Jews to Respect Palestinians

Thread has been cleaned....let's try to discuss the topic shall we...rather than twatfaces and morans?
It was Morons actually Coyote.......fair comment but why should incitement be allowed without retort,trust you and the family are well Coyote..steve ps Coyote can you explain to me Why,the Pro Zionists always say posters that disagree or contradict them,are JEW haters or Anti-Semetic,when NO SUCH post has implied such a thing.......

Steve,'s because people with small brains resort to screetching "Jew Hater" and "Zionazi" when they can't come up with something coherent. It's a reflex. Now, do me a favor and stay on topic? ;)

Ok MORON! :D effing spelling....
Well it was nice to see even you are Human,you perfectionist you,steve LOL​
Thread has been cleaned....let's try to discuss the topic shall we...rather than twatfaces and morans?
It was Morons actually Coyote.......fair comment but why should incitement be allowed without retort,trust you and the family are well Coyote..steve ps Coyote can you explain to me Why,the Pro Zionists always say posters that disagree or contradict them,are JEW haters or Anti-Semetic,when NO SUCH post has implied such a thing.......

Steve,'s because people with small brains resort to screetching "Jew Hater" and "Zionazi" when they can't come up with something coherent. It's a reflex. Now, do me a favor and stay on topic? ;)

Ok MORON! :D effing spelling....
Well it was nice to see even you are Human,you perfectionist you,steve LOL​

I'm too hairy to be human and...there is always the flea issue...just saying...but let's get back on topic....

Jews should respect Palestinians


Palestinians should respect Jews...

that would be a good
You do conversation?

You merely push your own personal agendas.

And this from the guy who thinks he's some kinda champion of woman's rights.

One highly offensive gender slur after another, really ?

I think the term hypocrite covers it best.

I see these slurs as a prime example of how respect is earned, and you've failed to earn anyones who's been paying attention.

Conversely if the Arab Muslims in Israel want respect they are going to have to earn it. Thus far all they've done is earn the animosity of every country in the area. No country wants them, the countries that do have large populations of them are far from happy with them and by all accounts they are a govern-less mob of liars and terrorists.

Respect is earned, but thus far all you've earned is the term hypocrite.

Might want to consider that before you use such offensive gender slurs so shortly after holding yourself up as a bastion of woman's rights.

How about a quote I discovered just this morning from our local lady killer

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

Or to spell it out

Quote from Theliq

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

End Quote

Maybe next time you want to champion the need for respect and get in a shit fight with someone you'l actually show a little respect and leave gender out of it.
Look Boston,we have our spats,I find you passionate about your cause,but if I find I'm ever wrong,I am the first to you know......But in this instance,Mindful was completely out of order,go read her inflammatory posts on this thread......I am a thoughtful protector of women and their rights moreover our company and our family support Womens and Childrens Crises Centres,both in financial,personal and material help.....which is a growing problem throughout the western world.

That Mindful is a Woman,is irrelevant(Gender has nothing to do with it) because of her continual disparaging remarks to other posters and more important to the Palestinians,her personal comments,like yours sometimes, are of no importance(It's all shit off a Ducks back anyway) Man or Woman(I am not or ever will be Gender sensitive on these issues) making such statements on here get the same treatment,the correct treatment.

I explained to you Boston on this thread why my situation and my commitment to this cause of brutalized women and children.......That I combat with a woman,who defames and defiles Palestinians is also a cause,I do not take a backwards step from, because I am principled .I admit there are some folk I dislike and whilst I'm at it,I AM ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO DESIRE A 2 STATE SOLUTION.....Capitals for emphasis only..I am not shouting..steve

Be that as it may, calling a woman every foul gender based invective in the book is a tad over the top for a guy who's trying to claim the high ground on the gender issue.

i'm sure you can understand my surprise when I read that series of posts. It was a tad out of line.

Albeit not the blatantly racist same calling I subsequently found aimed at myself. Pretty sure that posters taking a little vacation ;--) Or at least I'd hope received a strong reprimand

As far as our subject is concerned I'm thinking respect is something we each must earn. Its not a given.

That being said we all deserve at least the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. In which case I'm forgo any snap judgements given that we do all have our moments and your previous interaction with a particular poster may have led you to a moments loss of focus.

I myself tend to lose focus at least in terms of breaking out in uncontrollable laughter over certain posters, lets call them "contributions" So I can understand

Being of first nations origins I think its important that we respect the definition of indigenous people. That is people who've developed right were they are and didn't move in from somewhere else.

Now some of our more medicated posters seem to think that returning to ones native lands is tantamount to colonization but here in the land of reality its called returning to ones homeland.

I live in Colorado at the moment and my people are from back east so I end up doing my thing on the sacred land of the Ute. I don't act like its my land tho and I'm only there to do my thing.

We respect one another. I've never once been interrupted in the middle of ceremony.

