

Type 40
Jul 1, 2011




That is the coolest post yet by you. I love it. Yes, shit happens. I've never rolled one in these 44 years of having and owning Jeeps, but it happens. Cool photos indeed.

(You CAN be normal, wow.)

After these 44 years I have refined and fine tuned what works for me, with VEX and Army trailer being shipped world wide with me on assignments. It has 1,200,000 miles on it, on its 5th engine. I got it as a total. I got it where it will really rock. With the 12,000 lb. winches on it front and rear, I no longer get stuck anymore. I've had VEX now for 20 years along with the Army trailer.

He does cool shit:


Good articulation, so it won't do what those Jeeps did in those photos, unless one was careless.



Climbs good.


Set up to pull very heavy things.


And it likes rocks.

Thank you for the Jeep pics, you little stalking, chain pulling, retro freak show. Most kind.

How's the search for alien implants coming? When did you expect that alien communication? The next 5 years I believe you said?

:rofl: @ RAMS the Fraud
How's the search for alien implants coming? When did you expect that alien communication? The next 5 years I believe you said?

:rofl: @ RAMS the Fraud

Hi real FRAUD,

Yes, 5 years. the folks and everyone involved and me included use this as the top end number.


Because per the HST Deep Field and other deep sky survey, there are 50 class M planets like Earth, within 50 LYs of Earth. Thus, for 50 years we have been transmitting radio and TV in the AM band and now others. About now out to 5 years, if anyone is out there, and I an other believe there are, then, they should be recieving those signals about now out to about 5-6 years, since that is how long it had taken for same to get there at SoL.

Good question.

I wish you would be normal before you get yourself banned from here. you actually are a challenger when you post normal dissent and not use all the other defamating lies and bullshit.

Try it.

I have this relative who lives in Nome, Alaska. No, that person does not mine for gold. Oft has remarked that the majority of vehicles left sitting by the roadside failed and unrepairable at reasonable cost are Jeeps. Not so much the open-air types; rather the station wagon/SUV types. Sufficiently known that people who have lived there for a year or more don't order any and those that are new to the town almost always are brought in (air or barge; no roads to anywhere) by people who are just moving in and have no clue.
How's the search for alien implants coming? When did you expect that alien communication? The next 5 years I believe you said?

:rofl: @ RAMS the Fraud

Hi real FRAUD,

Yes, 5 years. the folks and everyone involved and me included use this as the top end number.


Because per the HST Deep Field and other deep sky survey, there are 50 class M planets like Earth, within 50 LYs of Earth. Thus, for 50 years we have been transmitting radio and TV in the AM band and now others. About now out to 5 years, if anyone is out there, and I an other believe there are, then, they should be recieving those signals about now out to about 5-6 years, since that is how long it had taken for same to get there at SoL.

Good question.

I wish you would be normal before you get yourself banned from here. you actually are a challenger when you post normal dissent and not use all the other defamating lies and bullshit.

Try it.

If a signal was sent 50 years ago... traveled at near the speed of light... it would just now be arriving at a planet 50 light years from Earth. If they immediately understood what the signal was, and immediately responded, it would then take their signal 50 years (assuming near light speed travel of the signal) to travel back to Earth.

So, it is IMPOSSIBLE, under the situation YOU described above, that we'd get a signal from one of those 50 class M planets in the next 5 years.

You're so fucking stupid, basic math eludes you. :rofl:

Another utter FAIL, by Robert the Fraud.

You're outmatched. Quit while you're behind.

EDIT: I almost forgot that you're ASSuming the existence of life on at least 1 of those 50 class M planets, that is intelligent, and scientifically advanced enough to detect and respond.

You really do suck at this.
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I have this relative who lives in Nome, Alaska. No, that person does not mine for gold. Oft has remarked that the majority of vehicles left sitting by the roadside failed and unrepairable at reasonable cost are Jeeps. Not so much the open-air types; rather the station wagon/SUV types. Sufficiently known that people who have lived there for a year or more don't order any and those that are new to the town almost always are brought in (air or barge; no roads to anywhere) by people who are just moving in and have no clue.

I would not know. I've never been to Alaska. After all these years, I love my Jeep(s).

[ame=]Reto Extremo 4x4 Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica - YouTube[/ame]
Landcruisers are and always have been a better off-road vehicle.
How's the search for alien implants coming? When did you expect that alien communication? The next 5 years I believe you said?

