Jeb Bush steps down from rich man's token board seats

He's clearly running.

It will be interesting to see if Jeb! has what it takes to withstand what will be a withering attack from the extreme right.

Please, it's not the attacks from the right he'll have to deal with. If he gets in you'll (the extreme hard left) be the first up there attacking him
He's clearly running.

It will be interesting to see if Jeb! has what it takes to withstand what will be a withering attack from the extreme right.

Please, it's not the attacks from the right he'll have to deal with. If he gets in you'll (the extreme hard left) be the first up there attacking him

If he gets in, we're basically screwed. Jesus, did any of you not learn your lesson.

First Bush- 1 war, 1 recession.

Second Bush 2 wars, 2 recessions.

Want to go for three? I don't.
He's clearly running.

It will be interesting to see if Jeb! has what it takes to withstand what will be a withering attack from the extreme right.

Please, it's not the attacks from the right he'll have to deal with. If he gets in you'll (the extreme hard left) be the first up there attacking him

Whoa. I listened to a segment of the Mark Levin radio show yesterday and his attack on Jeb Bush was brutal.
If you republicans nominate another Bush you are all verifiable idiots and a danger to America.
In contrast to whom? The idiot liberals who thought their insurance would go down $2500?

I doubt that 1/10th of 1 percent of the people who voted for Obama voted for him for that reason.

Maybe, but at least 10% voted for him to get all of the other free stuff.

The last Bush's 'free' Medicare was how much?
getting ready for the presidency his mind

You notice how libs are always obsessing about the money Republicans have while completely ignore that there are plenty of rich liberals too?

How many of those liberals got RICH in office.

Like Obama.
WAKE UP, America......We NEED this shit...there is NO ONE ELSE with a BRAIN but these 2 losers?..A Corrupt banker, and a drunk, broke, murdering, bitch?
They wail haven't Republicans learned ?

Yet they are looking at Hillary Clinton the old lady who has accomplished not much, Lizzy Warren another JUNIOR Senator with no Experience in anything nobody knows and act as if Obama has been just the BOMB. At least George Bush jr. was a Governor of a STATE not some lowly Senator in Congress only 144 days before they made him the Messiah

cracks me up
IMO Bush has no plans of running. It's all about making people say "Bush Clinton! NO FUCKING WAY!" Who gets hurt by this? Well politically the party with a single candidate gets hurt, Democrats. It's not about running, it's about making people think about America the dynasty.
IMO Bush has no plans of running. It's all about making people say "Bush Clinton! NO FUCKING WAY!" Who gets hurt by this? Well politically the party with a single candidate gets hurt, Democrats. It's not about running, it's about making people think about America the dynasty.

I seriously doubt it, as the arrogance of Jeb Bush is on par with the Swillary, and the Manchurian muslim, but I could be wrong....we'll see!

He's clearly running.

It will be interesting to see if Jeb! has what it takes to withstand what will be a withering attack from the extreme right.

and from the extreme left

and ANYONE who can piss off the far right AND the far left can't be all bad!
Libs are frightend. watch them freak out and attack.

The dividing line between Hillary and Jeb is a lot smaller. Jeb has a lot acceptable policies for Dems and has told the Far Right to goto hell on numerous occasions...
Jeb Bush is not his brother or Ted Cruz and lot of his view are moderate.

That is why Job is the first actual contender in the race... He will not run right during the primaries which makes him very dangerous in a national...
You know when the lib/dems stick up for Republican that is the ones to stay away from

they are really afraid of Ted Cruz though

GO TED. and Palin as his VP


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