Jewish Success


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2014
Bay City, MI
Why are the Jews so often successful. Are they the master race? Not even close. They are usually successful because what they do is their chosen form of warfare. The end result for everybody else may not end in slaughter. But it has ended in slavery. There are many ways the "Jooze" have gone about this.

One came from the Jews from long ago getting their asses kicked by various empires throughout the centuries. It was time to start playing gentiles for saps. That is where Jesus comes in. These days, many Christians think that a good way to prove the power of their imaginary god is to support the Jewish vipers in their midst.

On top of this Christian support, Jews support each other. For example, say an equally qualified White and Jewish actor went to some Jew media thing to get an acting job. Who do you think is more likely to get the job. And with Jews being anti-White, if they can't give the job to a Jew, apparently an Italian will work almost as well.

Then there is the Jewish control in the financial arena. What if a Jew and a White person went to a Jewish financial establishment for a loan. Even though both their reasons for a loan are equally valid, it is most likely that the loan will go to the "chosen of god" applicant. Or what if the loan a White person wanted would compete with something a Jew is doing. That would decrease the chances for a loan.

Another way the Jews help themselves is by usually supporting the underdog. Because with there only being 14 million Jews in the world, supporting them would also support their own extreme minority. Another way they gain control is by supporting political correctness and racemixing. Because anything they can do to screw up the White majority in this country, that again serves their purpose.

Then there is the whole organized crime thing. The Jews are as much into that sort of thing as the Italians are. This gives them both leagal and illegal means of controling their "unchosen" scum slaves. You should know that for the populations of the countries the Jews have infected with their presence over the centuries, there's a reason why the Jews have so often been on the shit list of those populations. But now they have the mass media working for them. I sure get a laugh when the brainwashed slaves of the Jews out there bitch about my avatar.
as far as successful , well I think much is strong family and emphasis on education from what I see in the few instance that I can identify a Jew . Mostly I can only identify Jews if they have forelocks [think] or wear yarmulkes . But I used to see these types in the big city and many times I'd see a big family with mostly well behaved kids and a mom and a dad . -------- Over in Israel you sure can't discount the Jewish success [since 49] in making the desert bloom and their excellent military . Heck , they are a minority surrounded by enemies and yet they excel at most everything from science , medicine , war fighting , weapons building and pics a vids of their big cities are pretty impressive ' Cultsmasher ' !!
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as far as successful , well I think much is strong family and emphasis on education from what I see in the few instance that I can identify a Jew . Mostly I can only identify Jews if they have forelocks [think] or wear yarmulkes . But I used to see these types in the big city and many times I'd see a big family with mostly well behaved kids and a mom and a dad . -------- Over in Israel you sure can't discount the Jewish success [since 49] in making the desert bloom and their excellent military . Heck , they are a minority surrounded by enemies and yet they excel at most everything from science , medicine , war fighting , weapons building and pics a vids of their big cities are pretty impressive ' Cultsmasher ' !!
Warfare can take on many forms. Also, a lot of what you could be said about the Mormons. And they're pretty full of shit. As for Israel, it wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for their brainwashed American lap dogs and Jews living here supporting them. Also, If I went there and looked around, I'm sure I wouls still see plenty of desert. As to their military, I take it you mean apart from the military technology they got from us. Along with nuclear weapons. As for their science, White people have come up with so much more of that than the jooze that it bogles the mind. Out of seven billion people on the planet, there are about fourteen million jews. They could all instantly evaporate, Israel could be covered in lava, and it wouldn't cause a hair to move on my head.

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