:rofl: @ RAMS the Fraud

Hi real FRAUD,

Yes, 5 years. The folks and everyone involved and me included, use this as the top end number.


Because per the HST Deep Field and other deep sky survey, there are 50 class M planets like Earth, within 50 LYs of Earth. Thus, for 50 years we have been transmitting radio and TV in the AM band and now others. About now out to 5 years, if anyone is out there, and I an other believe there are, then, they should be recieving those signals about now out to about 5-6 years, since that is how long it had taken for same to get there at SoL.

Good question.

I wish you would be normal before you get yourself banned from here. you actually are a challenger when you post normal dissent and not use all the other defamating lies and bullshit.

Try it.


If a signal was sent 50 years ago... traveled at near the speed of light... it would just now be arriving at a planet 50 light years from Earth. If they immediately understood what the signal was, and immediately responded, it would then take their signal 50 years (assuming near light speed travel of the signal) to travel back to Earth.

So, it is IMPOSSIBLE, under the situation YOU described above, that we'd get a signal from one of those 50 class M planets in the next 5 years.

You're so fucking stupid, basic math eludes you. :rofl:

Another utter FAIL, by Robert the Fraud.

You're outmatched. Quit while you're behind.

EDIT: I almost forgot that you're ASSuming the existence of life on at least 1 of those 50 class M planets, that is intelligent, and scientifically advanced enough to detect and respond.

You really do suck at this.

Correct, motherfucker, actually that is the question posed, they may get the signal, but would they do with or try to uunderstand with, say, I love Lucy.....haha. We did not exchange that in our first exchange on topic. Stop the vitriolic nonsense. I am so far above and beyond you in every way, its fun, dealing with a petulant child like you. ok, good inquiry with more data as we didn't get that far in our conversation.

Isn't it amazing my fame and fortune, riches, art talent, NASa, adventure, getting $46,000 apiece for my paintings in oil on the shuttle and stuff. Wow, no wonder you are so jealous and intimidated and so much like Gersten and Hoagland.

So, that is the vex of the issue. It remains to be seen what happens, and then, to send a message back, another 50+ years. I've stated this whole thing on our site already and countless others over the years and when I was interfacing with the woo woo, years ago.

Here's more, with the time delay at SoL. Lets say they get the message but do not understand but they themselves have worked through the SoL speed barrier and think it is a threat. What then?

Another thing that is and needs to be factored in is this ongoing development of The Great Attractor, and WTF it is. (please look it up and the details as this is right up your alley). The issue there is that it is racing along with this whole quadrant of space and everything in it, and its all accelerating and no one knows why....

Another thing on the signal, you said just 1 system that may be listening or here. The odds are it is more like 0. Life may be abundant , but it is fleeting and we may not know for another 500 years if we are alone or not.

A Class Earth might be out there in those 50 possibles so far, but would or could it have life at all at our level or above in advancement.

I think it is very very very low there is anything out there, but the odds from the distance paradigm and our transmission of signals is valid. Its just fleeting is all.

Good response if you remove your vitriolic bullshit. Wish you would talk normal and as adult. You DO present good challenge argument and its fun to be tested minus your bullshit and lies, and then answer you and "prove" I am correct. Although that was never the intention when I joined here.

Also, if we got into a good, normal, American exchange publicly others would learn and it would sure redeem what you have done to yourself here in the eyes of others.

Also, thank you again for the Gersten deal......that was truly hilarious. I sent that to Pam at NASA and to Audrey my GF and they totally howled at that. Poor Riley........ awesome

Thank you,

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Landcruisers are and always have been a better off-road vehicle.

I wouldn't know. I started with Jeeps, since they proceed the Toyotas by 29 years, so, stuck with them. The buds I off road with in rough rough cross country stuff like across the Yucatan Jungle, they do as well as VEX except for the mod differences to VEX verses their LCs, but that is not a fair comparsion. They are great off road rigs, however.

Hi real FRAUD,

Yes, 5 years. The folks and everyone involved and me included, use this as the top end number.


Because per the HST Deep Field and other deep sky survey, there are 50 class M planets like Earth, within 50 LYs of Earth. Thus, for 50 years we have been transmitting radio and TV in the AM band and now others. About now out to 5 years, if anyone is out there, and I an other believe there are, then, they should be recieving those signals about now out to about 5-6 years, since that is how long it had taken for same to get there at SoL.

Good question.

