Jewish Country Club: No Obama

I'm against it when the gays pull this sort of shit so I'm not going to support it when Jews do it.
Trump will give Obie 'carte blanche' at any of his courses. It's just the kind of guy Trump is!
Do you hate the Jews or the blacks more?

Members at an exclusive Washington-area country club think President Obama is a real duffer when it comes to foreign policy – and the fairway furor could cost him one option for a post-presidency home course.

Though it’s unclear whether the outgoing president would even seek membership there, some at the Woodmont Country Club in Rockville, Md., are preemptively trying to keep Obama out of the predominantly Jewish club amid complaints about his stance on Israel, according to reports. The members have sent a barrage of emails to club President Barry Forman and General Manager Brian Pizzimenti saying Obama is "not welcome."

The pushback stems from Obama’s decision last month not to have the U.S. veto a U.N. Security Council resolution criticizing Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and from Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech two days later accusing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of undermining the possibility of a two-state solution.

“[President Obama] has created a situation in the world where Israel’s very existence is weakened and possibly threatened,” longtime member Faith Goldstein wrote in a Dec. 26 email obtained by the Washington Post. “He is not welcome at Woodmont. His admittance would create a storm that could destroy our club. ”

'Not Welcome': Members at DC country club take swing at Obama over Israel stance
I'm sure trump could walk in there just fine with his anti-israel voterbase.
Already a thread on this subject. Closed.
Yes, because giving a country $38 BILLION in U.S. taxpayer money is a sure tip-off that he hates Israel.

Yes, because the President has absolutely frak all to do with the allocation of foreign aid. That would be the result of strong bipartisan support for Israel in the congress as well as a huge welfare cheque to the US arms industry.

Aid to Israel isn't cash. It's store credit with Rockwell, Boeing, and Lockheed.
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I'm against it when the gays pull this sort of shit so I'm not going to support it when Jews do it.

Yeah. Gay people are notorious for denying service to others. You nailed that one.
Speaking of gays and service, was motoring smartly along one of our streets that's full of strip malls, fast food places, etc. a few days ago when suddenly traffic ground to a halt. Just creeped slowly for the longest time so I'm thinking there's an accident ahead or some other calamity.

Turned out it was opening day of the first Chick-fil-A in our area that caused the massive traffic tie up. It reminded me of the backlash I saw on TV a few years ago when folks around the country responded to the C-f-A boycott gays had called for by crashing their stores everywhere.

The good news is a second C-f-A location, closer to my house, has already been approved and a third is under consideration by the powers that be.

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