Jews and Communism


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
Many Jews are still soft on Communism, which is one of the reasons why a vigorous and objective examination of the history of Jews and Communism remains taboo. There is also a legitimate fear that such an examination may play into the hands of those who may fan the flames of anti-Semitism. The problem with this argument is that the historic involvement of many prominent Jews in the communist movement was itself responsible for fanning those flames. This involvement contributed to the atmosphere that culminated in the Nazi Holocaust. I realize that I'm wading into controversial waters by weighing in on this topic, which is why I've avoided it until now. I believe, however, that an honest and responsible rendering of history outweighs any other factor. Truth serves in the interest of good and can only contribute to positive change and healing.

The unpleasant and indisputable fact of the matter is that many Jews did play a prominent role in the hated Bolshevik coup of November 1917 and subsequent communist revolutions and movements in Europe and elsewhere. Prominent Jewish Communists would be at the forefront of some of the worst aspects of those bloody revolutions. This fact was not lost on Europeans, especially those who suffered under the brutal communist yoke in the years leading up to Hitler. The Nazis would use these unpleasant facts as part of their Jew hating conspiracy theories and propaganda as they planned the liquidation of the innocent Jews of Europe.

Communism introduced unprecedented levels of atrocity and totalitarianism to Europe in the years before Hitler, starting with the 1917 Bolshevik coup itself, Stalin's collectivization of farms, wars against the Kulaks, the engineered famines of 1931-32 which killed upwards of 5 million Ukrainians, the communist inspired atrocities of the Spanish civil war and other examples. Jewish Bolsheviks played prominent roles in the Russian coup including, among others, Trotsky (Bronstein), Zinoviev (Apfelbaum), Kamenev, Radek, and Uritzky. The question of why Jews would embrace godless communism in the first place is interesting and beyond the scope of this brief treatise. Suffice it to say that significant numbers of Jews did sign on to an amoral political faith that caused unprecedented loss of freedom, poverty, oppression and death.

It is an unpleasant fact that many of the worst Communists, those associated with many of the worst atrocities, were of Jewish background. Lavrenti Beria brought about the infamous Katyn massacre and other atrocities. Lazar Kaganovich, who personally claimed to be responsible for 20 million killed, stood atop the rubble of a Christian church proclaiming, "Mother Russia has been cast down, we have torn away her skirts!" Genrikh Yagoda sent hundreds of thousands to work on the Baltic Sea canal project where countless numbers of Russians, Ukrainians, and Baltic's perished. Natalfy Frenkel and Mathias Berman founded the infamous Gulag system, with camps commanded by figures such as Rappoport, Solz, and Spiegelglas, all of whom are mentioned at length in the work of Sozhenitzen. Ilya Ehrenburg, the World War II communist counterpart to Goebbels, incited Soviet troops to rape and maim German, Polish, and Czech women as a form of punishment.

Europeans were aware of Russia's oppression and were cognizant of the fact that communist atrocities were, by and large, covered up in the western media. Hitler, no doubt, noticed this as well and perhaps assumed that he, a National Socialist, would be given the same favorable treatment. The aftermath of World War I witnessed a Jewish communist, Bela Kun, presiding briefly over a reign of terror in Hungary. Jewish communists Kurt Eisner and Rosa Luxemburg did the same briefly in Bavaria. Because of the prominence of a few Jews, many Europeans wrongfully took to blaming all Jews for the disaster and suffering that communism caused in their lives as well as the real threat communism posed to the nations that remained free.

Not widely discussed in examinations of World War II is the fact that many eastern Europeans, including Ukrainians, Russians, Belarussians, and Baltic's, considered the 1941 German invasion of Russia, at least in its early stages, as liberation from Soviet communist oppression. Many prominent Soviet officials, including political Commissars, party officials, and NKVD agents would be rounded up and shot, as a form of vigilante justice and an inordinate number of these officials were Jews. Scores of Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarussians were motivated to join forces with the Germans in order to crush Stalin.

I can't help it if this information fuels the fecund imagination of Jew haters with their sick views. I realize as well that this article might enrage many of my "liberal" Jewish friends. My hope is that a better understanding of a primary cause of anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe and Russia will contribute toward reconciliation. Perhaps, as well, this article could contribute to a degree of soul searching amongst "liberal" Jews.

By Chuck Morse LINK: Jews and Communism
I am aware many saw the Nazi invasion of Russia as a good thing and wanted the United States to stay neutral. Stalin was undoubtably a monster.