This is not the case with the Arab Muslims in Israel. Who believe they are somehow entitled to the entire area of N Africa. There has been one violent act after another Arab Muslim against Jew since the development of Islam. There has been no respect whatsoever.

Now that the people native to Judea have returned and developed as effective governance of the area they are subject to one attack after another by the Arab Muslims. When they place passive restrictions on the Arab Muslims in order to quell the violence the Arab Muslims blame the restrictions for the violence, instead of themselves for their own actions which led to the restrictions.

Thinking that people will be too stupid to realize the history of the situation.

Again incredibly disrespectful.

I see no respect on the part of the Arab Muslims for the Judaic people. Yet I see act after act in which the Judaic people do what they can to befriend the Arab Muslim population.

Its a sad commentary when the spin machine suggests that the Israeli's are the ones with a respect problem, because I don't see Israeli's lining up to stab pregnant Arab Muslim woman the way we see daily attacks against Israeli woman and children by Arab Muslims desperate to inflict whatever damage they can on often completely innocent people

Long story short. You seem to be on the wrong side of native rights.
Not a tad over the top at all Boston.....I was merely replying to the Womans rants,Ruthless Disipline is sometimes needed and justified in this instance.

Your perception of "All Muslim Arabs Fault" is in my opinion Churish to say the least......since 1948 the Dispossed(for that is what it is) Palestinians over 112,000 mainly Innocent Palestinians have been Slaughtered by Israeli Assassins,IDF,and others compared to circa 12,000 Jews...........this shows who is doing most of the killings.........and mainly to Women and children.

Actually your Comment was Totally Disrespectful mainly due to your ignorance of History,Yes there has been Atrosities sic on both sides,but from your myopic point of view only by one side,......the facts of the matter and facts they are Boston,render your comments above totally Void.

Many like you live on sound bites but never really do due diligence on this situation and schism,Mr Rabin wanted peace for Israel but Jews ASSINATED HIM,today Israelis Scream for Peace....but these are a shallow plea,not worth the paper they are written on.steve

By the way Arab Muslims in Israel are Law Abiding,or are you now saying that The West Bank and Gaza are part of Israel.

Israel and the US insisted that the Palestinians have fair and open elections...they did...In Gaza we or should I say You got Hamas and in the West Bank the Palestinian Authority......You can't have it both ways,..............they conformed to what you requested incidently it was Israel and the US that created Hamas,Armed them initially,Threw a Tonne of Cash at them.....they thought they would overthrow Arafat....instead they got the 1st Intafada.

You see Boston Israel and the US played their cards all wrong.....If Mr Rabin had not been MURDERED there would be Peace Today........but Israel changed for ever after this......I suggest you read "The Death of a King" by Dan Ephron,it describes brilliantly both sides of this momentous event...steve

The objective of war, is not to die in equal numbers.

If the Arab Muslims attack in droves, their going to have to be killed in droves. Its the way of things.

If the Arab Muslims had any sense of respect, none of this would ever have happened. You'd think 99% of the land area of NA would have been enough. Its a very simple matter of greed, racism and bigotry. The Arab Muslims want it all, and refuse to tolerate Jewish neighbors.

And this from the guy who thinks he's some kinda champion of woman's rights.

One highly offensive gender slur after another, really ?

I think the term hypocrite covers it best.

I see these slurs as a prime example of how respect is earned, and you've failed to earn anyones who's been paying attention.

Conversely if the Arab Muslims in Israel want respect they are going to have to earn it. Thus far all they've done is earn the animosity of every country in the area. No country wants them, the countries that do have large populations of them are far from happy with them and by all accounts they are a govern-less mob of liars and terrorists.

Respect is earned, but thus far all you've earned is the term hypocrite.

Might want to consider that before you use such offensive gender slurs so shortly after holding yourself up as a bastion of woman's rights.

How about a quote I discovered just this morning from our local lady killer

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

Or to spell it out

Quote from Theliq

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

End Quote

Maybe next time you want to champion the need for respect and get in a shit fight with someone you'l actually show a little respect and leave gender out of it.
Look Boston,we have our spats,I find you passionate about your cause,but if I find I'm ever wrong,I am the first to you know......But in this instance,Mindful was completely out of order,go read her inflammatory posts on this thread......I am a thoughtful protector of women and their rights moreover our company and our family support Womens and Childrens Crises Centres,both in financial,personal and material help.....which is a growing problem throughout the western world.

That Mindful is a Woman,is irrelevant(Gender has nothing to do with it) because of her continual disparaging remarks to other posters and more important to the Palestinians,her personal comments,like yours sometimes, are of no importance(It's all shit off a Ducks back anyway) Man or Woman(I am not or ever will be Gender sensitive on these issues) making such statements on here get the same treatment,the correct treatment.

