Jews and Democrats….Oil and Water

the "PROCESS" ----fermentation is THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD-----for the production of solvents ------even distillation of alcohol is thousands of years old-----but muslims CLAIM that they INVENTED IT Acetone caused starvation in Germany? I am fascinated-----what else did the psychotic Imam tell you?

It is obvious the British did not know the process for making synthetic acetone quickly, because in exchange for this espionage, Chaim Weissman was able to get the British to make the Balfour Declaration, which promised a Jewish homeland in Palestine if the British won and captured Palestine from the Ottoman Empire.
Why would the British have done that if the formula for synthetic acetone had no value?

Synthetic acetone caused starvation in Germany because it allowed the British to make massive amounts of cordite, that was used in torpedoes and cannon, to sink German food ships. Nearly a million died of starvation in Germany before they were forced to surrender.
Remember, the Germans were not defeated on the battlefield in WWI.
They surrenders in WWI due to the economic blockade of food.

The Blockade of Germany, or the Blockade of Europe, occurred from 1914 to 1919. It was a prolonged naval operationconducted by the Triple-Entente powers during and after World War I[1] in an effort to restrict the maritime supply of goods to the Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. It is considered one of the key elements in the eventual Allied victory in the war. The German Board of Public Health in December 1918 claimed that 763,000 German civilians died from starvation and disease caused by the blockade up until the end of December 1918.[2][3] An academic study done in 1928 put the death toll at 424,000.[4]

Both the German Empire and the United Kingdom relied heavily on imports to feed their population and supply their war industry. Imports of foodstuffs and war materiel of European belligerents came primarily from the Americas and had to be shipped across the Atlantic Ocean, thus Britain and Germany both aimed to blockade each other. The British had the Royal Navy which was superior in numbers and could operate throughout the British Empire, while the German Kaiserliche Marine surface fleet was mainly restricted to the German Bight, and used commerce raiders and unrestricted submarine warfare elsewhere.
Blockade of Germany - Wikipedia

your Imam lied-----there was a WORLD WIDE economic depression which
Germany could not handle------it has nothing to do with CHAIM WEITZMAN----
your Imam lied Chaim Weitzman was a chemist and did not have STEAL anything or MURDER anyone. The OTTOMAN EMPIRE fell apart because of Islamic CORRUPTION

It is obvious you are lying.
During wartime the economy can be controlled by the state, so a depression then is impossible.
The starvation in Germany was obviously due to illegal British blockade on food.
The world wide depression did not start until over a decade later, with the stock market crash of 1929.

Chaim Weissman was a student chemist when he went to Berlin and was taught how the Germans secretly made acetone for cordite.
Chaim Weissman stole the process and took it to England, where he was greatly rewarded for his theft and espionage.

The Ottoman Empire was defeated militarily, mostly by an Arab coalition.
You have heard of Lawrence of Arabia, right? The was colonel T.E. Lawrence, of the British army, who motivated the Arabs into rebellion against the Ottoman Empire.

If Islamic governments were corrupt, that would mean its Jewish administrators were the fault.

you really swallowed massive quantities of that stuff on the carpet after the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT feces fling-------nothing you have asserted is credible.
but you use lots of islamo Nazi memes. BTW Islamic governments are STILL CORRUPT-----were never run by jews and are even MORE corrupt after all the jews fled the stink and filth. What is true is that jews did the reading and writing---
because most muslim "arabs" were completely illiterate (called arabs now because they speak Arabic)---
but actually the designation is ONLY BY LANGUAGE. I speak English----but do not call myself an ENGLISHWOMAN. There were many reason that the OTTOMAN EMPIRE FELL-----mostly islam. I have an interesting point----
my husbands ancestors were born in the OTTOMAN EMPIRE----that means his grand parents-----sheeesh HE IS OTTOMAN ----well----not really. He speaks no Turkish----but his brother-in-law does

Still you try to lie.
The word Vizier refers to the government administrator head in Islamic culture, which traditionally is always Jewish.
This was most apparent when the Moors ruled the Iberian Peninsula, because of the Inquistion when the Christians made the Moor leave. The Jewish administrator the Moors has installed were left behind, and persecuted by the Christians.

Arabs created language as we know it.
The Arab Phoenicians created the phonetic alphabet, thousands of years before Hebrew had a written script.

Of course these days people move too much to associate language with race or culture.
But you could in 1000 BC.
People in the Land of Canaan did not move around.
Only the Hebrew tribes were nomadic and did move around.
But it is clear they were of Arab origin.
Arab is the larger genetic group associated with Arab languages, of which Hebrew belongs.
If you are of ancestry that spoke Hebrew as a native language, then almost for sure you are of Arab ancestry.
Arabs did NOT come from Arabia, but from the Land of Canaan, where some then did migrate to Arabia later.
That is why Arabic came later.
But when scholars refer to Arab ancestry, they mean the people originating in the Land of Canaan, about 8000 BC.

ROFLMAO "" arabs did not come from Arabia-""-----they came from CANAAN ----
is that what your Imam claims-----NOPE-----arabs are from Arabia------their language developed there and was ARABIC--------and they were DEFINITELY
nomadic desert dwelling people. In ancient writings (Hebrew) they were called
ISHMAELITES-----which were nomadic people who dealt in trade------specifically
slaves. They built no houses and were completely illiterate. They are described in the BABYLONIAN TALMUD which was written more than 2500 years ago----
long after the books of the first part of the bible----called in English "genesis"
was written and includes stuff on the person called Jonah and Abraham---etc.
You are confusing THE LEVANT with "Arabia" and "arab" Were Egyptians also "arabs" in your confused mind? How about BABYLONIANS? The Phonecians are consider semitic-----but were really derived from AEGEAN
PEOPLE----not Arabian.
It is obvious the British did not know the process for making synthetic acetone quickly, because in exchange for this espionage, Chaim Weissman was able to get the British to make the Balfour Declaration, which promised a Jewish homeland in Palestine if the British won and captured Palestine from the Ottoman Empire.
Why would the British have done that if the formula for synthetic acetone had no value?

