Jews doing false flags, say its due to boredom, right!

This thread is a prime example of the depths of the rabbit hole that the pro-pals spew their nonsense from.

It starts with the "poor Palestinians" and winds up with the Jews always committing false flag ops.

Monte and Loopie, get a real life!
So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

They choose to live that life so they cant be having that rough a time. It is in their power to be freed and to reclaim every inch of land but in doing so they will have to live on their own money, so they prefer to play the victim card and rake in $trillions of aid and hand outs rather than work. Would it be any easier if Israel lifted the blockade and took down the walls, would it stop the destruction of homes when Israel responded to attacks with deadly force, would it stop the deaths of thousands ?
So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

Not the subject of this thread. But another well known tactic by pro-pali's. Deflect, detract and derail every thread.
So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

Not the subject of this thread. But another well known tactic by pro-pali's. Deflect, detract and derail every thread.

You can see the Hasbara training Teddy has had. Project, project, project. Claim the other side is doing what Israel Firsters are trained to do and routinely do.
So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

Not the subject of this thread. But another well known tactic by pro-pali's. Deflect, detract and derail every thread.

You can see the Hasbara training Teddy has had. Project, project, project. Claim the other side is doing what Israel Firsters are trained to do and routinely do.

Yep another pali terrorist supporter deflecting, derailing and detracting when the truth is coming out.
So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

Not the subject of this thread. But another well known tactic by pro-pali's. Deflect, detract and derail every thread.

You can see the Hasbara training Teddy has had. Project, project, project. Claim the other side is doing what Israel Firsters are trained to do and routinely do.

Yep another pali terrorist supporter deflecting, derailing and detracting when the truth is coming out.

What truth. When have you posted anything but Zionist propaganda?
A atheist, as most jews are. Some jews realize jew is not a race so when asked they say "atheist". I agree, jew is not a race. Since your pro Israel that makes you a Zionist. Case closed.

You should meet Stephanie. Together, the two of you can toss a wonderful word-salad.

Well never have, what happened to her?
she prolly had to make a bouble batch of jello pudding & tater tots on short notice.
So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

Not the subject of this thread. But another well known tactic by pro-pali's. Deflect, detract and derail every thread.
you're funny :p I was merely addressing an apologist who started that line of "well they deserve it"
So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

Not the subject of this thread. But another well known tactic by pro-pali's. Deflect, detract and derail every thread.

You can see the Hasbara training Teddy has had. Project, project, project. Claim the other side is doing what Israel Firsters are trained to do and routinely do.
They shouldn't have let him post on his own so early.
So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

Not the subject of this thread. But another well known tactic by pro-pali's. Deflect, detract and derail every thread.

You can see the Hasbara training Teddy has had. Project, project, project. Claim the other side is doing what Israel Firsters are trained to do and routinely do.
They shouldn't have let him post on his own so early.

So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

Not the subject of this thread. But another well known tactic by pro-pali's. Deflect, detract and derail every thread.

You can see the Hasbara training Teddy has had. Project, project, project. Claim the other side is doing what Israel Firsters are trained to do and routinely do.

Yep another pali terrorist supporter deflecting, derailing and detracting when the truth is coming out.

What truth. When have you posted anything but Zionist propaganda?

How about the parts of your links that show you to be a BULLSHITTER AND PROPAGANDIST
So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

Not the subject of this thread. But another well known tactic by pro-pali's. Deflect, detract and derail every thread.

You can see the Hasbara training Teddy has had. Project, project, project. Claim the other side is doing what Israel Firsters are trained to do and routinely do.

Said the Islam firster false propagandist Jew hating bum.
So you don't think the Palestinians are having a rough time of it, being walled off in Gaza and systematically removed from the land?

Not the subject of this thread. But another well known tactic by pro-pali's. Deflect, detract and derail every thread.

You can see the Hasbara training Teddy has had. Project, project, project. Claim the other side is doing what Israel Firsters are trained to do and routinely do.

Yep another pali terrorist supporter deflecting, derailing and detracting when the truth is coming out.

What truth. When have you posted anything but Zionist propaganda?

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the Mecca.
She's been "lookin' for love in all the wrong places..." Ha ha ha.
Well, the Israeli Jews, a relatively small population, are the masters when it comes to child slaughtering on a per capita basis and they do this on a regular basis, every two years or so
Jun. 6, 2015
UN report condemns Israel as violator of children's rights over Gaza conflict
" The country report said some 540 children were reportedly killed, 371 of them 12 years old or younger."

UN report condemns Israel as violator of children s rights over Gaza conflict - Diplomacy and Defense - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

What you and the UN may have missed was the war that was raging (started by your Hamasnik comrades. of course) at the time those kids died. Further complicating the deal was your use of them as human shields. Very bad.

UNRWA condemns placement of rockets for a second time in one of its schools UNRWA

Cache of rockets found in UN school in Gaza UNRWA
...Being denied access to return to Egypt,Syria, they squatted as refugees...

Excellent point. The UN relief agency was authorized to register only those "whose normal place of residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, who lost both their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict" (UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East That is hardly the "generations" claimed by Monte. Furthermore there is no evidence that any who applied for 3 free hots and a cot were denied despite the fact that so many Arabs were drawn first to jobs created by the Zionists (1920-1948) and then to the conflict in 1948.

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