I explained to you Boston on this thread why my situation and my commitment to this cause of brutalized women and children.......That I combat with a woman,who defames and defiles Palestinians is also a cause,I do not take a backwards step from, because I am principled .I admit there are some folk I dislike and whilst I'm at it,I AM ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO DESIRE A 2 STATE SOLUTION.....Capitals for emphasis only..I am not shouting..steve

Be that as it may, calling a woman every foul gender based invective in the book is a tad over the top for a guy who's trying to claim the high ground on the gender issue.

i'm sure you can understand my surprise when I read that series of posts. It was a tad out of line.

Albeit not the blatantly racist same calling I subsequently found aimed at myself. Pretty sure that posters taking a little vacation ;--) Or at least I'd hope received a strong reprimand

As far as our subject is concerned I'm thinking respect is something we each must earn. Its not a given.

That being said we all deserve at least the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. In which case I'm forgo any snap judgements given that we do all have our moments and your previous interaction with a particular poster may have led you to a moments loss of focus.

I myself tend to lose focus at least in terms of breaking out in uncontrollable laughter over certain posters, lets call them "contributions" So I can understand

Being of first nations origins I think its important that we respect the definition of indigenous people. That is people who've developed right were they are and didn't move in from somewhere else.

Now some of our more medicated posters seem to think that returning to ones native lands is tantamount to colonization but here in the land of reality its called returning to ones homeland.

I live in Colorado at the moment and my people are from back east so I end up doing my thing on the sacred land of the Ute. I don't act like its my land tho and I'm only there to do my thing.

We respect one another. I've never once been interrupted in the middle of ceremony.

This is not the case with the Arab Muslims in Israel. Who believe they are somehow entitled to the entire area of N Africa. There has been one violent act after another Arab Muslim against Jew since the development of Islam. There has been no respect whatsoever.

Now that the people native to Judea have returned and developed as effective governance of the area they are subject to one attack after another by the Arab Muslims. When they place passive restrictions on the Arab Muslims in order to quell the violence the Arab Muslims blame the restrictions for the violence, instead of themselves for their own actions which led to the restrictions.

Thinking that people will be too stupid to realize the history of the situation.

Again incredibly disrespectful.

I see no respect on the part of the Arab Muslims for the Judaic people. Yet I see act after act in which the Judaic people do what they can to befriend the Arab Muslim population.

Its a sad commentary when the spin machine suggests that the Israeli's are the ones with a respect problem, because I don't see Israeli's lining up to stab pregnant Arab Muslim woman the way we see daily attacks against Israeli woman and children by Arab Muslims desperate to inflict whatever damage they can on often completely innocent people

Long story short. You seem to be on the wrong side of native rights.
Not a tad over the top at all Boston.....I was merely replying to the Womans rants,Ruthless Disipline is sometimes needed and justified in this instance.

Your perception of "All Muslim Arabs Fault" is in my opinion Churish to say the least......since 1948 the Dispossed(for that is what it is) Palestinians over 112,000 mainly Innocent Palestinians have been Slaughtered by Israeli Assassins,IDF,and others compared to circa 12,000 Jews...........this shows who is doing most of the killings.........and mainly to Women and children.

Actually your Comment was Totally Disrespectful mainly due to your ignorance of History,Yes there has been Atrosities sic on both sides,but from your myopic point of view only by one side,......the facts of the matter and facts they are Boston,render your comments above totally Void.

Many like you live on sound bites but never really do due diligence on this situation and schism,Mr Rabin wanted peace for Israel but Jews ASSINATED HIM,today Israelis Scream for Peace....but these are a shallow plea,not worth the paper they are written on.steve

By the way Arab Muslims in Israel are Law Abiding,or are you now saying that The West Bank and Gaza are part of Israel.

Israel and the US insisted that the Palestinians have fair and open elections...they did...In Gaza we or should I say You got Hamas and in the West Bank the Palestinian Authority......You can't have it both ways,..............they conformed to what you requested incidently it was Israel and the US that created Hamas,Armed them initially,Threw a Tonne of Cash at them.....they thought they would overthrow Arafat....instead they got the 1st Intafada.

You see Boston Israel and the US played their cards all wrong.....If Mr Rabin had not been MURDERED there would be Peace Today........but Israel changed for ever after this......I suggest you read "The Death of a King" by Dan Ephron,it describes brilliantly both sides of this momentous event...steve

The objective of war, is not to die in equal numbers.

If the Arab Muslims attack in droves, their going to have to be killed in droves. Its the way of things.

If the Arab Muslims had any sense of respect, none of this would ever have happened. You'd think 99% of the land area of NA would have been enough. Its a very simple matter of greed, racism and bigotry. The Arab Muslims want it all, and refuse to tolerate Jewish neighbors.
You still do not learn Boston,"How you equate Assassinations as "Objective of War" is an offense to humanity and have also contradicted yourself,which you do often Saying Initially "Arab Muslims in ISRAEL expect"....Now you are saying "Arab Muslims" in general not in Israel.....Make your bloody mind up.