Synthetic acetone caused starvation in Germany because it allowed the British to make massive amounts of cordite, that was used in torpedoes and cannon, to sink German food ships. Nearly a million died of starvation in Germany before they were forced to surrender.
Remember, the Germans were not defeated on the battlefield in WWI.
They surrenders in WWI due to the economic blockade of food.

The Blockade of Germany, or the Blockade of Europe, occurred from 1914 to 1919. It was a prolonged naval operationconducted by the Triple-Entente powers during and after World War I[1] in an effort to restrict the maritime supply of goods to the Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. It is considered one of the key elements in the eventual Allied victory in the war. The German Board of Public Health in December 1918 claimed that 763,000 German civilians died from starvation and disease caused by the blockade up until the end of December 1918.[2][3] An academic study done in 1928 put the death toll at 424,000.[4]

Both the German Empire and the United Kingdom relied heavily on imports to feed their population and supply their war industry. Imports of foodstuffs and war materiel of European belligerents came primarily from the Americas and had to be shipped across the Atlantic Ocean, thus Britain and Germany both aimed to blockade each other. The British had the Royal Navy which was superior in numbers and could operate throughout the British Empire, while the German Kaiserliche Marine surface fleet was mainly restricted to the German Bight, and used commerce raiders and unrestricted submarine warfare elsewhere.
Blockade of Germany - Wikipedia

your Imam lied-----there was a WORLD WIDE economic depression which
Germany could not handle------it has nothing to do with CHAIM WEITZMAN----
your Imam lied Chaim Weitzman was a chemist and did not have STEAL anything or MURDER anyone. The OTTOMAN EMPIRE fell apart because of Islamic CORRUPTION

It is obvious you are lying.
During wartime the economy can be controlled by the state, so a depression then is impossible.
The starvation in Germany was obviously due to illegal British blockade on food.
The world wide depression did not start until over a decade later, with the stock market crash of 1929.

Chaim Weissman was a student chemist when he went to Berlin and was taught how the Germans secretly made acetone for cordite.
Chaim Weissman stole the process and took it to England, where he was greatly rewarded for his theft and espionage.

The Ottoman Empire was defeated militarily, mostly by an Arab coalition.
You have heard of Lawrence of Arabia, right? The was colonel T.E. Lawrence, of the British army, who motivated the Arabs into rebellion against the Ottoman Empire.

If Islamic governments were corrupt, that would mean its Jewish administrators were the fault.

you really swallowed massive quantities of that stuff on the carpet after the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT feces fling-------nothing you have asserted is credible.
but you use lots of islamo Nazi memes. BTW Islamic governments are STILL CORRUPT-----were never run by jews and are even MORE corrupt after all the jews fled the stink and filth. What is true is that jews did the reading and writing---
because most muslim "arabs" were completely illiterate (called arabs now because they speak Arabic)---
but actually the designation is ONLY BY LANGUAGE. I speak English----but do not call myself an ENGLISHWOMAN. There were many reason that the OTTOMAN EMPIRE FELL-----mostly islam. I have an interesting point----
my husbands ancestors were born in the OTTOMAN EMPIRE----that means his grand parents-----sheeesh HE IS OTTOMAN ----well----not really. He speaks no Turkish----but his brother-in-law does

Still you try to lie.
The word Vizier refers to the government administrator head in Islamic culture, which traditionally is always Jewish.
This was most apparent when the Moors ruled the Iberian Peninsula, because of the Inquistion when the Christians made the Moor leave. The Jewish administrator the Moors has installed were left behind, and persecuted by the Christians.

Arabs created language as we know it.
The Arab Phoenicians created the phonetic alphabet, thousands of years before Hebrew had a written script.

Of course these days people move too much to associate language with race or culture.
But you could in 1000 BC.
People in the Land of Canaan did not move around.
Only the Hebrew tribes were nomadic and did move around.
But it is clear they were of Arab origin.
Arab is the larger genetic group associated with Arab languages, of which Hebrew belongs.
If you are of ancestry that spoke Hebrew as a native language, then almost for sure you are of Arab ancestry.
Arabs did NOT come from Arabia, but from the Land of Canaan, where some then did migrate to Arabia later.
That is why Arabic came later.
But when scholars refer to Arab ancestry, they mean the people originating in the Land of Canaan, about 8000 BC.

ROFLMAO "" arabs did not come from Arabia-""-----they came from CANAAN ----
is that what your Imam claims-----NOPE-----arabs are from Arabia------their language developed there and was ARABIC--------and they were DEFINITELY
nomadic desert dwelling people. In ancient writings (Hebrew) they were called
ISHMAELITES-----which were nomadic people who dealt in trade------specifically
slaves. They built no houses and were completely illiterate. They are described in the BABYLONIAN TALMUD which was written more than 2500 years ago----
long after the books of the first part of the bible----called in English "genesis"
was written and includes stuff on the person called Jonah and Abraham---etc.
You are confusing THE LEVANT with "Arabia" and "arab" Were Egyptians also "arabs" in your confused mind? How about BABYLONIANS? The Phonecians are consider semitic-----but were really derived from AEGEAN
PEOPLE----not Arabian.

That is silly because all anthropologists are sure the Arabian Peninsula was populated through a migration from the Levant.
There is no way to get from Africa, the only source of humanity, to Arabia, without going through the Levant.

The language of the Arabian Peninsula is Arabic, but that is not at all the first Arab language.

There is no ancient Hebrew written language, and the BABYLONIAN TALMUD was not written down until around 200 AD.
Talmud - Wikipedia

Yes, Egyptians are consider Arab, although the Pharaohs, seemed to be a slightly different origin with Kushite influences.

Phoenicians and Philistines have Aegean influences, but their major DNA is Arab, and their language is totally Arab.

The Babylonians came from the Akkadians, who were Arab, so then Babylonians were Arabs as well.
There are still Babylonian and Akkadian Arabs in Palestine today.
your Imam lied-----there was a WORLD WIDE economic depression which
Germany could not handle------it has nothing to do with CHAIM WEITZMAN----
your Imam lied Chaim Weitzman was a chemist and did not have STEAL anything or MURDER anyone. The OTTOMAN EMPIRE fell apart because of Islamic CORRUPTION

It is obvious you are lying.
During wartime the economy can be controlled by the state, so a depression then is impossible.
The starvation in Germany was obviously due to illegal British blockade on food.
The world wide depression did not start until over a decade later, with the stock market crash of 1929.

