Jews to Respect Palestinians

Since Palestine includes both modern day Israel and Jordan both Arab and Jewish residents of this area were referred to as "Palestinians". It was only after the Jews re-inhabited their historic homeland of Judea and Samaria, that the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created and marketed worldwide.

Jordan, as well as Lebanon, and Southern Syria.

Balfour offered a plan, Lebanon for the Christians. Israel for the Jews, Jordan for the Arabs.

The Muslims have crushed the Christians in Lebanon, and are trying to do the same to the Jews in Israel.

Muslims are intolerant bigots who will not allow non-Muslims to live in peace.

Facts, figures, and maps, in here:

Jordan is Palestine
Since Palestine includes both modern day Israel and Jordan both Arab and Jewish residents of this area were referred to as "Palestinians". It was only after the Jews re-inhabited their historic homeland of Judea and Samaria, that the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created and marketed worldwide.

Jordan, as well as Lebanon, and Southern Syria.

Balfour offered a plan, Lebanon for the Christians. Israel for the Jews, Jordan for the Arabs.

The Muslims have crushed the Christians in Lebanon, and are trying to do the same to the Jews in Israel.

Muslims are intolerant bigots who will not allow non-Muslims to live in peace.

Jordan was intended for the Hashemites and their Bedouin subjects. It was not intended for the Christians and Muslims of Palestine, who are not Bedouins.


Jordan IS the Arab Muslim second state in the mandated area.


Wake up and smell the roses.

All this nonsense about self determination and a two state solution is nothing more than another political ploy to weaken the Israeli state. The Arab Muslims tried militarily and failed every time to slaughter every last Judaic person in Israel, so now they try these thinly veiled political ploys that aren't fooling anyone

There will be no third and fourth state carved out of land intended for Israel.

If the Arab Muslims require more states let them put those states on the 99% of the land they already have and learn to share a little. That 1% can't be all that important can it ?
Since Palestine includes both modern day Israel and Jordan both Arab and Jewish residents of this area were referred to as "Palestinians". It was only after the Jews re-inhabited their historic homeland of Judea and Samaria, that the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created and marketed worldwide.

Jordan, as well as Lebanon, and Southern Syria.

Balfour offered a plan, Lebanon for the Christians. Israel for the Jews, Jordan for the Arabs.

The Muslims have crushed the Christians in Lebanon, and are trying to do the same to the Jews in Israel.

Muslims are intolerant bigots who will not allow non-Muslims to live in peace.

Jordan was intended for the Hashemites and their Bedouin subjects. It was not intended for the Christians and Muslims of Palestine, who are not Bedouins.

More revisionism from you. Surprise surprise.

The Hashemites in Palestine: A Royal Scam That Keeps On Scamming
Jordan was intended for the Hashemites and their Bedouin subjects. It was not intended for the Christians and Muslims of Palestine, who are not Bedouins.

Lebanon was intended for the Christians,

The Muzzie Beasts used terrorism to take the country from the Christians. Islam is a bigoted and violent creed that will not tolerate any non-Muslim living unless they are slaves (subdued) under Muzzie Beast masters.
Since the Palestinians are only partly Muslims, about 30% are Christians among the worldwide Diaspora, your idea won't work.
Let's review the source documents, a basic understanding of English is all that is necessary.


Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania. It is bounded on the north by the frontier of Syria, placed under the mandate of France; on the south by the kingdom of the Hejaz; and on the west by the line of the Jordan and the Dead Sea; while on the east it stretches into the desert and ends--the boundary is not yet defined--where Mesopotamia begins. Trans-Jordania has a population of probably 350,000 people. It contains a few small towns and large areas of fertile land, producing excellent wheat and barley. The people are partly settled townsmen and agriculturists, partly wandering Bedouin; the latter, however, cultivate areas, more or less fixed, during certain seasons of the year.

