Jeb to release 250,000 e-mails from his time in office and an e-book on his governing philosphy

Given how Jeb Bush is essentially the second coming of Mitt Romney, one wonders why people wouldn't just pick the real Romney instead. Romney's hard work to screw working people and give tax breaks to billionaires is old news, but with Jeb Bush it would be new and fresh.
I am thinking strongly that the ghost of Thomas Dewey may really, truly be present in 2016.

Those who know their electoral history know what I mean.
Given how Jeb Bush is essentially the second coming of Mitt Romney, one wonders why people wouldn't just pick the real Romney instead. Romney's hard work to screw working people and give tax breaks to billionaires is old news, but with Jeb Bush it would be new and fresh.
Romney is better than Jeb but Jeb isn't Mormon so it'll be easier to get the Christian-GOPers to back him
Cripes don't they know he's going to run to help Hillary.

You know this gets so stupid. Jeb. We know what you are doing. Please stop.
Jeb the girls have already said they love aunt hillary. Jeb. we already know you are only going to do this to help her.

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