Chaim Weissman was a student chemist when he went to Berlin and was taught how the Germans secretly made acetone for cordite.
Chaim Weissman stole the process and took it to England, where he was greatly rewarded for his theft and espionage.

The Ottoman Empire was defeated militarily, mostly by an Arab coalition.
You have heard of Lawrence of Arabia, right? The was colonel T.E. Lawrence, of the British army, who motivated the Arabs into rebellion against the Ottoman Empire.

If Islamic governments were corrupt, that would mean its Jewish administrators were the fault.

you really swallowed massive quantities of that stuff on the carpet after the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT feces fling-------nothing you have asserted is credible.
but you use lots of islamo Nazi memes. BTW Islamic governments are STILL CORRUPT-----were never run by jews and are even MORE corrupt after all the jews fled the stink and filth. What is true is that jews did the reading and writing---
because most muslim "arabs" were completely illiterate (called arabs now because they speak Arabic)---
but actually the designation is ONLY BY LANGUAGE. I speak English----but do not call myself an ENGLISHWOMAN. There were many reason that the OTTOMAN EMPIRE FELL-----mostly islam. I have an interesting point----
my husbands ancestors were born in the OTTOMAN EMPIRE----that means his grand parents-----sheeesh HE IS OTTOMAN ----well----not really. He speaks no Turkish----but his brother-in-law does

Still you try to lie.
The word Vizier refers to the government administrator head in Islamic culture, which traditionally is always Jewish.
This was most apparent when the Moors ruled the Iberian Peninsula, because of the Inquistion when the Christians made the Moor leave. The Jewish administrator the Moors has installed were left behind, and persecuted by the Christians.

Arabs created language as we know it.
The Arab Phoenicians created the phonetic alphabet, thousands of years before Hebrew had a written script.

Of course these days people move too much to associate language with race or culture.
But you could in 1000 BC.
People in the Land of Canaan did not move around.
Only the Hebrew tribes were nomadic and did move around.
But it is clear they were of Arab origin.
Arab is the larger genetic group associated with Arab languages, of which Hebrew belongs.
If you are of ancestry that spoke Hebrew as a native language, then almost for sure you are of Arab ancestry.
Arabs did NOT come from Arabia, but from the Land of Canaan, where some then did migrate to Arabia later.
That is why Arabic came later.
But when scholars refer to Arab ancestry, they mean the people originating in the Land of Canaan, about 8000 BC.

ROFLMAO "" arabs did not come from Arabia-""-----they came from CANAAN ----
is that what your Imam claims-----NOPE-----arabs are from Arabia------their language developed there and was ARABIC--------and they were DEFINITELY
nomadic desert dwelling people. In ancient writings (Hebrew) they were called
ISHMAELITES-----which were nomadic people who dealt in trade------specifically
slaves. They built no houses and were completely illiterate. They are described in the BABYLONIAN TALMUD which was written more than 2500 years ago----
long after the books of the first part of the bible----called in English "genesis"
was written and includes stuff on the person called Jonah and Abraham---etc.
You are confusing THE LEVANT with "Arabia" and "arab" Were Egyptians also "arabs" in your confused mind? How about BABYLONIANS? The Phonecians are consider semitic-----but were really derived from AEGEAN
PEOPLE----not Arabian.

That is silly because all anthropologists are sure the Arabian Peninsula was populated through a migration from the Levant.
There is no way to get from Africa, the only source of humanity, to Arabia, without going through the Levant.

The language of the Arabian Peninsula is Arabic, but that is not at all the first Arab language.

There is no ancient Hebrew written language, and the BABYLONIAN TALMUD was not written down until around 200 AD.
Talmud - Wikipedia

Yes, Egyptians are consider Arab, although the Pharaohs, seemed to be a slightly different origin with Kushite influences.

Phoenicians and Philistines have Aegean influences, but their major DNA is Arab, and their language is totally Arab.

The Babylonians came from the Akkadians, who were Arab, so then Babylonians were Arabs as well.
There are still Babylonian and Akkadian Arabs in Palestine today.

rigby. I am fascinated with your imagination. Jesus read the BABYLONIAN TALMUD-----and YOU claim that it was not WRITTEN DOWN until 200 AD almost 200 years AFTER HE DIED?---wrong again-----200 AD was when the various volumes were COMPILED and in some cases REDACTED-----all by WRITTEN LANGUAGE----from prior writings
Hillel PRECEDES JESUS and HE BOTH READ AND WROTE parts of the JERUSALEM Talmud---. which is COMMENTARY on the written first five books of what is called "THE OLD TESTAMENT" Was your Imam drunk when he fed you this shit?
PHILISTINES SPOKE ARABIC? and PHOENICIANS TOO? Phoenicians had an alphabet and ARABS never did-------arabs stole their script from the
PERSIANS and not until 300 AD ----thousands of years AFTER the greeks and the romans and the Persians and the hindus and the jews and the Egyptians had already written books--..... That muhummad was illiterate was not all that
remarkable-----most Arabic speaking people are STILL ILLITERATE----when did you learn? did you learn?
from rigby's Imam "There is no way to get from Africa, the only source of humanity, to Arabia, without going through the Levant. " oh-----so there were no people in
the Indian subcontinent or in the far east and in Europe--------THEY ONLY PEOPLE
IN THE WORLD ARE "arabs" (gawd help us) ------more bad news------people were floating around on boats and ship and rafts ----THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEFORE the unwashed, illiterates of Arabia were kidnapping people,
castrating them and selling them as slaves and stealing from assorted caravans like the thief rapist murderer called muhummad
It is obvious you are lying.
During wartime the economy can be controlled by the state, so a depression then is impossible.
The starvation in Germany was obviously due to illegal British blockade on food.
The world wide depression did not start until over a decade later, with the stock market crash of 1929.

Chaim Weissman was a student chemist when he went to Berlin and was taught how the Germans secretly made acetone for cordite.
Chaim Weissman stole the process and took it to England, where he was greatly rewarded for his theft and espionage.

The Ottoman Empire was defeated militarily, mostly by an Arab coalition.
You have heard of Lawrence of Arabia, right? The was colonel T.E. Lawrence, of the British army, who motivated the Arabs into rebellion against the Ottoman Empire.

