Jews are not going anywhere!!!

7 million Jews in Israel and growing .
Many of them are nationalistic .
The Israeli AF is superior to any European power .
Israel has great special forces and their army has the best tanks next to the 3 big powers

Plus they have lived there 5,000 yrs and have a lot of nuclear weapons on ground , sea and air

They ain’t gong back to Europe or the ME
7 million ? Time for Holohoax part 2
The uberman Jews are here and they plan on killing like they've killed before to prove their worthiness of being a human.
I hope you don’t believe that !!
I like you but I hope you are not a Nazi that denies that 5.9 million Jews were exterminated
That was over seventy years ago, who has been killing since then?
Jews can fight back and do in self defense!!!
Can ? Probable.. For sure.
Will ? Cheaper to hire six 'groids". Cousin Harry will make sure the contract is youz proofz.
7 million Jews in Israel and growing .
Many of them are nationalistic .
The Israeli AF is superior to any European power .
Israel has great special forces and their army has the best tanks next to the 3 big powers

Plus they have lived there 5,000 yrs and have a lot of nuclear weapons on ground , sea and air

They ain’t gong back to Europe or the ME
7 million ? Time for Holohoax part 2
The uberman Jews are here and they plan on killing like they've killed before to prove their worthiness of being a human.
I hope you don’t believe that !!
I like you but I hope you are not a Nazi that denies that 5.9 million Jews were exterminated
That was over seventy years ago, who has been killing since then?
Jews can fight back and do in self defense!!!
Can ? Probable.. For sure.
Will ? Cheaper to hire six 'groids". Cousin Harry will make sure the contract is youz proofz.
Every Jew has a token thug, eh Leo?
7 million Jews in Israel and growing .
Many of them are nationalistic .
The Israeli AF is superior to any European power .
Israel has great special forces and their army has the best tanks next to the 3 big powers

Plus they have lived there 5,000 yrs and have a lot of nuclear weapons on ground , sea and air

They ain’t gong back to Europe or the ME

Why did the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years?
g-d kept tossing free food. Why head directly to a place some Semitic fucker would charge you for a few mushrooms ?

One of them lost a quarter.
You should go to Israel and tell them joke
I have. My mom was a Jew. I said hey much real estate can I steal as a half breed ?....they weren't thrilled. My meager intent was to put together a pork processing plant.
Then I met these assholes
Complete clown show
7 million Jews in Israel and growing .
Many of them are nationalistic .
The Israeli AF is superior to any European power .
Israel has great special forces and their army has the best tanks next to the 3 big powers

Plus they have lived there 5,000 yrs and have a lot of nuclear weapons on ground , sea and air

They ain’t gong back to Europe or the ME

Why did the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years?
g-d kept tossing free food. Why head directly to a place some Semitic fucker would charge you for a few mushrooms ?

One of them lost a quarter.
You should go to Israel and tell them joke
I have. My mom was a Jew. I said hey much real estate can I steal as a half breed ?....they weren't thrilled. My meager intent was to put together a pork processing plant.
Then I met these assholes
Complete clown show
Very interesting!!
You’re half Jewish
7 million Jews in Israel and growing .
Many of them are nationalistic .
The Israeli AF is superior to any European power .
Israel has great special forces and their army has the best tanks next to the 3 big powers

Plus they have lived there 5,000 yrs and have a lot of nuclear weapons on ground , sea and air

They ain’t gong back to Europe or the ME

Why did the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years?
g-d kept tossing free food. Why head directly to a place some Semitic fucker would charge you for a few mushrooms ?

One of them lost a quarter.
You should go to Israel and tell them joke
I have. My mom was a Jew. I said hey much real estate can I steal as a half breed ?....they weren't thrilled. My meager intent was to put together a pork processing plant.
Then I met these assholes
Complete clown show
I can tell you have a high IQ
7 million Jews in Israel and growing .
Many of them are nationalistic .
The Israeli AF is superior to any European power .
Israel has great special forces and their army has the best tanks next to the 3 big powers

Plus they have lived there 5,000 yrs and have a lot of nuclear weapons on ground , sea and air

They ain’t gong back to Europe or the ME

You can imagine how angry American lefties were when they found out the new Israeli prime minister is still a Jew. LOL!
I bet you wish he was an Arab.
You’re hard to figure out ??
You clearly are a good guy but you don’t seem very fond of both conservatives and police
7 million Jews in Israel and growing .
Many of them are nationalistic .
The Israeli AF is superior to any European power .
Israel has great special forces and their army has the best tanks next to the 3 big powers

Plus they have lived there 5,000 yrs and have a lot of nuclear weapons on ground , sea and air

They ain’t gong back to Europe or the ME
Bad news for Jews:
7 million Jews in Israel and growing .
Many of them are nationalistic .
The Israeli AF is superior to any European power .
Israel has great special forces and their army has the best tanks next to the 3 big powers

Plus they have lived there 5,000 yrs and have a lot of nuclear weapons on ground , sea and air

They ain’t gong back to Europe or the ME
Bad news for Jews:
Israel is 80 percent Jewish
All the Palestinians live mostly in several cities that are all controlled by the PA
I agree the West Bank is lost but Jerusalem is mostly Jewish on all sides
7 million Jews in Israel and growing .
Many of them are nationalistic .
The Israeli AF is superior to any European power .
Israel has great special forces and their army has the best tanks next to the 3 big powers

Plus they have lived there 5,000 yrs and have a lot of nuclear weapons on ground , sea and air

They ain’t gong back to Europe or the ME

You can imagine how angry American lefties were when they found out the new Israeli prime minister is still a Jew. LOL!
I bet you wish he was an Arab.
You’re hard to figure out ??
You clearly are a good guy but you don’t seem very fond of both conservatives and police
They have never done a damn thing for good for me.
Consider, many on the left despise Israel. Can Israel survive without US taxpayer funding?

Why should US taxpayers continue to prop up Israel? What has Israel done for us?

South African apartheid failed. How long will Israeli apartheid last?
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Isn't most of the Jews in Europe? Almost all Ashkenazim in the 19th century lived in northern Belarus, accounted for up to 20% of the density in the area of Minsk, Warsaw and Vilna, and their number within the Pale of Settlement was, if I am not mistaken, about 9 million.
Do you think that now they are not there?
And are all the communists now also in Israel?
Incidentally, there is no clear definition of Jewishness. Someone thinks that this is a religious affiliation, someone thinks that these are ethnic groups, someone thinks according to mythological inheritance from biblical myths, or culture, and then the Pashtuns are also Jews.
By the way, I have not studied the issue of the Israeli army, but I think that this is an ordinary non-professional army, like any other in Europe. There is no doubt that the strongest army in the world is the US army, a lot of money has been invested in it and it is the only fully professional army in the world. It is funded about 10 times higher than any other army in the world. The Israeli army is unremarkable, there is just initial army training, all that such soldiers can do is run around with machine guns and to cleen the boots.
The American army is funded almost as much as the rest of the world put together
This, incidentally, increases the shame of fleeing Afghanistan a hundredfold.
For them, the male line does not matter at all. The paternal Jew is not a Halachic Jew and does not have full rights in Israel. Anyone can be a father, even a pygmy, there is no problem.

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