Jesus is Michael

I proved to you many times that you are a cult worshipper, that Christianity is a cult, that it is a break-away abomination of Judism and it is a profanity of monotheism. But your biggest problem is admitting that I am right.
I serve a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah) the same God Israel served. trinity religions are the true cult-They are a divided house, they will not stand.
The teachings of Jesus prove that.
Only in your darkness.
I serve a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah) the same God Israel served..
You contradict yourself. The "God Israel served" does not accept Jesus as the Messiah. That is why devout Jews did not act on his behalf when the Romans put him to death. You are VERY confused.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The coming Messiah has a job to do - Christ did not perform that task - Christ could not have been the Messiah - Christ was not the Messiah - Christ never was the Messiah - Christianity is a cult.
Only in your darkness.

You contradict yourself. The "God Israel served" does not accept Jesus as the Messiah. That is why devout Jews did not act on his behalf when the Romans put him to death. You are VERY confused.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The coming Messiah has a job to do - Christ did not perform that task - Christ could not have been the Messiah - Christ was not the Messiah - Christ never was the Messiah - Christianity is a cult.
Jesus isnt God--YHWH is. there is no capitol G GOD in the last line at John 1:1--it is error in most bibles.
Let us( YHWH and his master worker) create man in our image)--(Proverbs 8 = Gods master worker. He tells you he was created, It says-God grew especially fond of me. And he advises all to listen to him. The only one deserving the title-master worker is the one whom God created all other things through. This is the being YHWH sent to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal)
Daniel 12:1 teaches it is Michael who stands up for the sons of Daniel( Israel) And he did that when he came to earth for them as Jesus. 1Thess 4:16--Upon Jesus return he comes with the voice of the archangel) it is his voice. Michael rides the white horse in the war of heaven, Jesus rides the white horse at Har-mageddon, its the same ride it does not end until this point-1Corinthians 15: 24-28) Jesus hands back the kingdom to his God and Father and subjects himself.--- Fact--God does not have a God-Jesus does(John 20:17, Rev 3:12) Fact-- God is in subjection to none ever. Proving 100% no trinity god exists.
Jesus isnt God--YHWH is. there is no capitol G GOD in the last line at John 1:1--it is error in most bibles.
It is irrelevant because the bible is a book of fiction written by primitive and superstitious men. Why do you not understand that?
Any who knows Hebrew knows i am that i am is only found in trinity translations. it is error--I will be what i will be is correct, it is not a lie it is fact. And Every Hebrew speaking person knows Elohim is not a name and never used plural for YHWH, only for false 3 headed gods that were served back then. You are being mislead.
Jesus answered the pharisees, he lived before Abraham.
That isn't what Jesus said. And, the reaction by the people was to stone him. They would only stone him if he claimed to be God, the Lord Jehovah. The statement was actually, "I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I AM!" There is that I AM again. Just what Jehovah said to Moses, "I AM." Thus, Jehovah is Jesus Christ. He came down off the right hand of the Throne of God to become the Savior and Redeemer through the Atonement as Jesus Christ.
Also, I never said Elohim, the Most High God, was YHWH or Jehovah. Jehovah and Elohim are the Father and the Son, two separate and distinct personages. "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil." - Genesis 3:22
The idea of Michael the archangel having the same identity as Jesus is a Jehovah Witness revelation.

Something they imagine or fantasize without a single Biblical reference,

The Jehovah Witness will accept the fact that Michael is not mentioned often in the Bible.

However, simply because Michael is mentioning as disputing with Satan; and Michael is waging war with the Devil and his demons

This alone, somehow has Jehovah Witnesses convinced that Michael is Jesus. As if the Bible does not clarify that 1 /3 of the angels will rebel and the rest of the Angels will fight in battle against them,

This would make all of the faithful Angels
also each themselves as Jesus - according to Jehovah Witness theology,

There are thousands and thousands of Angels who will wage war against Satan and his angels

This would automatically suddenly transform them all into Jesus Christ. ?
That isn't what Jesus said. And, the reaction by the people was to stone him. They would only stone him if he claimed to be God, the Lord Jehovah. The statement was actually, "I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I AM!" There is that I AM again. Just what Jehovah said to Moses, "I AM." Thus, Jehovah is Jesus Christ. He came down off the right hand of the Throne of God to become the Savior and Redeemer through the Atonement as Jesus Christ.
Also, I never said Elohim, the Most High God, was YHWH or Jehovah. Jehovah and Elohim are the Father and the Son, two separate and distinct personages. "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil." - Genesis 3:22