If Islamic governments were corrupt, that would mean its Jewish administrators were the fault.

you really swallowed massive quantities of that stuff on the carpet after the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT feces fling-------nothing you have asserted is credible.
but you use lots of islamo Nazi memes. BTW Islamic governments are STILL CORRUPT-----were never run by jews and are even MORE corrupt after all the jews fled the stink and filth. What is true is that jews did the reading and writing---
because most muslim "arabs" were completely illiterate (called arabs now because they speak Arabic)---
but actually the designation is ONLY BY LANGUAGE. I speak English----but do not call myself an ENGLISHWOMAN. There were many reason that the OTTOMAN EMPIRE FELL-----mostly islam. I have an interesting point----
my husbands ancestors were born in the OTTOMAN EMPIRE----that means his grand parents-----sheeesh HE IS OTTOMAN ----well----not really. He speaks no Turkish----but his brother-in-law does

Still you try to lie.
The word Vizier refers to the government administrator head in Islamic culture, which traditionally is always Jewish.
This was most apparent when the Moors ruled the Iberian Peninsula, because of the Inquistion when the Christians made the Moor leave. The Jewish administrator the Moors has installed were left behind, and persecuted by the Christians.

Arabs created language as we know it.
The Arab Phoenicians created the phonetic alphabet, thousands of years before Hebrew had a written script.

Of course these days people move too much to associate language with race or culture.
But you could in 1000 BC.
People in the Land of Canaan did not move around.
Only the Hebrew tribes were nomadic and did move around.
But it is clear they were of Arab origin.
Arab is the larger genetic group associated with Arab languages, of which Hebrew belongs.
If you are of ancestry that spoke Hebrew as a native language, then almost for sure you are of Arab ancestry.
Arabs did NOT come from Arabia, but from the Land of Canaan, where some then did migrate to Arabia later.
That is why Arabic came later.
But when scholars refer to Arab ancestry, they mean the people originating in the Land of Canaan, about 8000 BC.

ROFLMAO "" arabs did not come from Arabia-""-----they came from CANAAN ----
is that what your Imam claims-----NOPE-----arabs are from Arabia------their language developed there and was ARABIC--------and they were DEFINITELY
nomadic desert dwelling people. In ancient writings (Hebrew) they were called
ISHMAELITES-----which were nomadic people who dealt in trade------specifically
slaves. They built no houses and were completely illiterate. They are described in the BABYLONIAN TALMUD which was written more than 2500 years ago----
long after the books of the first part of the bible----called in English "genesis"
was written and includes stuff on the person called Jonah and Abraham---etc.
You are confusing THE LEVANT with "Arabia" and "arab" Were Egyptians also "arabs" in your confused mind? How about BABYLONIANS? The Phonecians are consider semitic-----but were really derived from AEGEAN
PEOPLE----not Arabian.

That is silly because all anthropologists are sure the Arabian Peninsula was populated through a migration from the Levant.
There is no way to get from Africa, the only source of humanity, to Arabia, without going through the Levant.

The language of the Arabian Peninsula is Arabic, but that is not at all the first Arab language.

There is no ancient Hebrew written language, and the BABYLONIAN TALMUD was not written down until around 200 AD.
Talmud - Wikipedia

Yes, Egyptians are consider Arab, although the Pharaohs, seemed to be a slightly different origin with Kushite influences.

Phoenicians and Philistines have Aegean influences, but their major DNA is Arab, and their language is totally Arab.

The Babylonians came from the Akkadians, who were Arab, so then Babylonians were Arabs as well.
There are still Babylonian and Akkadian Arabs in Palestine today.

rigby. I am fascinated with your imagination. Jesus read the BABYLONIAN TALMUD-----and YOU claim that it was not WRITTEN DOWN until 200 AD almost 200 years AFTER HE DIED?---wrong again-----200 AD was when the various volumes were COMPILED and in some cases REDACTED-----all by WRITTEN LANGUAGE----from prior writings
Hillel PRECEDES JESUS and HE BOTH READ AND WROTE parts of the JERUSALEM Talmud---. which is COMMENTARY on the written first five books of what is called "THE OLD TESTAMENT" Was your Imam drunk when he fed you this shit?
PHILISTINES SPOKE ARABIC? and PHOENICIANS TOO? Phoenicians had an alphabet and ARABS never did-------arabs stole their script from the
PERSIANS and not until 300 AD ----thousands of years AFTER the greeks and the romans and the Persians and the hindus and the jews and the Egyptians had already written books--..... That muhummad was illiterate was not all that
remarkable-----most Arabic speaking people are STILL ILLITERATE----when did you learn? did you learn?

I already linked the quote that said that the Babylonian Talmud was NOT written down until after 200 AD.
Before that, it was all oral tradition, except for a few things written in Aramaic or Greek.
Since the New Testament was not written until about 200 AD or later, it can NOT at all be used as a reference of what happened before then. What you are trying to do is known as a circular reference.

And again you incorrectly claim I said that people who spoke an Arab language, had to be speaking Arabic.
Arabic is just one of the most modern of the many Arab languages. All Arab languages are known as Semitic. Hebrew is only known as a Semitic language because it is of Arab origin.
The Phoenician alphabet is Arab. Phoencians are Arab. That is assured because their language is considered Semitic. All people with a native Semitic language almost are assured of being Arab.

And you are also wrong about the Persians.
{ ... Described as one of the great literatures of humanity,[4] including Goethe's assessment of it as one of the four main bodies of world literature,[5] Persian literature has its roots in surviving works of Middle Persian and Old Persian, the latter of which date back as far as 522 BCE, the date of the earliest surviving Achaemenid inscription, the Behistun Inscription. ...}
Persian literature - Wikipedia
They clearly were literate as far back as 522 BC, although they are not Arab.
Of some interest here..

Omar to Introduce Resolution Declaring Support for Anti-Israel BDS Movement

National Review ^ | July 17, 2019 l

Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) will introduce a resolution this week declaring support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to elevate the Palestinian negotiating position vis-a-vis Israel through an international pressure campaign.

“We are introducing a resolution . . . to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our first amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar told Al-Monitor. “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement.”

