Jim Jordan Is Our Last Chance To Save The US Congress


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This is an excellent read for those who care about the Country. We have the White House, now we need a Congress that represents The People instead of constantly trying to enrich themselves.

One thing about dimocrap scum...... They're mostly true believers. They're not in it for the money much of the time. Some are, but the majority aren't.

It's almost the inverse proportion with Republicans. They run on a solidly Conservative platform, then as soon as they get into Congress, they become the servants of the moneyed Deep State.

Oh well, just read the article and give us your thoughts. I think he's right on target

dimocraps needn't bother.

Jim Jordan’s run for speaker is the last chance to save Congress

In each of these areas, to the extent that Congress has ever addressed the issues, it makes them worse. It has sought to codify amnesty, it has busted the budget, it has done away with the debt ceiling, and it has accepted the core premise of Obamacare. It has grown almost every agency Trump promised to cut.

Why? Because leaders of both parties fundamentally share the same philosophy – to grow government, to empower private monopolies in health care backed by government, and to cater to open-borders interests, while putting Americans last instead of first in sovereignty, national security, and foreign policy.

The House of Representatives is the most powerful body of government in the sense that it’s closest to the people and is fully controlled by a simple majority. Republicans have controlled this body for 20 of the past 24 years, but what has it gotten us? They hold the power of the purse with a simple majority and can wield the most influence over the budget. After all, all revenue increases must begin in the House. Yet our sovereignty is going to hell in a handbasket, the courts control everything, interest on the debt will surpass military spending, and Congress has essentially ceded health care and military policy to the executive branch.

For far too long, Republicans have had leadership that fundamentally accepts the policy premises, priorities, and messaging of the status quo Swamp.
One thing about dimocrap scum...... They're mostly true believers. They're not in it for the money much of the time. Some are, but the majority aren't.

It's almost the inverse proportion with Republicans. They run on a solidly Conservative platform, then as soon as they get into Congress, they become the servants of the moneyed Deep State.
So, you said it yourself: Democrats are principled; Republicans are corrupt.

And we’re supposed to take your word for a candidate?


No, thanks
So, you said it yourself: Democrats are principled; Republicans are corrupt.

And we’re supposed to take your word for a candidate?


No, thanks

One thing you need to understand about me....

I am NOT a Republican.

I just find their platform to be less disgusting, corrupt and filthy.

Hitler was 'principled'. A True Believer.

So was Stalin. So was Pol Pot. So was Mao.

What the FUCK is your point, moron?

Now go ask your customer if he wants fries with that order.

Jim Jordan as Speaker?


He needs to be questioned for what he knew of the assaults the 8 years he was an assistant coach.

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