When Palestine west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army and placed under a British military administration, over Trans-Jordania and a large part of Syria there was established an Arab administration, with its capital at Damascus. The ruler was His Highness the Emir Feisal, the third son of H.M. King Hussein, the King of the Hejaz. When Damascus was occupied by French troops in July, 1920, and the Emir Feisal withdrew, it was necessary to adopt fresh measures in Trans-Jordania. I proceeded to the central town of Salt on August 20th, and, at an assembly of notables and sheikhs of the district, announced that His Majesty's Government favoured the establishment of a system of local self- government, assisted by a small number of British officers as advisers."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

Plus, it should be noted that the territory of "Trans-Jordania", prior to 1917, was within the Vilayet of Syria with the administrative capital of Damascus while most of what is now Israel/Palestine was within the Independent Sanjuk of Jerusalem, "independent" because it reported directly to Istanbul rather than Damascus as the other Sanjuks in the .area.

In 1897 The First Zionist Congress(Switzerland) sent a Zionist Delegation to Palestine,they Cabled back to Switzerland the following:--

"The Bride Is Beautiful,but she is married to another Man"

In 1918 David Ben Gurion stated the following:--

"Palestine is NOT an empty country...on NO account must we injure the rights of the Palestinian Inhabitants"...Zionist,David Ben Gurion was Israel's 1st Prime Minister.

In other words,Palestinians were recognized by the Zionist Leadership.

Why did you Ethnically Cleanse,Murder,Disposses,The Palestinians,Destroy Palestinian Towns and Villages from 1947 onwards.

What changed the Jews into what they are today and Why........It wasn't the Palestinians


But it was the Palestinians who decided to wipe out the Jews and rid the M.E, of them completely. They had from 1917 to 1948 to get round the fact that the Jews owned 22% of Palestine. The Jewish charter asked the arab muslims to live in peace, the arab muslim charter demands the genocide of the Jews. You work it out
Jews don't respect anybody
It's their nature...
They think they're the superior ones

And you can of course produce the evidence of this from a reliable unbiased source, or is it what your imam has told you.
Since the Palestinians are only partly Muslims, about 30% are Christians among the worldwide Diaspora, your idea won't work.

Your numbers are way out as 90% of the Christians have been ethnically cleansed by the Palestinians since 2007, and those 90% have all been assimilated into the nations they managed to escape to. They are no longer refugees
Let's review the source documents, a basic understanding of English is all that is necessary.


Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania. It is bounded on the north by the frontier of Syria, placed under the mandate of France; on the south by the kingdom of the Hejaz; and on the west by the line of the Jordan and the Dead Sea; while on the east it stretches into the desert and ends--the boundary is not yet defined--where Mesopotamia begins. Trans-Jordania has a population of probably 350,000 people. It contains a few small towns and large areas of fertile land, producing excellent wheat and barley. The people are partly settled townsmen and agriculturists, partly wandering Bedouin; the latter, however, cultivate areas, more or less fixed, during certain seasons of the year.

When Palestine west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army and placed under a British military administration, over Trans-Jordania and a large part of Syria there was established an Arab administration, with its capital at Damascus. The ruler was His Highness the Emir Feisal, the third son of H.M. King Hussein, the King of the Hejaz. When Damascus was occupied by French troops in July, 1920, and the Emir Feisal withdrew, it was necessary to adopt fresh measures in Trans-Jordania. I proceeded to the central town of Salt on August 20th, and, at an assembly of notables and sheikhs of the district, announced that His Majesty's Government favoured the establishment of a system of local self- government, assisted by a small number of British officers as advisers."

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)

Plus, it should be noted that the territory of "Trans-Jordania", prior to 1917, was within the Vilayet of Syria with the administrative capital of Damascus while most of what is now Israel/Palestine was within the Independent Sanjuk of Jerusalem, "independent" because it reported directly to Istanbul rather than Damascus as the other Sanjuks in the .area.


You really need to learn how to read a map as a Sanjuk is a small area of land that is inside the larger Villayet with other Sanjuks. The sanjuk of Jerusalem in in the villayet of Syria along with the sanjuk of Maan, sanjuk of Acre and sanjuk of Damascus
Since the Palestinians are only partly Muslims, about 30% are Christians among the worldwide Diaspora, your idea won't work.