Do you think the initial Socialist had that in mind or is Socialism immoral?

Keep in mind I am not saying Stalin isn't in hell. The man was a monster. Just asking about the system.

Were there any percentages mentioned in the article? Percentages on how many Jews were Socialist in each country. I find it interesting given the Jewish banker stereotype.

What religion provided the most Socialists? What provided the most Nazi's?
The goal of the Communist Jews was to eradicate Christianity in both Russia and Europe.

Which they have basically achieved in the last century.

Now their goal is to de-Christianize the United States.

The "Protocols", whether they are fact or fiction, completely lay's out this strategy. :evil:
The goal of the Communist Jews was to eradicate Christianity in both Russia and Europe.

Which they have basically achieved in the last century.

Now their goal is to de-Christianize the United States.

The "Protocols", whether they are fact or fiction, completely lay's out this strategy. :evil:

True...In the 1900's through about 1910 families were intact, and the women covered themselves to the point where one would rarely see an ankle. Now woman walk around practically naked. Now women are used against the family taught to abort babies and to rebel against the traditional Christian marriage structure. One out 2, or 50% of marriages end in divorce in much of this country thanks to people like Gloria Steinem, Bella Dodd, Margaret Sanger and many other wicked Jewish operatives along with the Jewish media that have destroyed tradition values.

Christian values were strong, and there was no confusion about America being a Christian nation....but look at it now. This nation also had respect for other faiths as well. But it’s true in the protocols of Zion the plans are indeed laid out to destroy the economy, morality, traditional values, and everything which makes peoples independent and strong. Yes…Mostly all the ills of American society can be traced to Jewish sedition at every point of its decline.

The Zionist international bankers and the communist Jewish media has ravaged just as the protocols says. Christianity made "usury" a crime; one could now only imagine how great America might have been without the wicked Jewish influence. Now they are poised to take-over America and the world, however it’s very doubtful that Christians will allow them to swindle this nation and the world without revisiting this issue.

They have stolen so much, and are such a small group of people, it only remains to be seen that peoples stop fighting against each other and focus on the true problem, and take all the stolen wealth back from these people. Prophecy speaks of this, and everyone who understands how these people operate can clearly see how necessary and justifiable all the pogroms were throughout the centuries against this very “same group/race” of people. was the Jews that brought forth the communist notion that no God exist by teaching evolution and Darwinism, and are trying to complete the destruction of civilization through our children and the schools. Their actions confirm how Satanic they are…they actively work toward “despotism” just as the protocols state. The last thing the world needs is another Jew like Stalin.
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The Zionist international bankers and the communist Jewish media has ravaged just as the protocols says. Christianity made "usury" a crime; one could now only imagine how great America might have been without the wicked Jewish influence. Now they are poised to take-over America and the world, however it’s very doubtful that Christians will allow them to swindle this nation and the world without revisiting this issue.
I doubt it, all that has to be done to continue the conquest of America is to bribe them and throw money at our leaders and politicians, or blackmail or dispose of them in some way if that doesn't work.
Treasonous greed is the main reason that allowed them to infiltrate this nation and use it for their own goals.
And lets not forget the medias complicity in this, just follow the connections to see who controls the media.
Interesting reading.

What percentage of communists were jews? Does anyone have a breakdown by religions? I feel.a need to see that before I associate Jews with Communism.

The logic is you can yell one Chinese basketball player's name all day long and then say the Chinese are the driving force behind the NBA, IF no one asks for the percentages.
Oh, and I know it said 38% ofthe security forces or something similar were jews in 34 and most were executed. Is that a good number and was that Stalin's own purging of the jews in favor of WASPs or what?
The Zionist international bankers and the communist Jewish media has ravaged just as the protocols says. Christianity made "usury" a crime; one could now only imagine how great America might have been without the wicked Jewish influence. Now they are poised to take-over America and the world, however it’s very doubtful that Christians will allow them to swindle this nation and the world without revisiting this issue.
I doubt it, all that has to be done to continue the conquest of America is to bribe them and throw money at our leaders and politicians, or blackmail or dispose of them in some way if that doesn't work.
Treasonous greed is the main reason that allowed them to infiltrate this nation and use it for their own goals.
And lets not forget the medias complicity in this, just follow the connections to see who controls the media.

Protocol 21 second paragraph states: “We have taken advantage of the “VENALITY” of administrators and the slackness of rulers to get our moneys twice, thrice and more times over, by lending to the goy governments moneys which were not at all needed by the states”.

