Jeff Bezos now worth $200 billion...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012

Jeff Bezos is the living embodiment of the old adage that "the rich get richer," with the Amazon founder's net worth on Wednesday surpassing the $200 billion mark for the first time.

Bezos' personal wealth rose to its current staggering level as the stock price of his e-commerce company hit a record high of $3,438 per share.

At the same time, a rally in Tesla shares has pushed CEO Elon Musk's net worth above $100 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index, a ranking of the 500 wealthiest people on the globe.

Remember back when people were impressed with somebody like Warren Buffett or Bill Gates' wealth, because they were BILLIONAIRES? Now if you're worth only $1 billion you look like a schlub on the Forbes richest list. :lol:

Jeff Bezos is the living embodiment of the old adage that "the rich get richer," with the Amazon founder's net worth on Wednesday surpassing the $200 billion mark for the first time.

Bezos' personal wealth rose to its current staggering level as the stock price of his e-commerce company hit a record high of $3,438 per share.

At the same time, a rally in Tesla shares has pushed CEO Elon Musk's net worth above $100 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index, a ranking of the 500 wealthiest people on the globe.

Remember back when people were impressed with somebody like Warren Buffett or Bill Gates' wealth, because they were BILLIONAIRES? Now if you're worth only $1 billion you look like a schlub on the Forbes richest list. :lol:
It's too bad the guy is such an ASSHOLE.

Jeff Bezos is the living embodiment of the old adage that "the rich get richer," with the Amazon founder's net worth on Wednesday surpassing the $200 billion mark for the first time.

Bezos' personal wealth rose to its current staggering level as the stock price of his e-commerce company hit a record high of $3,438 per share.

At the same time, a rally in Tesla shares has pushed CEO Elon Musk's net worth above $100 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index, a ranking of the 500 wealthiest people on the globe.

Remember back when people were impressed with somebody like Warren Buffett or Bill Gates' wealth, because they were BILLIONAIRES? Now if you're worth only $1 billion you look like a schlub on the Forbes richest list. :lol:

Dens are the Billionaires and Republicans the Millionaires, the rest of us no aires.

Jeff Bezos is the living embodiment of the old adage that "the rich get richer," with the Amazon founder's net worth on Wednesday surpassing the $200 billion mark for the first time.

Bezos' personal wealth rose to its current staggering level as the stock price of his e-commerce company hit a record high of $3,438 per share.

At the same time, a rally in Tesla shares has pushed CEO Elon Musk's net worth above $100 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index, a ranking of the 500 wealthiest people on the globe.

Remember back when people were impressed with somebody like Warren Buffett or Bill Gates' wealth, because they were BILLIONAIRES? Now if you're worth only $1 billion you look like a schlub on the Forbes richest list. :lol:

Dens are the Billionaires and Republicans the Millionaires, the rest of us no aires.
I started investing in 1988 with Home Depot as i was just a stock clerk. Since then i have amassed quite a few stocks and doing quite well. Too many people dont know how to invest so rely on some pension that is taxed as an income then bitch they dont have enough money. Pensions are products of progs who steal from the workers and live like kings...
It's hard to be impressed by any of his charitable acts anymore. He could accidentally donate $1 million to every human on the planet, and it wouldn't even raise a red flag with his accountant. :lol:

Now this dude wants to build space shuttles, and send packages to your door with drones. :lol:
Let's see here -- the powers that be use the corona virus as their justification to shut down small business and confine people to their homes , and who stands to benefit most, but Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.?

Instead of purchasing things at stores, we are ordering more stuff online, we are staying at home using facebook to air our frustrations and we are on our computers more than ever.

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