Jesus is Michael

Hebrews 1:13-14

13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?

14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
There is 0 doubt-no trinity exists. Jesus was clear at John 17:3--The one who sent him= Father is-THE ONLY TRUE GOD. It takes believing Jesus. All his real followers do just that.
When was named Immanuel? he wasnt, he was named Jesus as a mortal, Michael before he came to earth. Tell us all then who is Gods master worker? When did Michael stand up for the sons of Daniel( Israel)
Yahweh created the seed line of Adam, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Laban & Yacob.
Yahweh, came again as YahwehShua - Yahveh Saves.
There never was a Jesus until the Edomite Vatican invented the letter 'J' to trick the Christians.
Let us( YHWH and his master worker) create man in our image)--(Proverbs 8 = Gods master worker. He tells you he was created, It says-God grew especially fond of me. And he advises all to listen to him. The only one deserving the title-master worker is the one whom God created all other things through. This is the being YHWH sent to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal)
Daniel 12:1 teaches it is Michael who stands up for the sons of Daniel( Israel) And he did that when he came to earth for them as Jesus. 1Thess 4:16--Upon Jesus return he comes with the voice of the archangel) it is his voice. Michael rides the white horse in the war of heaven, Jesus rides the white horse at Har-mageddon, its the same ride it does not end until this point-1Corinthians 15: 24-28) Jesus hands back the kingdom to his God and Father and subjects himself.--- Fact--God does not have a God-Jesus does(John 20:17, Rev 3:12) Fact-- God is in subjection to none ever. Proving 100% no trinity god exists.
No. Jesus and Jehovah are one in the same. Elohim is the Father. Jesus (Jehovah is the Son). Adam is the ancient of days or Michael.
Yahweh created the seed line of Adam, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Laban & Yacob.
Yahweh, came again as YahwehShua - Yahveh Saves.
There never was a Jesus until the Edomite Vatican invented the letter 'J' to trick the Christians.
It was no trick. There is J in the english language. The saying in the OT--The LORD(YHWH) said to my Lord( Jesus) proves Jesus is not YHWH.
No. Jesus and Jehovah are one in the same. Elohim is the Father. Jesus (Jehovah is the Son). Adam is the ancient of days or Michael.
God is the ancient of Days, Adam is dead. The LORD(YHWH) said to my Lord( Jesus) proves Jesus is not YHWH. Jesus teaches he has a God like we do-his Father-John 20:17, Rev 3:12-also proving he is not YHWH.
It was no trick. There is J in the english language. The saying in the OT--The LORD(YHWH) said to my Lord( Jesus) proves Jesus is not YHWH.
Uggg...this is an old ploy to attack Jesus Christ as the Son of God, our savior and redeemer who will judge us. The spelling of a name has no consequences on who that person is. YHWH or Jesus is the same person. One name is Hebrew and one in Greek, Italian or what ever. It's a silly argument. That's like Bonita and Ziemlich in German. Both mean "pretty." Both YHWH and Jesus mean God is Salvation. There are other words that mean the same thing as well. Joshua = Yahshua. Also, both Jesus and Jehovah mean "I am" found in the OT and NT. Jehovah came off his throne which is on the right hand of the Father (Elohim) down to the earth and entered the Christ child to become Jesus Christ, the savior of the world.
Uggg...this is an old ploy to attack Jesus Christ as the Son of God, our savior and redeemer who will judge us. The spelling of a name has no consequences on who that person is. YHWH or Jesus is the same person. One name is Hebrew and one in Greek, Italian or what ever. It's a silly argument. That's like Bonita and Ziemlich in German. Both mean "pretty." Both YHWH and Jesus mean God is Salvation. There are other words that mean the same thing as well. Joshua = Yahshua. Also, both Jesus and Jehovah mean "I am" found in the OT and NT. Jehovah came off his throne which is on the right hand of the Father (Elohim) down to the earth and entered the Christ child to become Jesus Christ, the savior of the world.

Its not the spelling of the name-Men put-LORD( all capitols in the OT in Place of YHWH--The second Lord in that statement was not all capitols proving Jesus is not YHWH.
Jesus said the Father was still in heaven, he prayed to him many x--Our Father who art in heaven.
Jesus name means--YHWH is our salvation.
Hebrew scholars say there is no i am that i am in the OT--I will be what i will be is the correct translation of that statement. They are right.

Here is another proof your teachers do not teach truth

Revelation 20:7-9--Gods people(great crowd which no man can number) are still on the earth for this event leading to Har-mageddon. Gog of Magog comes to kill them but GOD steps in and destroys them. Only the little flock( Luke 12:32)are promised heaven-they are numbered=144,000 bought from the earth-Rev 14:3-- Soif your teachers tell all they are going to heaven in arapture--they are false teachers. these-2Corinthians 11:12-15
Jehovah called himself The Great I Am to Moses. Stop lying. Jesus said he is that “I Am.” Stop lying. Your Jewish Scholars don’t believe in Jesus Christ so why are you going to them? The little “L” and big “L” are used interchangeably so you are fooled again. Michael is the Arch Angel and became the first man, the ancient of days, the oldest and first man.
Daniel 7:13, 22
13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.
22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

Doctrine and Covenants 27:11

11 And also with Michael, or Adam, the father of all, the prince of all, the ancient of days;

I believe that Adam is Michael, aka the Ancient of Days and the Archangel.
Jehovah called himself The Great I Am to Moses. Stop lying. Jesus said he is that “I Am.” Stop lying. Your Jewish Scholars don’t believe in Jesus Christ so why are you going to them? The little “L” and big “L” are used interchangeably so you are fooled again. Michael is the Arch Angel and became the first man, the ancient of days, the oldest and first man.
Any who knows Hebrew knows i am that i am is only found in trinity translations. it is error--I will be what i will be is correct, it is not a lie it is fact. And Every Hebrew speaking person knows Elohim is not a name and never used plural for YHWH, only for false 3 headed gods that were served back then. You are being mislead.
Jesus answered the pharisees, he lived before Abraham.
Daniel 7:13, 22
13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.
22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

Doctrine and Covenants 27:11

11 And also with Michael, or Adam, the father of all, the prince of all, the ancient of days;

I believe that Adam is Michael, aka the Ancient of Days and the Archangel.
Adam-Eve kicked God in the teeth, he will never live again.
The faithful and discreet slave whom Jesus appointed over us domestics( flock) to give us food( spiritual) at the proper time-Matthew 24:45
Hokus pokus dominikus!

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I cant help you dont understand english. You never address anything because you have no answers.

It must be very hard for you, you know.....being right and knowing Christendom in it's entirety is wrong.
I cant help you dont understand english. You never address anything because you have no answers.
I proved to you many times that you are a cult worshipper, that Christianity is a cult, that it is a break-away abomination of Judism and it is a profanity of monotheism. But your biggest problem is admitting that I am right.
It must be very hard for you, you know.....being right and knowing Christendom in it's entirety is wrong.

The teachings of Jesus prove that. Israel NEVER served a trinity. all know they served the true God. So that proves the trinity religions are not Gods. A housedivided will not stand=proves the 34,000 trinity based religions are not Gods-1Cor 1:10--unity of thought( all of Gods truth) , no division-proves they are not Gods.

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