It is the Jews/Zionist that have contravened the Laws that protect people

By your understanding,it is OK for Jews to take over Palestine in the Heinous way it did to get their (in their opinion only ) Ancient Homeland)...So....logically it is fine for the Palestinians to do the same and reclaim their sacred homeland,moreover The Palestinians had been in this area for a longer period than Jews probably.

You are right Palestinians have been Murdered in Droves since 1945..but have never attacked in Droves at all.....Get your facts right

As for your erroneous stupid claim that Palestinians and other Muslim Arab Neighbours,refuse Jews is Mad,considering Jews lived in Palestine and other Arab countries for millennia.......peacefully..and still do today..note whilst the Christians were eliminating Jews throughout Europe,Spain,Russia,Germany,Ukraine!!!!!!you have such a lack of was only after 1948 that Jews were expelled from Arab Nations for obvious reasons which I need not have to explain,even to you,one would hope.

and lastly,to knock you off your in your mind,Moral High Ground.......Israel have NO Moral High Ground at all..But they are Massive on Hate and Bigotry and Racism which is most strange being as they are a Bitsa(A bit of this and a bit of that) peoples like Australia,who have no such hangups .....just should come to Australia Boston,you will be surprised.."Australia Great One Day,Perfect The Next"
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There's Arab Muslims of the Arab League, and then there's Arab Muslims in Israel. They are all the same colonists from the first and second Arab colonial period but yes there is a distinction based on the time of colonization. So its an important distinction.

And no I haven't contradicted myself at all. I'm just pointing out that the only difference between one Arab Muslim colonist and another is the time of their colonization. If they moved from one colony to another, things like that.

The Judaic people, Zionists who believe that the Judaic people deserve a self governing homeland have in no way "contravened" anything.

Who pays to keep the street lights lit and who pays for trash collection is about the only worthwhile function of government. No one gives a shit who organizes those functions other than the Arab Muslims in Israel. OK maybe in Ireland but thats long past. The deal is,

Get over it.

Shake hands and live in peace for f#$@ sakes. There's absolutely no reason for all this violence.

Here's a news flash you might find interesting. I dated a spectacularly attractive young Muslim woman last summer while she was here on exchange. I very actively defended and encouraged her to stick to her faith while she was here among us "infidels" so to speak. ;--) It was an interesting time as she had a bit of trouble with my Animist beliefs. But we managed and still stay in touch. I think she should aim for a younger man closer to her age and she is a bit lost, not knowing which way to turn but wanting a traditional family, which I respect.

The deal is within the Arab Muslim community and the Judaic community I don't see a lot of respect.

Respect is something you earn

IMHO the Judiac people have held off the absolute epic ass beating they are capable of handing the Arab Muslims of Israel. For which they deserve some credit.

OTOH the Arab Muslims deserve exactly squat for launching one campaign after another of stabbing pregnant woman and sending in 10 year old suicide bombers.

I find myself compelled to reviled the actions of the Arab League and almost as equally compelled to understand the restrictions placed on them by the Israeli's trying to keep the peace.

Again you are on the wrong side of native rights.
There's Arab Muslims of the Arab League, and then there's Arab Muslims in Israel. They are all the same colonists from the first and second Arab colonial period but yes there is a distinction based on the time of colonization. So its an important distinction.

And no I haven't contradicted myself at all. I'm just pointing out that the only difference between one Arab Muslim colonist and another is the time of their colonization. If they moved from one colony to another, things like that.

The Judaic people, Zionists who believe that the Judaic people deserve a self governing homeland have in no way "contravened" anything.

Who pays to keep the street lights lit and who pays for trash collection is about the only worthwhile function of government. No one gives a shit who organizes those functions other than the Arab Muslims in Israel. OK maybe in Ireland but thats long past. The deal is,

Get over it.

Shake hands and live in peace for f#$@ sakes. There's absolutely no reason for all this violence.

Here's a news flash you might find interesting. I dated a spectacularly attractive young Muslim woman last summer while she was here on exchange. I very actively defended and encouraged her to stick to her faith while she was here among us "infidels" so to speak. ;--) It was an interesting time as she had a bit of trouble with my Animist beliefs. But we managed and still stay in touch. I think she should aim for a younger man closer to her age and she is a bit lost, not knowing which way to turn but wanting a traditional family, which I respect.

The deal is within the Arab Muslim community and the Judaic community I don't see a lot of respect.

Respect is something you earn

IMHO the Judiac people have held off the absolute epic ass beating they are capable of handing the Arab Muslims of Israel. For which they deserve some credit.

OTOH the Arab Muslims deserve exactly squat for launching one campaign after another of stabbing pregnant woman and sending in 10 year old suicide bombers.