Definition of VENAL
1: capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration: purchasable; especially: open to corrupt influence and especially bribery: mercenary <a venal legislator>
2: originating in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery <a venal arrangement with the police>

When government allows private bankers to “print our money” bribery of almost everyone in the government, and involved with government for their own destructive agenda is a reality. These banker get very rich from needless wars which they create, while they loot the treasury. Why on earth does America need them to lend us our money?

Yes it’s true our leaders are bribed, in many ways, but lobbyist openly fan the fires of greed.
It’s also so true the media has been conditioning lower nature of mankind for decades, after all so-called games shows like the “price is right” is not the longest continuing running game show by coincidence.

This media programming is in place to cultivate venality. “The price is right”, and “let’s make a deal” is something that has inflicted the sub-conscious minds of many to a point where principles, and ethics so far has not shown itself capable of refusing large sums of money…and money is truly no problem for those who can just print money not backed by gold or anything else.

These international banking houses known as the FED are not, Greek, not German, not Russian, not Italian, not polish, not Swedish, they are Jewish/Zionist.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Zionist Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds at the head:

$1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin.
$2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris.
$3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.
$4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam.
$5. Lehman Brothers of NY.
$6. Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express).
$7. Goldman, Sachs of NY.
$8. National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank - Equitable Life - Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders).
$9. Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders).


1791-1811: Rothschilds' First Bank of the United States.

1816-1836: Rothschilds' Second Bank of the United States.

1837-1862: Free Banking Era - no formal Central Bank through the efforts of President Andrew Jackson.

1862-1913: System of National Banks through the efforts of President Andrew Jackson.

1913-Current: Federal Reserve Act effects a consortium of privately held Jewish & associated banks called the Federal Reserve Bank. The largest shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank are the Rothschilds of London holding 57% of the stock which is not available for public trading.

On May 23 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden brought impeachment charges against the members of the Federal Reserve Bank. A smear campaign against McFadden ensued and he was poisoned 3 years later.


Here are the Jews that control the government of America:

1) Ben Shalom Bernanke: Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2020.
2) Donald L. Kohn: Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2016.
3) Randall S. Kroszner: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
4) Frederic S. Mishkin: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2014.
5) Alan Greenspan: Advisor to Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Recent Chairman.

Our money and minds are under attack

Protocol 12 informs us: WE CONTROL THE PRESS

4. NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.

The undeniable confirmation is proof of the protocols validity: LINK and the Media
I am aware many saw the Nazi invasion of Russia as a good thing and wanted the United States to stay neutral. Stalin was undoubtably a monster.

Do you think the initial Socialist had that in mind or is Socialism immoral?

Keep in mind I am not saying Stalin isn't in hell. The man was a monster. Just asking about the system.

Were there any percentages mentioned in the article? Percentages on how many Jews were Socialist in each country. I find it interesting given the Jewish banker stereotype.

What religion provided the most Socialists? What provided the most Nazi's?

First of all "the Jewish banker stereotype" is a loaded statement. It implies all the enormous thievery cause by the "usury schemes" of the so-called federal reserve, world bank, and IMF for which the Zionist/Jews own and control is only a stereotype, which is completely absurd.

It's also part of a worn out opinion making ploy to always mention Germany while speaking of the Jew Stalin. The great relevance of talking only about Stalin and the communism the Zionist Federal Reserve banking system that planned, financed, and carried out against the Russian monarchy is a worldwide conversation that is long over due.

Darwinism is the religion that breeds a great many of the godless communist, and remember without the communist threat invented by the Zionist their would be no Nazi's to speak of. Throughout the centuries these very same people create problems, and destroy nations by the great skill of their wickedness.

If you really want to talk about percentages the nationwide conversation of great relevance is how less than 3% percent of the American population controls the economy, media, and the bulk of the governmental structure without a plan? But that's the point isn't it... there "is a plan" outlined in the protocols of Zion that is operational and being carried out in the U.S. and the world.

Many now understand The new world order is really talking about the Communist world order, and the communist world order is talking about the "super- Zionist government" outlined in the Protocols of Zion.

Now that the U.S. has reached a debt limit carefully planned by the debt merchants, talks of a super-congress are now under way...but we understand this is the raise of the Zionist short lived, ill fated, super-government...Right?

Super congress link: 'Super Congress': Debt Ceiling Negotiators Aim To Create New Legislative Body
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