The pharisees NEVER said a truth about Jesus. They as well said he received his power from satan, did you believe them there? Hearts of hate never speak truth. The Israelite teachers were expecting a king, not God.
Michael is a created being. He is a warring angel. He guards Israel. He is not a savior, a redeemer, or Emanuel. His role is completely different than the role Christ has in our lives.
There is only one way to Heaven, and it isn't through Michael.
The person that said this is the Messiah, the one that took our place on the cross and gave us His pure record to enter Heaven with:
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Michael didn't say that...
Michael kicked Lucifers arse and he is not even God.

The pharisees NEVER said a truth about Jesus. They as well said he received his power from satan, did you believe them there? Hearts of hate never speak truth. The Israelite teachers were expecting a king, not God.
Stop blabbering! You are also just like the pharisees not saying the truth about Jesus. I said nothing about where he receives his power from. I said nothing about what the Jews were expecting in the Messiah. I stated your words what Jesus said were incorrect. I set the record straight on who Jehovah and Jesus is, the Great I Am. Jesus never said he was Adam and some of the other ridiculous nonsense taught by JW's. How many times was the world going to end? LOL!
Stop blabbering! You are also just like the pharisees not saying the truth about Jesus. I said nothing about where he receives his power from. I said nothing about what the Jews were expecting in the Messiah. I stated your words what Jesus said were incorrect. I set the record straight on who Jehovah and Jesus is, the Great I Am. Jesus never said he was Adam and some of the other ridiculous nonsense taught by JW's. How many times was the world going to end? LOL!
I didnt say you did. But you are believing the Pharisees when they thought Jesus was claiming to be God, and he didnt claim that. He told them he lived before Abraham that is all.
I didnt say you did. But you are believing the Pharisees when they thought Jesus was claiming to be God, and he didnt claim that. He told them he lived before Abraham that is all.
He was claiming to be God. The Pharisees got upset for him doing so because to them it was heresy and blasphemy. To me, it's not heresy or blasphemy to say Jesus is God or for Him to have said He's God. He is a member of the Godhead, the Son of the Father. So, I'm not believing the Pharisees. I'm believing the words of Jesus Christ, His Apostles and Prophets. If I were to believe the Pharisees, I'd be like you who say His and His apostles words are heresy and blasphemy. So, it's you that is aligned with the Pharisees.

The scripture you keep repeating doesn't say he lived on the earth before Abraham. That's the error of your teachings. The verse said that he was the Messiah since the time of the fall of Adam that put the world in the situation of sin. The Pharisees would have cared less if he were claiming to be the reincarnated Adam or Seth or Noah or anyone else before Abraham. That was stupid to them but not blasphemy. Saying one is God or the Son of God was blasphemy. He was saying he is "I Am" the name given to Moses.
That isn't what Jesus said.
📌You don't know "what Jesus said" so stop pretending that you do. Christ was put to death with the approval of the population because he was a pugnacious polytheist (in the worst-case scenario) or thought to have been so (in the best-case scenario).
How does it make you feel to be a troll?
How does it make you feel to be a selective, voluntary ignoramus❓
He was claiming to be God. The Pharisees got upset for him doing so because to them it was heresy and blasphemy. To me, it's not heresy or blasphemy to say Jesus is God or for Him to have said He's God. He is a member of the Godhead, the Son of the Father. So, I'm not believing the Pharisees. I'm believing the words of Jesus Christ, His Apostles and Prophets. If I were to believe the Pharisees, I'd be like you who say His and His apostles words are heresy and blasphemy. So, it's you that is aligned with the Pharisees.

The scripture you keep repeating doesn't say he lived on the earth before Abraham. That's the error of your teachings. The verse said that he was the Messiah since the time of the fall of Adam that put the world in the situation of sin. The Pharisees would have cared less if he were claiming to be the reincarnated Adam or Seth or Noah or anyone else before Abraham. That was stupid to them but not blasphemy. Saying one is God or the Son of God was blasphemy. He was saying he is "I Am" the name given to Moses.
The Hebrew scholars say there is no i am in the Hebrew OT.

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