Actually only about 1~2% of the Arabs in Gaza are christian and if it weren't for the protections offered by Israeli's there'd be about the same among Arabs in Israel as well.

So where's your sources for these throngs of Pauline christians hiding among the ranks of Jordanians abroad ?

And how does this address the lack of respect the Arab Muslims show towards others ?
montelatici, et al,

You have missed something very important here.

Let's review the source documents, a basic understanding of English is all that is necessary.

At one point, The British were going to install Prince Faisal in Syria. But that changed as a consequence of the Sykes-Picot Arrangement and some diplomatic assessments. In 1923, Britain recognized Jordan's independence (not sovereignty), subject to the Mandate (Article 25). The Paulet–Newcombe Agreement (AKA: The Franco-British Boundary Agreements) were not formally established until 1923.

Most Respectfully,
Perhaps you did not quite understand that there was, albeit short-lived, a sovereign Arab Kingdom of Syria which included what became Trans-Jordania and the king was Faisal. It had a flag, notice that it is the Jordanian flag with a crown on it.


The Kingdom was proclaimed in 1920 in a ceremony:


It minted coins:


The French attacked the kingdom and defeated the Syrian army. Damascus the capital was occupied by the French and the Kingdom became a French possession except for the part that became Trans-Jordania which was given to Faisal's brother Abdullah to partially compensate the Hashemite's for the loss of the larger and much more resource rich Kingdom of Syria.
Jews don't respect anybody
It's their nature...
They think they're the superior ones

Spoken like an ignorant Jew Hating Racist. Too bad he doesn't feel that way about ISIS who are killing Christians
Perhaps you did not quite understand that there was, albeit short-lived, a sovereign Arab Kingdom of Syria which included what became Trans-Jordania and the king was Faisal. It had a flag, notice that it is the Jordanian flag with a crown on it.


The Kingdom was proclaimed in 1920 in a ceremony:


It minted coins:


The French attacked the kingdom and defeated the Syrian army. Damascus the capital was occupied by the French and the Kingdom became a French possession except for the part that became Trans-Jordania which was given to Faisal's brother Abdullah to partially compensate the Hashemite's for the loss of the larger and much more resource rich Kingdom of Syria.

So you admit this whole Heshemite kingdom thing is a crock and it was invented in about 1920

Because it was Ottoman land prior to the capitulation and surrender to the LoN.
Its civilization. There is no rule managing what a people is and who can be a people and who cannot.
If some Palestinians decide to be a people, they are a people, period.

Don't understand your logic. I've tried to decipher it. To no avail.
Yeah, this conversation turns out as expected.

You do conversation?

You merely push your own personal agendas.

And this from the guy who thinks he's some kinda champion of woman's rights.

One highly offensive gender slur after another, really ?

I think the term hypocrite covers it best.

I see these slurs as a prime example of how respect is earned, and you've failed to earn anyones who's been paying attention.

Conversely if the Arab Muslims in Israel want respect they are going to have to earn it. Thus far all they've done is earn the animosity of every country in the area. No country wants them, the countries that do have large populations of them are far from happy with them and by all accounts they are a govern-less mob of liars and terrorists.

Respect is earned, but thus far all you've earned is the term hypocrite.

Might want to consider that before you use such offensive gender slurs so shortly after holding yourself up as a bastion of woman's rights.

How about a quote I discovered just this morning from our local lady killer

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

Or to spell it out

Quote from Theliq

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

End Quote

Maybe next time you want to champion the need for respect and get in a shit fight with someone you'l actually show a little respect and leave gender out of it.
Look Boston,we have our spats,I find you passionate about your cause,but if I find I'm ever wrong,I am the first to you know......But in this instance,Mindful was completely out of order,go read her inflammatory posts on this thread......I am a thoughtful protector of women and their rights moreover our company and our family support Womens and Childrens Crises Centres,both in financial,personal and material help.....which is a growing problem throughout the western world.

