Jerusalem Isn't the Capital of the Jews

Buzz wrong. The reason for Jewish success is exact,ly the opposite.
it was sarcasm.because israelis always crying for holocast.

There are Jews in their 20s-50s crying Holocaust?
Not that I know of.
what is 20s-50s ?
What's the matter, uneducated Jew Hater?
Your Jew Hating translator doesn't understand American nomenclature?
People between the age of 20 and 60.

Take the High road my friend
Take the high road

Can you take the high road without smoking pot?

We? Not muslims, not iranians, not in recent history.
blood is blood.dna is dna.
aryan blood cant changed with name.
Eh get over it, Arabs invaded Iran and raped their women and that's how they have so many Arabic Islamic names like Mohamad, Abbas, Ali, Achmad, Mahmoud, Fatima, etc.
jewish rape christian too?. john jacob peter .all of them is semitic name
Those are biblical names, or derivatives of biblical names, Dani Kooni.

Go learn your Persian history. The Arabs invaded Iran and raped their women and then forced their religion, language, and culture down their throats. So every guy who has a non Persian Arab Islamic name like "Mohammad", or Abbas, or Hussein, or Ali....well, you figure it out.

History shows Jerusalem has always been the Jewish capital and will remain so forever.

greek/latin christian translations of jewish biblical names.
We? Not muslims, not iranians, not in recent history.
blood is blood.dna is dna.
aryan blood cant changed with name.
Eh get over it, Arabs invaded Iran and raped their women and that's how they have so many Arabic Islamic names like Mohamad, Abbas, Ali, Achmad, Mahmoud, Fatima, etc.
jewish rape christian too?. john jacob peter .all of them is semitic name
Those are biblical names, or derivatives of biblical names, Dani Kooni.

Go learn your Persian history. The Arabs invaded Iran and raped their women and then forced their religion, language, and culture down their throats. So every guy who has a non Persian Arab Islamic name like "Mohammad", or Abbas, or Hussein, or Ali....well, you figure it out.

History shows Jerusalem has always been the Jewish capital and will remain so forever.

greek/latin christian translations of jewish biblical names.
Perhaps Dani Kooni can tell us how "Ali" or "Hussien" became such a popular name in Iran.
1: they are more than 2%.but you dont know .for example john kerry is jewish(race no religious )
2: politic:
.for example.ipec party is one of the most powerfull lobbyist in your congress
Barack Obama Administration:

its very very long list
.Jews in the Barack Obama Administration | Jewish Virtual Library

in media:
do you know who is
Rupert Murdoch?
Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited
Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.
4: yes .they are smart in bussiness.most italian mafia group use jewish Counselor
most powerfull mafia terror group was jewish gang
you can watch mob and the new york documentary.

5: im not anti-semitism .i never see jewish in my life. i never talk with them.
how i can be anti_semitism?
i just telling fact to you.

Great grandfather from 19th century austria that Kerry only recently found out about.

Jewish linage is passed through the female among the jews.

15 or so out of hundreds of major corporation with thirty or more board members each. How does that make America ruled by jews?
Facts? Exaggerating a handful into a ruling class in the country. Businesses are are single own and run conglomerates with infinite power. If jews work hard they should not be hired in top position in the US?

And the hundreds of muslim men and women owning or running major businesses and financial institutions? Muslims in politics, military, lobby groups, entertainment, media, head of NGOs and other leadership positions? They don't "rule" america?

Christians by far far out number both, so why would you assume jews have any more power than christians or muslims in the US?

If Kerry had no knowledge of his austrian relative, why is there any reason to mention it now, as if a drop of jewish blood has any influence on his career or politics?

and the jewish popuation in the US is about 1.7%

Muslims make up around 1% of the US population

97% of American are neither jewish or muslim, so why do you assume jews run the US?

Nazis believe a drop of jewish blood made one a jews, no matter their faith. Nazi propaganda was that jews were taking over the world. Nazi propaganda was jews control all the money and banks. So who fed you the nazi lies and why do you feel a need to post them here?

Tell me why we have 3 jews on the Supreme court if there are so few Jews. And tell me why this is a Judeo Christian nation, when Israel got their state. Aipac and the Jewish think tanks abound. There are more Jews in the US that we know of. Many hide the fact. Funny how an Iranian knows that, and yet most Americans don't. Explain why with such a small amount of Jewish pop in the US , a politician who says anything anti Israel is not a politician long. On a good note, the jewish influence is dying in the US.
So you think the Jews are to blame because they are driven and high achievers? Ha ha ha ha.

