Jesse Jackson pays hommage to murdered Roma at Ausschwitz

Jesse Jackson Pays Homage to Roma at Auschwitz Ceremony

Black American civil rights icon Rev. Jesse Jackson attends memorial of Roma/Sinti Holocaust. God Bless him.

Phew, is this the same Jesse Jackson who referred to Jews as "hymie" and who called NYC "hymie town"? Is this the same Jesse Jackson who used to be buddies with Louis Farrakhan, before Farrakhan became too brazen about his anti-Semitism? Is this the same Jesse Jackson who publicly said that Obama would "rid" America of "Zionist" control?

Sorry, I'm not buying it. Granted, people can change, but in Jackson's case, I'm not buying it.
But not the Jews? Wasn't it Jackson who described New York City as "Hymie town" before 9-11?

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