That Mindful is a Woman,is irrelevant(Gender has nothing to do with it) because of her continual disparaging remarks to other posters and more important to the Palestinians,her personal comments,like yours sometimes, are of no importance(It's all shit off a Ducks back anyway) Man or Woman(I am not or ever will be Gender sensitive on these issues) making such statements on here get the same treatment,the correct treatment.

I explained to you Boston on this thread why my situation and my commitment to this cause of brutalized women and children.......That I combat with a woman,who defames and defiles Palestinians is also a cause,I do not take a backwards step from, because I am principled .I admit there are some folk I dislike and whilst I'm at it,I AM ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO DESIRE A 2 STATE SOLUTION.....Capitals for emphasis only..I am not shouting..steve
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Thread has been cleaned....let's try to discuss the topic shall we...rather than twatfaces and morans?
It was Morons actually Coyote.......fair comment but why should incitement be allowed without retort,trust you and the family are well Coyote..steve ps Coyote can you explain to me Why,the Pro Zionists always say posters that disagree or contradict them,are JEW haters or Anti-Semetic,when NO SUCH post has implied such a thing.......
Don't understand your logic. I've tried to decipher it. To no avail.
Yeah, this conversation turns out as expected.

You do conversation?

You merely push your own personal agendas.

And this from the guy who thinks he's some kinda champion of woman's rights.

One highly offensive gender slur after another, really ?

I think the term hypocrite covers it best.

I see these slurs as a prime example of how respect is earned, and you've failed to earn anyones who's been paying attention.

Conversely if the Arab Muslims in Israel want respect they are going to have to earn it. Thus far all they've done is earn the animosity of every country in the area. No country wants them, the countries that do have large populations of them are far from happy with them and by all accounts they are a govern-less mob of liars and terrorists.

Respect is earned, but thus far all you've earned is the term hypocrite.

Might want to consider that before you use such offensive gender slurs so shortly after holding yourself up as a bastion of woman's rights.

How about a quote I discovered just this morning from our local lady killer

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

Or to spell it out

Quote from Theliq

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

End Quote

Maybe next time you want to champion the need for respect and get in a shit fight with someone you'l actually show a little respect and leave gender out of it.
Look Boston,we have our spats,I find you passionate about your cause,but if I find I'm ever wrong,I am the first to you know......But in this instance,Mindful was completely out of order,go read her inflammatory posts on this thread......I am a thoughtful protector of women and their rights moreover our company and our family support Womens and Childrens Crises Centres,both in financial,personal and material help.....which is a growing problem throughout the western world.

That Mindful is a Woman,is irrelevant(Gender has nothing to do with it) because of her continual disparaging remarks to other posters and more important to the Palestinians,her personal comments,like yours sometimes, are of no importance(It's all shit off a Ducks back anyway) Man or Woman(I am not or ever will be Gender sensitive on these issues) making such statements on here get the same treatment,the correct treatment.

I explained to you Boston on this thread why my situation and my commitment to this cause of brutalized women and children.......That I combat with a woman,who defames and defiles Palestinians is also a cause,I do not take a backwards step from, because I am principled .I admit there are some folk I dislike and whilst I'm at it,I AM ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO DESIRE A 2 STATE SOLUTION.....Capitals for emphasis only..I am not shouting..steve

Be that as it may, calling a woman every foul gender based invective in the book is a tad over the top for a guy who's trying to claim the high ground on the gender issue.

i'm sure you can understand my surprise when I read that series of posts. It was a tad out of line.

Albeit not the blatantly racist same calling I subsequently found aimed at myself. Pretty sure that posters taking a little vacation ;--) Or at least I'd hope received a strong reprimand

As far as our subject is concerned I'm thinking respect is something we each must earn. Its not a given.

That being said we all deserve at least the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. In which case I'm forgo any snap judgements given that we do all have our moments and your previous interaction with a particular poster may have led you to a moments loss of focus.

I myself tend to lose focus at least in terms of breaking out in uncontrollable laughter over certain posters, lets call them "contributions" So I can understand

Being of first nations origins I think its important that we respect the definition of indigenous people. That is people who've developed right were they are and didn't move in from somewhere else.