That should be admired and emulated to propel the economy and generate tax dollars. Such people should be the benchmark example to motive others as to what can be achieved with education and hard work.
No Jew that I know helps or conspires with other Jews to do anything. In fact, most Jews view other Jews as competitors and obstacles to the goals they are trying to achieve. Antisemites just can't handle seeing success in Israel or the Jewish people.

What is the adage.... three jews, five different opinions
1: they are more than 2%.but you dont know .for example john kerry is jewish(race no religious )
2: politic:
.for example.ipec party is one of the most powerfull lobbyist in your congress
Barack Obama Administration:

its very very long list
.Jews in the Barack Obama Administration | Jewish Virtual Library

in media:
do you know who is
Rupert Murdoch?
Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited
Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.
4: yes .they are smart in bussiness.most italian mafia group use jewish Counselor
most powerfull mafia terror group was jewish gang
you can watch mob and the new york documentary.

5: im not anti-semitism .i never see jewish in my life. i never talk with them.
how i can be anti_semitism?
i just telling fact to you.

Great grandfather from 19th century austria that Kerry only recently found out about.

Jewish linage is passed through the female among the jews.

15 or so out of hundreds of major corporation with thirty or more board members each. How does that make America ruled by jews?
Facts? Exaggerating a handful into a ruling class in the country. Businesses are are single own and run conglomerates with infinite power. If jews work hard they should not be hired in top position in the US?

And the hundreds of muslim men and women owning or running major businesses and financial institutions? Muslims in politics, military, lobby groups, entertainment, media, head of NGOs and other leadership positions? They don't "rule" america?

Christians by far far out number both, so why would you assume jews have any more power than christians or muslims in the US?

If Kerry had no knowledge of his austrian relative, why is there any reason to mention it now, as if a drop of jewish blood has any influence on his career or politics?

and the jewish popuation in the US is about 1.7%

Muslims make up around 1% of the US population

97% of American are neither jewish or muslim, so why do you assume jews run the US?

Nazis believe a drop of jewish blood made one a jews, no matter their faith. Nazi propaganda was that jews were taking over the world. Nazi propaganda was jews control all the money and banks. So who fed you the nazi lies and why do you feel a need to post them here?

Tell me why we have 3 jews on the Supreme court if there are so few Jews. And tell me why this is a Judeo Christian nation, when Israel got their state. Aipac and the Jewish think tanks abound. There are more Jews in the US that we know of. Many hide the fact. Funny how an Iranian knows that, and yet most Americans don't. Explain why with such a small amount of Jewish pop in the US , a politician who says anything anti Israel is not a politician long. On a good note, the jewish influence is dying in the US.
So you think the Jews are to blame because they are driven and high achievers? Ha ha ha ha.

That should be admired and emulated to propel the economy and generate tax dollars. Such people should be the benchmark example to motive others as to what can be achieved with education and hard work.
No Jew that I know helps or conspires with other Jews to do anything. In fact, most Jews view other Jews as competitors and obstacles to the goals they are trying to achieve. Antisemites just can't handle seeing success in Israel or the Jewish people.

Sad but true and one of the main reasons we are still in Galus.
Great grandfather from 19th century austria that Kerry only recently found out about.

Jewish linage is passed through the female among the jews.

15 or so out of hundreds of major corporation with thirty or more board members each. How does that make America ruled by jews?
Facts? Exaggerating a handful into a ruling class in the country. Businesses are are single own and run conglomerates with infinite power. If jews work hard they should not be hired in top position in the US?

And the hundreds of muslim men and women owning or running major businesses and financial institutions? Muslims in politics, military, lobby groups, entertainment, media, head of NGOs and other leadership positions? They don't "rule" america?

Christians by far far out number both, so why would you assume jews have any more power than christians or muslims in the US?

If Kerry had no knowledge of his austrian relative, why is there any reason to mention it now, as if a drop of jewish blood has any influence on his career or politics?

and the jewish popuation in the US is about 1.7%

Muslims make up around 1% of the US population

97% of American are neither jewish or muslim, so why do you assume jews run the US?

Nazis believe a drop of jewish blood made one a jews, no matter their faith. Nazi propaganda was that jews were taking over the world. Nazi propaganda was jews control all the money and banks. So who fed you the nazi lies and why do you feel a need to post them here?

Tell me why we have 3 jews on the Supreme court if there are so few Jews. And tell me why this is a Judeo Christian nation, when Israel got their state. Aipac and the Jewish think tanks abound. There are more Jews in the US that we know of. Many hide the fact. Funny how an Iranian knows that, and yet most Americans don't. Explain why with such a small amount of Jewish pop in the US , a politician who says anything anti Israel is not a politician long. On a good note, the jewish influence is dying in the US.
So you think the Jews are to blame because they are driven and high achievers? Ha ha ha ha.