I find myself compelled to reviled the actions of the Arab League and almost as equally compelled to understand the restrictions placed on them by the Israeli's trying to keep the peace.

Again you are on the wrong side of native rights.
Arab League..Stop now,I am only posting about the Palestinian/Israelis and their want to know what I think Boston?......other Arab Nations don't give a Fcuk about the Palestinians or the Israelis.....they want to keep the Status Quo......because both communities are just smarter than the rest..honestly only Israel and Palestine can resolve this......everything/body else are just a side show.......It is Criminal that this situation has not been resolved and both peoples live in peace,.......with the clowns on both sides how long will this take,somehow it will be a Long Story..steve

OK its late and obviously you've been drinking. No worries I do that myself but really. The Arab League is very active in this effort to slander anything and everything Israeli and influence the UN voting as much as they can. The slander campaign is very well documented.

The simple reality is that Israel is the native peoples and asks for what ? 1/10 of 1% of the area. You can't be serious in defending the racists who would deny them that can you ?

OK its late and obviously you've been drinking. No worries I do that myself but really. The Arab League is very active in this effort to slander anything and everything Israeli and influence the UN voting as much as they can. The slander campaign is very well documented.

The simple reality is that Israel is the native peoples and asks for what ? 1/10 of 1% of the area. You can't be serious in defending the racists who would deny them that can you ?
Yawn........ Me Drinking Again,you degrade yourself with such silly comments
Boston,Palestinians are not racist at all,look I have lived in both communities in Israel......and they get on well...this of course is with Secular Jews,not these Settlers or Ultras because Secular Jews are great and they think that Setts and Ultras are a pack of trouble makers and lazy buggers.....where do you get one tenth in area.steve,by you statement then Palestinians are native,infact more native as most Jews are not from this area and are a watered down version of say some Ultras.Anyhow the Canaanites,Moabites are the true originals of this area and in the time of Moses their were only a few hundred Jews(who were part Arab anyway)who fled Babylon
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OK its late and obviously you've been drinking. No worries I do that myself but really. The Arab League is very active in this effort to slander anything and everything Israeli and influence the UN voting as much as they can. The slander campaign is very well documented.

The simple reality is that Israel is the native peoples and asks for what ? 1/10 of 1% of the area. You can't be serious in defending the racists who would deny them that can you ?
Boston,Palestinians are not racist at all,look I have lived in both communities in Israel......and they get on well...this of course is with Secular Jews,not these Settlers or Ultras because Secular Jews are great and they think that Setts and Ultras are a pack of trouble makers and lazy buggers.....where do you get one tenth in area.steve,by you statement then Palestinians are native,infact more native as most Jews are not from this area and are a watered down version of say some Ultras.Anyhow the Canaanites,Moabites are the true original of this area and in the time of Moses their were only a few hundred Jews(who were part Arab anyway)who fled Babylon

I'm sure people walking around Tel Aviv, getting on with their daily lives, are thinking about stuff like that, all day long.
I also finding insulting to be spoken about in this way. As if we were mere inanimate objects.
Who really cares what you think,we see enough Racist,Degrading,Nasty Spew dribbling out of you mouth..........You are a Hypocrite crying Wolf at this stage,considering your Appaulling posts we have witnessed on this thread.......what you don't like is that I,pull you up on your Disgusting Banality..........and it's not at all insulting to you but the truth....for everyone to see.

I feel very sorry for Boston trying to defend the indefensible YOU......his loyalty is totally misplaced

You have ventured off the original post deliberately because you have No Answer to the Truth and Facts...Go Away
I also finding insulting to be spoken about in this way. As if we were mere inanimate objects.
Who really cares what you think,we see enough Racist,Degrading,Nasty Spew dribbling out of you mouth..........You are a Hypocrite crying Wolf at this stage,considering your Appaulling posts we have witnessed on this thread.......what you don't like is that I,pull you up on your Disgusting Banality..........and it's not at all insulting to you but the truth....for everyone to see.

I feel very sorry for Boston trying to defend the indefensible YOU......his loyalty is totally misplaced

You have ventured off the original post deliberately because you have No Answer to the Truth and Facts...Go Away

Don't understand one word of that. Was it supposed to be a diatribe? You sound as though you're having a fit.

All the insulting is coming from you.

As for going away, you won't let me
I also finding insulting to be spoken about in this way. As if we were mere inanimate objects.
Who really cares what you think,we see enough Racist,Degrading,Nasty Spew dribbling out of you mouth..........You are a Hypocrite crying Wolf at this stage,considering your Appaulling posts we have witnessed on this thread.......what you don't like is that I,pull you up on your Disgusting Banality..........and it's not at all insulting to you but the truth....for everyone to see.