Now some of our more medicated posters seem to think that returning to ones native lands is tantamount to colonization but here in the land of reality its called returning to ones homeland.

I live in Colorado at the moment and my people are from back east so I end up doing my thing on the sacred land of the Ute. I don't act like its my land tho and I'm only there to do my thing.

We respect one another. I've never once been interrupted in the middle of ceremony.

This is not the case with the Arab Muslims in Israel. Who believe they are somehow entitled to the entire area of N Africa. There has been one violent act after another Arab Muslim against Jew since the development of Islam. There has been no respect whatsoever.

Now that the people native to Judea have returned and developed as effective governance of the area they are subject to one attack after another by the Arab Muslims. When they place passive restrictions on the Arab Muslims in order to quell the violence the Arab Muslims blame the restrictions for the violence, instead of themselves for their own actions which led to the restrictions.

Thinking that people will be too stupid to realize the history of the situation.

Again incredibly disrespectful.

I see no respect on the part of the Arab Muslims for the Judaic people. Yet I see act after act in which the Judaic people do what they can to befriend the Arab Muslim population.

Its a sad commentary when the spin machine suggests that the Israeli's are the ones with a respect problem, because I don't see Israeli's lining up to stab pregnant Arab Muslim woman the way we see daily attacks against Israeli woman and children by Arab Muslims desperate to inflict whatever damage they can on often completely innocent people

Long story short. You seem to be on the wrong side of native rights.
Thread has been cleaned....let's try to discuss the topic shall we...rather than twatfaces and morans?
It was Morons actually Coyote.......fair comment but why should incitement be allowed without retort,trust you and the family are well Coyote..steve ps Coyote can you explain to me Why,the Pro Zionists always say posters that disagree or contradict them,are JEW haters or Anti-Semetic,when NO SUCH post has implied such a thing.......

Steve,'s because people with small brains resort to screetching "Jew Hater" and "Zionazi" when they can't come up with something coherent. It's a reflex. Now, do me a favor and stay on topic? ;)

Ok MORON! :D effing spelling....
Yeah, this conversation turns out as expected.

You do conversation?

You merely push your own personal agendas.

And this from the guy who thinks he's some kinda champion of woman's rights.

One highly offensive gender slur after another, really ?

I think the term hypocrite covers it best.

I see these slurs as a prime example of how respect is earned, and you've failed to earn anyones who's been paying attention.

Conversely if the Arab Muslims in Israel want respect they are going to have to earn it. Thus far all they've done is earn the animosity of every country in the area. No country wants them, the countries that do have large populations of them are far from happy with them and by all accounts they are a govern-less mob of liars and terrorists.

Respect is earned, but thus far all you've earned is the term hypocrite.

Might want to consider that before you use such offensive gender slurs so shortly after holding yourself up as a bastion of woman's rights.

How about a quote I discovered just this morning from our local lady killer

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

Or to spell it out

Quote from Theliq

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

End Quote

Maybe next time you want to champion the need for respect and get in a shit fight with someone you'l actually show a little respect and leave gender out of it.
Look Boston,we have our spats,I find you passionate about your cause,but if I find I'm ever wrong,I am the first to you know......But in this instance,Mindful was completely out of order,go read her inflammatory posts on this thread......I am a thoughtful protector of women and their rights moreover our company and our family support Womens and Childrens Crises Centres,both in financial,personal and material help.....which is a growing problem throughout the western world.

That Mindful is a Woman,is irrelevant(Gender has nothing to do with it) because of her continual disparaging remarks to other posters and more important to the Palestinians,her personal comments,like yours sometimes, are of no importance(It's all shit off a Ducks back anyway) Man or Woman(I am not or ever will be Gender sensitive on these issues) making such statements on here get the same treatment,the correct treatment.

I explained to you Boston on this thread why my situation and my commitment to this cause of brutalized women and children.......That I combat with a woman,who defames and defiles Palestinians is also a cause,I do not take a backwards step from, because I am principled .I admit there are some folk I dislike and whilst I'm at it,I AM ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO DESIRE A 2 STATE SOLUTION.....Capitals for emphasis only..I am not shouting..steve

Be that as it may, calling a woman every foul gender based invective in the book is a tad over the top for a guy who's trying to claim the high ground on the gender issue.

i'm sure you can understand my surprise when I read that series of posts. It was a tad out of line.