That should be admired and emulated to propel the economy and generate tax dollars. Such people should be the benchmark example to motive others as to what can be achieved with education and hard work.
No Jew that I know helps or conspires with other Jews to do anything. In fact, most Jews view other Jews as competitors and obstacles to the goals they are trying to achieve. Antisemites just can't handle seeing success in Israel or the Jewish people.

What is the adage.... three jews, five different opinions

Hell, I'm ONE Jew and I have TEN opinions.
And they're all right!
Tell me why we have 3 jews on the Supreme court if there are so few Jews. And tell me why this is a Judeo Christian nation, when Israel got their state. Aipac and the Jewish think tanks abound. There are more Jews in the US that we know of. Many hide the fact. Funny how an Iranian knows that, and yet most Americans don't. Explain why with such a small amount of Jewish pop in the US , a politician who says anything anti Israel is not a politician long. On a good note, the jewish influence is dying in the US.
So you think the Jews are to blame because they are driven and high achievers? Ha ha ha ha.

That should be admired and emulated to propel the economy and generate tax dollars. Such people should be the benchmark example to motive others as to what can be achieved with education and hard work.
No Jew that I know helps or conspires with other Jews to do anything. In fact, most Jews view other Jews as competitors and obstacles to the goals they are trying to achieve. Antisemites just can't handle seeing success in Israel or the Jewish people.

What is the adage.... three jews, five different opinions

Hell, I'm ONE Jew and I have TEN opinions.
And they're all right!
Opinions are like the Ten Commandments, they're free, and you know how Jews like free stuff.
new york is the capital of the jews.
jewish are king of usa.they ruling usa.
king of media.king of bussiness.king of politic.king of everything
jews are your boss

Jews make up around 2% of the population and most orthodox and conservatives tend to stay within jewish communities and neighborhoods, some even have their own buses that they pay for.
Jews are also philanthropists and have financed hospitals and charities that serve all people.
They are far from kings of business and finance. A few have become successful in both but it is a small number of the total successful business owners or CEOs.
They get good educations and work hard to get where they are.
Around a third of jews are seniors with fixed incomes or living near or below poverty lines. Hardly a population in control of the US.

Your anti-semitism is showing
1: they are more than 2%.but you dont know .for example john kerry is jewish(race no religious )
2: politic:
.for example.ipec party is one of the most powerfull lobbyist in your congress
Barack Obama Administration:

its very very long list
.Jews in the Barack Obama Administration | Jewish Virtual Library

in media:
do you know who is
Rupert Murdoch?
Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited
Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.
4: yes .they are smart in bussiness.most italian mafia group use jewish Counselor
most powerfull mafia terror group was jewish gang
you can watch mob and the new york documentary.

5: im not anti-semitism .i never see jewish in my life. i never talk with them.
how i can be anti_semitism?
i just telling fact to you.

Great grandfather from 19th century austria that Kerry only recently found out about.

Jewish linage is passed through the female among the jews.

15 or so out of hundreds of major corporation with thirty or more board members each. How does that make America ruled by jews?
Facts? Exaggerating a handful into a ruling class in the country. Businesses are are single own and run conglomerates with infinite power. If jews work hard they should not be hired in top position in the US?

And the hundreds of muslim men and women owning or running major businesses and financial institutions? Muslims in politics, military, lobby groups, entertainment, media, head of NGOs and other leadership positions? They don't "rule" america?

Christians by far far out number both, so why would you assume jews have any more power than christians or muslims in the US?

If Kerry had no knowledge of his austrian relative, why is there any reason to mention it now, as if a drop of jewish blood has any influence on his career or politics?

and the jewish popuation in the US is about 1.7%

Muslims make up around 1% of the US population

97% of American are neither jewish or muslim, so why do you assume jews run the US?

Nazis believe a drop of jewish blood made one a jews, no matter their faith. Nazi propaganda was that jews were taking over the world. Nazi propaganda was jews control all the money and banks. So who fed you the nazi lies and why do you feel a need to post them here?

Tell me why we have 3 jews on the Supreme court if there are so few Jews. And tell me why this is a Judeo Christian nation, when Israel got their state. Aipac and the Jewish think tanks abound. There are more Jews in the US that we know of. Many hide the fact. Funny how an Iranian knows that, and yet most Americans don't. Explain why with such a small amount of Jewish pop in the US , a politician who says anything anti Israel is not a politician long. On a good note, the jewish influence is dying in the US.
So you think the Jews are to blame because they are driven and high achievers? Ha ha ha ha.