The announcement comes on the same day that the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on which Omar sits, plans to vote on another non-binding resolution explicitly condemning the BDS movement as an attempt to “undermine the two state solution” by demanding “concessions of one party alone and encourag[ing] Palestinians to reject negotiations in favor of international pressure.”

The anti-BDS resolution further notes that the movement’s founder, Omar Bharghouti, has openly dismissed the possibility of reaching any settlement that allows the state of Israel to retain its sovereignty.

Omar is expected to cast the lone vote against the anti-BDS resolution, further highlighting the divide between herself and the panel’s older, more-established lawmakers, who have condemned her comments about Israel in the past.

Representative Elliot Engel (D., N.Y.), the committee’s chairman, accused Omar of “invoking a vile, anti-Semitic slur” earlier this year after she suggested that pro-Israel American lawmakers’ loyalty to the country was suspect. However, he resisted Republican calls to remove Omar from the panel in the wake of her comments.

The House also passed a non-binding resolution in March condemning anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in response to Omar’s suggestions that support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins.”

Omar told CBS News’s Gayle King this week that she doesn’t regret the words she used to cast support for Israel as primarily the product of the Israel lobby’s financial influence.

“So you don’t regret your words either?” King asked.

“I do not. But I have gotten the — I am grateful for the opportunity to really learn how my words make people feel and have taken every single opportunity I’ve gotten to make sure that people understood that I apologize for it,” Omar responded.
from rigby's Imam "There is no way to get from Africa, the only source of humanity, to Arabia, without going through the Levant. " oh-----so there were no people in
the Indian subcontinent or in the far east and in Europe--------THEY ONLY PEOPLE
IN THE WORLD ARE "arabs" (gawd help us) ------more bad news------people were floating around on boats and ship and rafts ----THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEFORE the unwashed, illiterates of Arabia were kidnapping people,
castrating them and selling them as slaves and stealing from assorted caravans like the thief rapist murderer called muhummad

That is foolish.
Clearly the people in India and Asia, came through the Levant most likely.
And no, ship building came much later.

{... After their origin in Africa, anatomically modern humans first arrived on the Indian subcontinent between 73,000 and 55,000 years ago. ...}
History of India - Wikipedia

And there was no ship building 73 to 55 thousand years ago.
They had to come on foot, through the Levant.
Of some interest here..

Omar to Introduce Resolution Declaring Support for Anti-Israel BDS Movement

National Review ^ | July 17, 2019 l

Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) will introduce a resolution this week declaring support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to elevate the Palestinian negotiating position vis-a-vis Israel through an international pressure campaign.

“We are introducing a resolution . . . to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our first amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar told Al-Monitor. “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement.”

The announcement comes on the same day that the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on which Omar sits, plans to vote on another non-binding resolution explicitly condemning the BDS movement as an attempt to “undermine the two state solution” by demanding “concessions of one party alone and encourag[ing] Palestinians to reject negotiations in favor of international pressure.”

The anti-BDS resolution further notes that the movement’s founder, Omar Bharghouti, has openly dismissed the possibility of reaching any settlement that allows the state of Israel to retain its sovereignty.

Omar is expected to cast the lone vote against the anti-BDS resolution, further highlighting the divide between herself and the panel’s older, more-established lawmakers, who have condemned her comments about Israel in the past.

Representative Elliot Engel (D., N.Y.), the committee’s chairman, accused Omar of “invoking a vile, anti-Semitic slur” earlier this year after she suggested that pro-Israel American lawmakers’ loyalty to the country was suspect. However, he resisted Republican calls to remove Omar from the panel in the wake of her comments.

The House also passed a non-binding resolution in March condemning anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in response to Omar’s suggestions that support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins.”

Omar told CBS News’s Gayle King this week that she doesn’t regret the words she used to cast support for Israel as primarily the product of the Israel lobby’s financial influence.

“So you don’t regret your words either?” King asked.

“I do not. But I have gotten the — I am grateful for the opportunity to really learn how my words make people feel and have taken every single opportunity I’ve gotten to make sure that people understood that I apologize for it,” Omar responded.

Since Israel has always been in violation of international law, it is surprising it took this long for someone to suggest we stop supporting a criminal nation like Israel.
Of some interest here..

Omar to Introduce Resolution Declaring Support for Anti-Israel BDS Movement

National Review ^ | July 17, 2019 l

Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) will introduce a resolution this week declaring support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to elevate the Palestinian negotiating position vis-a-vis Israel through an international pressure campaign.

“We are introducing a resolution . . . to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our first amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar told Al-Monitor. “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement.”

The announcement comes on the same day that the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on which Omar sits, plans to vote on another non-binding resolution explicitly condemning the BDS movement as an attempt to “undermine the two state solution” by demanding “concessions of one party alone and encourag[ing] Palestinians to reject negotiations in favor of international pressure.”

The anti-BDS resolution further notes that the movement’s founder, Omar Bharghouti, has openly dismissed the possibility of reaching any settlement that allows the state of Israel to retain its sovereignty.

Omar is expected to cast the lone vote against the anti-BDS resolution, further highlighting the divide between herself and the panel’s older, more-established lawmakers, who have condemned her comments about Israel in the past.

Representative Elliot Engel (D., N.Y.), the committee’s chairman, accused Omar of “invoking a vile, anti-Semitic slur” earlier this year after she suggested that pro-Israel American lawmakers’ loyalty to the country was suspect. However, he resisted Republican calls to remove Omar from the panel in the wake of her comments.

The House also passed a non-binding resolution in March condemning anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in response to Omar’s suggestions that support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins.”

Omar told CBS News’s Gayle King this week that she doesn’t regret the words she used to cast support for Israel as primarily the product of the Israel lobby’s financial influence.

“So you don’t regret your words either?” King asked.

“I do not. But I have gotten the — I am grateful for the opportunity to really learn how my words make people feel and have taken every single opportunity I’ve gotten to make sure that people understood that I apologize for it,” Omar responded.

Since Israel has always been in violation of international law, it is surprising it took this long for someone to suggest we stop supporting a criminal nation like Israel.

Of some interest here..

