Jewish scientist responsible for overpopulation! BDS should boycott! </sarcasm>

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
Today is the anniversary of the Salk Vaccine. 12% of kids died of Polio in developed countries, considerably worse in the third world.

Salk could have patented it. The Salk family would would have more money than Bill Gates and all the Rockefellers. He made it public domain.
April 12, 1955: Salk Creates Polio Vaccine

When Jewish scientist Jonas Salk first invented his polio vaccine, he was celebrated as a miracle worker by the international community.

Salk’s rise to fame was an unlikely one, though. Born to Jewish parents in New York City, Salk stood out among classmates not just for his astute mind, but for the minimal education his parents had received when they themselves were young.

Upon completing his undergraduate studies at City College in New York when he was only a teenager, Salk enrolled in medical school at New York University’s School of Medicine. Here, Salk cut away from the grain, choosing the path of medical research as opposed to the more common medical practice career.

Salk’s studies included extensive attention to biochemistry and bacteriology, paving the way for what would become one of the most important discoveries of the 20th century.

Polio has often been described as the worst disease of the postwar era. It’s been said that aside from the atomic bomb, the crippling disease was America’s greatest fear. With a president famously suffering from the affliction, a need to cure the growing problem became more and more pressing.

In 1947, Salk took a position with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, which led to an appointment by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis the following year.

Salk was tasked with determining how many variations of the polio virus existed, but the scientist wanted to take the project further. He made it his personal mission to develop a vaccine.

The work took seven years, but Salk was eventually successful. After initiating trials involving nearly two million children, news was made public on April 12, 1955 that an effective virus against polio had indeed been created.
G-d has gifted the Jewish race with an amazing number of brilliant minds throughout history in so many fields of study and talents. Nobody compares.

The entire world has greatly benefited, just as you clearly illustrated.
The fact is we all work together to make the world a better place.

Either than or we waste our time and resources killing each other off and end up with nothing.

I chose the former.
turzovka, et al,

May be!

G-d has gifted the Jewish race with an amazing number of brilliant minds throughout history in so many fields of study and talents. Nobody compares.

The entire world has greatly benefited, just as you clearly illustrated.

But in the last 200 years, much of what American has become --- has been shaped by scientist (who just happen to be Jewish).

• Of course my personal favorite was Levi Strauss who founded the first company to manufacture blue jeans.

Most respectfully,

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