Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO worth $137 billion, to divorce wife of 25 years

After 25 years I'm sure their kids are grown and gone so maybe they decided it was time to split.

Does he have a girlfriend?? Who knows. I sure don't.

Oh and the Mrs. will be one wealthy single lady.

Hope she watch's for fortune hunters because she will get a slew of those just as he will.

Oh and he does treat his employees like shit. I've read that in more than one place.

Hope things work out well for both of them. Rich is as Rich does. LOL
Can you say "Cha-Ching?" Isn't love grand (or billions)?

Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO worth $137 billion, to divorce wife of 25 years

Jeff Bezos and his wife MacKenzie are divorcing after 25 years of marriage, the Amazon CEO and Washington Post owner has announced.

The richest man in the world, currently worth about $137 billion, according to Bloomberg, made the divorce announcement on Wednesday on his Twitter.

“We want to make people aware of a development in our lives. As our family and close friends know, after a long period of loving exploration and trial separation, we have decided to divorce and continue our shared lives as friends,” read the statement signed by both of them.

What you don't know and I do, is that state supreme court case law in Washington requires that a long term marriage of 25 years or more, if one spouse has stopped working during that marriage, the other spouse who didn't stop working has to by law support in every way, that other spouse in the same lifestyle they had while married.

I know that marriage is at least 25 years.

I don't know if starting a charity organization on anti bullying is legally considered still working. That's all her wiki page says she's done since getting married and she started that in 2014.

I'm pretty sure I know the lawyer she will hire to represent her. The same one I hired. He specializes in high value divorces and divorces with Boeing executives. He's also the same lawyer who in the 1980s established that case law before the Washington state Supreme Court. It was with a Microsoft executive. That lawyer won the case and every appeal. If his wife is smart, she will hire him. I did.

This will be very interesting to watch unfold. My divorce took years to finalize and went to court. I won't be surprised if the same thing happens with this divorce.
He founded Amazon a year after their marriage. Doubt there is a pre-nupt. It could get very expensive for him.

It will get expensive.

She owns half of that corporation.

She could get more than half of it too.

I know that even though I only asked for 50% of the assets, the judge gave me 55% of all assets.

As with most legal cases in America, the person who buys the best lawyer, wins.
He founded Amazon a year after their marriage. Doubt there is a pre-nupt. It could get very expensive for him.

It will get expensive.

She owns half of that corporation.

She could get more than half of it too.

I know that even though I only asked for 50% of the assets, the judge gave me 55% of all assets.

As with most legal cases in America, the person who buys the best lawyer, wins.

You know what though? Yes, call me naive, but I can't imagine why someone would want to go through years of wrangling when they can just find a reasonable agreement. How many billions would she need to go on her way?

If he said, "here's 15B cash and I will give you $10M a year for the rest of your life, sign here" Would any reasonable person turn that down?

You could use your life enjoying your time rather than fighting. Now if she wasn't going to get so much money and they were the average family, I can see a fight, but surely she can get a massive amount, beyond any persons wildest dreams and just move along with your life.
Where they live, Washington, is a community property state. He owns 16% of Amazon, according to what I read, it’s value today is listed as $804.93 billion, thus her take would be $64 billion plus.
He founded Amazon a year after their marriage. Doubt there is a pre-nupt. It could get very expensive for him.

It will get expensive.

She owns half of that corporation.

She could get more than half of it too.

I know that even though I only asked for 50% of the assets, the judge gave me 55% of all assets.

As with most legal cases in America, the person who buys the best lawyer, wins.

You know what though? Yes, call me naive, but I can't imagine why someone would want to go through years of wrangling when they can just find a reasonable agreement. How many billions would she need to go on her way?

If he said, "here's 15B cash and I will give you $10M a year for the rest of your life, sign here" Would any reasonable person turn that down?

You could use your life enjoying your time rather than fighting. Now if she wasn't going to get so much money and they were the average family, I can see a fight, but surely she can get a massive amount, beyond any persons wildest dreams and just move along with your life.

That's true.

We don't know the personalities of those involved and we don't know the reasons for the divorce. That's important to consider.

