Jim DeMint's Libertarian Lesson...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Another interesting take from Jack Hunter.

This week, Sen. Jim DeMint offered some advice to the Republican Party: “The debate in the Republican Party needs to be between libertarians and conservatives. … There’s no longer room for moderates and liberals because we don’t have any money to spend, so I don’t want to be debating with anyone who wants to grow government.”

Rick Santorum has said: “I fight very strongly against libertarian influence within the Republican Party and the conservative movement.” Sen. DeMint says: “I’d like to see a Republican Party that embraces a lot of the libertarian ideas.” Not surprisingly, Santorum has spent most of his political career promoting big government. Not surprisingly, DeMint has spent most of his political career fighting it.

Some Republicans today continue to insist that libertarianism isn’t really conservatism. The Republicans who say this are generally the same people who felt comfortable calling George W. Bush conservative. Some of these Republicans still believe this of Bush, even though the last GOP president was one of the biggest spenders in American history, second only to Obama. These same Republicans now often say they want to protect conservatism from libertarian influence. But there can be no conservatism without libertarian influence. This is nothing new

Read more: Jim DeMint | Libertarianism | Jim DeMint's libertarian lesson | The Daily Caller
You are calling me a liar with that stupid smilie? Explain why the tremendous experimental changes that libertarians call for qualify as conservatism (wanting change to be organic and incremental).

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