Omar to Introduce Resolution Declaring Support for Anti-Israel BDS Movement

National Review ^ | July 17, 2019 l

Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) will introduce a resolution this week declaring support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to elevate the Palestinian negotiating position vis-a-vis Israel through an international pressure campaign.

“We are introducing a resolution . . . to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our first amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar told Al-Monitor. “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement.”

The announcement comes on the same day that the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on which Omar sits, plans to vote on another non-binding resolution explicitly condemning the BDS movement as an attempt to “undermine the two state solution” by demanding “concessions of one party alone and encourag[ing] Palestinians to reject negotiations in favor of international pressure.”

The anti-BDS resolution further notes that the movement’s founder, Omar Bharghouti, has openly dismissed the possibility of reaching any settlement that allows the state of Israel to retain its sovereignty.

Omar is expected to cast the lone vote against the anti-BDS resolution, further highlighting the divide between herself and the panel’s older, more-established lawmakers, who have condemned her comments about Israel in the past.

Representative Elliot Engel (D., N.Y.), the committee’s chairman, accused Omar of “invoking a vile, anti-Semitic slur” earlier this year after she suggested that pro-Israel American lawmakers’ loyalty to the country was suspect. However, he resisted Republican calls to remove Omar from the panel in the wake of her comments.

The House also passed a non-binding resolution in March condemning anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in response to Omar’s suggestions that support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins.”

Omar told CBS News’s Gayle King this week that she doesn’t regret the words she used to cast support for Israel as primarily the product of the Israel lobby’s financial influence.

“So you don’t regret your words either?” King asked.

“I do not. But I have gotten the — I am grateful for the opportunity to really learn how my words make people feel and have taken every single opportunity I’ve gotten to make sure that people understood that I apologize for it,” Omar responded.

Since Israel has always been in violation of international law, it is surprising it took this long for someone to suggest we stop supporting a criminal nation like Israel.


That cartoon is racist.
It does so many irrational and unethical things.
First of all, it implies Israel can do no wrong because Jews are victims, when clearly Israel is against Judaism and is a criminal perpetrator.
Second is that anyone using the work Semitic to imply Jews, is ignorant and racist, because the word Semitic actually means a language belonging to the Arab language group. How disgusting is it to appropriate the word Semitic from the Arabs?
Third is that clearly it is NOT Jews who have dual loyalty, but that Zionists have no loyalty at all and are just criminals attempting to appropriate a whole country that is not theirs, and they have no historic, legal, ethical, or religious right to even be in.
Forth is that it IS all about the Benjamins, which means it is about appropriating a Hebrew myth about passing down authority to the son of the right. The use of the name prefix "ben" is unethical attempt to justify crime as if authorized by God. How more immoral can one get?
Of some interest here..

Omar to Introduce Resolution Declaring Support for Anti-Israel BDS Movement

National Review ^ | July 17, 2019 l

Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) will introduce a resolution this week declaring support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to elevate the Palestinian negotiating position vis-a-vis Israel through an international pressure campaign.

“We are introducing a resolution . . . to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our first amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar told Al-Monitor. “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement.”

The announcement comes on the same day that the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on which Omar sits, plans to vote on another non-binding resolution explicitly condemning the BDS movement as an attempt to “undermine the two state solution” by demanding “concessions of one party alone and encourag[ing] Palestinians to reject negotiations in favor of international pressure.”

The anti-BDS resolution further notes that the movement’s founder, Omar Bharghouti, has openly dismissed the possibility of reaching any settlement that allows the state of Israel to retain its sovereignty.

Omar is expected to cast the lone vote against the anti-BDS resolution, further highlighting the divide between herself and the panel’s older, more-established lawmakers, who have condemned her comments about Israel in the past.

Representative Elliot Engel (D., N.Y.), the committee’s chairman, accused Omar of “invoking a vile, anti-Semitic slur” earlier this year after she suggested that pro-Israel American lawmakers’ loyalty to the country was suspect. However, he resisted Republican calls to remove Omar from the panel in the wake of her comments.

The House also passed a non-binding resolution in March condemning anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in response to Omar’s suggestions that support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins.”

Omar told CBS News’s Gayle King this week that she doesn’t regret the words she used to cast support for Israel as primarily the product of the Israel lobby’s financial influence.

“So you don’t regret your words either?” King asked.

“I do not. But I have gotten the — I am grateful for the opportunity to really learn how my words make people feel and have taken every single opportunity I’ve gotten to make sure that people understood that I apologize for it,” Omar responded.

Since Israel has always been in violation of international law, it is surprising it took this long for someone to suggest we stop supporting a criminal nation like Israel.


That cartoon is racist.
It does so many irrational and unethical things.
First of all, it implies Israel can do no wrong because Jews are victims, when clearly Israel is against Judaism and is a criminal perpetrator.
Second is that anyone using the work Semitic to imply Jews, is ignorant and racist, because the word Semitic actually means a language belonging to the Arab language group. How disgusting is it to appropriate the word Semitic from the Arabs?
Third is that clearly it is NOT Jews who have dual loyalty, but that Zionists have no loyalty at all and are just criminals attempting to appropriate a whole country that is not theirs, and they have no historic, legal, ethical, or religious right to even be in.
Forth is that it IS all about the Benjamins, which means it is about appropriating a Hebrew myth about passing down authority to the son of the right. The use of the name prefix "ben" is unethical attempt to justify crime as if authorized by God. How more immoral can one get?

"That cartoon is racist."

Can you explain the Left's catch-all claim, "Racist"???

Is it an action, or merely a thought-crime.

You totalitarians just love to claim thought-crimes, don't you.

Clearly, this individual evinces a hatred of Jewish folks, and, it appears, you subscribe to same.

I could understand the "Solid South" of the Democrats after the Civil War. I never followed the voting pattern of Jews but this thread made me curious why the Jews historically voted Democrat. Found such opinion here: Why U.S. Jews will continue to vote Democrat.

From the beginning, Wald said, American Jews saw their interests defined largely in their ability to integrate fully into U.S. society.

“That meant acculturation, which is not the same thing as assimilation. To assimilate is consistent with the idea of the melting pot where no distinctions matter. It means to become like Christians and ultimately to become Christians.