My problem was the ex. The person I divorced wasn't willing to even do the minimum required by law. Every turn he caused the whole thing to take longer. He filed motions and had his lawyer fire off accusations after accusations that all were false causing me to run around to get proof it was false while he wasn't required to provide any proof of his claims. He and his lawyer did everything include commit perjury, to get out of having to follow the laws of our state. He and his lawyer lost. In fact he and his lawyer ticked off the judge so much that even though I asked for 50% of all assets, the judge awarded me 55% and several other things that I didn't ask for.

They live in King County so the divorce will be flied in that county with our very liberal judges.

I can tell you, money changes people. If she married a man like the one I divorced, this will get extremely ugly and take a couple years.
Where they live, Washington, is a community property state. He owns 16% of Amazon, according to what I read, it’s value today is listed as $804.93 billion, thus her take would be $64 billion plus.

It would have been much cheaper to simply have told Hillary Clinton that his wife was fixing to spill the beans and sit back and let the chips fall where they may.
Where they live, Washington, is a community property state. He owns 16% of Amazon, according to what I read, it’s value today is listed as $804.93 billion, thus her take would be $64 billion plus.

Yes Washington is a community property state without alimony. With exceptions.

One of them is the case law concerning long term marriages.

You might want to look it up.
What the heck is loving exploration? Lol
Either younger girlfriend or discovering he's gay.

So you've already contacted him to see if he's available?
Homos don’t need to ask. They just show up. That’s why we have HIV.

Actually, we have HIV because some black African had sex with a monkey and contracted it then passed it on to a female human.
No, HIV has been around for decades. It took a combination of incredible promiscuousness combined with an injurious style of sex to manifest itself.
Male homo liberation gave us HIV.
He founded Amazon a year after their marriage. Doubt there is a pre-nupt. It could get very expensive for him.

It will get expensive.

She owns half of that corporation.

She could get more than half of it too.

I know that even though I only asked for 50% of the assets, the judge gave me 55% of all assets.

As with most legal cases in America, the person who buys the best lawyer, wins.

You know what though? Yes, call me naive, but I can't imagine why someone would want to go through years of wrangling when they can just find a reasonable agreement. How many billions would she need to go on her way?

If he said, "here's 15B cash and I will give you $10M a year for the rest of your life, sign here" Would any reasonable person turn that down?

You could use your life enjoying your time rather than fighting. Now if she wasn't going to get so much money and they were the average family, I can see a fight, but surely she can get a massive amount, beyond any persons wildest dreams and just move along with your life.

That's true.

We don't know the personalities of those involved and we don't know the reasons for the divorce. That's important to consider.

My problem was the ex. The person I divorced wasn't willing to even do the minimum required by law. Every turn he caused the whole thing to take longer. He filed motions and had his lawyer fire off accusations after accusations that all were false causing me to run around to get proof it was false while he wasn't required to provide any proof of his claims. He and his lawyer did everything include commit perjury, to get out of having to follow the laws of our state. He and his lawyer lost. In fact he and his lawyer ticked off the judge so much that even though I asked for 50% of all assets, the judge awarded me 55% and several other things that I didn't ask for.

They live in King County so the divorce will be flied in that county with our very liberal judges.

I can tell you, money changes people. If she married a man like the one I divorced, this will get extremely ugly and take a couple years.

Thats a sad story. I would fight for what is right, but I wouldn't lie and extend unnecessarily the proceedings.
He founded Amazon a year after their marriage. Doubt there is a pre-nupt. It could get very expensive for him.

It will get expensive.

She owns half of that corporation.

She could get more than half of it too.

I know that even though I only asked for 50% of the assets, the judge gave me 55% of all assets.

As with most legal cases in America, the person who buys the best lawyer, wins.

You know what though? Yes, call me naive, but I can't imagine why someone would want to go through years of wrangling when they can just find a reasonable agreement. How many billions would she need to go on her way?

If he said, "here's 15B cash and I will give you $10M a year for the rest of your life, sign here" Would any reasonable person turn that down?

You could use your life enjoying your time rather than fighting. Now if she wasn't going to get so much money and they were the average family, I can see a fight, but surely she can get a massive amount, beyond any persons wildest dreams and just move along with your life.