I wish you would be normal before you get yourself banned from here. you actually are a challenger when you post normal dissent and not use all the other defamating lies and bullshit.

Try it.


If a signal was sent 50 years ago... traveled at near the speed of light... it would just now be arriving at a planet 50 light years from Earth. If they immediately understood what the signal was, and immediately responded, it would then take their signal 50 years (assuming near light speed travel of the signal) to travel back to Earth.

So, it is IMPOSSIBLE, under the situation YOU described above, that we'd get a signal from one of those 50 class M planets in the next 5 years.

You're so fucking stupid, basic math eludes you. :rofl:

Another utter FAIL, by Robert the Fraud.

You're outmatched. Quit while you're behind.

EDIT: I almost forgot that you're ASSuming the existence of life on at least 1 of those 50 class M planets, that is intelligent, and scientifically advanced enough to detect and respond.

You really do suck at this.

Correct, motherfucker, actually that is the question posed, they may get the signal, but would they do with or try to uunderstand
Liar. YOU claimed We would receive a signal from space within 5 years. Under ths conditions YOU set, that is a physical impossibility. You are a fraud and a liar, and you're caught.

with, say, I love Lucy.....haha. We did not exchange that in our first exchange on topic. Stop the vitriolic nonsense. I am so far above and beyond you in every way, its fun, dealing with a petulant child like you. ok, good inquiry with more data as we didn't get that far in our conversation.
A legend in your own mind, nowhere else. Certainly not here.

Isn't it amazing my fame and fortune, riches, art talent, NASa, adventure, getting $46,000 apiece for my paintings in oil on the shuttle and stuff. Wow, no wonder you are so jealous and intimidated and so much like Gersten and Hoagland.
Unlike you, I don't measure worth by monetary means. For what really matters, I am the richest man on the planet.

So, that is the vex of the issue. It remains to be seen what happens, and then, to send a message back, another 50+ years.
Again, NOT what you said. You said we'd receive a signal within 5 years... not 50. Again, you're proven to be a fraud, a liar, and to have the basic math skills of the average house cat.
...We are going to receive an artifical message in the next 5 years, and then, all hell will break lose and NASA and money and space faring will not be an issue...


I've stated this whole thing on our site already and countless others over the years and when I was interfacing with the woo woo, years ago.

Here's more, with the time delay at SoL. Lets say they get the message but do not understand but they themselves have worked through the SoL speed barrier and think it is a threat. What then?

Another thing that is and needs to be factored in is this ongoing development of The Great Attractor, and WFT it is. ( please look it up and the details as this is right up your alley). The issue there is that it is racing along with this whole quadrant of space and everything in it, and its all accelerating and know one knows why....

Another thing on the signal, you said just 1 system that may be listening or here. The odds are it is more like 0. Life may be abundant , but it is fleeting and we may not know for another 500 years if we are alone or not.
Explain how we can expect an artificial signal from space in the next 5 years, when you just said we may not know for 500 years if we are alone or not. You're so fucking stupid and bad at this, you can't even keep your lies straight on a single message board! :rofl:

A Class Earth might be out there in those 50 possibles so far, but would or could it have life at all at our level or above in advancement.

I think it is very very very low there is anything out there, but the odds from the distance paradigm and our transmission of signals is valid. Its just fleeting is all.
The more you try to sound like you know what you're talking about, the less you look like you know what you're talking about.

Good response if you remove your vitriolic bullshit. Wish you would talk normal and as adult. You DO present good challenge argument and its fun to be tested minus your bullshit and lies, and then answer you and "prove" I am correct.
Well, you must be having a really bad time then, as you've not been proven correct yet.

Although that was never the intention when I joined here.

Also, if we got into a good, normal, American exchange publicly others would learn and it would sure redeem what you have done to yourself here in the eyes of others.
Physician, heal thyself.

Also, thank you again for the Gersten deal......that was truly hilarious. I sent that to Pam at NASA and to Audrey my GF and they totally howled at that. Poor Riley........ awesome
Why would you publicly admit your gf laughed at you?

Thank you,


my comments in BLUE above
If a signal was sent 50 years ago... traveled at near the speed of light... it would just now be arriving at a planet 50 light years from Earth. If they immediately understood what the signal was, and immediately responded, it would then take their signal 50 years (assuming near light speed travel of the signal) to travel back to Earth.

So, it is IMPOSSIBLE, under the situation YOU described above, that we'd get a signal from one of those 50 class M planets in the next 5 years.