“To acculturate means speaking the language of the country, to participate in the public institutions. It’s the idea you are a Jew in the synagogue and a citizen everywhere else. For example, my parents were German Jews, who came here in 1939. To my father, acculturation meant his sons played baseball. So, he became active in the local Little League to the point of becoming league president. That didn’t exclude being active in the synagogue.”

Wald concludes that Jews have developed a politicized social identity in the American political arena, “a deep commitment to the classical liberal values that the state has no religious identity and no authority to allocate benefits or costs based on religious affiliation.”

And, the reason Jews tend to identify as Democrats is because the Democrats “own” the separation of church and state idea.
Interesting but I'm not in any position to form judgement. I'll only right or wrongly assume that if the Jews continue to vote mainly Democratic, that perhaps the rants of the few vocal young Democrat representatives are being offset by the rhetoric of the evangelical right.
I could understand the "Solid South" of the Democrats after the Civil War. I never followed the voting pattern of Jews but this thread made me curious why the Jews historically voted Democrat. Found such opinion here: Why U.S. Jews will continue to vote Democrat.

From the beginning, Wald said, American Jews saw their interests defined largely in their ability to integrate fully into U.S. society.

“That meant acculturation, which is not the same thing as assimilation. To assimilate is consistent with the idea of the melting pot where no distinctions matter. It means to become like Christians and ultimately to become Christians.

“To acculturate means speaking the language of the country, to participate in the public institutions. It’s the idea you are a Jew in the synagogue and a citizen everywhere else. For example, my parents were German Jews, who came here in 1939. To my father, acculturation meant his sons played baseball. So, he became active in the local Little League to the point of becoming league president. That didn’t exclude being active in the synagogue.”

Wald concludes that Jews have developed a politicized social identity in the American political arena, “a deep commitment to the classical liberal values that the state has no religious identity and no authority to allocate benefits or costs based on religious affiliation.”

And, the reason Jews tend to identify as Democrats is because the Democrats “own” the separation of church and state idea.
Interesting but I'm not in any position to form judgement. I'll only right or wrongly assume that if the Jews continue to vote mainly Democratic, that perhaps the rants of the few vocal young Democrat representatives are being offset by the rhetoric of the evangelical right.

That was an interesting exposition, but I felt it seemed a bit biased against Christians.

Melanie Phillips, in her book "Londonistan," made this point, which more than balances the points of that author:

. “In America, the churches have been in the forefront of the defense of Western values. Some of the strongest support for Israel comes from evangelical Christians. In Britain, by contrast, the Church of England has been in the forefront of the retreat from the Judeo-Christian heritage. At every stage it has sought to appease the forces of secularism, accommodating itself to family breakdown, seeking to be nonjudgmental and embracing multiculturalism.”

If the comparison of America and Great Britain in terms of the defense of Western Civilization is a valid one, and it is, then the attacks on Jews is even more indicative: the major political party in America is now openly running on anti-Semitism.

Today, the Democrat Party is strongly anti-Semitic.
That was an interesting exposition, but I felt it seemed a bit biased against Christians.

Melanie Phillips, in her book "Londonistan," made this point, which more than balances the points of that author:

. “In America, the churches have been in the forefront of the defense of Western values. Some of the strongest support for Israel comes from evangelical Christians. In Britain, by contrast, the Church of England has been in the forefront of the retreat from the Judeo-Christian heritage. At every stage it has sought to appease the forces of secularism, accommodating itself to family breakdown, seeking to be nonjudgmental and embracing multiculturalism.”

If the comparison of America and Great Britain in terms of the defense of Western Civilization is a valid one, and it is, then the attacks on Jews is even more indicative: the major political party in America is now openly running on anti-Semitism.

Today, the Democrat Party is strongly anti-Semitic.

I'm convinced my initial perception was wrong, my apologies to all right-wing evangelicals. Looking into links provided by a Google search, I came across this thought which I totally want no part of:


That was an interesting exposition, but I felt it seemed a bit biased against Christians.

Melanie Phillips, in her book "Londonistan," made this point, which more than balances the points of that author:

. “In America, the churches have been in the forefront of the defense of Western values. Some of the strongest support for Israel comes from evangelical Christians. In Britain, by contrast, the Church of England has been in the forefront of the retreat from the Judeo-Christian heritage. At every stage it has sought to appease the forces of secularism, accommodating itself to family breakdown, seeking to be nonjudgmental and embracing multiculturalism.”

If the comparison of America and Great Britain in terms of the defense of Western Civilization is a valid one, and it is, then the attacks on Jews is even more indicative: the major political party in America is now openly running on anti-Semitism.

Today, the Democrat Party is strongly anti-Semitic.

I'm convinced my initial perception was wrong, my apologies to all right-wing evangelicals. Looking into links provided by a Google search, I came across this thought which I totally want no part of:

No part of what, exactly?

If you are accepting what that uber-Progessive said, remember rule #1.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Possibly, this is the reason for those evangelical Christians:

Now the LORD said1 to Abram, “Go from your country2 and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and pin you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”3
Genesis 12:1-3
Last edited:
Of some interest here..

Omar to Introduce Resolution Declaring Support for Anti-Israel BDS Movement

National Review ^ | July 17, 2019 l

Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) will introduce a resolution this week declaring support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to elevate the Palestinian negotiating position vis-a-vis Israel through an international pressure campaign.

“We are introducing a resolution . . . to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our first amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar told Al-Monitor. “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement.”

The announcement comes on the same day that the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on which Omar sits, plans to vote on another non-binding resolution explicitly condemning the BDS movement as an attempt to “undermine the two state solution” by demanding “concessions of one party alone and encourag[ing] Palestinians to reject negotiations in favor of international pressure.”

The anti-BDS resolution further notes that the movement’s founder, Omar Bharghouti, has openly dismissed the possibility of reaching any settlement that allows the state of Israel to retain its sovereignty.

Omar is expected to cast the lone vote against the anti-BDS resolution, further highlighting the divide between herself and the panel’s older, more-established lawmakers, who have condemned her comments about Israel in the past.

Representative Elliot Engel (D., N.Y.), the committee’s chairman, accused Omar of “invoking a vile, anti-Semitic slur” earlier this year after she suggested that pro-Israel American lawmakers’ loyalty to the country was suspect. However, he resisted Republican calls to remove Omar from the panel in the wake of her comments.