That's true.

We don't know the personalities of those involved and we don't know the reasons for the divorce. That's important to consider.

My problem was the ex. The person I divorced wasn't willing to even do the minimum required by law. Every turn he caused the whole thing to take longer. He filed motions and had his lawyer fire off accusations after accusations that all were false causing me to run around to get proof it was false while he wasn't required to provide any proof of his claims. He and his lawyer did everything include commit perjury, to get out of having to follow the laws of our state. He and his lawyer lost. In fact he and his lawyer ticked off the judge so much that even though I asked for 50% of all assets, the judge awarded me 55% and several other things that I didn't ask for.

They live in King County so the divorce will be flied in that county with our very liberal judges.

I can tell you, money changes people. If she married a man like the one I divorced, this will get extremely ugly and take a couple years.

Thats a sad story. I would fight for what is right, but I wouldn't lie and extend unnecessarily the proceedings.

That's not even a half of a percent of the garbage he pulled.

The day of the mediation, I was in my lawyer's office with my lawyer. The ex was in the conference room with his. The mediator started with the ex and his lawyer. He came back into my lawyer's office a few minutes later saying I should go home. That the ex wasn't even willing to do the minimum of what the law requires, which is what my lawyer and I expected.

The mediator was totally disgusted with the ex and apologized that the ex was wasting everyone's time and money, that we will have to go to court.

My lawyer and I didn't even get a chance to start our side of the mediation. I wrote a check to the mediator then went home.

Yes, it was an extremely ugly and expensive divorce.
Where they live, Washington, is a community property state. He owns 16% of Amazon, according to what I read, it’s value today is listed as $804.93 billion, thus her take would be $64 billion plus.

Yes Washington is a community property state without alimony. With exceptions.

One of them is the case law concerning long term marriages.

You might want to look it up.

What I found-

By contrast, for long-term marriages, Judge Winsor said to put the parties on equal financial footing for many years if not for the remainder of their lives. This means maintenance awards after long-term marriages tend to be enough to ensure each party has half the former family’s financial resources. Consider a simplified example where the parties are debt free and in good health. Assume the husband makes $10,000 per month and the wife earns $2,000. The court would probably order the husband to pay the wife about $4,000 per month in maintenance. The parties would then be in equal financial positions in that they would both have $6,000 per month.

IMPACT OF CHILD SUPPORT. Many courts dramatically reduce maintenance awards if the recipient also receives child support. Though child support is for the child, the funds incidentally reduce the expenses of the recipient parent. The roof over the child’s head covers the parent, the heat in the child’s house warms the parent, the cable bill for the child supplies TV and internet access for the parent, and so on. In fact, courts often reduce maintenance dollar for dollar by the amount of child support.

With their worth, I would surmise it still won’t be a problem for her.
He founded Amazon a year after their marriage. Doubt there is a pre-nupt. It could get very expensive for him.

It will get expensive.

She owns half of that corporation.

She could get more than half of it too.

I know that even though I only asked for 50% of the assets, the judge gave me 55% of all assets.

As with most legal cases in America, the person who buys the best lawyer, wins.

You know what though? Yes, call me naive, but I can't imagine why someone would want to go through years of wrangling when they can just find a reasonable agreement. How many billions would she need to go on her way?

If he said, "here's 15B cash and I will give you $10M a year for the rest of your life, sign here" Would any reasonable person turn that down?

You could use your life enjoying your time rather than fighting. Now if she wasn't going to get so much money and they were the average family, I can see a fight, but surely she can get a massive amount, beyond any persons wildest dreams and just move along with your life.

That's true.

We don't know the personalities of those involved and we don't know the reasons for the divorce. That's important to consider.

My problem was the ex. The person I divorced wasn't willing to even do the minimum required by law. Every turn he caused the whole thing to take longer. He filed motions and had his lawyer fire off accusations after accusations that all were false causing me to run around to get proof it was false while he wasn't required to provide any proof of his claims. He and his lawyer did everything include commit perjury, to get out of having to follow the laws of our state. He and his lawyer lost. In fact he and his lawyer ticked off the judge so much that even though I asked for 50% of all assets, the judge awarded me 55% and several other things that I didn't ask for.