You're so fucking stupid, basic math eludes you. :rofl:

Another utter FAIL, by Robert the Fraud.

You're outmatched. Quit while you're behind.

EDIT: I almost forgot that you're ASSuming the existence of life on at least 1 of those 50 class M planets, that is intelligent, and scientifically advanced enough to detect and respond.

You really do suck at this.

Correct, motherfucker, actually that is the question posed, they may get the signal, but would they do with or try to uunderstand
Liar. YOU claimed We would receive a signal from space within 5 years. Under ths conditions YOU set, that is a physical impossibility. You are a fraud and a liar, and you're caught.

with, say, I love Lucy.....haha. We did not exchange that in our first exchange on topic. Stop the vitriolic nonsense. I am so far above and beyond you in every way, its fun, dealing with a petulant child like you. ok, good inquiry with more data as we didn't get that far in our conversation.
A legend in your own mind, nowhere else. Certainly not here.

Isn't it amazing my fame and fortune, riches, art talent, NASa, adventure, getting $46,000 apiece for my paintings in oil on the shuttle and stuff. Wow, no wonder you are so jealous and intimidated and so much like Gersten and Hoagland.
Unlike you, I don't measure worth by monetary means. For what really matters, I am the richest man on the planet.

So, that is the vex of the issue. It remains to be seen what happens, and then, to send a message back, another 50+ years.
Again, NOT what you said. You said we'd receive a signal within 5 years... not 50. Again, you're proven to be a fraud, a liar, and to have the basic math skills of the average house cat.
...We are going to receive an artifical message in the next 5 years, and then, all hell will break lose and NASA and money and space faring will not be an issue...


I've stated this whole thing on our site already and countless others over the years and when I was interfacing with the woo woo, years ago.

Here's more, with the time delay at SoL. Lets say they get the message but do not understand but they themselves have worked through the SoL speed barrier and think it is a threat. What then?

Another thing that is and needs to be factored in is this ongoing development of The Great Attractor, and WFT it is. ( please look it up and the details as this is right up your alley). The issue there is that it is racing along with this whole quadrant of space and everything in it, and its all accelerating and know one knows why....

Another thing on the signal, you said just 1 system that may be listening or here. The odds are it is more like 0. Life may be abundant , but it is fleeting and we may not know for another 500 years if we are alone or not.
Explain how we can expect an artificial signal from space in the next 5 years, when you just said we may not know for 500 years if we are alone or not. You're so fucking stupid and bad at this, you can't even keep your lies straight on a single message board! :rofl:

A Class Earth might be out there in those 50 possibles so far, but would or could it have life at all at our level or above in advancement.

I think it is very very very low there is anything out there, but the odds from the distance paradigm and our transmission of signals is valid. Its just fleeting is all.
The more you try to sound like you know what you're talking about, the less you look like you know what you're talking about.

Good response if you remove your vitriolic bullshit. Wish you would talk normal and as adult. You DO present good challenge argument and its fun to be tested minus your bullshit and lies, and then answer you and "prove" I am correct.
Well, you must be having a really bad time then, as you've not been proven correct yet.

Although that was never the intention when I joined here.

Also, if we got into a good, normal, American exchange publicly others would learn and it would sure redeem what you have done to yourself here in the eyes of others.
Physician, heal thyself.

Also, thank you again for the Gersten deal......that was truly hilarious. I sent that to Pam at NASA and to Audrey my GF and they totally howled at that. Poor Riley........ awesome
Why would you publicly admit your gf laughed at you?

Thank you,


my comments in BLUE above

So sad. You cannot do it can you? Just too far gone. I've been proven 100% correct in every detail and you think somehow this is an exchange and you cannot even tell when you have lost, 100% of the time and cannot even carry on a civil conversation. You will reap what you are.

Interesting this dopey retro site keeps you here.

Correct, motherfucker, actually that is the question posed, they may get the signal, but would they do with or try to uunderstand
Liar. YOU claimed We would receive a signal from space within 5 years. Under ths conditions YOU set, that is a physical impossibility. You are a fraud and a liar, and you're caught.

with, say, I love Lucy.....haha. We did not exchange that in our first exchange on topic. Stop the vitriolic nonsense. I am so far above and beyond you in every way, its fun, dealing with a petulant child like you. ok, good inquiry with more data as we didn't get that far in our conversation.
A legend in your own mind, nowhere else. Certainly not here.