I feel very sorry for Boston trying to defend the indefensible YOU......his loyalty is totally misplaced

You have ventured off the original post deliberately because you have No Answer to the Truth and Facts...Go Away

Don't understand one word of that. Was it supposed to be a diatribe? You sound as though you're having a fit.

All the insulting is coming from you.

As for going away, you won't let me
go now Mind,go now Mind..I hope you find Solace .........................
I also finding insulting to be spoken about in this way. As if we were mere inanimate objects.
Who really cares what you think,we see enough Racist,Degrading,Nasty Spew dribbling out of you mouth..........You are a Hypocrite crying Wolf at this stage,considering your Appaulling posts we have witnessed on this thread.......what you don't like is that I,pull you up on your Disgusting Banality..........and it's not at all insulting to you but the truth....for everyone to see.

I feel very sorry for Boston trying to defend the indefensible YOU......his loyalty is totally misplaced

You have ventured off the original post deliberately because you have No Answer to the Truth and Facts...Go Away

Don't understand one word of that. Was it supposed to be a diatribe? You sound as though you're having a fit.

All the insulting is coming from you.

As for going away, you won't let me
go now Mind,go now Mind..I hope you find Solace .........................

I don't need your permission to post here.

And you don't need to hurl expletives, then blame it on me.
I also finding insulting to be spoken about in this way. As if we were mere inanimate objects.
Who really cares what you think,we see enough Racist,Degrading,Nasty Spew dribbling out of you mouth..........You are a Hypocrite crying Wolf at this stage,considering your Appaulling posts we have witnessed on this thread.......what you don't like is that I,pull you up on your Disgusting Banality..........and it's not at all insulting to you but the truth....for everyone to see.

I feel very sorry for Boston trying to defend the indefensible YOU......his loyalty is totally misplaced

You have ventured off the original post deliberately because you have No Answer to the Truth and Facts...Go Away

Don't understand one word of that. Was it supposed to be a diatribe? You sound as though you're having a fit.

All the insulting is coming from you.

As for going away, you won't let me
go now Mind,go now Mind..I hope you find Solace .........................

I don't need your permission to post here.

And you don't need to hurl expletives, then blame it on me.
Stevie is resting by the pool and cannot respond to you as he's sleeping,but I will say on behalf of him,have a lovely day and take care,my husband is such a caring is a shame that you have not see the best side of him,in a way he is too passionate about things for his own good.Jannette
Thread has been cleaned....let's try to discuss the topic shall we...rather than twatfaces and morans?
It was Morons actually Coyote.......fair comment but why should incitement be allowed without retort,trust you and the family are well Coyote..steve ps Coyote can you explain to me Why,the Pro Zionists always say posters that disagree or contradict them,are JEW haters or Anti-Semetic,when NO SUCH post has implied such a thing.......

Is that the same as you using Zionist and hasbara out of context and in a racist manner ?
And this from the guy who thinks he's some kinda champion of woman's rights.

One highly offensive gender slur after another, really ?

I think the term hypocrite covers it best.

I see these slurs as a prime example of how respect is earned, and you've failed to earn anyones who's been paying attention.

Conversely if the Arab Muslims in Israel want respect they are going to have to earn it. Thus far all they've done is earn the animosity of every country in the area. No country wants them, the countries that do have large populations of them are far from happy with them and by all accounts they are a govern-less mob of liars and terrorists.

Respect is earned, but thus far all you've earned is the term hypocrite.

Might want to consider that before you use such offensive gender slurs so shortly after holding yourself up as a bastion of woman's rights.

How about a quote I discovered just this morning from our local lady killer

Or to spell it out

Quote from Theliq

This is very unfair of you Boston,to be honest
I have a long standing opinion that Women should never be Exploited,Abused or Harmed in anyway....anyone that a Coward.......Full Stop.

Boston,I have told you before ...My Mom was widowed at 28 with 6 young children.......Not that Mom was ever exploited she was too clever for that,but there was a certain amount of predudice sic,with a few folk.........not many but enough to give them a wide berth.....that all her children are Professional people it is all credit to that Magnificent Lady on this subject I admit I do have a vested interest

End Quote

Maybe next time you want to champion the need for respect and get in a shit fight with someone you'l actually show a little respect and leave gender out of it.
Look Boston,we have our spats,I find you passionate about your cause,but if I find I'm ever wrong,I am the first to you know......But in this instance,Mindful was completely out of order,go read her inflammatory posts on this thread......I am a thoughtful protector of women and their rights moreover our company and our family support Womens and Childrens Crises Centres,both in financial,personal and material help.....which is a growing problem throughout the western world.

That Mindful is a Woman,is irrelevant(Gender has nothing to do with it) because of her continual disparaging remarks to other posters and more important to the Palestinians,her personal comments,like yours sometimes, are of no importance(It's all shit off a Ducks back anyway) Man or Woman(I am not or ever will be Gender sensitive on these issues) making such statements on here get the same treatment,the correct treatment.

