4 More Years!

All I need to make you look like the fool you are is you sweetie.
Let me when you try to make me look like a fool because so far, you have nothing but your losses which you keep piling up, are growing. Hey, let me know if you come up with any real arguments, thanks.
Let me when you try to make me look like a fool because so far, you have nothing but your losses which you keep piling up, are growing. Hey, let me know if you come up with any real arguments, thanks.
Oh my tiny minded fool.
I could let you know but let's face it, you're always a fool so why bother?
as for arguments, you've made none fool.

Just whined about being called for the tiny minded fool you are.
Oh my tiny minded fool.
I could let you know but let's face it, you're always a fool so why bother?
as for arguments, you've made none fool.

Just whined about being called for the tiny minded fool you are.
See, nothing, you can only insult, you prove my point over and over thanks stupid!
See, nothing, you can only insult, you prove my point over and over thanks stupid!
Your tiny minded inability to raise any arguments does not mean my responses to your idiocy is "insults."
You may consider them educational opportunities.
Concession accepted, I love how the left loves their old, rich, white guys.

The problem with middle class Americans is they don't realize just how much they benefit from Democrats.

Gov. Whitmer Secures Tuition-Free Community College for Michigan High School Graduates for the Upcoming School Year​

Guarantee so every high school graduate can earn an associate’s degree or skills certificate from an in-district community college tuition-free, saving more than 18,000 students up to $4,800 a year.
I have over 300 Leftist on my Ignore List. I counted them the other day. This list has saved me hours of wasted time. You patriotic Americans (conservatives) should stop wasting your time pandering to them. It doesn't do a bit of good.

The only thing I was able to read on this thread was responses to Leftists. I had no interest in what writers were resopnding TO. I've read enough of their Bidenisms.
The problem with middle class Americans is they don't realize just how much they benefit from Democrats.

Gov. Whitmer Secures Tuition-Free Community College for Michigan High School Graduates for the Upcoming School Year​

Guarantee so every high school graduate can earn an associate’s degree or skills certificate from an in-district community college tuition-free, saving more than 18,000 students up to $4,800 a year.
I understand how Democrats work, the give the middle class crumbs and allow the rich become richer. The greatest transfer of wealth in American history was during the Obama administration and remember how the American middle class had to bailout the banks and Obama promised to prosecute the fraudsters at the banks? Not one was prosecuted, they made deals and you and I paid for their bad business practices. Another great transition in wealth happened during the Biden administration and had it not been for Sinema and Manchin being smart, we would of had by far the greatest transition of wealth if they went along with Biden’s $6.4 trillion dollar budget. That would have burden the poor and middle class with double digit inflation. Please spare me your lies about the Democratic Party.

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