No the rich ones are thieving crooks. Not any more high achieving than anyone else.

We? Not muslims, not iranians, not in recent history.
blood is blood.dna is dna.
aryan blood cant changed with name.
Eh get over it, Arabs invaded Iran and raped their women and that's how they have so many Arabic Islamic names like Mohamad, Abbas, Ali, Achmad, Mahmoud, Fatima, etc.
jewish rape christian too?. john jacob peter .all of them is semitic name
Those are biblical names, or derivatives of biblical names, Dani Kooni.

Go learn your Persian history. The Arabs invaded Iran and raped their women and then forced their religion, language, and culture down their throats. So every guy who has a non Persian Arab Islamic name like "Mohammad", or Abbas, or Hussein, or Ali....well, you figure it out.

History shows Jerusalem has always been the Jewish capital and will remain so forever.

History is not on your side according to jewish literature and jewish encyclopedia.
Jews make up around 2% of the population and most orthodox and conservatives tend to stay within jewish communities and neighborhoods, some even have their own buses that they pay for.
Jews are also philanthropists and have financed hospitals and charities that serve all people.
They are far from kings of business and finance. A few have become successful in both but it is a small number of the total successful business owners or CEOs.
They get good educations and work hard to get where they are.
Around a third of jews are seniors with fixed incomes or living near or below poverty lines. Hardly a population in control of the US.

Your anti-semitism is showing
1: they are more than 2%.but you dont know .for example john kerry is jewish(race no religious )
2: politic:
.for example.ipec party is one of the most powerfull lobbyist in your congress
Barack Obama Administration:

its very very long list
.Jews in the Barack Obama Administration | Jewish Virtual Library

in media:
do you know who is
Rupert Murdoch?
Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited
Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.
4: yes .they are smart in bussiness.most italian mafia group use jewish Counselor
most powerfull mafia terror group was jewish gang
you can watch mob and the new york documentary.

5: im not anti-semitism .i never see jewish in my life. i never talk with them.
how i can be anti_semitism?
i just telling fact to you.

Great grandfather from 19th century austria that Kerry only recently found out about.

Jewish linage is passed through the female among the jews.

15 or so out of hundreds of major corporation with thirty or more board members each. How does that make America ruled by jews?
Facts? Exaggerating a handful into a ruling class in the country. Businesses are are single own and run conglomerates with infinite power. If jews work hard they should not be hired in top position in the US?

And the hundreds of muslim men and women owning or running major businesses and financial institutions? Muslims in politics, military, lobby groups, entertainment, media, head of NGOs and other leadership positions? They don't "rule" america?

Christians by far far out number both, so why would you assume jews have any more power than christians or muslims in the US?

If Kerry had no knowledge of his austrian relative, why is there any reason to mention it now, as if a drop of jewish blood has any influence on his career or politics?

and the jewish popuation in the US is about 1.7%

Muslims make up around 1% of the US population

97% of American are neither jewish or muslim, so why do you assume jews run the US?

Nazis believe a drop of jewish blood made one a jews, no matter their faith. Nazi propaganda was that jews were taking over the world. Nazi propaganda was jews control all the money and banks. So who fed you the nazi lies and why do you feel a need to post them here?

Tell me why we have 3 jews on the Supreme court if there are so few Jews. And tell me why this is a Judeo Christian nation, when Israel got their state. Aipac and the Jewish think tanks abound. There are more Jews in the US that we know of. Many hide the fact. Funny how an Iranian knows that, and yet most Americans don't. Explain why with such a small amount of Jewish pop in the US , a politician who says anything anti Israel is not a politician long. On a good note, the jewish influence is dying in the US.
So you think the Jews are to blame because they are driven and high achievers? Ha ha ha ha.

she's just a bitter little terrorist supporter

I just showed you how jews control, hitler was right in that aspect, look at what the jews did to Russia. Why do you think every country expelled the jews, they started every war and lived off of gentiles.

100,000 jews before the revolution, now less than 9000 today, in a population of over 78 million iranians
no 9000.
they gone to their holy land.what is problem?

9000 is from 2015 Iranian government census data

You really don't seem to know much about your own country

your source based on 9 years ago poll
and poll had very mistake and wrong method ..
for example iranian armeni are 200000+ .armenia are christian
but based on your source.we have 100000 christian in iran.
dani67, et al,

Although it may be hard to understand, the violent nature of this religious feud is the catalyst for most of the unresolved disputes by the radicalized Islamist. And, as in this case, drowns-out the real-time issue.

jewish believe god did wresling with their prophet and Islam, where brain cells go to die?

What is the purpose and justification for the protesting the execution of a terrorist?