I explained to you Boston on this thread why my situation and my commitment to this cause of brutalized women and children.......That I combat with a woman,who defames and defiles Palestinians is also a cause,I do not take a backwards step from, because I am principled .I admit there are some folk I dislike and whilst I'm at it,I AM ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO DESIRE A 2 STATE SOLUTION.....Capitals for emphasis only..I am not shouting..steve

Be that as it may, calling a woman every foul gender based invective in the book is a tad over the top for a guy who's trying to claim the high ground on the gender issue.

i'm sure you can understand my surprise when I read that series of posts. It was a tad out of line.

Albeit not the blatantly racist same calling I subsequently found aimed at myself. Pretty sure that posters taking a little vacation ;--) Or at least I'd hope received a strong reprimand

As far as our subject is concerned I'm thinking respect is something we each must earn. Its not a given.

That being said we all deserve at least the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. In which case I'm forgo any snap judgements given that we do all have our moments and your previous interaction with a particular poster may have led you to a moments loss of focus.

I myself tend to lose focus at least in terms of breaking out in uncontrollable laughter over certain posters, lets call them "contributions" So I can understand

Being of first nations origins I think its important that we respect the definition of indigenous people. That is people who've developed right were they are and didn't move in from somewhere else.

Now some of our more medicated posters seem to think that returning to ones native lands is tantamount to colonization but here in the land of reality its called returning to ones homeland.

I live in Colorado at the moment and my people are from back east so I end up doing my thing on the sacred land of the Ute. I don't act like its my land tho and I'm only there to do my thing.

We respect one another. I've never once been interrupted in the middle of ceremony.

This is not the case with the Arab Muslims in Israel. Who believe they are somehow entitled to the entire area of N Africa. There has been one violent act after another Arab Muslim against Jew since the development of Islam. There has been no respect whatsoever.

Now that the people native to Judea have returned and developed as effective governance of the area they are subject to one attack after another by the Arab Muslims. When they place passive restrictions on the Arab Muslims in order to quell the violence the Arab Muslims blame the restrictions for the violence, instead of themselves for their own actions which led to the restrictions.

Thinking that people will be too stupid to realize the history of the situation.

Again incredibly disrespectful.

I see no respect on the part of the Arab Muslims for the Judaic people. Yet I see act after act in which the Judaic people do what they can to befriend the Arab Muslim population.

Its a sad commentary when the spin machine suggests that the Israeli's are the ones with a respect problem, because I don't see Israeli's lining up to stab pregnant Arab Muslim woman the way we see daily attacks against Israeli woman and children by Arab Muslims desperate to inflict whatever damage they can on often completely innocent people

Long story short. You seem to be on the wrong side of native rights.
Not a tad over the top at all Boston.....I was merely replying to the Womans rants,Ruthless Disipline is sometimes needed and justified in this instance.

Your perception of "All Muslim Arabs Fault" is in my opinion Churish to say the least......since 1948 the Dispossed(for that is what it is) Palestinians over 112,000 mainly Innocent Palestinians have been Slaughtered by Israeli Assassins,IDF,and others compared to circa 12,000 Jews...........this shows who is doing most of the killings.........and mainly to Women and children.

Actually your Comment was Totally Disrespectful mainly due to your ignorance of History,Yes there has been Atrosities sic on both sides,but from your myopic point of view only by one side,......the facts of the matter and facts they are Boston,render your comments above totally Void.

Many like you live on sound bites but never really do due diligence on this situation and schism,Mr Rabin wanted peace for Israel but Jews ASSINATED HIM,today Israelis Scream for Peace....but these are a shallow plea,not worth the paper they are written on.steve

By the way Arab Muslims in Israel are Law Abiding,or are you now saying that The West Bank and Gaza are part of Israel.

Israel and the US insisted that the Palestinians have fair and open elections...they did...In Gaza we or should I say You got Hamas and in the West Bank the Palestinian Authority......You can't have it both ways,..............they conformed to what you requested incidently it was Israel and the US that created Hamas,Armed them initially,Threw a Tonne of Cash at them.....they thought they would overthrow Arafat....instead they got the 1st Intafada.

You see Boston Israel and the US played their cards all wrong.....If Mr Rabin had not been MURDERED there would be Peace Today........but Israel changed for ever after this......I suggest you read "The Death of a King" by Dan Ephron,it describes brilliantly both sides of this momentous event...steve

The objective of war, is not to die in equal numbers.

If the Arab Muslims attack in droves, their going to have to be killed in droves. Its the way of things.

