Jim Jordan's Twitter Hearing Backfires Spectacularly

I can't decide what my favorite part of Jordan's clown show was. It's between testimony that the WH contacted Twitter to have a tweet by Chrissy Teigen taken down because it insulted the former Tweeter-in-Chief, or this......

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., used the hearing to push back against Republican claims that Twitter is biased against conservatives. She asked Navaroli about the company's response to a 2019 Trump tweet where he called for Ocasio-Cortez and three other Democratic congresswomen of color to "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

Navaroli said her team reviewed the tweet and found it was in violation of Twitter's policies against abuse of immigrants, which explicitly barred the phrase "go back to where you came from."

Navaroli said her assessment was overridden, and Ocasio-Cortez asked if the policy was changed "a day or two later."

"Yes, that trope, go back to where you came from, was removed from the content moderation guidance as an example," Navaroli said.

"So Twitter changed their own policy after the president violated it in order to essentially accommodate his tweet?" Ocasio-Cortez asked. "Yes," Navaroli said.

"So much for bias against right wing on Twitter," the congresswoman said.


As Repub face plants go this one is up there with Durham's.
Enforcing against subjective claims of “misinformation” or “disinformation” is a tactic of many socialist, communist, and dictator regimes which is why so many on the Left are enamored with being in power to arbitrarily deem something as misinformation to suit an agenda and to enforce against it.
Rep. Donalds, the one-time favorite of the anti-McCarthy Crazies to win the speakership, was downright indignant over Twitter's decision to delete pics of Hunter's junk.
That bizarre display was followed by......who else.......MTG getting her grievance on over what she said was Twitter's attempt to harm her campaign because it suspended her account for violating their rules about lying. She invoked the same fallacy pervading this board all the time. Namely, that her 1st A rights had been violated because a private enterprise enforced established rules on the platform it owns. She, like so many nutters, is WRONG. She has no 1st A rights on Twitter.
In excerpts of prepared remarks released ahead of the hearing, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., chair of the committee, alleged that “Big Tech autocrats wield their unchecked power to suppress the speech of Americans to promote their preferred political opinions.”

Comer charged that Twitter’s handling of the stories showed there was a “coordinated campaign by social media companies, mainstream news, and the intelligence community to suppress and delegitimize the existence of Hunter Biden’s laptop" and its contents.

Former Twitter executives testify at House hearing on handling of Hunter Biden laptop story

FEB. 8, 202302:42

James Baker, Twitter's former deputy general counsel, said, "I was not aware of and certainly did not engage in any conspiracy" with government or campaign officials to suppress the story.

"Moreover, I’m aware of no unlawful collusion with or direction from any government agency or political campaign on how Twitter should have handled the Hunter Biden laptop situation,” Baker said.
You already did. You should have listened to the hearing. Trump’s White House tried to get Twitter to take down a tweet making fun of Trump.
That isnt what you guys did. Trump shouldnt have done it that one time, but you guys shouldnt have done it a quarter million times. Yes, a quarter million requests were sent to twitter from the government, the DNC and democrat politicians.
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That isnt what you guys did. Trump shouldnt have done it that one time, but you guys shouldnt have done it a quarter million times. Yes, a quarter million requests were sent to twitter from the government, DNC and politicians.
Trump's request was far from an isolated incident.

Republicans outrage here is totally fake and it's blowing up in their faces. I guess they just forgot to mention that they are guilty of what they're trying to be outraged over.
Trump's request was far from an isolated incident.

Republicans outrage here is totally fake and it's blowing up in their faces. I guess they just forgot to mention that they are guilty of what they're trying to be outraged over.
Show us the other times.
That's up to Elon Musk, who controls the information. Somehow he and Matt Taibbi forgot to mention this in their reports. It's a cover up.

My god you democrats are clueless when it comes to the news. Left wing news sources are doing you all a great disservice. Trumps request was mentioned in the exact same Tweet from Taibi. :cuckoo:
WTF! You post this shit after all the Twitter Files has exposed about Ds silencing speech of political opponents.

I read the "Twitter Files" and they do not say what YOU think they say at all. Democrats did not silence legitimate political opposition. Twitter took down incitement to violence and lies that incited violence.

You had an American owner of Twitter. Now you have a globalist billionaire from South Africa running the company. You have an Australian globalist owning FOX News.

My favourite part of yesterday's hearing was when Republicans complained that Twitter deleted photos of Hunter Biden's genitals. How dare they censor nude photos of Hunter Biden posted by Republicans. First Amendment!!!! The public has a right to see Hunter's dick!!!

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My god you democrats are clueless when it comes to the news. Left wing news sources are doing you all a great disservice. Trumps request was mentioned in the exact same Tweet from Taibi. :cuckoo:
Taibbi brushed it under the rug to focus on requests from Biden, which he wanted to be the headline.

Republicans ran with it, not knowing how bad it was going to blow up in their face.

The requests for takedowns from Biden were posts showing nude pictures of Hunter Biden posted without his consent. The request for takedown from Trump's White House was because Chrissy Tigen was mean to him. That's a pretty serious discrepancy.
I read the "Twitter Files" and they do not say what YOU think they say at all. Democrats did not silence legitimate political opposition. They took down incitement to violence and lies that incited violence.
You’re wrong. I know you didn’t read any of the Twitter Files. You just heard propaganda on CNN and stupidly believed it.

My god you democrats are clueless when it comes to the news. Left wing news sources are doing you all a great disservice. Trumps request was mentioned in the exact same Tweet from Taibi. :cuckoo:
let's hope we get the best of Jim Jordan at these hearings, bro!

You’re wrong. I know you didn’t read any of the Twitter Files. You just heard propaganda on CNN and stupidly believed it.


You stupid clown. Your only defense is to call other people liars, when you didn't read the Twitter files at all.

I have no access to CNN. I didn't watch it when I did. I WATCHED THE FUCKING HEARING, YOU DOLT.

The idiot Republican black guy listed a bunch of tweets taken down and demanded to know why and the former Twitter executive said they contained "non-consensual photographs of Hunter Biden's genitals".
You’re wrong. I know you didn’t read any of the Twitter Files. You just heard propaganda on CNN and stupidly believed it.

I read the "Twitter Files", which we've discovered was quite selective and targeted against Democrats.

What is "legitimate political dissent" by publishing nonconsentual nude photos of Hunter Biden?
What struck me from the hearing was how big a slimeball James Baker is. Amazingly...he can't remember much of anything from how it was that Twitter banned The Post's story on Hunter's laptop! Nope...total blank on the whole thing! Does anyone buy that? He knows exactly how that went down and who in the FBI he was working in concert with to make it happen.

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