There is a hidden agenda behind the scenes, fueling the violence.

Most Respectfully,
Jerusalem was the capital of the Old Testament Jews and is the capital of their Christian and Muslim descendants. It is certainly not the capital of the Nazi colony calling itself 'Israel'.
Jews make up around 2% of the population and most orthodox and conservatives tend to stay within jewish communities and neighborhoods, some even have their own buses that they pay for.
Jews are also philanthropists and have financed hospitals and charities that serve all people.
They are far from kings of business and finance. A few have become successful in both but it is a small number of the total successful business owners or CEOs.
They get good educations and work hard to get where they are.
Around a third of jews are seniors with fixed incomes or living near or below poverty lines. Hardly a population in control of the US.

Your anti-semitism is showing
1: they are more than 2%.but you dont know .for example john kerry is jewish(race no religious )
2: politic:
.for example.ipec party is one of the most powerfull lobbyist in your congress
Barack Obama Administration:

its very very long list
.Jews in the Barack Obama Administration | Jewish Virtual Library

in media:
do you know who is
Rupert Murdoch?
Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited
Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.
4: yes .they are smart in bussiness.most italian mafia group use jewish Counselor
most powerfull mafia terror group was jewish gang
you can watch mob and the new york documentary.

5: im not anti-semitism .i never see jewish in my life. i never talk with them.
how i can be anti_semitism?
i just telling fact to you.

Great grandfather from 19th century austria that Kerry only recently found out about.

Jewish linage is passed through the female among the jews.

15 or so out of hundreds of major corporation with thirty or more board members each. How does that make America ruled by jews?
Facts? Exaggerating a handful into a ruling class in the country. Businesses are are single own and run conglomerates with infinite power. If jews work hard they should not be hired in top position in the US?

And the hundreds of muslim men and women owning or running major businesses and financial institutions? Muslims in politics, military, lobby groups, entertainment, media, head of NGOs and other leadership positions? They don't "rule" america?

Christians by far far out number both, so why would you assume jews have any more power than christians or muslims in the US?

If Kerry had no knowledge of his austrian relative, why is there any reason to mention it now, as if a drop of jewish blood has any influence on his career or politics?

and the jewish popuation in the US is about 1.7%

Muslims make up around 1% of the US population

97% of American are neither jewish or muslim, so why do you assume jews run the US?

Nazis believe a drop of jewish blood made one a jews, no matter their faith. Nazi propaganda was that jews were taking over the world. Nazi propaganda was jews control all the money and banks. So who fed you the nazi lies and why do you feel a need to post them here?

Tell me why we have 3 jews on the Supreme court if there are so few Jews. And tell me why this is a Judeo Christian nation, when Israel got their state. Aipac and the Jewish think tanks abound. There are more Jews in the US that we know of. Many hide the fact. Funny how an Iranian knows that, and yet most Americans don't. Explain why with such a small amount of Jewish pop in the US , a politician who says anything anti Israel is not a politician long. On a good note, the jewish influence is dying in the US.
So you think the Jews are to blame because they are driven and high achievers? Ha ha ha ha.

No the rich ones are thieving crooks. Not any more high achieving than anyone else.
Aha, so ALL the rich ones are thieving crooks because they're Joooooos.

Glad we got that out of the way.
We? Not muslims, not iranians, not in recent history.
blood is blood.dna is dna.
aryan blood cant changed with name.
Eh get over it, Arabs invaded Iran and raped their women and that's how they have so many Arabic Islamic names like Mohamad, Abbas, Ali, Achmad, Mahmoud, Fatima, etc.
jewish rape christian too?. john jacob peter .all of them is semitic name
Those are biblical names, or derivatives of biblical names, Dani Kooni.

Go learn your Persian history. The Arabs invaded Iran and raped their women and then forced their religion, language, and culture down their throats. So every guy who has a non Persian Arab Islamic name like "Mohammad", or Abbas, or Hussein, or Ali....well, you figure it out.

History shows Jerusalem has always been the Jewish capital and will remain so forever.

History is not on your side according to jewish literature and jewish encyclopedia.

Which history book you reading? Mein Kampf? Ha ha.
Jerusalem was the capital of the Old Testament Jews and is the capital of their Christian and Muslim descendants. It is certainly not the capital of the Nazi colony calling itself 'Israel'.
Hah? Jerusalem has been the cultural, religious, historical and spiritual capital of the Jews. Even the Koran and New Testament confirm this. Jerusalem has NEVER been the capital of any Muslim or Arab nation.

And as far as Nazis, well, you should educate yourself about who the Palestinians are a little:

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
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