If the Arab Muslims had any sense of respect, none of this would ever have happened. You'd think 99% of the land area of NA would have been enough. Its a very simple matter of greed, racism and bigotry. The Arab Muslims want it all, and refuse to tolerate Jewish neighbors.
You still do not learn Boston,"How you equate Assassinations as "Objective of War" is an offense to humanity and have also contradicted yourself,which you do often Saying Initially "Arab Muslims in ISRAEL expect"....Now you are saying "Arab Muslims" in general not in Israel.....Make your bloody mind up.

It is the Jews/Zionist that have contravened the Laws that protect people

By your understanding,it is OK for Jews to take over Palestine in the Heinous way it did to get their (in their opinion only ) Ancient Homeland)...So....logically it is fine for the Palestinians to do the same and reclaim their sacred homeland,moreover The Palestinians had been in this area for a longer period than Jews probably.

You are right Palestinians have been Murdered in Droves since 1945..but have never attacked in Droves at all.....Get your facts right

As for your erroneous stupid claim that Palestinians and other Muslim Arab Neighbours,refuse Jews is Mad,considering Jews lived in Palestine and other Arab countries for millennia.......peacefully..and still do today..note whilst the Christians were eliminating Jews throughout Europe,Spain,Russia,Germany,Ukraine!!!!!!you have such a lack of was only after 1948 that Jews were expelled from Arab Nations for obvious reasons which I need not have to explain,even to you,one would hope.

and lastly,to knock you off your in your mind,Moral High Ground.......Israel have NO Moral High Ground at all..But they are Massive on Hate and Bigotry and Racism which is most strange being as they are a Bitsa(A bit of this and a bit of that) peoples like Australia,who have no such hangups .....just should come to Australia Boston,you will be surprised.."Australia Great One Day,Perfect The Next"

So when the aqrab muslims employ such actions you will condemn then as loudly as you condemned the Jews. I will let you start with the assassination of 3 boys in Hebron in 2014, because that is what they where.
There's Arab Muslims of the Arab League, and then there's Arab Muslims in Israel. They are all the same colonists from the first and second Arab colonial period but yes there is a distinction based on the time of colonization. So its an important distinction.

And no I haven't contradicted myself at all. I'm just pointing out that the only difference between one Arab Muslim colonist and another is the time of their colonization. If they moved from one colony to another, things like that.

The Judaic people, Zionists who believe that the Judaic people deserve a self governing homeland have in no way "contravened" anything.

Who pays to keep the street lights lit and who pays for trash collection is about the only worthwhile function of government. No one gives a shit who organizes those functions other than the Arab Muslims in Israel. OK maybe in Ireland but thats long past. The deal is,

Get over it.

Shake hands and live in peace for f#$@ sakes. There's absolutely no reason for all this violence.

Here's a news flash you might find interesting. I dated a spectacularly attractive young Muslim woman last summer while she was here on exchange. I very actively defended and encouraged her to stick to her faith while she was here among us "infidels" so to speak. ;--) It was an interesting time as she had a bit of trouble with my Animist beliefs. But we managed and still stay in touch. I think she should aim for a younger man closer to her age and she is a bit lost, not knowing which way to turn but wanting a traditional family, which I respect.

The deal is within the Arab Muslim community and the Judaic community I don't see a lot of respect.

Respect is something you earn

IMHO the Judiac people have held off the absolute epic ass beating they are capable of handing the Arab Muslims of Israel. For which they deserve some credit.

OTOH the Arab Muslims deserve exactly squat for launching one campaign after another of stabbing pregnant woman and sending in 10 year old suicide bombers.

I find myself compelled to reviled the actions of the Arab League and almost as equally compelled to understand the restrictions placed on them by the Israeli's trying to keep the peace.

Again you are on the wrong side of native rights.
Arab League..Stop now,I am only posting about the Palestinian/Israelis and their want to know what I think Boston?......other Arab Nations don't give a Fcuk about the Palestinians or the Israelis.....they want to keep the Status Quo......because both communities are just smarter than the rest..honestly only Israel and Palestine can resolve this......everything/body else are just a side show.......It is Criminal that this situation has not been resolved and both peoples live in peace,.......with the clowns on both sides how long will this take,somehow it will be a Long Story..steve

And this shows that you don't have a clue as to where the problems come from. Try reading the histories in full and how they all started with the arab league under one name or another.
Odd how you confuse the dogma version of Jewish history with the scientific view of human development.

Its very clear that the Judaic people developed in Judea. The Canaan area. The other tribes from the mid to early bronze age pretty much all died out and others replaced them, again and again. Leaving the Judaic people the ONLY indigenous people to the area.

The inconvenient truth you are struggling with ( and yes your post was so disheveled I could well imagine there was alcohol involved ) is that there's a war and it was started by the Arab Muslims centuries ago, long before there was any Zionists or Israel. Its got nothing to do with land or restrictions or walls. Its got everything to do with racism and bigotry on the part of the Arab Muslims against the Judaic people. Always was and always will be regardless of whatever excuses the Arab Muslims forward.

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