The House also passed a non-binding resolution in March condemning anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in response to Omar’s suggestions that support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins.”

Omar told CBS News’s Gayle King this week that she doesn’t regret the words she used to cast support for Israel as primarily the product of the Israel lobby’s financial influence.

“So you don’t regret your words either?” King asked.

“I do not. But I have gotten the — I am grateful for the opportunity to really learn how my words make people feel and have taken every single opportunity I’ve gotten to make sure that people understood that I apologize for it,” Omar responded.

Since Israel has always been in violation of international law, it is surprising it took this long for someone to suggest we stop supporting a criminal nation like Israel.


That cartoon is racist.
It does so many irrational and unethical things.
First of all, it implies Israel can do no wrong because Jews are victims, when clearly Israel is against Judaism and is a criminal perpetrator.
Second is that anyone using the work Semitic to imply Jews, is ignorant and racist, because the word Semitic actually means a language belonging to the Arab language group. How disgusting is it to appropriate the word Semitic from the Arabs?
Third is that clearly it is NOT Jews who have dual loyalty, but that Zionists have no loyalty at all and are just criminals attempting to appropriate a whole country that is not theirs, and they have no historic, legal, ethical, or religious right to even be in.
Forth is that it IS all about the Benjamins, which means it is about appropriating a Hebrew myth about passing down authority to the son of the right. The use of the name prefix "ben" is unethical attempt to justify crime as if authorized by God. How more immoral can one get?

"That cartoon is racist."

Can you explain the Left's catch-all claim, "Racist"???

Is it an action, or merely a thought-crime.

You totalitarians just love to claim thought-crimes, don't you.

Clearly, this individual evinces a hatred of Jewish folks, and, it appears, you subscribe to same.


The cartoon is racist because it tries to use emotional attacks in order to get people to wrongly hate innocents, and to benefit the guilty instead.

I am Jewish and do not hate Jews.
I do not believe in all Jewish beliefs, but I value the fidelity to an ancient and interesting value system.

It is Zionists I hate, because they are illegally trying to commit genocide against the legal natives of the Land of Canaan, so that they can steal the land.
I could understand the "Solid South" of the Democrats after the Civil War. I never followed the voting pattern of Jews but this thread made me curious why the Jews historically voted Democrat. Found such opinion here: Why U.S. Jews will continue to vote Democrat.

From the beginning, Wald said, American Jews saw their interests defined largely in their ability to integrate fully into U.S. society.

“That meant acculturation, which is not the same thing as assimilation. To assimilate is consistent with the idea of the melting pot where no distinctions matter. It means to become like Christians and ultimately to become Christians.

“To acculturate means speaking the language of the country, to participate in the public institutions. It’s the idea you are a Jew in the synagogue and a citizen everywhere else. For example, my parents were German Jews, who came here in 1939. To my father, acculturation meant his sons played baseball. So, he became active in the local Little League to the point of becoming league president. That didn’t exclude being active in the synagogue.”

Wald concludes that Jews have developed a politicized social identity in the American political arena, “a deep commitment to the classical liberal values that the state has no religious identity and no authority to allocate benefits or costs based on religious affiliation.”

And, the reason Jews tend to identify as Democrats is because the Democrats “own” the separation of church and state idea.
Interesting but I'm not in any position to form judgement. I'll only right or wrongly assume that if the Jews continue to vote mainly Democratic, that perhaps the rants of the few vocal young Democrat representatives are being offset by the rhetoric of the evangelical right.

That was an interesting exposition, but I felt it seemed a bit biased against Christians.

Melanie Phillips, in her book "Londonistan," made this point, which more than balances the points of that author:

. “In America, the churches have been in the forefront of the defense of Western values. Some of the strongest support for Israel comes from evangelical Christians. In Britain, by contrast, the Church of England has been in the forefront of the retreat from the Judeo-Christian heritage. At every stage it has sought to appease the forces of secularism, accommodating itself to family breakdown, seeking to be nonjudgmental and embracing multiculturalism.”

If the comparison of America and Great Britain in terms of the defense of Western Civilization is a valid one, and it is, then the attacks on Jews is even more indicative: the major political party in America is now openly running on anti-Semitism.

Today, the Democrat Party is strongly anti-Semitic.

It is Zionists who are strongly anti-Semitic.
No religious Jews can possibly support Zionism, and its evil abuse of the Palestinians, who are the natives and rightful owners of almost all the land in Israel.
That was an interesting exposition, but I felt it seemed a bit biased against Christians.

Melanie Phillips, in her book "Londonistan," made this point, which more than balances the points of that author:

. “In America, the churches have been in the forefront of the defense of Western values. Some of the strongest support for Israel comes from evangelical Christians. In Britain, by contrast, the Church of England has been in the forefront of the retreat from the Judeo-Christian heritage. At every stage it has sought to appease the forces of secularism, accommodating itself to family breakdown, seeking to be nonjudgmental and embracing multiculturalism.”

If the comparison of America and Great Britain in terms of the defense of Western Civilization is a valid one, and it is, then the attacks on Jews is even more indicative: the major political party in America is now openly running on anti-Semitism.

Today, the Democrat Party is strongly anti-Semitic.

I'm convinced my initial perception was wrong, my apologies to all right-wing evangelicals. Looking into links provided by a Google search, I came across this thought which I totally want no part of:

No part of what, exactly?

If you are accepting what that uber-Progessive said, remember rule #1.

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Possibly, this is the reason for those evangelical Christians:

Now the LORD said1 to Abram, “Go from your country2 and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and pin you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”3
Genesis 12:1-3

That is the Old Testament, and should not be even considered by any Christian, who is supposed to go only by the New Testament. The Old Testament is just Judaism. And the whole point of Christianity is an entirely NEW covenant between man and God. Everything in the Old Testament is now wrong for Christians.
There is not supposed to be any Chosen People of Promised Land any more.
And, the reason Jews tend to identify as Democrats is because the Democrats “own” the separation of church and state idea.

Why do Democrats think there is a legal basis to this separation of church and state statement?

We were founded as a Christian nation, there was never any intent to have separation between church and state.

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