Voting Jeopardizes Democracy

I find it rather funny that many on the left think that if someone wins the presidency by a landslide, as well as the same party winning the House and the Senate in a democratic election where voters vote, it jeopardizes democracy. How in the hell can they say that with a straight face?

This will settle down. Joe is the nominee. Joe will win.

Democrats can make any claim they want but the puzzling thing is that Americans are so used to left wing (yahoo) media sources that a fascist claim that a GOP victory jeopardizes democracy doesn't even faze the electorate at a time when honest information is crucial to a fair election. Where the hell is the fair and balanced media?

They sold fair and balance in exchange for lies and propaganda when bill clinton screwed it all up with his telecommunications act.

And now we have people like world economic forum freedom hating people like George soros buying broadcasting companies in America.


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