Isn't it amazing my fame and fortune, riches, art talent, NASa, adventure, getting $46,000 apiece for my paintings in oil on the shuttle and stuff. Wow, no wonder you are so jealous and intimidated and so much like Gersten and Hoagland.
Unlike you, I don't measure worth by monetary means. For what really matters, I am the richest man on the planet.

So, that is the vex of the issue. It remains to be seen what happens, and then, to send a message back, another 50+ years.
Again, NOT what you said. You said we'd receive a signal within 5 years... not 50. Again, you're proven to be a fraud, a liar, and to have the basic math skills of the average house cat.

I've stated this whole thing on our site already and countless others over the years and when I was interfacing with the woo woo, years ago.

Here's more, with the time delay at SoL. Lets say they get the message but do not understand but they themselves have worked through the SoL speed barrier and think it is a threat. What then?

Another thing that is and needs to be factored in is this ongoing development of The Great Attractor, and WFT it is. ( please look it up and the details as this is right up your alley). The issue there is that it is racing along with this whole quadrant of space and everything in it, and its all accelerating and know one knows why....

Another thing on the signal, you said just 1 system that may be listening or here. The odds are it is more like 0. Life may be abundant , but it is fleeting and we may not know for another 500 years if we are alone or not.
Explain how we can expect an artificial signal from space in the next 5 years, when you just said we may not know for 500 years if we are alone or not. You're so fucking stupid and bad at this, you can't even keep your lies straight on a single message board! :rofl:

A Class Earth might be out there in those 50 possibles so far, but would or could it have life at all at our level or above in advancement.

I think it is very very very low there is anything out there, but the odds from the distance paradigm and our transmission of signals is valid. Its just fleeting is all.
The more you try to sound like you know what you're talking about, the less you look like you know what you're talking about.

Good response if you remove your vitriolic bullshit. Wish you would talk normal and as adult. You DO present good challenge argument and its fun to be tested minus your bullshit and lies, and then answer you and "prove" I am correct.
Well, you must be having a really bad time then, as you've not been proven correct yet.

Although that was never the intention when I joined here.

Also, if we got into a good, normal, American exchange publicly others would learn and it would sure redeem what you have done to yourself here in the eyes of others.
Physician, heal thyself.

Also, thank you again for the Gersten deal......that was truly hilarious. I sent that to Pam at NASA and to Audrey my GF and they totally howled at that. Poor Riley........ awesome
Why would you publicly admit your gf laughed at you?

Thank you,


my comments in BLUE above

So sad. You cannot do it can you? Just too far gone. I've been proven 100% correct in every detail and you think somehow this is an exchange and you cannot even tell when you have lost, 100% of the time and cannot even carry on a civil conversation. You will reap what you are.

Interesting this dopey retro site keeps you here.


I proved every single detail incorrect. You're a monumental imbecile if you think you were proven correct about any of that. First you say we will receive a signal within 5 years,. then claim you meant 50, then 500. You're a pathetic, lying, loser of a man who cannot keep any of his lies straight. It mus gall you all to Hell that I've had the upper hand with you in every single exchange on this site. That someone has exposed you for the utter fake and fraud you are must just burn in your gut. Enjoy the burn... it's just beginning.

"Enjoy the burn... it's just beginning."

This is all we needed. Perfect.

See, on ignore its just a white line here. In the far right it says "this user is on your ignore and block list", and below that it says "View Post" and if i click that, I can see what you posted. That above is all we needed along with the other 88 defamating posts.

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"Enjoy the burn... it's just beginning."

This is all we needed. Perfect.

See, on ignore its just a white line here. In the far right it says "this user is on your ignore and block list", and below that it says "View Post" and if i click that, I can see what you posted. That above is all we needed along with the other 88 defamating posts.


Yes. Certainly any moderator who reads the entire quote...
That someone has exposed you for the utter fake and fraud you are must just burn in your gut. Enjoy the burn... it's just beginning.
...will have a problem with it and ban me :rolleyes:

"Enjoy the burn... it's just beginning."

This is all we needed. Perfect.

See, on ignore its just a white line here. In the far right it says "this user is on your ignore and block list", and below that it says "View Post" and if i click that, I can see what you posted. That above is all we needed along with the other 88 defamating posts.


sue me.


the act of defaming; false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel; calumny: She sued the magazine for defamation of character.
You have to have a good reputation in order for that to even remotely matter. You don't.
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