc.

No where could you find anyone that was concerned about the level of debt or thought twice of adding billions too it.

We are LLLLOOOONNNNGGGGGG over due for some fiscal conservatives.

you're welcome

Romney's not a "fiscal conservative". His plan is going to add another 10 trillion in debt.

Debt is a bipartisan thing, because borrowing money is easier politically than raising taxes or cutting programs.

It ain't a left or right thing. And if you think you just need the "right kind" of "fiscal conservative" in there to address the problem, you are delusional.
I love that two poor conservatives are in the same thread dismissing someone who is speaking up about the lunacy that is the GOP. The GOP that couldn't care less about poor people like them and who selects officials who have said that they way back to prosperity is raising the taxes on the working poor and middle class such as themselves.

Everytime Two Thumbs and Stephanie posts I laugh and then cry. What a shame.
The dems will never be sane, they will just keep moving left until they have to admit socialism is great.

Eeeeeeeek! Socialism!


I find it hilarious that if someone suggests that maybe the people who actually do the work get more of a share of the money, you guys scream socialism, and then move the good paying jobs over to a communist dictatorship that harvests its own citizens for transplant organs.

It's just fucking hilarious.
The dems will never be sane, they will just keep moving left until they have to admit socialism is great.

Eeeeeeeek! Socialism!


I find it hilarious that if someone suggests that maybe the people who actually do the work get more of a share of the money, you guys scream socialism, and then move the good paying jobs over to a communist dictatorship that harvests its own citizens for transplant organs.

It's just fucking hilarious.

I actually am not a rep, I am an actual conservative.

You guys, ship jobs out, the party you lie that you are part of and the party you actually are part of.

I suggest a little honesty

or not
When the fuck did liberals start loving to hear a Bush speak?

3.5 year ago he was poison.

months ago, he was poison.


I voted for Bush's dad both times (although I considered Perot for a time in 1992) and his brother both times. Voted for McCain last time.

Won't vote for Romney this time.

Jeb is pointing out a truth, that extreme elements have hijacked the Republican Party, and the leadership can't control them. And that's the problem. YOu can't lead if you can't stand up to the crowd.

Eventually, someone is going to have to say, "Yes, any fiscal solution is going to involve both spending cuts and tax increases!"

Romney isn't doing that. He's playing to the crowd, hoping that hatred for Obama will obscure the fact he's an empty suit with magic underwear.
Makes sense.

the gop moved so far left they were the old dnc.

No where could you find anyone that was concerned about the level of debt or thought twice of adding billions too it.

We are LLLLOOOONNNNGGGGGG over due for some fiscal conservatives.

you're welcome

Romney's not a "fiscal conservative". His plan is going to add another 10 trillion in debt.

Debt is a bipartisan thing, because borrowing money is easier politically than raising taxes or cutting programs.

It ain't a left or right thing. And if you think you just need the "right kind" of "fiscal conservative" in there to address the problem, you are delusional.

you say romney not a fiscal conservative like that's news.

the last fiscal conservative was probably Jefferson
I actually am not a rep, I am an actual conservative.

You guys, ship jobs out, the party you lie that you are part of and the party you actually are part of.

I suggest a little honesty

or not

I don't know who "you guys" are. I think Free Trade is a horrible idea, and I've thought so since the 1970's. I thought it was a horrible idea in the 1980's, when the Japanese were killing our electronics industry by "dumping", and I thought it was a horrible idea when the Chinese were killing our industries by floating their currency.

But both parties are drinking the Free Trade Koolaid.

You aren't a conservative, you're a nutbag.
Jeb Bush laments Republican partisanship -

Former Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush would have had difficulty being nominated by today’s more conservative GOP, according to Jeb Bush, the latter’s son.
Republican politicians seeking office at any level, from the presidency to local school boards, are being forced to the right by the Tea Party movement, which takes a no-holds-barred approach to conservatism and bipartisanship.

Makes sense.

the gop moved so far left they were the old dnc.

No where could you find anyone that was concerned about the level of debt or thought twice of adding billions too it.

We are LLLLOOOONNNNGGGGGG over due for some fiscal conservatives.

you're welcome

What is fiscally responsible about the GOP (Besides their rhetoric of course)?
Jeb Bush laments Republican partisanship -

Former Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush would have had difficulty being nominated by today’s more conservative GOP, according to Jeb Bush, the latter’s son.
Republican politicians seeking office at any level, from the presidency to local school boards, are being forced to the right by the Tea Party movement, which takes a no-holds-barred approach to conservatism and bipartisanship.

Makes sense.

the gop moved so far left they were the old dnc.

No where could you find anyone that was concerned about the level of debt or thought twice of adding billions too it.

We are LLLLOOOONNNNGGGGGG over due for some fiscal conservatives.

you're welcome

What is fiscally responsible about the GOP (Besides their rhetoric of course)?


beyond keeping taxes low.

What's fiscally responsible about the DNC?

I love that two poor conservatives are in the same thread dismissing someone who is speaking up about the lunacy that is the GOP. The GOP that couldn't care less about poor people like them and who selects officials who have said that they way back to prosperity is raising the taxes on the working poor and middle class such as themselves.

Everytime Two Thumbs and Stephanie posts I laugh and then cry. What a shame.

man, you even wake up in the mornings hateful

sad life
I love that two poor conservatives are in the same thread dismissing someone who is speaking up about the lunacy that is the GOP. The GOP that couldn't care less about poor people like them and who selects officials who have said that they way back to prosperity is raising the taxes on the working poor and middle class such as themselves.

Everytime Two Thumbs and Stephanie posts I laugh and then cry. What a shame.

man, you even wake up in the mornings hateful

sad life

Difference between you and me though is I didn't wish for you to be dead. Whatever makes you feel better though.

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