Albeit not the blatantly racist same calling I subsequently found aimed at myself. Pretty sure that posters taking a little vacation ;--) Or at least I'd hope received a strong reprimand

As far as our subject is concerned I'm thinking respect is something we each must earn. Its not a given.

That being said we all deserve at least the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. In which case I'm forgo any snap judgements given that we do all have our moments and your previous interaction with a particular poster may have led you to a moments loss of focus.

I myself tend to lose focus at least in terms of breaking out in uncontrollable laughter over certain posters, lets call them "contributions" So I can understand

Being of first nations origins I think its important that we respect the definition of indigenous people. That is people who've developed right were they are and didn't move in from somewhere else.

Now some of our more medicated posters seem to think that returning to ones native lands is tantamount to colonization but here in the land of reality its called returning to ones homeland.

I live in Colorado at the moment and my people are from back east so I end up doing my thing on the sacred land of the Ute. I don't act like its my land tho and I'm only there to do my thing.

We respect one another. I've never once been interrupted in the middle of ceremony.

This is not the case with the Arab Muslims in Israel. Who believe they are somehow entitled to the entire area of N Africa. There has been one violent act after another Arab Muslim against Jew since the development of Islam. There has been no respect whatsoever.

Now that the people native to Judea have returned and developed as effective governance of the area they are subject to one attack after another by the Arab Muslims. When they place passive restrictions on the Arab Muslims in order to quell the violence the Arab Muslims blame the restrictions for the violence, instead of themselves for their own actions which led to the restrictions.

Thinking that people will be too stupid to realize the history of the situation.

Again incredibly disrespectful.

I see no respect on the part of the Arab Muslims for the Judaic people. Yet I see act after act in which the Judaic people do what they can to befriend the Arab Muslim population.

Its a sad commentary when the spin machine suggests that the Israeli's are the ones with a respect problem, because I don't see Israeli's lining up to stab pregnant Arab Muslim woman the way we see daily attacks against Israeli woman and children by Arab Muslims desperate to inflict whatever damage they can on often completely innocent people

Long story short. You seem to be on the wrong side of native rights.
Not a tad over the top at all Boston.....I was merely replying to the Womans rants,Ruthless Disipline is sometimes needed and justified in this instance.

Your perception of "All Muslim Arabs Fault" is in my opinion Churish to say the least......since 1948 the Dispossed(for that is what it is) Palestinians over 112,000 mainly Innocent Palestinians have been Slaughtered by Israeli Assassins,IDF,and others compared to circa 12,000 Jews...........this shows who is doing most of the killings.........and mainly to Women and children.

Actually your Comment was Totally Disrespectful mainly due to your ignorance of History,Yes there has been Atrosities sic on both sides,but from your myopic point of view only by one side,......the facts of the matter and facts they are Boston,render your comments above totally Void.

Many like you live on sound bites but never really do due diligence on this situation and schism,Mr Rabin wanted peace for Israel but Jews ASSINATED HIM,today Israelis Scream for Peace....but these are a shallow plea,not worth the paper they are written on.steve

By the way Arab Muslims in Israel are Law Abiding,or are you now saying that The West Bank and Gaza are part of Israel.

Israel and the US insisted that the Palestinians have fair and open elections...they did...In Gaza we or should I say You got Hamas and in the West Bank the Palestinian Authority......You can't have it both ways,..............they conformed to what you requested incidently it was Israel and the US that created Hamas,Armed them initially,Threw a Tonne of Cash at them.....they thought they would overthrow Arafat....instead they got the 1st Intafada.

You see Boston Israel and the US played their cards all wrong.....If Mr Rabin had not been MURDERED there would be Peace Today........but Israel changed for ever after this......I suggest you read "The Death of a King" by Dan Ephron,it describes brilliantly both sides of this momentous event...steve
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