They live in King County so the divorce will be flied in that county with our very liberal judges.

I can tell you, money changes people. If she married a man like the one I divorced, this will get extremely ugly and take a couple years.

Thats a sad story. I would fight for what is right, but I wouldn't lie and extend unnecessarily the proceedings.

That's not even a half of a percent of the garbage he pulled.

The day of the mediation, I was in my lawyer's office with my lawyer. The ex was in the conference room with his. The mediator started with the ex and his lawyer. He came back into my lawyer's office a few minutes later saying I should go home. That the ex wasn't even willing to do the minimum of what the law requires, which is what my lawyer and I expected.

The mediator was totally disgusted with the ex and apologized that the ex was wasting everyone's time and money, that we will have to go to court.

My lawyer and I didn't even get a chance to start our side of the mediation. I wrote a check to the mediator then went home.

Yes, it was an extremely ugly and expensive divorce.
Sadly, divorce can be cruel. And someone’s lawyer, as well as Judge, can make or break you.
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He founded Amazon a year after their marriage. Doubt there is a pre-nupt. It could get very expensive for him.

It will get expensive.

She owns half of that corporation.

She could get more than half of it too.

I know that even though I only asked for 50% of the assets, the judge gave me 55% of all assets.

As with most legal cases in America, the person who buys the best lawyer, wins.

You know what though? Yes, call me naive, but I can't imagine why someone would want to go through years of wrangling when they can just find a reasonable agreement. How many billions would she need to go on her way?

If he said, "here's 15B cash and I will give you $10M a year for the rest of your life, sign here" Would any reasonable person turn that down?

You could use your life enjoying your time rather than fighting. Now if she wasn't going to get so much money and they were the average family, I can see a fight, but surely she can get a massive amount, beyond any persons wildest dreams and just move along with your life.

That's true.

We don't know the personalities of those involved and we don't know the reasons for the divorce. That's important to consider.

My problem was the ex. The person I divorced wasn't willing to even do the minimum required by law. Every turn he caused the whole thing to take longer. He filed motions and had his lawyer fire off accusations after accusations that all were false causing me to run around to get proof it was false while he wasn't required to provide any proof of his claims. He and his lawyer did everything include commit perjury, to get out of having to follow the laws of our state. He and his lawyer lost. In fact he and his lawyer ticked off the judge so much that even though I asked for 50% of all assets, the judge awarded me 55% and several other things that I didn't ask for.

They live in King County so the divorce will be flied in that county with our very liberal judges.

I can tell you, money changes people. If she married a man like the one I divorced, this will get extremely ugly and take a couple years.

Thats a sad story. I would fight for what is right, but I wouldn't lie and extend unnecessarily the proceedings.

That's not even a half of a percent of the garbage he pulled.

The day of the mediation, I was in my lawyer's office with my lawyer. The ex was in the conference room with his. The mediator started with the ex and his lawyer. He came back into my lawyer's office a few minutes later saying I should go home. That the ex wasn't even willing to do the minimum of what the law requires, which is what my lawyer and I expected.

The mediator was totally disgusted with the ex and apologized that the ex was wasting everyone's time and money, that we will have to go to court.

My lawyer and I didn't even get a chance to start our side of the mediation. I wrote a check to the mediator then went home.

Yes, it was an extremely ugly and expensive divorce.
99% of divorces are nightmares and take years.
It will get expensive.

She owns half of that corporation.

She could get more than half of it too.

I know that even though I only asked for 50% of the assets, the judge gave me 55% of all assets.

As with most legal cases in America, the person who buys the best lawyer, wins.

You know what though? Yes, call me naive, but I can't imagine why someone would want to go through years of wrangling when they can just find a reasonable agreement. How many billions would she need to go on her way?

If he said, "here's 15B cash and I will give you $10M a year for the rest of your life, sign here" Would any reasonable person turn that down?

You could use your life enjoying your time rather than fighting. Now if she wasn't going to get so much money and they were the average family, I can see a fight, but surely she can get a massive amount, beyond any persons wildest dreams and just move along with your life.

That's true.

We don't know the personalities of those involved and we don't know the reasons for the divorce. That's important to consider.

My problem was the ex. The person I divorced wasn't willing to even do the minimum required by law. Every turn he caused the whole thing to take longer. He filed motions and had his lawyer fire off accusations after accusations that all were false causing me to run around to get proof it was false while he wasn't required to provide any proof of his claims. He and his lawyer did everything include commit perjury, to get out of having to follow the laws of our state. He and his lawyer lost. In fact he and his lawyer ticked off the judge so much that even though I asked for 50% of all assets, the judge awarded me 55% and several other things that I didn't ask for.

They live in King County so the divorce will be flied in that county with our very liberal judges.

I can tell you, money changes people. If she married a man like the one I divorced, this will get extremely ugly and take a couple years.

Thats a sad story. I would fight for what is right, but I wouldn't lie and extend unnecessarily the proceedings.

That's not even a half of a percent of the garbage he pulled.

The day of the mediation, I was in my lawyer's office with my lawyer. The ex was in the conference room with his. The mediator started with the ex and his lawyer. He came back into my lawyer's office a few minutes later saying I should go home. That the ex wasn't even willing to do the minimum of what the law requires, which is what my lawyer and I expected.

The mediator was totally disgusted with the ex and apologized that the ex was wasting everyone's time and money, that we will have to go to court.

My lawyer and I didn't even get a chance to start our side of the mediation. I wrote a check to the mediator then went home.

Yes, it was an extremely ugly and expensive divorce.
99% of divorces are nightmares and take years.

Only if the lawyers stretch it out. Judges want nothing to do with such lawyers, if the clients don't.

There was a story of two in Divorce Court who made up in front of the judge and hugged, basically stopped their divorce process. It's on video, the lawyers were visibly unhappy. The judge was giddy and wished them well.

I suppose the lawyer don't get a penny, or much less with no settlement.
It will get expensive.

She owns half of that corporation.

She could get more than half of it too.

I know that even though I only asked for 50% of the assets, the judge gave me 55% of all assets.

As with most legal cases in America, the person who buys the best lawyer, wins.

You know what though? Yes, call me naive, but I can't imagine why someone would want to go through years of wrangling when they can just find a reasonable agreement. How many billions would she need to go on her way?

If he said, "here's 15B cash and I will give you $10M a year for the rest of your life, sign here" Would any reasonable person turn that down?

You could use your life enjoying your time rather than fighting. Now if she wasn't going to get so much money and they were the average family, I can see a fight, but surely she can get a massive amount, beyond any persons wildest dreams and just move along with your life.

That's true.

We don't know the personalities of those involved and we don't know the reasons for the divorce. That's important to consider.

My problem was the ex. The person I divorced wasn't willing to even do the minimum required by law. Every turn he caused the whole thing to take longer. He filed motions and had his lawyer fire off accusations after accusations that all were false causing me to run around to get proof it was false while he wasn't required to provide any proof of his claims. He and his lawyer did everything include commit perjury, to get out of having to follow the laws of our state. He and his lawyer lost. In fact he and his lawyer ticked off the judge so much that even though I asked for 50% of all assets, the judge awarded me 55% and several other things that I didn't ask for.

They live in King County so the divorce will be flied in that county with our very liberal judges.

I can tell you, money changes people. If she married a man like the one I divorced, this will get extremely ugly and take a couple years.

Thats a sad story. I would fight for what is right, but I wouldn't lie and extend unnecessarily the proceedings.

That's not even a half of a percent of the garbage he pulled.

The day of the mediation, I was in my lawyer's office with my lawyer. The ex was in the conference room with his. The mediator started with the ex and his lawyer. He came back into my lawyer's office a few minutes later saying I should go home. That the ex wasn't even willing to do the minimum of what the law requires, which is what my lawyer and I expected.

The mediator was totally disgusted with the ex and apologized that the ex was wasting everyone's time and money, that we will have to go to court.

My lawyer and I didn't even get a chance to start our side of the mediation. I wrote a check to the mediator then went home.

Yes, it was an extremely ugly and expensive divorce.
99% of divorces are nightmares and take years.

Yes that's very true. Especially long term marriages. It takes a lot to untangle decades of two lives that have merged together.

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